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attribute NC_GLOBAL access_formats String .htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv
attribute NC_GLOBAL acquisition_description String Experimental setup and conditions  \n This experiment was conducted at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences\n(BIOS) in St. George\\u2019s, Bermuda. The experimental treatments were two CO2\nlevels (high and ambient) and two feeding conditions (fed and unfed). The two\npCO2 levels were established in static 5.5 gallon aquaria filled with serially\nfiltered (50, 5 um) seawater prior to the addition of metamorphosed larvae.\nThese conditions were achieved and maintained by directly bubbling air (in the\nambient condition) or CO2 -enriched air (high CO2 treatment) through micropore\nbubble \\\"wands\\\" fixed horizontally approximately 5 cm from the base of each\naquarium. A pair of Aalborg mass flow controllers maintained the CO2\nconcentration of the enriched treatment. The resultant average calculated pCO2\nfor ambient and high CO2 conditions were 421 \\u00b1 35 and 1,311 \\u00b1 76\nuatm (mean \\u00b1 SD), respectively, with corresponding average \\u03a9ar of\n3.66 \\u00b1 0.15 and 1.63 \\u00b1 0.08 (mean \\u00b1 SD), respectively. \\u03a9ar\nof the high CO2 treatments is within range of average global surface ocean\n\\u03a9ar predicted by global climate models for the end of this century under\nthe IPCC SRES A2 (Steinacher et al. 2009). Corals in fed treatments were\nisolated (every night for 2 weeks, every other night for the third week) for 3\nh in 12.5 cm x 12.5 cm x 3 cm plastic containers filled with seawater from\ntheir respective treatment tanks and provided with 24-h-old Artemia nauplii\n(brine shrimp). Feeding took place at night, shortly after lights were\nswitched off to mimic crepuscular feeding and temporal zooplankton abundance\nobserved in local coral reef environments (Lewis and Price 1975). Unfed corals\nwere not provided nauplii during the 3-week experiment and were not isolated\nin empty feeding containers. Each CO2 -feeding treatment was conducted in\ntriplicate for a total of twelve aquaria, and all treatments were kept on a\n12/12 h light\\u2013dark cycle. Fluorescent aquarium lamps maintained maximum\nlight levels of 62 \\u00b1 8 umol quanta m-2 s-1 (mean \\u00b1 SD), which were\nmonitored using a LI-COR probe/meter assemblage. The compensation range for F.\nfragum spat on Bermuda is not yet known. The investigators used the low end of\nknown compensation ranges for corals (e.g. 3\\u2013233 umol quanta m-2 s-1 as\nreported by Mass et al. 2007) for two reasons. The first was to ensure that\ncorals under elevated CO2 did not bleach (as experienced by Anthony et al.\n2009), and the second was to minimize the potential for enhanced\nphotosynthesis to overwhelm or inhibit the feeding-modulated calcification\nresponse to elevated CO2. Aquarium temperatures were maintained by in-line\nchiller/heater systems and monitored every 15 min (Hobo temperature loggers,\nOnset Corp.). Average temperature for all treatments over the course of the\nexperiment was 27.6 \\u00b1 0.1 degrees C (\\u00b1 SD).\n \nAquarium water was replaced with filtered seawater every week to prevent the\nbuild-up of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and other wastes. Prior to removing\nwater from the aquaria, discrete water samples were collected for salinity,\nalkalinity (Alk), and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from every aquarium.\nSalinity was measured at BIOS with an Autosal salinometer. The Alk/DIC samples\nwere poisoned with mercuric chloride immediately after collection and analyzed\nusing a Marianda VINDTA-3C analysis system at WHOI. Alkalinity was determined\nby nonlinear curve fitting of data obtained by open-cell titrations, and DIC\nconcentrations were determined by coulometric analysis. Both measurements were\nstandardized using certified reference materials obtained from Dr. A. Dickson\n(Scripps IO). The pH (NBS) of each tank was measured every 3\\u20134 d (Orion\npH meter and temperature- compensated electrode) to provide a real-time\nassessment of tank chemistry. Short-term variations in NBS pH were also\nassessed on a higher-resolution time scale: for one, 24-h period, by measuring\npH in each aquarium at 3-h time intervals. The pH within each tank was\nmaintained within \\u00b1 a few hundredths of a pH unit on both sub-weekly and\nsub-daily time scales. The carbonate system parameters used to compare\ntreatments (pCO2, [HCO3- ], [CO32-], and \\u03a9ar) were calculated from the\naverage temperature and discretely sampled salinity, Alk, and DIC data using\nthe CO2SYS program (Lewis and Wallace 1998; Pelletier et al. 2007) with the\nconstants of Mehrbach et al. (1973) as refit by Dickson and Millero (1987).