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attribute NC_GLOBAL acquisition_description String Bi-weekly water sampling and in situ measurements were performed at fixed\nsampling stations.\\u00a0 Water samples and in situ measurements were collected\nat the surface (approximately 0.2 meters) and at the bottom of the water\ncolumn (approximately 0.5 meters from the sediment layer).\\u00a0 These data\nare included in the worksheet titled \\\"NRE Dataset.\\\"\\u00a0 In situ\nmeasurements were also performed throughout the water column in 0.5 meter\ndepth increments.\\u00a0 These data are included in the worksheet titled \\\"NRE\nYSI Profiles.\\\"\\u00a0 Parameters measured include: temperature, salinity,\nspecific conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, chlorophyll fluorescence,\nphotosynthetically active radiation (PAR), turbidity, barometric pressure,\nsecchi depth, colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), particulate organic\ncarbon (POC) and nitrogen (PN), dissolved organic and inorganic carbon,\ndissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations (nitrate/nitrite, ammonium, total\ndissolved nitrogen, phosphate and silicic acid), chlorophyll a, primary\nproductivity and diagnostic phytoplankton pigment concentrations (chlorophylls\nand carotenoids).\\u00a0 Calculated parameters include:\\u00a0 diffuse light\nattenuation coefficient (Kd), carbon to nitrogen molar ratio (C:N), dissolved\ninorganic nitrogen (DIN; nitrate/nitrite plus ammonium), dissolved organic\nnitrogen (DON; total dissolved nitrogen minus dissolved inroganic nitrogen)\nand the nitrogen to phosporus molar ratio (N:P).\\u00a0\\u00a0\n \nMethods  \n Water sampling was conducted bi-weekly. When collection was split over two\ndays, a single date was used based on the upstream or majority stations.\n \nStations were selected to cover the entire length of the Neuse River Estuary\nfrom Streets Ferry Bridge (Station 0) to the mouth of the estuary where it\nflows into Pamlico Sound.\\u00a0 When possible, efforts were made to select\nlocations with key stationary features (channel markers, buoys and land\nmarkers) to allow easy station identification in the field.\n \nSurface water samples were collected by submerging 10 liter high-density\npolyethylene containers just below the water surface or by filling the\ncontainers with surface water collected from bucket casts.\\u00a0 Bottom water\nsamples were collected with a horizontal plastic Van Dorn sampler. Starting\nDecember 2007, all samples collected with diaphragm pump and a weighted,\nmarked hose. All containers were kept in dark coolers at ambient temperature\nduring transport to the laboratory.\\u00a0 All filtration was done within a few\nhours of collection and when conditions permitted, on board the research\nvessel.\n \nPrior to the 09/13/2000 sampling date, in situ measurements were performed at\ndiscrete depths using a Hydrolab Data Sonde 3 equipped with a multiprobe and\nSVR3 display logger.\\u00a0 Beginning on the 09/13/2000 sampling date, in situ\nmeasurements were performed at discrete depths on the sunlit side of the\nresearch vessel using a Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI Incoporated, Ohio)\nmultiparameter sonde (Model 6600 or 6600 EDS-S Extended Deployment System)\nequipped with a YSI conductivity/temperature probe (Model 6560), a YSI\nchlorophyll probe (Model 6025), a YSI pH probe (Model 6561 or 6566), a YSI\npulsed dissolved oxygen probe (Model 6562), a self cleaning YSI turbidity\nprobe (Model 6026 or 6136), and beginning on the 07/30/2003 sampling date, a\nflat Li-Cor sensor (UWQ-PAR 6067).\\u00a0 The YSI sonde was coupled to a either\na YSI 610 DM datalogger or a YSI 650 MDS Multi-parameter Display System\ndatalogger.\\u00a0 In situ measurements were performed at the surface\n(approximately 0.2 meters) and at the bottom of the water column\n(approximately 0.5 meters from the sediment layer).\\u00a0 These data are\nincluded in the worksheet titled \\\"NRE Dataset.\\\"\\u00a0 In situ measurements\nwere also performed throughout the water column in 0.5 meter depth\nincrements.\\u00a0 These data are included in the worksheet titled \\\"NRE YSI\nProfiles.\\\"\\u00a0 The data were stored on the datalogger and downloaded to\nEcowin software upon return to the laboratory.\n \nThe secchi disk was deployed off of the sunlit side of the research\nvessel.\\u00a0 The depth (in meters) at which the secchi disk was no longer\nvisible by the naked eye was recorded as the secchi depth.\n \nThe diffuse light attenuation coefficient, Kd, was calculated from depth\nprofiles of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm).\\u00a0 Prior\nto the 07/30/2003 sampling date, PAR measurements were performed with a\nspherical underwater quantum sensor (LI-COR LI-193SA) coupled to a LI-COR\nLI-1000 datalogger.\\u00a0 Beginning on the 07/30/2003 sampling date, a flat\nunderwater quantum sensor (LI-COR LI-193SA) attached to a Yellow Springs\nInstruments YSI 6600 or YSI 6600 EDS-S sonde was used to measure PAR.\\u00a0\nMeasurements of PAR were performed on the sunlit side of the research vessel\nin 0.5 meter depth increments, beginning just below the water surface.\\u00a0\nThe diffuse attenuation coefficient is the slope of the linear regression\nbetween natural log transformed PAR data and depth.\\u00a0\n \nColored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) was measured using a Turner Designs\nTD-700 fluorometer configured with a near-UV mercury vapour lamp, a 350 nm\nexcitation filter, and a 410\\u2013600 nm emission filter. The fluorometer was\ncalibrated to quinine sulfate (QS) solutions made up in 2 N sulfuric acid.\nWater samples were vacuum filtered (less than 25 kilopascal) using pre-\ncombusted Whatman glass microfibre filters (GF/F) and the filtrate was stored\nin scintillation vials in the dark at 4 degrees Celsius until fluorometric\nanalysis.\\u00a0 The official decision (3/2/2017) is that cdom results from\n12/1/2003 through 4/25/2011 would be multiplied by a corrective factor of\n2.0.\\u00a0 Results for sample date of 5/9/2011 and after do not need\ncorrecting.\\u00a0 It is believed the stock solution was made wrong, making a\n1L recipe for 600 ug/L in a 500 ml flask equals 1200 ug/L stock\nsolution.\\u00a0 Standards were still calibrated according to recipe, but were\nactually 2x as strong.\\u00a0\n \n\\u00a0The official decision (3/2/2017) is that cdom results from 12/1/2003\nthrough 4/25/2011 would be multiplied by a corrective factor of 2.0.\\u00a0\nResults for sample date of 5/9/2011 and after do not need correcting.\\u00a0 It\nis believed the stock solution was made wrong, making a 1L recipe for 600 ug/L\nin a 500 ml flask equals 1200 ug/L stock solution.\\u00a0 Standards were still\ncalibrated according to recipe, but were actually 2x as strong.\\u00a0\n \nParticulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations were determined by elemental\nanalysis of material collected on pre-combusted Whatman GF/F glass fiber\nfilters.\\u00a0 Carbonates were removed from the filters by vapor phase\nacidification using concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl).\\u00a0 After drying\nat 60 0C, the filters were rolled in tin disks and injected into a PE 2400\nSeries II CHNS/O Analyzer calibrated with acetanilide ending in June\n2014.\\u00a0 Starting on the Neuse River sample date of June 2, 2014, a Costech\nAnalytical Technologies, Inc. Elemental Combustion System CHNS-O ECS 4010 was\nused for elemental analysis by \\\"flash combustion/chromatographic separation\nand multi-detector techniques\\\".\\u00a0 The Costech Instrument utilizes EAS\nClarity Software.\\u00a0 Atropine standards are used to develop a calibration\ncurve (C 70.56%, N 4.84%, and carbon response ratio of 0.025 +/-0.003).\\u00a0\nNIST Buffalo River Sediment Reference Material 8704 (C 3.351% +/-0.017, N\n0.20% +/-0.04) and/or Acetanilide Bypass (C 71.09%, N 10.36%, carbon response\nratio of 0.055 +/- 0.003) may used for calibration or a check standard.\n \nThe molar ratio of particulate organic carbon (POC) to particulate nitrogen\n(PN), or C:N, was calculated by dividing POC by PN.\\u00a0 (Carbon ug/L\n/12.011)/(Nitrogen ug/L/14.007).\n \nDissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration was measured using a Shimadzu\nTOC-5000A Analyzer:\\u00a0 Water samples were vacuum filtered (less than 25\nkilopascal) using pre-combusted Whatman glass microfibre filters (GF/F).\\u00a0\nThe filtrate was stored in pre-combusted glass scintillation vials with Teflon\nclosures and frozen at -20 degrees Celsius until analysis.\\u00a0 The Shimadzu\nTOC-5000A Analyzer uses high temperature catalytic oxidation followed by non-\ndispersive infrared analysis of the CO2 produced.\\u00a0 Samples were acidified\nto a pH less than 2 and sparged with air before they were analyzed for non-\nvolatile organic carbon.\\u00a0 DOC values in 1996 were run from previously run\nnutrient samples. Starting February 2018, all stations were collected.\\u00a0\nPrior to Feb. 2018 only NR 0, 30, 70, 100, 120, and 160 surface and bottom\nstations were measured.\n \nNitrate/nitrite (NO3- / NO2-) concentration was determined using a\nLachat/Zellweger Analytics QuikChem 8000 flow injection autoanalyzer\n(Milwaukee, WI, USA) using method FIA 31-107-04-1-C:\\u00a0 Water samples were\nvacuum filtered (less than 25 kiloPascals) using pre-combusted Whatman glass\nmicrofibre filters (GF/F).\\u00a0 The filtrate was stored in high-density\npolyethylene bottles and frozen at -20 degrees Celsius until analysis.\\u00a0\nTwo replicates were run from the same bottle.\\u00a0 Method detection limits\n(MDL, \\u00b5g L-1) were: before 4Nov02 = 1.06; beginning 4Nov02 = 3.68;\nbeginning 11Jul06 = 0.6; beginning 1Dec09 = 0.27; beginning 13Feb12 = 0.36;\nbeginning 18Feb15 = 0.71.