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log in [Discrete bottle data from Hydrostation S] - Discrete bottle data from Hydrostation S in the Sargasso Sea from January 1955 through December 2023 (The Panulirus Hydrographic Stations (Hydrostation S)) Data presented here are discrete bottle samples from the Hydrostation S (or Panulirus) time series site located 20 km SE of Bermuda (32°10'N, 64°30'W) in the Sargasso Sea for January 1955 (cruise #9) through December 2023 (cruise #1465). Measurements were collected at near biweekly intervals where possible depending on weather and ship availability. Prior to the arrival of Weatherbird I in 1983, station occupation during winter months was limited due to the sea-going capabilities of the former vessels. The standard sample parameter list has been mostly consistent for the full time-series record  and includes temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen. Since October 1988 (cruise #643), data and samples have been collected using a SeaBird 911+ CTD and integrated Niskin rosette system. The largest data gap of almost one year was due to the loss of all the Niskin bottles and reversing thermometers following a break in the hydro wire on station #463 (April 1979).\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ntime (Iso_datetime_utc, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ndecimal_year (dimensionless)\nBottle_ID (unitless)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nVessel (unitless)\nCruise_num (unitless)\nCast_num (unitless)\nBottle_num (unitless)\nQF_Bottle (unitless)\ndepth (m)\nQF1_Depth (unitless)\nCTD_Pressure (dbar)\nQF2_CTD_press (unitless)\nTemperature (degrees Celsius ( °C))\nQF3_Temp (unitless)\nCTD_Salinity (dimensionless)\n... (9 more variables)\n BCO-DMO bcodmo_dataset_859990_v4
https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_835589_v4 https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_835589_v4.graph https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/files/bcodmo_dataset_835589_v4/ public [GP15 Dissolved Ba Cd Cu Ga Mn Ni and Pb Leg 1] - Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and Pb from Leg 1 (Seattle, WA to Hilo, HI) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1814) on R/V Roger Revelle from September to October 2018 (US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15)) Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and Pb from Leg 1 (Seattle, WA to Hilo, HI) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1814) on R/V Roger Revelle from September to October 2018.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\nStation_ID (unitless)\nStart_Date_UTC (unitless)\nStart_Time_UTC (unitless)\ntime (Start_iso_datetime_utc, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nEnd_Date_UTC (unitless)\nEnd_Time_UTC (unitless)\nEnd_ISO_DateTime_UTC (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start_latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start_longitude, degrees_east)\nEnd_Latitude (degrees_north)\nEnd_Longitude (degrees_east)\nEvent_ID (unitless)\nSample_ID (unitless)\ndepth (Sample_depth, m)\nCTD_Pressure (decibars (dbar))\nBa_D_CONC_BOTTLE_hndhco (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nSD1_Ba_D_CONC_BOTTLE_hndhco (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nFlag_Ba_D_CONC_BOTTLE_hndhco (unitless)\nBa_D_CONC_FISH_nwzpfg (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nSD1_Ba_D_CONC_FISH_nwzpfg (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nFlag_Ba_D_CONC_FISH_nwzpfg (unitless)\nCd_D_CONC_BOTTLE_3qngnv (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nSD1_Cd_D_CONC_BOTTLE_3qngnv (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nFlag_Cd_D_CONC_BOTTLE_3qngnv (unitless)\nCd_D_CONC_FISH_rysl9e (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\n... (32 more variables)\n https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/bcodmo_dataset_835589_v4_fgdc.xml https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/bcodmo_dataset_835589_v4_iso19115.xml https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/info/bcodmo_dataset_835589_v4/index.htmlTable https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/835589 (external link) https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/rss/bcodmo_dataset_835589_v4.rss https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=bcodmo_dataset_835589_v4&showErrors=false&email= BCO-DMO bcodmo_dataset_835589_v4
https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_836121_v3 https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_836121_v3.graph https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/files/bcodmo_dataset_836121_v3/ public [GP15 Dissolved Ba Cd Cu Ga Mn Ni and Pb Leg 2] - Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and Pb from Leg 2 (Hilo, HI to Papeete, French Polynesia) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1815) on R/V Roger Revelle from Oct-Nov 2018 (US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15)) Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and Pb from Leg 2 (Hilo, HI to Papeete, French Polynesia) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1815) on R/V Roger Revelle from October to November 2018.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\nStation_ID (unitless)\nStart_Date_UTC (unitless)\nStart_Time_UTC (unitless)\ntime (Start_iso_datetime_utc, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nEnd_Date_UTC (unitless)\nEnd_Time_UTC (unitless)\nEnd_ISO_DateTime_UTC (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start_latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start_longitude, degrees_east)\nEnd_Latitude (degrees_north)\nEnd_Longitude (degrees_east)\nEvent_ID (unitless)\nSample_ID (unitless)\ndepth (Sample_depth, m)\nCTD_Pressure (decibars (dbar))\nBa_D_CONC_BOTTLE_6yrfu2 (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nSD1_Ba_D_CONC_BOTTLE_6yrfu2 (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nFlag_Ba_D_CONC_BOTTLE_6yrfu2 (unitless)\nBa_D_CONC_FISH_zlfwni (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nSD1_Ba_D_CONC_FISH_zlfwni (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nFlag_Ba_D_CONC_FISH_zlfwni (unitless)\nCd_D_CONC_BOTTLE_s0muvq (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nSD1_Cd_D_CONC_BOTTLE_s0muvq (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\nFlag_Cd_D_CONC_BOTTLE_s0muvq (unitless)\nCd_D_CONC_FISH_awbbbh (nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg))\n... (32 more variables)\n https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/bcodmo_dataset_836121_v3_fgdc.xml https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/bcodmo_dataset_836121_v3_iso19115.xml https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/info/bcodmo_dataset_836121_v3/index.htmlTable https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/836121 (external link) https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/rss/bcodmo_dataset_836121_v3.rss https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=bcodmo_dataset_836121_v3&showErrors=false&email= BCO-DMO bcodmo_dataset_836121_v3