\n \nCoral collection, spawning, and larval settlement  \n In July 2010, approximately 1 week prior to anticipated peak larval release\ndate (Goodbody-Gringley and de Putron 2009), the investigators collected 30\nmature colonies of the brooding coral, F. fragum, from the Bailey\\u2019s Bay\npatch reefs off the northwest Bermudan coast at approximately three to seven\nmeters water depth. Adult colonies were maintained in outdoor flow-through\nseawater aquaria at BIOS under ambient light and temperature conditions.\nParent colonies were kept isolated in glass jars during planula release, which\noccurred over the course of 6 nights. The live zooxanthellate planulae were\ncollected from all parents and pooled together. Ceramic tiles, approximately 9\nsquare cm, were left out on the reef for 2 months prior to the start of the\nexperiment and further conditioned for larval settlement by scattering bits of\nfreshly collected crustose coralline algae on the tiles. Immediately after\ncollection, actively swimming larvae were transferred to small plastic tubs\neach containing ceramic tiles and filled with seawater preset to targeted CO2\nlevels. The tubs had mesh lids, allowing for water exchange, while they are\nsubmerged in the treatment aquaria. After 48 h, larvae had settled and\nmetamorphosed into primary polyps (at this stage, larvae are \\\"spat\\\"). Spat\non tiles were quickly counted, and tiles were pseudo-randomly distributed\namong the experimental aquaria so that each aquarium had approximately the\nsame number of juvenile corals. Calcification was visible approximately 3 d\nafter settlement. At the end of 3 weeks (\\u00b1 1 d), 20\\u201350 primary\npolyps (including their primary corallite) per treatment were removed from the\ntiles and frozen at- 80 degrees C for analysis of total lipid. Tiles were then\nremoved from treatments and submerged in a 10% bleach solution for 1 h, which\nremoved the polyp tissue from all of the remaining juvenile corals and exposed\nthe calcified skeleton or primary corallite.\n \nQuantification of baby coral skeletal development, size, and weight  \n Each bleached skeleton was digitally photographed, removed from the tile,\nand weighed using a Metro-Toledo micro-balance. Images of the baby corals\n(i.e. spat) were examined for skeletal development and size using Spot Imaging\nsoftware. Length of the primary septa (present in all samples) was used to\nestimate corallite diameter (i.e., size). The septa are lateral CaCO3 plates\nthat corals accrete in cycles. In our experiment, most spat accreted both\nprimary and secondary septa; the tertiary septa were the last septal cycle\naccreted by any of the juvenile corals. Rate of skeletal development was\ndefined as percent spat exhibiting tertiary septa, and a two-way ANOVA was\nused to test for differences in the mean proportion of spat with tertiary\nsepta between the treatments. Feeding treatment and CO2 level were fixed\neffects. Data were arc sin square root transformed to homogenize variances\nprior to analyses. To test for differences in mean spat weight and diameter\namong treatments, a two-way, nested multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)\nwas performed on natural log transformed weight data and square root\ntransformed diameter data. Feeding treatment and CO2 levels were fixed main\neffects, while tank effect was the random factor nested within feeding and CO2\nlevels. Eight univariate F tests were conducted to test each of the dependent\nvariables. A Bonferonni corrected alpha value of 0.0062 was used to declare\nsignificance of F statistics. It should be noted that the MANOVA only\nconsiders corals that have data for both diameter and weight. If part of a\ncorallite is lost during weighing or was attached to coralline algae, both\ncoral size and weight were excluded from the MANOVA analyses. Likewise, if the\nskeleton was irregularly shaped (i.e., primary septa did not lie in a straight\nline), the data for those corals were not included. In order to account for\nany bias that may have resulted from corallite exclusion in the MANOVA, ANOVAs\nfor the dependent variables, weight, and diameter were conducted. These tests\nconsidered all data for a given dependent variable to compare with the\nMANOVA\\u2019s univariate results.