\\u00a0 MDL was changed to 0.88 on a sample date of\n8/21/2017.\n \nAmmonium (NH4+) concentration was determined using a Lachat/Zellweger\nAnalytics QuikChem 8000 flow injection autoanalyzer (Milwaukee, WI) using\nmethod FIA 31-107-06-1-A/B:\\u00a0 Water samples were vacuum filtered (less\nthan 25 kiloPascals) using pre-combusted Whatman glass microfibre filters\n(GF/F).\\u00a0 The filtrate was stored in high-density polyethylene bottles and\nfrozen (-20 degrees Celsius) until analysis.\\u00a0 Two replicates were run\nfrom the same bottle.\\u00a0 \\u00a0Method detection limits (MDL, \\u00b5g L-1)\nwere: before 4Nov02 = 4.69; beginning 4Nov02 = 4.31; beginning 11Jul06 = 2.55;\nbeginning 1Dec09 = 3.98; beginning 13Feb12 = 2.87; beginning 18Feb15 =\n3.34.\\u00a0 MDL was changed to 1.05 on sample date 8/21/2017.\n \nDissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration was calculated by summing\nnitrate/nitrite (NO3- / NO2-) and ammonium (NH4+).\\u00a0 If either NO3- / NO2-\nor NH4+ were below the detection limit (-9999), they were taken to be zero for\nthis calculation.\n \nTotal dissolved nitrogen (TDN) was measured by in-line digestion using the\nLachat/Zellweger Analytics QuikChem 8000 flow injection autoanalyzer\n(Milwaukee, WI, USA) using method FIA 31-107-04-3-B for low total nitrogen for\nbrackish/fresh waters (detection level: 0.1 - 5.0 milligrams nitrogen per\nliter):\\u00a0 Water samples were vacuum filtered (less than 25 kiloPascals)\nusing pre-combusted Whatman glass microfibre filters (GF/F).\\u00a0 The\nfiltrate was stored in high-density polyethylene bottles and frozen at -20\ndegrees Celsius until analysis.\\u00a0 Two replicates were run from the same\nbottle.\\u00a0 Total dissolved nitrogen by in-line digestion works by oxidizing\nall the nitrogen compounds to nitrate by heating to 100 degrees Celsius and\nadding energy via UV light.\\u00a0 The pH is dropped from 9.1 to 3 during the\ndecomposition.\\u00a0 The entire digestion occurs prior to the injection\nvalve.\\u00a0 The nitrate/nitrite concentration is then determined using\nstandard colorimetric techniques similar to the strict nitrate/nitrite\nmanifold. Method detection limits (MDL, \\u00b5g L-1) were: beginning 1Nov04 =\n78; beginning 11Jul06 = 35.4 beginning 1Dec09 = 25.6; beginning 13Feb12 =\n36.9; beginning 14Jan13 = 19.6; beginning 18Feb15 = 10.5.\\u00a0 MDL changed to\n7.30 on sample date of 8/21/2017\\u00a0\n \nDissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was calculated by subtracting dissolved\ninorganic nitrogen (DIN) from total dissolved nitrogen (TDN).\\u00a0 If the DIN\nvalue used in the calculation was below the detection limit, it was taken to\nbe zero for this calculation.\\u00a0 At one point DON was determined by high\ntemperature oxidation using the Antek 7000N or Antek 7000V analyzer.\n \nOrthophosphate (PO43-) was determined using a Lachat/Zellweger Analytics\nQuikChem 8000 flow injection autoanalyzer (Milwaukee, WI) using method FIA\n31-115-01-1-F/G:\\u00a0 Water samples were vacuum filtered (less than 25\nkiloPascals) using pre-combusted Whatman glass microfibre filters\n(GF/F).\\u00a0 The filtrate was stored in high-density polyethylene bottles and\nfrozen at -20 degrees Celsius until analysis.\\u00a0 Two replicates were run\nfrom the same bottle.\\u00a0 Method detection limits (MDL, \\u00b5g L-1) were:\nbefore 4Nov02 = 0.35; beginning 4Nov02 = 0.74; beginning 1Nov04 = 1.68;\nbeginning 11Jul06 = 1.84; beginning 1Dec09 = 0.62; beginning 13Feb12 = 0.69;\nbeginning 18Feb15 = 0.61.\\u00a0 MDL was changed to 1.80 on the sample date of\n8/21/2017.\n \nThe molar ratio of nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (P), or N:P, was calculated by\ndividing dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) by orthophosphate (PO43-)\nconcentrations.\n \nSilicic acid (SiO2) was measured after vacuum filtration (< 25 kPA) of the\ncollected water samples through pre-combusted (3-4 hours at 450 0C) Whatman\nGF/F glass fiber filters.\\u00a0 The filtrate was stored in high-density\npolyethylene bottles and frozen (-20 0C) until analysis.\\u00a0 Two replicates\nwere run from the same sample bottle.\\u00a0 Nitrate plus nitrite\nconcentrations were determined using a Lachat QuikChem 8000 flow injection\nautoanalyzer (Milwaukee, WI, USA).\\u00a0 Method detection limits (MDL,\n\\u00b5M) were: before 4Nov02 = 0.18; beginning 4Nov02 =1.24; beginning 1Nov04\n= 1.86; beginning 11Jul06 = 0.75; beginning 1Dec09 = 0.75; beginning 13Feb12 =\n0.09; beginning 18Feb15 = 0.08.\\u00a0 MDL was changed to 0.03 on sample date\nof 8/21/2017.\n \nChlorophyll a (Chl a) measurements prior to the 08/17/1999 sampling date were\nmeasured on a Shimadzu UV-160U spectrophotometer using the trichromatic\nequation following sonication (45-60 s) and overnight extraction of glass\nfiber filters in 90 % acetone.\\u00a0 Beginning on the 08/17/1999 sampling\ndate, Chl a concentration was measured using the modified in vitro\nfluorescence technique in EPA Method 445.0 (Welshmeyer 1994, Arar et al.\\u00a0\n1997): Fifty milliliters of each water sample was vacuum filtered (less than\n25 kilopascals) in duplicate at low ambient light conditions using 25 mm\nWhatman glass microfibre filters (GF/F).\\u00a0 The filters were blotted dry,\nwrapped in foil and frozen immediately at -20 degrees Celsius until\nanalysis.\\u00a0 Chlorophyll a was extracted from the filter using a tissue\ngrinder and 10 mL of 90 percent reagent grade aqueous acetone (v/v with\ndeionized water, Fisher Scientific NF/FCC Grade). The samples remained in the\nacetone overnight at -20 degrees Celsius.\\u00a0 The extracts were filter-\nclarified using a centrifuge and analyzed on a Turner Designs TD-700\nfluorometer that was configured for the non-acidification method of\nWelschmeyer (1994).\\u00a0 The value reported is the average chlorophyll a\nconcentration measured from the two filters.\\u00a0 The fluorometer was\ncalibrated with a known concentration of pure Chl a that was determined using\na Shimadzu UV-160U spectrophotometer and the extinction coefficients of\nJeffrey and Humphrey (1975).\\u00a0 The calibration was checked daily against a\nsolid secondary standard (Turner Designs, proprietary formula).\\u00a0 As of\nAugust 2010, fluorescence was also measured on a TurnerDesigns Trilogy\nfluorometer.\\u00a0 References: 1.\\u00a0 Welschmeyer, N.A. 1994. Fluorometric\nanalysis of chlorophyll a in the presence of chlorophyll b and pheopigments.\nLimnol. Oceanogr. 39:1985-1992.\\u00a0 2.\\u00a0 Arar, E.J., W.L. Budde, and\nT.D. Behymer.\\u00a0 1997.\\u00a0 Methods for the determination of chemical\nsubstances in marine and environmental matrices.\\u00a0 EPA/600/R-97/072.\\u00a0\nNational Exposure Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,\nCincinnati, Ohio.\\u00a0 3. Jeffrey, S.W., R.F.C. Mantoura, and S.W.\nWright.\\u00a0 1997.\\u00a0 Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography:\\u00a0\nGuidelines to modern methods.\\u00a0 UNESCO Publishing, Paris, France.\n \nSpec was used to determine chla up until AUGUST 1999.\\u00a0 The spec results\nbefore Aug 1999 are corrected to correspond to the change in analysis with the\nTurner Designs fluorometer.\\u00a0 Figure 1 presents raw and log transformed\nregressions between the HPLC and SPEC determinations of chl a in the Neuse\nduring calendar year 1998.\\u00a0 It appears that the SPEC method produces chl\na values that are roughly 15 per cent higher than the HPLC method.\\u00a0\nFigure 2 presents similar regressions between HPLC and FLUO determinations of\nchl a in the Neuse from August \\u2013 December of 1999.\\u00a0 It appears that\nthe FLUO method produces chl a values that are roughly 67 per cent higher than\nthe HPLC method.\\u00a0 These figures suggest two important problems for\nutilizing existing chl a data in water quality modeling in the Neuse; (i) a\ndecision must be made which analysis technique will be accepted as the\nstandard for determining chl a, and (ii) a correction must be applied to\nequilibrate IMS chl a values determined by the SPEC and FLUO methods.\n \nPrimary Productivity rate was measured using an adaptation of Steeman\nNielsen's (1952) 14C bicarbonate method (Paerl et al. 1998).\\u00a0 This method\nof measuring primary productivity allows direct measurement of carbon uptake\nand measures only net photosynthesis:\\u00a0 Water samples were stored in 10\nLiter high density polyethylene containers overnight in the research pond, a\nflow through system that receives water from the adjacent Bogue Sound, thereby\nsimulating ambient water temperatures.\\u00a0 The following morning the water\nsamples were removed from the pond and transported to the laboratory for\nanalysis.\\u00a0 Water samples (76 milliliters) were added to three clear\nplastic square bottles to determine light uptake of carbon in triplicate and\nto 1 dark bottle to determine dark uptake of carbon.\\u00a0 A solution of\nradioactive carbonate (300 microliters) was added to each bottle.\\u00a0 The\nbottles were incubated for 4 hours in the pond.\\u00a0 The light bottles were\nincubated underneath a field light simulator, while the dark bottles were\nincubated in a covered perforated bucket that was submerged in the pond.\\u00a0\nThe FLS was used to simulate the ambient light conditions that phytoplankton\nare exposed to in the estuary (mixing conditions).\\u00a0 The FLS is comprised\nof a rotating wheel with varying levels of screening.\\u00a0 During the\nincubation period, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) measurements were\nperformed using a 2 pi Li-Cor LI-192SA spherical quantum sensor attached to a\nLi-Cor data logger.\\u00a0 After the incubation period, the samples were\nreturned to the laboratory, shaken and the entire contents were gently vacuum\nfiltered (less than 25 kilopascals) using 25 mm Whatman glass microfibre\nfilters (GF/F).