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ERDDAP > Files > bcodmo_dataset_811368

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Dataset Title:  [Stable Isotopes and Elemental Ratios] - C and N stable isotopes and elemental
ratios of high and low molecular weight (HMW, LMW) DOM collected from the North
Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Central North Atlantic determined by elemental
analyzer isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA-IRMS) (The Microbial Nitrogen
Pump: Coupling 14C and Compound-specific Amino Acids to Understand the Role of
Microbial Transformations in the Refractory Ocean DON Pool)
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Institution:  BCO-DMO   (Dataset ID: bcodmo_dataset_811368)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Make a graph

[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[DIR]Parent Directory--
[TXT]811368_v1_Stable_Isotopes_and_Elemental_Ratios.tsv22-Jun-2023 17:033084

1 directory, 1 file

ERDDAP, Version 2.22
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