\n \nQuantification of baby coral total lipid and symbiont density  \n Ten individual spat from each aquarium were pooled per tissue lipid sample\nfor quantification of total lipid by gravimetric analysis. Pooling was\nnecessary due to the small size of the spat at 3 weeks. Extraction methods\nfollow that of Folch et al. (1957) and Cantin et al. (2007). Five individual\nspat from each aquarium were pooled per sample for quantification of symbiont\ndensity. Spat were homogenized, centrifuged and the resultant pellet was re-\nsuspended in 250 l L filtered seawater. Symbionts from multiple (6\\u20139)\naliquot sub-samples of the slurry were counted on a known volume hemocytometer\ngrid. Both total tissue lipid and symbiont counts were normalized to the\ncircular area described by the average primary septa length (diameter) for a\nrespective tank and then divided by the number of corals pooled in the sample\n(i.e., 10 or 5). Both area-normalized lipid content and symbiont density were\ncompared among levels of CO2 and feeding conditions using two-way ANOVAs with\ntank as a random factor nested within the CO2 and feeding combinations. Total\nlipid concentration was transformed to - 1/x in order to homogenize the\nvariances. All statistical analyses were conducted on SYSTAT.
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_award_nid String 54741
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_award_number String OCE-1041052
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_data_url String http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1041052 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funder_name String NSF Division of Ocean Sciences
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funding_acronym String NSF OCE
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funding_source_nid String 355
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_program_manager String David L. Garrison
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_program_manager_nid String 50534
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_1_award_nid String 54896
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_1_award_number String OCE-1041106
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_1_data_url String http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1041106 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_1_funder_name String NSF Division of Ocean Sciences
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_1_funding_acronym String NSF OCE
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_1_funding_source_nid String 355
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_1_program_manager String David L. Garrison
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_1_program_manager_nid String 50534
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String Carbonate Chemistry and Coral Data \n  from OA/Feeding Experiment \n PI: Anne Cohen (WHOI) \n Co-PIs: S. de Putron (BIOS), D. McCorkle (WHOI), A. Tarrant (WHOI) \n Contact: Elizabeth Drenkard (WHOI) \n Version: 10 Sept 2013
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String info at bco-dmo.org
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String https://www.bco-dmo.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_source String extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3  19 Dec 2019
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2013-09-10T19:55:40Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2019-11-14T19:47:17Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String &time<now
attribute NC_GLOBAL doi String 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.4040.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/4040 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_acronym String salinometer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_dataset_instrument_description String Salinity was measured at BIOS with an Autosal salinometer.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid String 6286
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_description String The salinometer is an instrument for measuring the salinity of a water sample.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB30/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_name String Autosal salinometer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_nid String 576
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_supplied_name String Autosal salinometer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_acronym String Water Temp Sensor
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_dataset_instrument_description String Aquarium temperatures were maintained by in-line chiller/heater systems and monitored every 15 min using Hobo temperature loggers (Onset Corp.).
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_dataset_instrument_nid String 6285
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_description String General term for an instrument that measures the temperature of the water with which it is in contact (thermometer).