\\u00a0 The filters were placed in wooden drying trays and\ntreated with concentrated hydrochloric acid fumes for 40 minutes to an hour to\nremove inorganic 14C.\\u00a0 The filters were folded in half and placed in 7\nmilliliter plastic scintillation vials.\\u00a0 Five milliliters of liquid\nscintillation cocktail (ecolume or cytoscint) was added to the vials.\\u00a0\nThe vials were capped, shaken, stored in the dark for 3-24 hours and then\nassayed for radioactivity using a Beckman liquid scintillation counter.\\u00a0\nIn addition to the samples, triplicate voucher samples were used to quantify\nthe radioactivity of the 14C added.\\u00a0 Voucher samples consisted of 100\nmicroliter of 14C and 100 microliters of phenylethylamine.\\u00a0 These vials\nalso received 5 milliliters of liquid scintillation cocktail.\\u00a0 A\nbackground vial and two 14C background standards were used.\\u00a0 \\u00a0The\nquantity of carbon fixed is proportional to the fraction of radioactive carbon\nassimilated.\\u00a0 (Paerl, H.W., J.L. Pinckney, J.M. Fear, and B.L. Peierls\n1998. Ecosystem responses to internal and watershed organic matter loading:\nconsequences for hypoxia in the eutrophying Neuse River Estuary, North\nCarolina, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 166: 17-25; Steemann Nielsen, E.\n1952. The use of radio-active carbon (C14) for measuring organic production in\nthe sea. Journal du Conseil permanent international pour L'Exploration de la\nMer 18: 117-140)\n \nDiagnostic phytoplankton photopigments were identified, separated and\nquantified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to an in-line\nphotodiode array spectrophotometer (Jeffrey et al.\\u00a0 1997):\\u00a0 Known\nvolumes of water sample (500-1000 milliliters, enough to obtain color on the\nfilter) were vacuum filtered (less than 25 kiloPascals) through 25 or 47\nmillimeter Whatman glass microfibre filters (GF/F) under reduced light\nconditions.\\u00a0 The filters were blotted dry, folded in half, wrapped in\nfoil and then immediately frozen at -20 degrees Celsius until analysis.\\u00a0\nThe filters were placed in 15 milliliter centrifuge tubes containing 1.5-3.0\nmilliliters of 100% acetone (HPLC Grade), sonicated for 30-60 seconds using a\nFisher Sonic Dismembrator 300 with microtip and extracted at -20 degrees\nCelsius for 12-24 hours.\\u00a0 After extraction the samples were centrifuged\nat 4500 rpm and the supernatant (i.e.- the combined extracted pigments)\ncollected & filtered into amber glass autosampler vials using Millipex\nMillipore 0.45 micometer PTFE.\\u00a0 Two hundred microliters of extractant\nfrom each vial was injected into the HPLC system using a Spectra Physics (now\nThermo Separations Products) AS3000 autosampler and SP8800 pump, running a\nnon-linear, 55 minute, 2-solvent gradient adapted from Van Heukelem et.al.\n1994 or 1995?.\\u00a0 The nonlinear, variable flow, binary gradient consisted\nof solvent A [80% methanol : 20% ammonium acetate (0.5 M adjusted to pH 7.2)]\nand B (80% methanol : 20% acetone).\\u00a0 The extractant was separated into\nindividual pigments using a series of C18 reverse-phase columns to optimize\nphotopigment separations:\\u00a0 The column order was a Rainin Microsorb guard\ncolumn (0.46 x 1.5 centimeters, 3 micrometer packing) followed by a single\nmonomeric reverse-phase C18 column (Rainin Microsorb-MV, 0.46 x 10 cm, 3\n\\u00b5m packing) followed by two polymeric reverse-phase C18 columns (Vydac\n201TP5, 0.46 x 25 cm, 5 \\u00b5m packing).\\u00a0 The columns were kept at a\nconstant 52 degrees Celsius in an Alltech 330 column heater.\\u00a0 The\nseparated pigments were then passed through an in line Shimadzu SPD-M10AV\nphotodiode array detector which measured the absorbance of the\nsample/extractant, scanning the range of 350-800 nanometers every 2\nseconds.\\u00a0 The data was collected and analyzed using Shimadzu's EZChrom\nsoftware.\\u00a0 Individual pigments are identified using a combination of peak\nretention time and absorbance spectrum shape.\\u00a0 Retention times and\nabsorbance spectra are identified for each pigment by analyzing known pigments\n(either as pure standards or pigments or isolated from algal cultures).\\u00a0\nPigments are quantified from their peak areas, calculated at 440nm. A\ncalibration curve is generated by injecting various volumes of a mixed\nstandard composed of known quantities of seven pure pigment standards\n(fucoxanthin, zeaxanthin, bacteriochlorophyll a, canthaxathin, chlorophyll b,\nchlorophyll a, echinenone and \\u00df-carotene) and calculating the peak areas\nof those pigments\\u00a0 \\u00a0The peak areas are regressed against the known\nquantities of each pigment to calculate the slope (Response Factor) for that\npigment.\\u00a0 Response factors for pigments we do not have reference\nstandards for are calculated using the ratio of absorbance coefficients of\neach pigment to its closest structurally related reference pigment,\nmultiplying the known pigment's response factor by that ratio. Pigments\nextracted from the samples are then quantified by multiplying the peak areas\nof a chromatogram at 440nm by the response factors. Pigment values listed as\nbelow detection were below the software threshold for peak detection or had\nspectra below a similarity of 0.9 compared to library spectra. Technician\nexpert judgement was used in difficult cases.\n \nThe HPLC derived diagnostic photopigment concentrations were analyzed using\nthe ChemTax matrix factorization program (Mackey 1996).\\u00a0 This program\nuses the steepest decent algorithm to determine the best fit based on an\ninitial estimate of pigment ratios for algal classes.\\u00a0 The initial\npigment ratio matrix used in the Chemtax analysis was derived from:\\u00a0\nMackey M.D., Mackey D.J., Higgins H.W., & Wright S.W.\\u00a0 1996.\\u00a0\nCHEMTAX- a program for estimating class abundances from chemical markers:\napplication to HPLC measurements of phytoplankton.\\u00a0 Marine Ecology\nProgress Series 144: 265-283, and consisted of nine photopigments\n(alloxanthin, antheraxanthin, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll a (chlorophyll\na + chlorophyllide a), fucoxanthin, lutein, peridinin, violaxanthin, and\nzeaxanthin) for five algal groups that constitute the bulk of the\nphytoplankton community in the Neuse River and Estuary (chlorophytes,\ncryptophytes, cyanobacteria, diatoms, and dinoflagellates).\\u00a0 In order to\nreduce the variation of pigment ratios due to large changes in phytoplankton\nspecies composition with depth, season, and salinity regime, homogenous data\ngroupings of the HPLC pigment data were performed prior to running on\nChemtax:\\u00a0 HPLC pigment data was grouped by Depth Level (surface or\nbottom) then by Season (winter, spring, summer and fall) then by Salinity\nregime (oligohaline: <5.0 ppt, mesohaline: 5.01 - 18.0 ppt, polyhaline: >18.01\nppt).\\u00a0 When there were less than 10 samples in a given homogenous\ngrouping (Chemtax requires at least 10 samples per run), the data was grouped\nby oligohaline + mesohaline or mesohaline + polyhaline (This is indicated in\nthe comments section).\n \nDistance (in river kilometers) was calculated using ESRI ArcGIS\nsoftware.\\u00a0 Distances were calculated using projected station locations\n(North Carolina State Plane 1983 meters projection).\\u00a0 Distances from\nstation 0 through 30 (upper river stations) were measured along the main\nchannel of the river. Distances from stations 30 to 180 were measured as\nstraight lines between stations
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_award_nid String 762165
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_award_number String OCE-0825466
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_data_url String http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0825466 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funder_name String NSF Division of Ocean Sciences
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funding_acronym String NSF OCE
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funding_source_nid String 355
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_program_manager String David L. Garrison
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_program_manager_nid String 50534
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River. \n  PI: Hans Paerl \n  Version: 2019-05-13
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String info at bco-dmo.org
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String https://www.bco-dmo.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_source String extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3  19 Dec 2019
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2019-05-13T13:27:33Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2019-05-15T16:27:40Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String &amp;time&lt;now
attribute NC_GLOBAL doi String 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.767391.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -76.526
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 35.2106
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 34.9489
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -76.526
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -77.1222
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 7.501
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double 0.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/767391 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_acronym String LI-COR LI-193 PAR
