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https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_922101_v1 https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_922101_v1.graph https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/files/bcodmo_dataset_922101_v1/ public [HRR 18S full-length sequence BLAST results] - Results of 18S sequencing of full-length 18S rDNA for metabarcoding samples collected during R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-09 in the Western Gulf of Mexico in September 2017 (RAPID: Hurricane Impact on Phytoplankton Community Dynamics and Metabolic Response) This dataset includes results of 18S sequencing of full-length 18S rDNA for metabarcoding samples collected from surface depth at stations 06, 11, 16, 21, SS, and GI during R/V Pt. Sur cruise PS18-09 Leg 1 using Nanopore minION.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\nStation (unitless)\nLeg (unitless)\nLatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nSequence_ID (unitless)\nTaxonomy (unitless)\nSimilarity (percent)\nlength (base pairs (bp))\nmismatches (base pairs (bp))\ngaps (unitless)\nQ_start (base pairs (bp))\nQ_end (base pairs (bp))\nR_start (base pairs (bp))\nR_end (base pairs (bp))\ne_value (unitless)\nscore (unitless)\nfile_name_orig (unitless)\n https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/info/bcodmo_dataset_922101_v1/index.htmlTable https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/922101 (external link) https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/rss/bcodmo_dataset_922101_v1.rss https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=bcodmo_dataset_922101_v1&showErrors=false&email= BCO-DMO bcodmo_dataset_922101_v1

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