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/134/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_instrument_name String Water Temperature Sensor
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_instrument_nid String 647
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_supplied_name String Water Temperature Sensor
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_acronym String pH Sensor
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_dataset_instrument_description String The pH (NBS) of each tank was measured using an Orion pH meter and temperature-compensated electrode.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_dataset_instrument_nid String 6288
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_description String General term for an instrument that measures the pH or how acidic or basic a solution is.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_instrument_name String pH Sensor
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_instrument_nid String 674
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_supplied_name String pH Sensor
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_acronym String inorganic carbon and alkalinity analyser
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_dataset_instrument_description String The Alk/DIC samples were poisoned with mercuric chloride immediately after collection and analyzed using a Marianda VINDTA-3C analysis system at WHOI.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_dataset_instrument_nid String 6287
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_description String The Versatile INstrument for the Determination of Total inorganic carbon and titration Alkalinity (VINDTA) 3C is a laboratory alkalinity titration system combined with an extraction unit for coulometric titration, which simultaneously determines the alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon content of a sample. The sample transport is performed with peristaltic pumps and acid is added to the sample using a membrane pump. No pressurizing system is required and only one gas supply (nitrogen or dry and CO2-free air) is necessary. The system uses a Metrohm Titrino 719S, an ORION-Ross pH electrode and a Metrohm reference electrode. The burette, the pipette and the analysis cell have a water jacket around them. Precision is typically +/- 1 umol/kg for TA and/or DIC in open ocean water.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0481/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_instrument_name String MARIANDA VINDTA 3C total inorganic carbon and titration alkalinity analyser
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_instrument_nid String 686
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_supplied_name String MARIANDA VINDTA 3C total inorganic carbon and titration alkalinity analyser
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_acronym String Aquarium
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_dataset_instrument_nid String 6283
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_description String Aquarium - a vivarium consisting of at least one transparent side in which water-dwelling plants or animals are kept
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_instrument_name String Aquarium
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_instrument_nid String 711
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_supplied_name String Aquarium
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_acronym String MFC
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_dataset_instrument_description String A pair of Aalborg mass flow controllers maintained the CO2 concentration of the enriched treatment.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_dataset_instrument_nid String 6284
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_description String Mass Flow Controller (MFC) - A device used to measure and control the flow of fluids and gases
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_instrument_name String Mass Flow Controller
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_instrument_nid String 712
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_supplied_name String Mass Flow Controller
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_acronym String Scale
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_dataset_instrument_description String Bleached skeletons were weighed using a Metro-Toledo micro-balance.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_dataset_instrument_nid String 6289
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_description String An instrument used to measure weight or mass.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB13/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_instrument_name String Scale
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_instrument_nid String 714
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_supplied_name String Scale
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String alk, alk_sd, altimetry, arag, AragSat, AragSat_sd, area, bco, bco-dmo, biological, carbonate, chemical, chemistry, co3, CO3_sd, corallite, CoralliteWt, CoralliteWt_se, data, dataset, density, diam, dic, DIC_sd, dmo, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > pH, erddap, hco3, HCO3_sd, laboratory, lipid, management, ocean, oceanography, oceans, office, pcnt, PcntSpat3oSepta, PcntSpat3oSepta_se, per, pH_sd, preliminary, reported, sal, sal_sd, sat, satellite, scale, science, sea, sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale, seawater, septa, SeptaDiam, SeptaDiam_se, spat3o, symbiont, SymbiontDensity, SymbiontDensity_se, tank, TankAragSat, TankAragSat_se, TankCoralliteWt, TankCoralliteWt_se, tot, total, TotLipid_per_area, TotLipid_per_area_se, treatment, water
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/4040/license (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL metadata_source String https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/4040 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL param_mapping String {'4040': {}}
attribute NC_GLOBAL parameter_source String https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/4040/parameters (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_affiliation String Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_affiliation_acronym String WHOI BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_person_name String Anne L Cohen
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_person_nid String 51428