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_dataset_instrument_description String Prior to the 07/30/2003 sampling date, PAR measurements were performed with a spherical underwater quantum sensor (LI-COR LI-193SA) coupled to a LI-COR LI-1000 datalogger.  Beginning on the 07/30/2003 sampling date, a flat underwater quantum sensor (LI-COR LI-193SA) attached to a Yellow Springs Instruments YSI 6600 or YSI 6600 EDS-S sonde was used to measure PAR.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid String 767456
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_description String The LI-193 Underwater Spherical Quantum Sensor uses a Silicon Photodiode and glass filters encased in a waterproof housing to measure PAR (in the 400 to 700 nm waveband) in aquatic environments. Typical output is in micromol s-1 m-2.  The LI-193 Sensor gives an added dimension to underwater PAR measurements as it measures photon flux from all directions. This measurement is referred to as Photosynthetic Photon Flux Fluence Rate (PPFFR) or Quantum Scalar Irradiance. This is important, for example, when studying phytoplankton, which utilize radiation from all directions for photosynthesis. LI-COR began producing Spherical Quantum Sensors in 1979; serial numbers for the LI-193 begin with SPQA-XXXXX (licor.com).
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0458/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_name String LI-COR LI-193 PAR Sensor
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_nid String 432
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_supplied_name String spherical underwater quantum sensor (LI-COR LI-193SA)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_10_dataset_instrument_description String Bottom water samples were collected with a horizontal plastic Van Dorn sampler.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_10_dataset_instrument_nid String 767452
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_10_description String A free-flushing water sample bottle comprising a cylinder (polycarbonate, acrylic or PVC) with a stopper at each end. The bottle is closed by means of a messenger from the surface releasing the tension on a latex band and thus pulling the two stoppers firmly into place. A thermometer can be mounted inside the bottle. One or more bottles can be lowered on a line to allow sampling at a single or multiple depth levels. Van Dorn samplers are suitable for for physical (temperature), chemical and biological sampling in shallow to very deep water. Bottles are typically lowered vertically through the water column although a horizontal version is available for sampling near the seabed or at thermoclines or chemoclines. Because of the lack of metal parts the bottles are suitable for trace metal sampling, although the blue polyurethane seal used in the Alpha version may leach mercury. The Beta version uses white ASA plastic seals that do not leach mercury but are less durable.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_10_instrument_name String Van Dorn water sampler
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_10_instrument_nid String 755357
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_10_supplied_name String plastic Van Dorn sampler
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_acronym String HPLC
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_dataset_instrument_description String Two hundred microliters of extractant from each vial was injected into the HPLC system using a Spectra Physics (now Thermo Separations Products) AS3000 autosampler and SP8800 pump, running a non-linear, 55 minute, 2-solvent gradient adapted from Van Heukelem et.al. 1994 or 1995?.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_dataset_instrument_nid String 767462
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_description String A High-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) is a type of liquid chromatography used to separate compounds that are dissolved in solution. HPLC instruments consist of a reservoir of the mobile phase, a pump, an injector, a separation column, and a detector. Compounds are separated by high pressure pumping of the sample mixture onto a column packed with microspheres coated with the stationary phase. The different components in the mixture pass through the column at different rates due to differences in their partitioning behavior between the mobile liquid phase and the stationary phase.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB11/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_instrument_name String High Performance Liquid Chromatograph
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_instrument_nid String 506
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_supplied_name String HPLC system
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_acronym String Nutrient Autoanalyzer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_dataset_instrument_description String Nitrate/nitrite (NO3- / NO2-) concentration was determined using a Lachat/Zellweger Analytics QuikChem 8000 flow injection autoanalyzer (Milwaukee, WI, USA) using method FIA 31-107-04-1-C.\nAmmonium (NH4+) concentration was determined using a Lachat/Zellweger Analytics QuikChem 8000 flow injection autoanalyzer (Milwaukee, WI) using method FIA 31-107-06-1-A/B.\nTotal dissolved nitrogen (TDN) was measured by in-line digestion using the Lachat/Zellweger Analytics QuikChem 8000 flow injection autoanalyzer (Milwaukee, WI, USA) using method FIA 31-107-04-3-B for low total nitrogen for brackish/fresh waters (detection level: 0.1 - 5.0 milligrams nitrogen per liter).\nOrthophosphate (PO43-) was determined using a Lachat/Zellweger Analytics QuikChem 8000 flow injection autoanalyzer (Milwaukee, WI) using method FIA 31-115-01-1-F/G.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_dataset_instrument_nid String 767460
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_description String Nutrient Autoanalyzer is a generic term used when specific type, make and model were not specified.  In general, a Nutrient Autoanalyzer is an automated flow-thru system for doing nutrient analysis (nitrate, ammonium, orthophosphate, and silicate) on seawater samples.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB04/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_instrument_name String Nutrient Autoanalyzer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_instrument_nid String 558
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_2_supplied_name String Lachat/Zellweger Analytics QuikChem 8000 flow injection autoanalyzer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_acronym String UV Spectrophotometer-Shimadzu
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_dataset_instrument_description String Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration was measured using a Shimadzu TOC-5000A Analyzer:  Water samples were vacuum filtered (less than 25 kilopascal) using pre-combusted Whatman glass microfibre filters (GF/F).  The filtrate was stored in pre-combusted glass scintillation vials with Teflon closures and frozen at -20 degrees Celsius until analysis.  The Shimadzu TOC-5000A Analyzer uses high temperature catalytic oxidation followed by non-dispersive infrared analysis of the CO2 produced.  Samples were acidified to a pH less than 2 and sparged with air before they were analyzed for non-volatile organic carbon.  DOC values in 1996 were run from previously run nutrient samples. Starting February 2018, all stations were collected.  Prior to Feb. 2018 only NR 0, 30, 70, 100, 120, and 160 surface and bottom stations were measured.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_dataset_instrument_nid String 767459
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_description String The Shimadzu UV Spectrophotometer is manufactured by Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (ssi.shimadzu.com). Shimadzu manufacturers several models of spectrophotometer; refer to dataset for make/model information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB20/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_instrument_name String UV Spectrophotometer-Shimadzu
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_instrument_nid String 595
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_3_supplied_name String Shimadzu TOC-5000A Analyzer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_acronym String Secchi Disc
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_dataset_instrument_description String The secchi disk was deployed off of the sunlit side of the research vessel.  The depth (in meters) at which the secchi disk was no longer visible by the naked eye was recorded as the secchi depth.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_dataset_instrument_nid String 767455
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_description String Typically, a 16 inch diameter white/black quadrant disc used to measure water optical clarity
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0430/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_instrument_name String Secchi Disc
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_instrument_nid String 609
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_4_supplied_name String secchi disk
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_acronym String CHN_EA
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_dataset_instrument_description String After drying at 60 0C, the filters were rolled in tin disks and injected into a PE 2400 Series II CHNS/O Analyzer calibrated with acetanilide ending in June 2014.  Starting on the Neuse River sample date of June 2, 2014, a Costech Analytical Technologies, Inc. Elemental Combustion System CHNS-O ECS 4010 was used for elemental analysis by \"flash combustion/chromatographic separation and multi-detector techniques\".  The Costech Instrument utilizes EAS Clarity Software.  Atropine standards are used to develop a calibration curve (C 70.56%, N 4.84%, and carbon response ratio of 0.025 +/-0.003).  NIST Buffalo River Sediment Reference Material 8704 (C 3.351% +/-0.017, N 0.20% +/-0.04) and/or Acetanilide Bypass (C 71.09%, N 10.36%, carbon response ratio of 0.055 +/- 0.003) may used for calibration or a check standard.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_dataset_instrument_nid String 767458