https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_914105_v1 https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_914105_v1.graph https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/files/bcodmo_dataset_914105_v1/ public [OOI Argentine Basin CTD and Water Sampling Data] - OOI CTD and Discrete Water Sampling Data from R/V Atlantis, RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer AT26-30, AT39-03, NBP1510, NBP1609 in the Argentine Basin from 2015-2018 (OOI Water Sample Data project) (OOI Discrete CTD and Water Sampling Cruise Data) The hydrographic sampling performed by OOI-CGSN (the Ocean Observatories Initiative - Coastal and Global Scale Nodes) part of each Array turn represents a significant collection of valuable physical, chemical, and biological information. In addition to the CTD, collected hydrographic data include discrete oxygen, salinity, nutrient (nitrate, nitrite, silicate, phosphate, ammonium), chlorophyll, and carbon system measurements. These data serve several important functions. First, they are necessary for the calibration and evaluation of the moored instrumentation at each Array. Furthermore, the annual (Global) or biannual (Coastal) collection of data at the same locations provides a unique time series of a large set of water properties following established community standards and methods, independent of its association with the OOI moorings.\n\nThe analyses of collected water samples for the parameters listed above are performed by a number of outside labs on behalf of OOI-CGSN. Consequently, the water sampling data for a given cruise is distributed among a number of different files. The Discrete Sampling Summary integrates the related CTD, metadata, and discrete water sample data into a single file. Additionally, it synthesizes qualitative and quantitative information about the quality of a measurement into data quality flags for each associated parameter which follow WOCE-standards.\n\nThe final product is the Discrete Sampling Summary spreadsheet which contains the metadata, CTD data and discrete water sample data into a single spreadsheet with data quality flags.\n\nThis dataset includes hydrographic data from the Global Argentine Basin Array, which was located in the South Atlantic from March 2015 to January 2018. The Argentine Basin Array was useful for exploring the global carbon cycle because of its high biological productivity fueled by iron-laden dust from South America. With strong currents persisting on the seafloor and water mass mixing, this region has elevated levels of eddy kinetic energy similar to those in the Gulf Stream.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\nCruise (unitless)\nStation (unitless)\nTarget_Asset (unitless)\n... (76 more variables)\n https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/info/bcodmo_dataset_914105_v1/index.htmlTable https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/914105 (external link) https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/rss/bcodmo_dataset_914105_v1.rss https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=bcodmo_dataset_914105_v1&showErrors=false&email= BCO-DMO bcodmo_dataset_914105_v1
log in [OOI Southern Ocean Array CTD and Water Sampling Data] - OOI Global Southern Ocean Array CTD and Discrete Water Sampling Data from R/V Atlantis, RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer, RRS Discovery AT26-29, NBP1511, NBP1610, NBP1709, DY096, DY112 in the Southern Pacific Ocean from 2015-2020 (OOI Cruise Data project) (OOI Discrete CTD and Water Sampling Cruise Data) The hydrographic sampling performed by OOI-CGSN (the Ocean Observatories Initiative - Coastal and Global Scale Nodes) part of each Array turn represents a significant collection of valuable physical, chemical, and biological information. In addition to the CTD, collected hydrographic data include discrete oxygen, salinity, nutrient (nitrate, nitrite, silicate, phosphate, ammonium), chlorophyll, and carbon system measurements. These data serve several important functions. First, they are necessary for the calibration and evaluation of the moored instrumentation at each Array. Furthermore, the annual (Global) or biannual (Coastal) collection of data at the same locations provides a unique time series of a large set of water properties following established community standards and methods, independent of its association with the OOI moorings.\n\nThe analyses of collected water samples for the parameters listed above are performed by a number of outside labs on behalf of OOI-CGSN. Consequently, the water sampling data for a given cruise is distributed among a number of different files. The Discrete Sampling Summary integrates the related CTD, metadata, and discrete water sample data into a single file. Additionally, it synthesizes qualitative and quantitative information about the quality of a measurement into data quality flags for each associated parameter which follow WOCE-standards.\n\nThe final product is the Discrete Sampling Summary spreadsheet which contains the metadata, CTD data and discrete water sample data into a single spreadsheet with data quality flags.\n\nThis dataset includes hydrographic data from the Global Southern Ocean Array. The Global Southern Ocean Array was located in the high-latitude South Pacific, west of the Southern tip of Chile in an area of large scale thermohaline circulation, intermediate water formation , and CO2 sequestration. It permitted examination of linkages between the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic, including strengthening westerly winds and upwelling. This array was in place from February 2015 to January 2020 when it was removed.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\nCruise (unitless)\nStation (unitless)\n... (77 more variables)\n BCO-DMO bcodmo_dataset_923545_v1

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