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_role String Lead Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_affiliation String Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_affiliation_acronym String BIOS
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_person_name String Samantha J. de Putron
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_person_nid String 51431
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_role String Co-Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_affiliation String Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_affiliation_acronym String WHOI
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_person_name String Daniel C McCorkle
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_person_nid String 51429
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_role String Co-Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_affiliation String Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_affiliation_acronym String WHOI
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_person_name String Ann M. Tarrant
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_person_nid String 51430
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_role String Co-Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_affiliation String Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_affiliation_acronym String WHOI
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_person_name String Elizabeth Drenkard
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_person_nid String 51723
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_role String Contact
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_role_type String related
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_5_affiliation String Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_5_affiliation_acronym String WHOI BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_5_person_name String Shannon Rauch
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_5_person_nid String 51498
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_5_role String BCO-DMO Data Manager
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_5_role_type String related
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_acronym String OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_description String The project description is a modification of the original NSF award abstract.\nThis research project is part of the larger NSF funded CRI-OA collaborative research initiative and was funded as an Ocean Acidification-Category 1, 2010 award. Over the course of this century, all tropical coral reef ecosystems, whether fringing heavily populated coastlines or lining remote islands and atolls, face unprecedented threat from ocean acidification caused by rising levels of atmospheric CO2. In many laboratory experiments conducted to date, calcium carbonate production (calcification) by scleractinian (stony) corals showed an inverse correlation to seawater saturation state OMEGAar), whether OMEGAar was manipulated by acid or CO2 addition. Based on these data, it is predicted that coral calcification rates could decline by up to 80% of modern values by the end of this century. A growing body of new experimental data however, suggests that the coral calcification response to ocean acidification may be less straightforward and a lot more variable than previously recognized. In at least 10 recent experiments including our own, 8 different tropical and temperate species reared under nutritionally-replete but significantly elevated CO2 conditions (780-1200 ppm, OMEAGar ~1.5-2), continued to calcify at rates comparable to conspecifics reared under ambient CO2. These experimental results are consistent with initial field data collected on reefs in the eastern Pacific and southern Oman, where corals today live and accrete their skeletons under conditions equivalent to 2X and 3X pre-industrial CO2. On these high CO2, high nutrient reefs (where nitrate concentrations typically exceed 2.5 micro-molar), coral growth rates rival, and sometimes even exceed, those of conspecifics in low CO2, oligotrophic reef environments.\nThe investigators propose that a coral's energetic status, tightly coupled to the availability of inorganic nutrients and/or food, is a key factor in the calcification response to CO2-induced ocean acidification. Their hypothesis, if confirmed by the proposed laboratory investigations, implies that predicted changes in coastal and open ocean nutrient concentrations over the course of this century, driven by both climate impacts on ocean stratification and by increased human activity in coastal regions, could play a critical role in exacerbating and in some areas, modulating the coral reef response to ocean acidification. This research program builds on the investigators initial results and observations. The planned laboratory experiments will test the hypothesis that: (1) The coral calcification response to ocean acidification is linked to the energetic status of the coral host. The relative contribution of symbiont photosynthesis and heterotrophic feeding to a coral's energetic status varies amongst species. Enhancing the energetic status of corals reared under high CO2, either by stimulating photosynthesis with inorganic nutrients or by direct heterotrophic feeding of the host lowers the sensitivity of calcification to decreased seawater OMEGAar; (2) A species-specific threshold CO2 level exists over which enhanced energetic status can no longer compensate for decreased OMEGAar of the external seawater. Similarly, we will test the hypothesis that a nutrient threshold exists over which nutrients become detrimental for calcification even under high CO2 conditions; and (3) Temperature-induced reduction of algal symbionts is one stressor that can reduce the energetic reserve of the coral host and exacerbate the calcification response to ocean acidification.\nThe investigator's initial findings highlight the critical importance of energetic status in the coral calcification response to ocean acidification. Verification of these findings in the laboratory, and identification of nutrient and CO2 thresholds for a range of species will have immediate, direct impact on predictions of reef resilience in a high CO2 world. The research project brings together a diverse group of expertise in coral biogeochemistry, chemical oceanography, molecular biology and coral reproductive ecology to focus on a problem that has enormous societal, economic and conservation relevance.