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_description String A CHN Elemental Analyzer is used for the determination of carbon, hydrogen, and  nitrogen content in organic and other types of materials, including  solids, liquids, volatile, and viscous samples.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_instrument_name String CHN Elemental Analyzer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_instrument_nid String 625
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_5_supplied_name String PE 2400 Series II CHNS/O Analyzer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_acronym String HydroLab DS4
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_dataset_instrument_description String Prior to the 09/13/2000 sampling date, in situ measurements were performed at discrete depths using a Hydrolab Data Sonde 3 equipped with a multiprobe and SVR3 display logger.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_dataset_instrument_nid String 767453
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_description String Sensors for temperature, conductivity, salinity, specific conductance, TDS, pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll a, blue-green algae, Rhodamine WT, ammonium, nitrate, chloride, ambient light (PAR), and total dissolved gas.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_instrument_name String HydroLab Datasonde 4 Multiprobe
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_instrument_nid String 642
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_6_supplied_name String Hydrolab Data Sonde 3
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_7_acronym String YSI Sonde 6-Series
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_7_dataset_instrument_description String Beginning on the 09/13/2000 sampling date, in situ measurements were performed at discrete depths on the sunlit side of the research vessel using a Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI Incoporated, Ohio) multiparameter sonde (Model 6600 or 6600 EDS-S Extended Deployment System) equipped with a YSI conductivity/temperature probe (Model 6560), a YSI chlorophyll probe (Model 6025), a YSI pH probe (Model 6561 or 6566), a YSI pulsed dissolved oxygen probe (Model 6562), a self cleaning YSI turbidity probe (Model 6026 or 6136), and beginning on the 07/30/2003 sampling date, a flat Li-Cor sensor (UWQ-PAR 6067).
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_7_dataset_instrument_nid String 767454
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_7_description String YSI 6-Series water quality sondes and sensors are instruments for environmental monitoring and long-term deployments. YSI datasondes accept multiple water quality sensors (i.e., they are multiparameter sondes). Sondes can measure temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, depth, turbidity, and other water quality parameters. The 6-Series includes several models. More from YSI.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_7_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0737/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_7_instrument_name String YSI Sonde 6-Series
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_7_instrument_nid String 663
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_7_supplied_name String Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI Incoporated, Ohio) multiparameter sonde (Model 6600 or 6600 EDS-S Extended Deployment System)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_8_acronym String TD-700
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_8_dataset_instrument_description String Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) was measured using a Turner Designs TD-700 fluorometer configured with a near-UV mercury vapour lamp, a 350 nm excitation filter, and a 410–600 nm emission filter.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_8_dataset_instrument_nid String 767457
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_8_description String The TD-700 Laboratory Fluorometer is a benchtop fluorometer designed to detect fluorescence over the UV to red range. The instrument can measure concentrations of a variety of compounds, including chlorophyll-a and fluorescent dyes, and is thus suitable for a range of applications, including chlorophyll, water quality monitoring and fluorescent tracer studies. Data can be output as concentrations or raw fluorescence measurements.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_8_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0510/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_8_instrument_name String Turner Designs 700 Laboratory Fluorometer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_8_instrument_nid String 694
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_8_supplied_name String Turner Designs TD-700 fluorometer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_9_acronym String Spectrophotometer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_9_dataset_instrument_description String Diagnostic phytoplankton photopigments were identified, separated and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to an in-line photodiode array spectrophotometer (Jeffrey et al.  1997)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_9_dataset_instrument_nid String 767461
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_9_description String An instrument used to measure the relative absorption of electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths in the near infra-red, visible and ultraviolet wavebands by samples.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_9_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB20/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_9_instrument_name String Spectrophotometer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_9_instrument_nid String 707
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_9_supplied_name String in-line photodiode array spectrophotometer
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String allo, Allo_corr, ammonia, ammonium, anth, B_car, bco, bco-dmo, biological, but, But_fuco, c1c2, cantha, car, carbon, cdom, Cdom_Corrected, chemical, chemistry, chl, Chl_a_corr, Chl_b_corr, Chl_c1c2, chla, Chla_IWS, chlide, Chlide_a, chlorophyll, chlorophyll-a, chlraw, colored, commerce, concentration, concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water, cond, corr, Correct_Chla_IV, corrected, cto, CtoN, data, dataset, date, density, department, depth, depth2, description, diadino, diato, dic, din, dissolved, dmo, doc, don, dosat, DV_chl_a, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Ammonia, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Chlorophyll, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Nitrate, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Phosphate, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, echin, erddap, fuco, Fuco_corr, gyro, hex, Hex_fuco, iso, km0, latitude, longitude, lut, management, mass, mass_concentration_of_phosphate_in_sea_water, matter, mole, mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water, mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water, monado, myxo, n02, neo, nh4, nitrate, no3, NO3_NO2, nto, NtoP, O2, ocean, oceanography, oceans, office, organic, oxygen, particulate, perid, Perid_corr, phide, Phide_a, phosphate, phytin, Phytin_a, po4, POC, ppr, practical, pras, preliminary, salinity, science, sea, sea_water_practical_salinity, season, seawater, secchi, SiO2, source, spec, station, Station_Description, tdn, temperature, time, total, TotalChla, turbidity, viola, water, year, ysi, YSI_BP, YSI_Chl, YSI_Chlraw, YSI_Depth, YSI_DO, YSI_DOsat, YSI_pH, YSI_Salinity, YSI_SpecCond, YSI_Temp, YSI_Time, YSI_Turbidity, zea, Zea_corr
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/767391/license (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL metadata_source String https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/767391 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 35.2106
attribute NC_GLOBAL param_mapping String {'767391': {'Lat': 'flag - latitude', 'YSI_Depth': 'flag - depth', 'Lon': 'flag - longitude'}}
attribute NC_GLOBAL parameter_source String https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/767391/parameters (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_affiliation String University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_affiliation_acronym String UNC-Chapel Hill
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_person_name String Hans Paerl
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_person_nid String 734605
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_role String Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_affiliation String Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_affiliation_acronym String WHOI BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_person_name String Mathew Biddle
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_person_nid String 708682
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_role String BCO-DMO Data Manager
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_role_type String related
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String climate_phyto_estuaries
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_acronym String climate_phyto_estuaries
