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Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | access_formats | String | .htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | acquisition_description | String | Chaetoceros simplex cultures, were obtained from population strain CCMP 200\n(National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota, NCMA).\n \nThermal performance curve (TPC) assays: \n We assayed the TPCs of our populations twice during the evolution\nexperiment. This involved pre\\u2010acclimating sub\\u2010cultures from each\npopulation to 28 \\u00b0C (in\\u2010between the 25 \\u00b0C control and 31\n\\u00b0C experimental treatment) in N\\u2010replete medium for 20 days\n(20\\u201325 generations) to remove any effects of acclimation to previous\ntemperatures (31 or 25 \\u00b0C) and N levels. Subsequently, separate flasks\ncontaining N\\u2010replete medium were placed at each assay temperature,\ninoculated with pre\\u2010acclimated populations, and allowed to acclimate for\nsix more days.\n \nAfter ~ 200 generations of evolution (165\\u2013186 days: 194\\u2013232\ngenerations), we characterised the TPCs of two randomly selected\nN\\u2010replete evolved populations that were 34 \\u00b0C\\u2010tolerant (see the\n34 \\u00b0C challenge section below) and the control and an ancestral\npopulation. Assay temperatures were 10, 20, 25, 29, 31, 32, 34 and 35 \\u00b0C,\nand three replicate populations were grown in 50\\u2010mL culture flasks\n(instead of well plates) (96 growth rate estimates).\\u00a0We measured in vivo\nchlorophyll\\u2010a fluorescence (excitation wavelength: 436 nm, emission\nwavelength: 680 nm) daily using a SpectraMax M5 microplate reader (Molecular\nDevices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) to estimate the growth rate.\n \nGrowth rate calculations: \n From the daily biomass estimations (in vivo chlorophyll\\u2010a fluorescence\n), we calculated population growth rates (day\\u22121), as the slope of the\nlinear regression of ln(biomass) vs. time (days). \n --- \n Also see data for 100 generations:\\u00a0[https://www.bco-\ndmo.org/dataset/778749](\\\\\"https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/778749\\\\\") \n More details in Aranguren-Gassis et al. 2019, Ecology Letters. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_award_nid | String | 712786 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_award_number | String | OCE-1638958 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1638958 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_program_manager | String | Michael E. Sieracki |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_program_manager_nid | String | 50446 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_award_nid | String | 712792 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_award_number | String | OCE-1638804 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1638804 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_program_manager | String | Michael E. Sieracki |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_program_manager_nid | String | 50446 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_award_nid | String | 712795 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_award_number | String | OCE-1638834 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1638834 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_program_manager | String | Michael E. Sieracki |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_program_manager_nid | String | 50446 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | Other |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | comment | String | TPC Growth rates: 200 generations \n Daily growth rates for Thermal Performance Curve (TPC) of Chaetoceros simplex \n after about 200 generations of evolution at seven temperatures, 12-34 degrees C. \n P.I.'s: M. Aranguren-Gassis (U. Vigo), E. Litchman (MSU), C. Klausmeier (MSU) \n version date: 2019-10-07 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | info at bco-dmo.org |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/ |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | data_source | String | extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3 19 Dec 2019 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_created | String | 2019-10-09T12:57:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_modified | String | 2019-10-30T17:29:36Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | defaultDataQuery | String | &time<now |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | doi | String | 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.778779.1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/778779 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid | String | 779426 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_description | String | Plate readers (also known as microplate readers) are laboratory instruments designed to detect biological, chemical or physical events of samples in microtiter plates. They are widely used in research, drug discovery, bioassay validation, quality control and manufacturing processes in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry and academic organizations. Sample reactions can be assayed in 6-1536 well format microtiter plates. The most common microplate format used in academic research laboratories or clinical diagnostic laboratories is 96-well (8 by 12 matrix) with a typical reaction volume between 100 and 200 uL per well. Higher density microplates (384- or 1536-well microplates) are typically used for screening applications, when throughput (number of samples per day processed) and assay cost per sample become critical parameters, with a typical assay volume between 5 and 50 µL per well. Common detection modes for microplate assays are absorbance, fluorescence intensity, luminescence, time-resolved fluorescence, and fluorescence polarization. From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plate_reader, 2014-09-0-23. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_name | String | plate reader |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_nid | String | 528693 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_supplied_name | String | SpectraMax M5 microplate reader (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | bco, bco-dmo, biological, chemical, data, dataset, dmo, erddap, evol, Evol_strain, flask, Flask_replicate, growth, Growth_rate, management, oceanography, office, preliminary, rate, replicate, strain, temperature |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/778779/license |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | metadata_source | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/778779 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | param_mapping | String | {'778779': {}} |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | parameter_source | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/778779/parameters |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_affiliation | String | Michigan State University |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_affiliation_acronym | String | MSU |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_person_name | String | Elena Litchman |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_person_nid | String | 543190 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_role | String | Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_affiliation | String | Michigan State University |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_affiliation_acronym | String | MSU |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_person_name | String | Christopher Klausmeier |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_person_nid | String | 543192 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_role | String | Co-Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_affiliation | String | Michigan State University |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_affiliation_acronym | String | MSU |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_person_name | String | Colin T. Kremer |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_person_nid | String | 779889 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_role | String | Scientist |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_affiliation | String | Universidad de Vigo |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_person_name | String | Maria Aranguren-Gassis |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_person_nid | String | 778758 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_role | String | Contact |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_role_type | String | related |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_affiliation | String | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_affiliation_acronym | String | WHOI BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_person_name | String | Nancy Copley |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_person_nid | String | 50396 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_role | String | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_role_type | String | related |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | Phytoplankton Community Responses |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_acronym | String | Phytoplankton Community Responses |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_description | String | NSF Award Abstract:\nPhotosynthetic marine microbes, phytoplankton, contribute half of global primary production, form the base of most aquatic food webs and are major players in global biogeochemical cycles. Understanding their community composition is important because it affects higher trophic levels, the cycling of energy and elements and is sensitive to global environmental change. This project will investigate how phytoplankton communities respond to two major global change stressors in aquatic systems: warming and changes in nutrient availability. The researchers will work in two marine systems with a long history of environmental monitoring, the temperate Narragansett Bay estuary in Rhode Island and a subtropical North Atlantic site near Bermuda. They will use field sampling and laboratory experiments with multiple species and varieties of phytoplankton to assess the diversity in their responses to different temperatures under high and low nutrient concentrations. If the diversity of responses is high within species, then that species may have a better chance to adapt to rising temperatures and persist in the future. Some species may already be able to grow at high temperatures; consequently, they may become more abundant as the ocean warms. The researchers will incorporate this response information in mathematical models to predict how phytoplankton assemblages would reorganize under future climate scenarios. Graduate students and postdoctoral associates will be trained in diverse scientific approaches and techniques such as shipboard sampling, laboratory experiments, genomic analyses and mathematical modeling. The results of the project will be incorporated into K-12 teaching, including an advanced placement environmental science class for underrepresented minorities in Los Angeles, data exercises for rural schools in Michigan and disseminated to the public through an environmental journalism institute based in Rhode Island.