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_end_date String 2013-09
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_geolocation String global; experimental
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_name String An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_project_nid String 2183
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_start_date String 2010-10
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v55
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Results from OA/feeding experiment: carbonate chemistry and coral skeletal weight, symbiont density, and total tissue lipid content of samples collected from northwestern Bermuda patch reefs; 2010
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Results from OA/feeding experiment: carbonate chemistry and coral skeletal weight, symbiont density, and total tissue lipid content of samples collected from northwestern Bermuda patch reefs; 2010
attribute NC_GLOBAL version String 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL xml_source String osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3
variable treatment String
attribute treatment bcodmo_name String treatment
attribute treatment description String Experimental treatment/condition.
attribute treatment long_name String Treatment
attribute treatment units String text
variable sal float
attribute sal _FillValue float NaN
attribute sal actual_range float 37.0, 37.6
attribute sal bcodmo_name String sal
attribute sal description String Salinity; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute sal long_name String Sal
attribute sal nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/PSALST01/ (external link)
attribute sal units String psu
variable sal_sd float
attribute sal_sd _FillValue float NaN
attribute sal_sd actual_range float 0.2, 0.3
attribute sal_sd bcodmo_name String standard deviation
attribute sal_sd colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute sal_sd colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute sal_sd description String Standard deviation of 'sal'.
attribute sal_sd long_name String Sal Sd
attribute sal_sd units String psu
variable alk short
attribute alk _FillValue short 32767
attribute alk actual_range short 2324, 2332
attribute alk bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute alk description String Alkalinity; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute alk long_name String Alk
attribute alk units String microequivalent per kilogram (ueq/kg)
variable alk_sd byte
attribute alk_sd _FillValue byte 127
attribute alk_sd actual_range byte 9, 23
attribute alk_sd bcodmo_name String standard deviation
attribute alk_sd colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute alk_sd colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute alk_sd description String Standard deviation of 'alk'.
attribute alk_sd long_name String Alk Sd
attribute alk_sd units String microequivalent per kilogram (ueq/kg)
variable DIC short
attribute DIC _FillValue short 32767
attribute DIC actual_range short 1984, 2213
attribute DIC bcodmo_name String DIC
attribute DIC description String Concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute DIC long_name String DIC
attribute DIC units String micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable DIC_sd byte
attribute DIC_sd _FillValue byte 127
attribute DIC_sd actual_range byte 16, 33
attribute DIC_sd bcodmo_name String standard deviation
attribute DIC_sd colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute DIC_sd colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute DIC_sd description String Standard deviation of 'DIC'.
attribute DIC_sd long_name String DIC Sd
attribute DIC_sd units String micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable pH float
attribute pH _FillValue float NaN
attribute pH actual_range float 7.72, 8.2
attribute pH bcodmo_name String pH
attribute pH colorBarMaximum double 9.0
attribute pH colorBarMinimum double 7.0
attribute pH description String pH; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute pH long_name String Sea Water Ph Reported On Total Scale
attribute pH nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/PHXXZZXX/ (external link)
attribute pH units String NBS
variable pH_sd float
attribute pH_sd _FillValue float NaN
attribute pH_sd actual_range float 0.0, 0.02
attribute pH_sd bcodmo_name String standard deviation
attribute pH_sd colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute pH_sd colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute pH_sd description String Standard deviation of 'pH'.