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_description String NSF Award Abstract:\nClimatic perturbations by drought-flood cycles, tropical storms, and hurricanes are increasingly important in Mid-Atlantic estuaries, leading to ecosystem-scale responses of the plankton system with significant trophic implications. Recent observations support an emerging paradigm that climate dominates nutrient enrichment in these ecosystems, explaining seasonal and interannual variability of phytoplankton floral composition, biomass (chl-a), and primary production (PP). This project will evaluate this paradigm in the two largest estuaries in the United States, Chesapeake Bay (CB) and Albemarle-Pamlico Sound-Neuse River Estuary (APS-NRE) by quantifying responses to climatic perturbations. This project will: (1) resolve long-term trends of plankton biomass/production from high variability driven by climatic forcing, such as drought-flood cycles that generate significant departures from the norm; (2) quantify the role of episodic wind and precipitation events, such as those associated with frontal passages, tropical storms, and hurricanes, that evoke consequential spikes of biomass/production outside the resolution of traditional methods. The field program will focus on event-scale forcing of phytoplankton dynamics by collecting shipboard, aircraft remote sensing, and satellite (SeaWiFS, MODIS-A) data, analyzing extensive monitoring data for CB and APS-NRE to develop context, and quantifying effects of climatic perturbations on phytoplankton dynamics as departures from long-term averages. The rapid-response sampling will be paired with numerical simulations using coupled hydrodynamic biogeochemical models based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). This combination of observations and modeling will be used to explore mechanistic links and test empirical relationships obtained from field data.\nIntellectual Merit. Drought-flood cycles, tropical storms, and hurricanes are occurring at increasing severity and frequency, exerting significant pressures on land margin ecosystems. Research and monitoring in these ecosystems has focused singularly on eutrophication for nearly five decades. Recognition of climatic perturbations as the underlying cause of phytoplankton variability represents a significant departure from this singular focus. This project will combine observations and modeling to significantly extend our knowledge of how climate regulates phytoplankton dynamics in estuaries. Progress in calibrating and validating hydrodynamic biogeochemical models with data collected in CB and APS-NRE by this project will lead to predictive capabilities thus far unattained, allowing us to evaluate the paradigm that climatic perturbations regulate phytoplankton dynamics in estuaries.\nBroader Impacts: Addressing the effects of climatic perturbations on phytoplankton dynamics in estuaries with a combination of data collection, analysis, and mechanistic modeling has societal benefits for scientists and resource managers. Applications in addition to ?basic? science include the consideration of climatic forcing in designing effective nutrient management strategies. Specific impacts include: (1) quantifying the effects of climatic perturbations on planktonic processes for important estuarine-coastal ecosystems; (2) extending empirically-based water quality criteria forward by enabling predictions of floral composition, chl-a, and PP in changing climate conditions; (3) combining observations and mechanistic models to support scenario analysis, allowing us to distinguish long-term trends from variability imposed by climate. This project will offer a graduate course in physical transport processes and plankton productivity that will benefit from this research, support two Ph.D. students, and train undergraduates in NSF REU and minority outreach programs at HPL-UMCES and IMS-UNC. The main products will be peer-reviewed publications and presentations at scientific meetings. The three PIs maintain active web sites that will be used to distribute results and data.\nNOTE:\nDr. Harding was the original Lead PI. Dr. Michael R. Roman was named as substitute PI when Dr. Harding served as a Program Director in the NSF Biological Oceanography Program for two years, and through his move to UCLA thereafter. Dr. Harding is responsible for the data holdings on this project and for coordinating their submittal to BCO-DMO.
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_end_date String 2013-09
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_geolocation String The two largest estuaries in the United States, Chesapeake Bay (CB) and Albemarle-Pamlico Sound- Neuse River Estuary (APS-NRE).
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_name String Collaborative Research: Regulation of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Mid-Atlantic Estuaries Subject to Climatic Perturbations
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_project_nid String 491333
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_project_website String http://paerllab.web.unc.edu/projects/modmon/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_start_date String 2008-10
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 34.9489
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v55
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String Source,Pras,DV_chl_a
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String The Neuse River Estuary Water Quality Dataset is a compilation of the biological, chemical and physical water quality data that was collected along the length of the Neuse River Estuary, NC from March 14, 1985 to February 15, 1989 and from January 24, 1994 to the present.  The primary purpose of this dataset was to provide long-term environmental information to supplement experimental, process-based research, including the Atlantic Coast Environmental Indicators Consortium (ACE-INC) project as well as other laboratory studies.
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River, North Carolina from 2008 through 2013
attribute NC_GLOBAL version String 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -77.1222
attribute NC_GLOBAL xml_source String osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3
variable Date String
attribute Date bcodmo_name String date
attribute Date description String Date of water sample collection ; filtration ; and in situ measurements.
attribute Date long_name String Date
attribute Date nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ADATAA01/ (external link)
attribute Date time_precision String 1970-01-01
attribute Date units String unitless
variable Year short
attribute Year _FillValue short 32767
attribute Year actual_range short 2008, 2013
attribute Year bcodmo_name String year
attribute Year description String Year of sampling
attribute Year long_name String Year
attribute Year nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/YEARXXXX/ (external link)
attribute Year units String unitless
variable Season String
attribute Season bcodmo_name String season
attribute Season description String The season when the water sample was collected and filtered and when the in situ measurements were performed in the field.
attribute Season long_name String Season
attribute Season units String unitless
variable Station short
attribute Station _FillValue short 32767
attribute Station actual_range short 0, 180
attribute Station bcodmo_name String station
attribute Station description String The name of the fixed sampling station.
attribute Station long_name String Station
attribute Station units String unitless
variable Source String
attribute Source bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute Source description String The organization that conducted the sampling.
attribute Source long_name String Source
attribute Source units String unitless
variable depth2 String
attribute depth2 bcodmo_name String depth
attribute depth2 description String Depth level from which the water sample was collected and where the in situ measurements were made (S=surface ; B=bottom   Surface (S) refers to a surface water sample or in situ measurement taken at a depth of approximately 0.2 meters.  Bottom (B) refers to a bottom water sample or in situ measurement taken at a depth of approximately 0.5 meters above the sediment layer.  Surface water samples were collected by submerging 10 liter high-density polyethylene containers just below the water surface or by filling the containers with surface water collected from bucket casts.  Bottom water samples were collected with a horizontal plastic Van Dorn sampler. Starting December 2007 ; all samples collected with diaphragm pump and a weighted ; marked hose. All containers were kept in dark coolers at ambient temperature during transport to the laboratory.  All filtration was done within a few hours of collection and when conditions permitted ; on board the research vessel.
attribute depth2 long_name String Depth
attribute depth2 nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/DEPH/ (external link)
attribute depth2 standard_name String depth
attribute depth2 units String meters (m)
variable YSI_Time String
attribute YSI_Time bcodmo_name String time
attribute YSI_Time description String Exact time (hours:minutes:seconds) when the in situ measurements were made.  This time is an approximate water sampling time.
attribute YSI_Time long_name String YSI Time
attribute YSI_Time nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/AHMSAA01/ (external link)
attribute YSI_Time units String unitless
variable depth double
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth _FillValue double NaN
attribute depth actual_range double 0.1, 7.501
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth bcodmo_name String depth
attribute depth description String Exact depth (meters) where the in situ measurements were made.