\nPredicting how ecological communities will respond to a changing environment requires knowledge of genetic, phylogenetic and functional diversity within and across species. This project will investigate how the interaction of phylogenetic, genetic and functional diversity in thermal traits within and across a broad range of species determines the responses of marine phytoplankton communities to rising temperature and changing nutrient regimes. High genetic and functional diversity within a species may allow evolutionary adaptation of that species to warming. If the phylogenetic and functional diversity is higher across species, species sorting and ecological community reorganization is likely. Different marine sites may have a different balance of genetic and functional diversity within and across species and, thus, different contribution of evolutionary and ecological responses to changing climate. The research will be conducted at two long-term time series sites in the Atlantic Ocean, the Narragansett Bay Long-Term Plankton Time Series and the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) station. The goal is to assess intra- and inter-specific genetic and functional diversity in thermal responses at contrasting nutrient concentrations for a representative range of species in communities at the two sites in different seasons, and use this information to parameterize eco-evolutionary models embedded into biogeochemical ocean models to predict responses of phytoplankton communities to projected rising temperatures under realistic nutrient conditions. Model predictions will be informed by and tested with field data, including the long-term data series available for both sites and in community temperature manipulation experiments. This project will provide novel information on existing intraspecific genetic and functional thermal diversity for many ecologically and biogeochemically important phytoplankton species, estimate generation of new genetic and functional diversity in evolution experiments, and develop and parameterize novel eco-evolutionary models interfaced with ocean biogeochemical models to predict future phytoplankton community structure. The project will also characterize the interaction of two major global change stressors, warming and changing nutrient concentrations, as they affect phytoplankton diversity at functional, genetic, and phylogenetic levels. In addition, the project will develop novel modeling methodology that will be broadly applicable to understanding how other types of complex ecological communities may adapt to a rapidly warming world. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_end_date | String | 2020-09 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_geolocation | String | Narragansett Bay, RI and Bermuda, Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_name | String | Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Genetic, functional and phylogenetic diversity determines marine phytoplankton community responses to changing temperature and nutrients |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_project_nid | String | 712787 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_start_date | String | 2016-10 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_name | String | Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v55 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | Daily growth rates for Thermal Performance Curve (TPC) of Chaetoceros simplex in nitrogen-replete evolved populations after about 200 generations of evolution at eight temperatures, 10-35 degrees C. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | [TPC Growth rates: 200 generations] - Daily growth rates for Thermal Performance Curve (TPC) of Chaetoceros simplex in nitrogen-replete evolved populations after about 200 generations of evolution at eight temperatures, 10-35 degrees C. (Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Genetic, functional and phylogenetic diversity determines marine phytoplankton community responses to changing temperature and nutrients) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | version | String | 1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | xml_source | String | osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3 |
variable | Evol_strain | String | ||
attribute | Evol_strain | bcodmo_name | String | sample |
attribute | Evol_strain | description | String | evolved population identifier; L1 signifies strains raised in 'regular' medium at 884 micromoles nitrate; 5 signifies medium with reduced nitrate at 5 micromoles. Control refers to the population maintained at 25ºC during the evolution experiment as a temperature control population. 'Ancestral' refers to the initial population cryopreserved at the beginning of the experiment. |
attribute | Evol_strain | long_name | String | Evol Strain |
attribute | Evol_strain | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/ACYC/ |
attribute | Evol_strain | units | String | unitless |
variable | Temperature | byte | ||
attribute | Temperature | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | Temperature | actual_range | byte | 10, 35 |
attribute | Temperature | bcodmo_name | String | temperature |
attribute | Temperature | description | String | Culture maintenance temperature |
attribute | Temperature | long_name | String | Temperature |
attribute | Temperature | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/TEMPP901/ |
attribute | Temperature | units | String | Celsius degrees |
variable | Flask_replicate | byte | ||
attribute | Flask_replicate | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | Flask_replicate | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | Flask_replicate | bcodmo_name | String | replicate |
attribute | Flask_replicate | description | String | Replicate number |
attribute | Flask_replicate | long_name | String | Flask Replicate |
attribute | Flask_replicate | units | String | unitless |
variable | Growth_rate | float | ||
attribute | Growth_rate | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Growth_rate | actual_range | float | -0.4, 1.2 |
attribute | Growth_rate | bcodmo_name | String | growth |
attribute | Growth_rate | description | String | Growth rate calculated from biomass |
attribute | Growth_rate | long_name | String | Growth Rate |
attribute | Growth_rate | units | String | day-1 |