attribute pH_sd long_name String P H SD
attribute pH_sd units String NBS
variable HCO3 short
attribute HCO3 _FillValue short 32767
attribute HCO3 actual_range short 1735, 2076
attribute HCO3 bcodmo_name String bicarbonate
attribute HCO3 description String Concentration of bicarbonate ions; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute HCO3 long_name String HCO3
attribute HCO3 units String micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable HCO3_sd byte
attribute HCO3_sd _FillValue byte 127
attribute HCO3_sd actual_range byte 13, 39
attribute HCO3_sd bcodmo_name String standard deviation
attribute HCO3_sd colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute HCO3_sd colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute HCO3_sd description String Standard deviation of 'HCO3'.
attribute HCO3_sd long_name String HCO3 Sd
attribute HCO3_sd units String micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable CO3 short
attribute CO3 _FillValue short 32767
attribute CO3 actual_range short 101, 238
attribute CO3 bcodmo_name String carbonate
attribute CO3 description String Concentration of carbonate ions; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute CO3 long_name String CO3
attribute CO3 units String micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable CO3_sd byte
attribute CO3_sd _FillValue byte 127
attribute CO3_sd actual_range byte 3, 9
attribute CO3_sd bcodmo_name String standard deviation
attribute CO3_sd colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute CO3_sd colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute CO3_sd description String Standard deviation of 'CO3'.
attribute CO3_sd long_name String CO3 Sd
attribute CO3_sd units String micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable AragSat float
attribute AragSat _FillValue float NaN
attribute AragSat actual_range float 1.6, 3.76
attribute AragSat bcodmo_name String OM_ar
attribute AragSat description String Aragonite saturation state; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment. (The saturation state of seawater with respect to aragonite is a measure of the thermodynamic potential for aragonite to form or to dissolve, and is defined as the product of the concentrations of dissolved calcium and carbonate ions in seawater, divided by their product at equilibrium.)
attribute AragSat long_name String Arag Sat
attribute AragSat units String dimensionless
variable AragSat_sd float
attribute AragSat_sd _FillValue float NaN
attribute AragSat_sd actual_range float 0.03, 0.15
attribute AragSat_sd bcodmo_name String standard deviation
attribute AragSat_sd colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute AragSat_sd colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute AragSat_sd description String Standard deviation of 'AragSat'.
attribute AragSat_sd long_name String Arag Sat Sd
attribute AragSat_sd units String dimensionless
variable PcntSpat3oSepta byte
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta _FillValue byte 127
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta actual_range byte 7, 82
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta description String Percent of spat with tertiary septat; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta long_name String Pcnt Spat3o Septa
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta units String %
variable PcntSpat3oSepta_se byte
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta_se _FillValue byte 127
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta_se actual_range byte 4, 7
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta_se bcodmo_name String standard error
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta_se description String Standard error of 'PcntSpat3oSepta'.
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta_se long_name String Pcnt Spat3o Septa Se
attribute PcntSpat3oSepta_se units String %
variable SeptaDiam short
attribute SeptaDiam _FillValue short 32767
attribute SeptaDiam actual_range short 1323, 2133
attribute SeptaDiam bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute SeptaDiam description String Septa diameter; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute SeptaDiam long_name String Septa Diam
attribute SeptaDiam units String micrometers (um)
variable SeptaDiam_se byte
attribute SeptaDiam_se _FillValue byte 127
attribute SeptaDiam_se actual_range byte 23, 35
attribute SeptaDiam_se bcodmo_name String standard error
attribute SeptaDiam_se description String Standard error of 'SeptaDiam'.
attribute SeptaDiam_se long_name String Septa Diam Se
attribute SeptaDiam_se units String micrometers (um)
variable CoralliteWt short
attribute CoralliteWt _FillValue short 32767
attribute CoralliteWt actual_range short 250, 547
attribute CoralliteWt bcodmo_name String weight
attribute CoralliteWt description String Total corallite weight; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute CoralliteWt long_name String Corallite Wt
attribute CoralliteWt units String micrograms (ug)
variable CoralliteWt_se byte
attribute CoralliteWt_se _FillValue byte 127
attribute CoralliteWt_se actual_range byte 7, 29
attribute CoralliteWt_se bcodmo_name String standard error
attribute CoralliteWt_se description String Standard error of 'CoralliteWt'.