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String YSI Depth
attribute depth nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/DEPH/ (external link)
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
variable YSI_Temp float
attribute YSI_Temp _FillValue float NaN
attribute YSI_Temp actual_range float 2.04, 33.69
attribute YSI_Temp bcodmo_name String temperature
attribute YSI_Temp description String In situ water temperature
attribute YSI_Temp long_name String YSI Temp
attribute YSI_Temp nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/TEMPP901/ (external link)
attribute YSI_Temp units String degrees Celsius
variable YSI_SpecCond float
attribute YSI_SpecCond _FillValue float NaN
attribute YSI_SpecCond actual_range float 0.081, 48.08
attribute YSI_SpecCond bcodmo_name String conductivity
attribute YSI_SpecCond description String In situ specific conductivity
attribute YSI_SpecCond long_name String YSI Spec Cond
attribute YSI_SpecCond nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/CNDC/ (external link)
attribute YSI_SpecCond units String milli Siemens per centimeter
variable YSI_Salinity float
attribute YSI_Salinity _FillValue float NaN
attribute YSI_Salinity actual_range float 0.04, 31.23
attribute YSI_Salinity bcodmo_name String sal
attribute YSI_Salinity colorBarMaximum double 37.0
attribute YSI_Salinity colorBarMinimum double 32.0
attribute YSI_Salinity description String In situ salinity
attribute YSI_Salinity long_name String Sea Water Practical Salinity
attribute YSI_Salinity nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/PSALST01/ (external link)
attribute YSI_Salinity units String parts per thousand
variable YSI_DOsat float
attribute YSI_DOsat _FillValue float NaN
attribute YSI_DOsat actual_range float 0.2, 165.2
attribute YSI_DOsat bcodmo_name String O2_sat_pcnt
attribute YSI_DOsat description String In situ dissolved oxygen saturation
attribute YSI_DOsat long_name String YSI DOsat
attribute YSI_DOsat nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/OXYSZZ01/ (external link)
attribute YSI_DOsat units String unitless  (percent)
variable YSI_DO float
attribute YSI_DO _FillValue float NaN
attribute YSI_DO actual_range float 0.02, 16.11
attribute YSI_DO bcodmo_name String dissolved Oxygen
attribute YSI_DO description String In situ dissolved oxygen concentration
attribute YSI_DO long_name String YSI DO
attribute YSI_DO units String milligrams per liter
variable YSI_pH float
attribute YSI_pH _FillValue float NaN
attribute YSI_pH actual_range float 5.83, 9.23
attribute YSI_pH bcodmo_name String pH
attribute YSI_pH description String In situ pH.
attribute YSI_pH long_name String YSI P H
attribute YSI_pH nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/PHXXZZXX/ (external link)
attribute YSI_pH units String unitless
variable YSI_Turbidity float
attribute YSI_Turbidity _FillValue float NaN
attribute YSI_Turbidity actual_range float 0.1, 96.2
attribute YSI_Turbidity bcodmo_name String turbidity
attribute YSI_Turbidity description String In situ turbidity
attribute YSI_Turbidity long_name String YSI Turbidity
attribute YSI_Turbidity units String NTU
variable YSI_Chlraw float
attribute YSI_Chlraw _FillValue float NaN
attribute YSI_Chlraw actual_range float 0.1, 35.8
attribute YSI_Chlraw bcodmo_name String chl_raw
attribute YSI_Chlraw description String In situ chlorophyll fluorescence
attribute YSI_Chlraw long_name String YSI Chlraw
attribute YSI_Chlraw units String relative fluorescence units
variable YSI_Chl float
attribute YSI_Chl _FillValue float NaN
attribute YSI_Chl actual_range float 0.3, 127.3
attribute YSI_Chl bcodmo_name String fluorescence
attribute YSI_Chl description String In situ chlorophyll concentration from fluorescence
attribute YSI_Chl long_name String YSI Chl
attribute YSI_Chl nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CPHLPM01/ (external link)
attribute YSI_Chl units String micrograms per liter
variable YSI_BP short
attribute YSI_BP _FillValue short 32767
attribute YSI_BP actual_range short 753, 780
attribute YSI_BP bcodmo_name String press_bar
attribute YSI_BP description String Surface barometric pressure
attribute YSI_BP long_name String YSI BP
attribute YSI_BP units String millimeters of mercury
variable Secchi float
attribute Secchi _FillValue float NaN
attribute Secchi actual_range float 0.25, 16.16
attribute Secchi bcodmo_name String depth_secchi
attribute Secchi description String Depth at which the secchi disk is no longer visible
attribute Secchi long_name String Secchi
attribute Secchi units String meters
variable Kd float
attribute Kd _FillValue float NaN
attribute Kd actual_range float 0.476995, 5.647
attribute Kd bcodmo_name String beam_cp
attribute Kd description String Diffuse light attenuation coefficient
attribute Kd long_name String KD
attribute Kd nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ATTNZZ01/ (external link)
attribute Kd units String per meter
variable Cdom_Corrected float
attribute Cdom_Corrected _FillValue float NaN
attribute Cdom_Corrected actual_range float 21.8067, 207.515
attribute Cdom_Corrected bcodmo_name String CDOM
attribute Cdom_Corrected description String Colored or chromophoric dissolved organic (matter humic substances) concentration as microgram per liter of quinine sulfate.
attribute Cdom_Corrected long_name String Cdom Corrected
attribute Cdom_Corrected units String microgram per liter of quinine sulfate.
variable POC float
attribute POC _FillValue float NaN
attribute POC actual_range float 18.15, 13653.3
attribute POC bcodmo_name String POC
attribute POC description String Particulate organic carbon concentration
attribute POC long_name String Particulate Organic Carbon
attribute POC nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CORGCAP1/ (external link)
attribute POC units String micrograms of carbon per liter
variable PN float
attribute PN _FillValue float NaN
attribute PN actual_range float 12.0, 2450.65
attribute PN bcodmo_name String N
attribute PN description String Particulate nitrogen concentration
attribute PN long_name String PN
attribute PN units String micrograms of nitrogen per liter
variable CtoN float
attribute CtoN _FillValue float NaN
attribute CtoN actual_range float 0.412105, 112.576
attribute CtoN bcodmo_name String C_to_N
attribute CtoN description String Calculated molar ratio of particulate organic carbon
attribute CtoN long_name String Cto N
attribute CtoN units String unitless
variable DOC float
attribute DOC _FillValue float NaN
attribute DOC actual_range float 232.6, 1841.95
attribute DOC bcodmo_name String DOC
attribute DOC description String Dissolved organic carbon concentration
attribute DOC long_name String DOC
attribute DOC nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CORGZZZX/ (external link)
attribute DOC units String micromolar
variable DIC float
attribute DIC _FillValue float NaN
attribute DIC actual_range float 1.976, 21.37
attribute DIC bcodmo_name String DIC
attribute DIC description String Dissolved inorganic carbon concentration
attribute DIC long_name String DIC
attribute DIC units String milligrams of carbon per liter
variable NO3_NO2 float
attribute NO3_NO2 _FillValue float NaN
attribute NO3_NO2 actual_range float 0.267, 941.0
attribute NO3_NO2 bcodmo_name String NO3_NO2
attribute NO3_NO2 colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute NO3_NO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute NO3_NO2 description String Nitrate plus nitrite concentration
attribute NO3_NO2 long_name String Mole Concentration Of Nitrate In Sea Water
attribute NO3_NO2 units String micrograms of nitrogen per liter
variable NH4 float
attribute NH4 _FillValue float NaN
attribute NH4 actual_range float 3.69, 1020.0
attribute NH4 bcodmo_name String Ammonium
attribute NH4 colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute NH4 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute NH4 description String Ammonium concentration
attribute NH4 long_name String Mole Concentration Of Ammonium In Sea Water
attribute NH4 nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/AMONAAZX/ (external link)
attribute NH4 units String micrograms of nitrogen per liter
variable DIN float
attribute DIN _FillValue float NaN
attribute DIN actual_range float 3.69, 1021.06
attribute DIN bcodmo_name String Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
attribute DIN description String Calculated dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration
attribute DIN long_name String DIN
attribute DIN units String micrograms of nitrogen per liter
variable TDN float
attribute TDN _FillValue float NaN
attribute TDN actual_range float 37.6, 1650.0
attribute TDN bcodmo_name String Total Dissolved Nitrogren
attribute TDN description String Total dissolved nitrogen concentration organic plus inorganic species
attribute TDN long_name String TDN
attribute TDN units String micrograms of nitrogen per liter
variable DON float
attribute DON _FillValue float NaN
attribute DON actual_range float -2222.0, 933.26
attribute DON bcodmo_name String Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
attribute DON description String Calculated dissolved organic nitrogen concentration
attribute DON long_name String DON
attribute DON units String micrograms of nitrogen per liter
variable PO4 float
attribute PO4 _FillValue float NaN
attribute PO4 actual_range float 1.4, 766.0
attribute PO4 bcodmo_name String PO4
attribute PO4 description String Orthophosphate concentration
attribute PO4 long_name String Mass Concentration Of Phosphate In Sea Water
attribute PO4 units String micrograms of phosphorus per liter
variable NtoP float
attribute NtoP _FillValue float NaN
attribute NtoP actual_range float 0.0311301, 294.014
attribute NtoP bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute NtoP description String The calculated molar ratio of nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (P)
attribute NtoP long_name String Nto P
attribute NtoP units String miligrams nitrogen per liter (mg N/L)
variable SiO2 float
attribute SiO2 _FillValue float NaN
attribute SiO2 actual_range float 1.2, 155.0
attribute SiO2 bcodmo_name String silica
attribute SiO2 description String Silica concentration
attribute SiO2 long_name String Si O2
attribute SiO2 units String micromolar
variable Chla_IWS float
attribute Chla_IWS _FillValue float NaN
attribute Chla_IWS actual_range float 0.4861, 232.71
attribute Chla_IWS bcodmo_name String chlorophyll a
attribute Chla_IWS colorBarMaximum double 30.0
attribute Chla_IWS colorBarMinimum double 0.03
attribute Chla_IWS colorBarScale String Log
attribute Chla_IWS description String Chlorophyll a concentration measured by in vitro fluorometry (micrograms per liter) integrated throughout the water column to 2x the secchi depth.  Water samples for this measurement were collected using the integrated water sampler IWS) which collects vertically integrated water samples.