attribute CoralliteWt_se long_name String Corallite Wt Se
attribute CoralliteWt_se units String micrograms (ug)
variable TotLipid_per_area byte
attribute TotLipid_per_area _FillValue byte 127
attribute TotLipid_per_area actual_range byte 10, 13
attribute TotLipid_per_area bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute TotLipid_per_area description String Area-normalized total tissue lipid weight; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute TotLipid_per_area long_name String Tot Lipid Per Area
attribute TotLipid_per_area units String micrograms per square millimeter (ug/mm^2)
variable TotLipid_per_area_se byte
attribute TotLipid_per_area_se _FillValue byte 127
attribute TotLipid_per_area_se actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute TotLipid_per_area_se bcodmo_name String standard error
attribute TotLipid_per_area_se description String Standard error of 'TotLipid_per_area'.
attribute TotLipid_per_area_se long_name String Tot Lipid Per Area Se
attribute TotLipid_per_area_se units String micrograms per square millimeter (ug/mm^2)
variable SymbiontDensity byte
attribute SymbiontDensity _FillValue byte 127
attribute SymbiontDensity actual_range byte 14, 23
attribute SymbiontDensity bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute SymbiontDensity description String Symbionts per area; average of all replicate tanks for the given experimental treatment.
attribute SymbiontDensity long_name String Symbiont Density
attribute SymbiontDensity units String x1000 cells per square millimeter (x10^3 cells/mm^2)
variable SymbiontDensity_se byte
attribute SymbiontDensity_se _FillValue byte 127
attribute SymbiontDensity_se actual_range byte 2, 4
attribute SymbiontDensity_se bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute SymbiontDensity_se description String Standard error of 'SymbiontDensity'.
attribute SymbiontDensity_se long_name String Symbiont Density Se
attribute SymbiontDensity_se units String x1000 cells per square millimeter (x10^3 cells/mm^2)
variable tank byte
attribute tank _FillValue byte 127
attribute tank actual_range byte 1, 12
attribute tank bcodmo_name String tank
attribute tank description String Identification number of the experimental tank.
attribute tank long_name String Tank
attribute tank units String integer
variable TankAragSat float
attribute TankAragSat _FillValue float NaN
attribute TankAragSat actual_range float 1.54, 3.79
attribute TankAragSat bcodmo_name String OM_ar
attribute TankAragSat description String Aragonite saturation state in the specified tank.
attribute TankAragSat long_name String Tank Arag Sat
attribute TankAragSat units String dimensionless
variable TankAragSat_se float
attribute TankAragSat_se _FillValue float NaN
attribute TankAragSat_se actual_range float 0.01, 0.26
attribute TankAragSat_se bcodmo_name String standard error
attribute TankAragSat_se description String Standard error of 'TankAragSat'.
attribute TankAragSat_se long_name String Tank Arag Sat Se
attribute TankAragSat_se units String dimensionless
variable TankCoralliteWt short
attribute TankCoralliteWt _FillValue short 32767
attribute TankCoralliteWt actual_range short 237, 578
attribute TankCoralliteWt bcodmo_name String weight
attribute TankCoralliteWt description String Total corallite weight in the specified tank.
attribute TankCoralliteWt long_name String Tank Corallite Wt
attribute TankCoralliteWt units String micrograms (ug)
variable TankCoralliteWt_se byte
attribute TankCoralliteWt_se _FillValue byte 127
attribute TankCoralliteWt_se actual_range byte 11, 59
attribute TankCoralliteWt_se bcodmo_name String standard error
attribute TankCoralliteWt_se description String Standard error of 'TankCoralliteWt'.
attribute TankCoralliteWt_se long_name String Tank Corallite Wt Se
attribute TankCoralliteWt_se units String micrograms (ug)

ERDDAP, Version 2.02
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