attribute Chla_IWS long_name String Concentration Of Chlorophyll In Sea Water
attribute Chla_IWS nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CPHLHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Chla_IWS units String micrograms per liter
variable Correct_Chla_IV float
attribute Correct_Chla_IV _FillValue float NaN
attribute Correct_Chla_IV actual_range float 0.255, 304.36
attribute Correct_Chla_IV bcodmo_name String chlorophyll a
attribute Correct_Chla_IV colorBarMaximum double 30.0
attribute Correct_Chla_IV colorBarMinimum double 0.03
attribute Correct_Chla_IV colorBarScale String Log
attribute Correct_Chla_IV description String Chlorophyll a concentration measured by in vitro fluorometry
attribute Correct_Chla_IV long_name String Concentration Of Chlorophyll In Sea Water
attribute Correct_Chla_IV nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CPHLHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Correct_Chla_IV units String micrograms per liter
variable PPR float
attribute PPR _FillValue float NaN
attribute PPR actual_range float 0.922585, 329.767
attribute PPR bcodmo_name String Primary Production
attribute PPR description String Primary productivity by light/dark 14C bicarbonate incorporation
attribute PPR long_name String PPR
attribute PPR units String milligrams of C per meter cubed per hour
variable Chlide_a float
attribute Chlide_a _FillValue float NaN
attribute Chlide_a actual_range float 0.0195137, 16.9075
attribute Chlide_a bcodmo_name String chlide_a
attribute Chlide_a description String Chlorophyllide a concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Chlide_a long_name String Chlide A
attribute Chlide_a nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CIDAHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Chlide_a units String micrograms per liter
variable Chl_c1c2 float
attribute Chl_c1c2 _FillValue float NaN
attribute Chl_c1c2 actual_range float 0.00175097, 17.2613
attribute Chl_c1c2 bcodmo_name String chl_a_tot
attribute Chl_c1c2 description String Chlorophyll c1 and c2 concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Chl_c1c2 long_name String CHL C1C2
attribute Chl_c1c2 units String micrograms per liter
variable Perid_corr float
attribute Perid_corr _FillValue float NaN
attribute Perid_corr actual_range float 0.00607597, 45.0129
attribute Perid_corr bcodmo_name String peridinin
attribute Perid_corr description String Peridinin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Perid_corr long_name String Perid Corr
attribute Perid_corr nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/PERIHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Perid_corr units String micrograms per liter
variable But_fuco float
attribute But_fuco _FillValue float NaN
attribute But_fuco actual_range float 0.00419799, 0.998646
attribute But_fuco bcodmo_name String fucox_but
attribute But_fuco description String 19'-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute But_fuco long_name String But Fuco
attribute But_fuco units String micrograms per liter
variable Phide_a float
attribute Phide_a _FillValue float NaN
attribute Phide_a actual_range float 0.0401498, 2.52855
attribute Phide_a bcodmo_name String pheophorbide a
attribute Phide_a description String Pheophorbide-a concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Phide_a long_name String Phide A
attribute Phide_a units String micrograms per liter
variable Fuco_corr float
attribute Fuco_corr _FillValue float NaN
attribute Fuco_corr actual_range float 0.0127858, 46.5159
attribute Fuco_corr bcodmo_name String fucox
attribute Fuco_corr description String Fucoxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Fuco_corr long_name String Fuco Corr
attribute Fuco_corr nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/FUCXHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Fuco_corr units String micrograms per liter
variable Hex_fuco float
attribute Hex_fuco _FillValue float NaN
attribute Hex_fuco actual_range float 0.00155939, 2.40154
attribute Hex_fuco bcodmo_name String fucox_hex
attribute Hex_fuco description String 19'-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Hex_fuco long_name String Hex Fuco
attribute Hex_fuco units String micrograms per liter
variable Neo float
attribute Neo _FillValue float NaN
attribute Neo actual_range float 0.00487421, 0.832047
attribute Neo bcodmo_name String neox
attribute Neo description String 9'-cis Neoxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Neo long_name String Neo
attribute Neo nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/NEOXHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Neo units String micrograms per liter
variable Pras double
attribute Pras _FillValue double NaN
attribute Pras bcodmo_name String prasinox
attribute Pras description String Prasinoxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Pras long_name String Pras
attribute Pras nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/PRSXHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Pras units String micrograms per liter
variable Viola float
attribute Viola _FillValue float NaN
attribute Viola actual_range float 0.00171185, 27.0399
attribute Viola bcodmo_name String violax
attribute Viola description String Violaxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Viola long_name String Viola
attribute Viola nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/VILXHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Viola units String micrograms per liter
variable Diadino float
attribute Diadino _FillValue float NaN
attribute Diadino actual_range float 0.00466996, 20.9497
attribute Diadino bcodmo_name String diadinox
attribute Diadino description String Diadinoxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Diadino long_name String Diadino
attribute Diadino nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/DIADHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Diadino units String micrograms per liter
variable Anth float
attribute Anth _FillValue float NaN
attribute Anth actual_range float 0.00627465, 1.08513
attribute Anth bcodmo_name String antherax
attribute Anth description String Antheraxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Anth long_name String Anth
attribute Anth units String micrograms per liter
variable Myxo float
attribute Myxo _FillValue float NaN
attribute Myxo actual_range float 0.0357131, 0.623307
attribute Myxo bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute Myxo description String Myxoxanthophyll concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Myxo long_name String Myxo
attribute Myxo units String micrograms per liter
variable Allo_corr float
attribute Allo_corr _FillValue float NaN
attribute Allo_corr actual_range float 0.00763655, 4.34151
attribute Allo_corr bcodmo_name String allox
attribute Allo_corr description String Alloxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Allo_corr long_name String Allo Corr
attribute Allo_corr nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ALLOHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Allo_corr units String micrograms per liter
variable Diato float
attribute Diato _FillValue float NaN
attribute Diato actual_range float 0.00156188, 3.22123
attribute Diato bcodmo_name String diatox
attribute Diato description String Diatoxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Diato long_name String Diato
attribute Diato nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/DIATHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Diato units String micrograms per liter
variable Monado float
attribute Monado _FillValue float NaN
attribute Monado actual_range float 0.0190179, 0.0959401
attribute Monado bcodmo_name String monadoxanthin
attribute Monado description String Monadoxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Monado long_name String Monado
attribute Monado units String micrograms per liter
variable Lut float
attribute Lut _FillValue float NaN
attribute Lut actual_range float 0.00680866, 1.77405
attribute Lut bcodmo_name String lutein
attribute Lut description String Lutein concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Lut long_name String Lut
attribute Lut nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/LUTNHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Lut units String micrograms per liter
variable Zea_corr float
attribute Zea_corr _FillValue float NaN
attribute Zea_corr actual_range float 0.00927789, 5.3182
attribute Zea_corr bcodmo_name String zeax
attribute Zea_corr description String Zeaxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Zea_corr long_name String Zea Corr
attribute Zea_corr nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ZEOXHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Zea_corr units String micrograms per liter
variable Gyro float
attribute Gyro _FillValue float NaN
attribute Gyro actual_range float 0.00295617, 0.665704
attribute Gyro bcodmo_name String Gyroxanthin-Diester
attribute Gyro description String Gyroxanthin concentration by HPLC analysis
attribute Gyro long_name String Gyro
attribute Gyro units String micrograms per liter
variable Cantha float
attribute Cantha _FillValue float NaN
attribute Cantha actual_range float 0.00265245, 0.257283
attribute Cantha bcodmo_name String unknown
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