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Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String info at bco-dmo.org
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String https://www.bco-dmo.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String &time<now
attribute NC_GLOBAL doi String 10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.896862.2
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 171.559
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 171.559
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -158.4133
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/896862 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended\nfor legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data\nContributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any\nof their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or\nimplied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a\nparticular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,\ncompleteness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String The presented time-series data synthesis pilot product includes data from 12 fixed ship-based time-series programs. The related stations represent unique marine environments within the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Nordic Seas, and Caribbean Sea. The focus of the pilot has been placed on biogeochemical essential ocean variables: dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic nutrients, inorganic carbon (pH, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, and partial pressure of CO2), particulate matter, and dissolved organic carbon. The time-series used include a variety of temporal resolutions (monthly, seasonal, or irregular), time ranges (10 to 36 years), and bottom depths (80 to 6000 meters), with the oldest samples dating back to 1983 and the most recent one corresponding to 2021. Besides having been harmonized into the same format (semantics, ancillary data, units), the data were subjected to a qualitative assessment in which the applied methods were evaluated and categorized. Additional data-quality descriptors include precision and accuracy estimates. This data product pilot facilitates a variety of applications that benefit from the collective value of biogeochemical time-series observations and forms the basis for a sustained time-series living data product, complementing relevant products for the global interior ocean carbon data (GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project), global surface ocean carbon data (Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas; SOCAT), and global interior and surface methane and nitrous oxide data (MarinE MethanE and NiTrous Oxide product).
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String [Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS)] - Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS) (EarthCube RCN for Marine Ecological Time Series (METS))
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -158.4133
variable TimeSeriesSite String
attribute TimeSeriesSite long_name String Timeseriessite
attribute TimeSeriesSite units String unitless
variable CRUISE String
attribute CRUISE long_name String Cruise
attribute CRUISE units String unitless
variable STNNBR int
attribute STNNBR actual_range int 1, 6075
attribute STNNBR long_name String Stnnbr
attribute STNNBR units String unitless
variable CASTNO int
attribute CASTNO actual_range int -999, 31
attribute CASTNO long_name String Castno
attribute CASTNO units String unitless
variable BTLNBR int
attribute BTLNBR actual_range int -999, 39
attribute BTLNBR long_name String Btlnbr
attribute BTLNBR units String unitless
variable DATE int
attribute DATE actual_range int 19830305, 20210730
attribute DATE long_name String Date
attribute DATE units String unitless
variable TIME String
attribute TIME long_name String Time
attribute TIME units String unitless
variable LATITUDE float
attribute LATITUDE actual_range float -45.942, 68.0167
attribute LATITUDE long_name String Latitude
attribute LATITUDE units String degrees_north
variable longitude float
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range float -158.4133, 171.559
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable CTDPRS float
attribute CTDPRS actual_range float -1.8, 5451.4
attribute CTDPRS long_name String Ctdprs
attribute CTDPRS units String decibar (dbar)
variable SIGMA0 float
attribute SIGMA0 actual_range float -999.0, 29.15039
attribute SIGMA0 long_name String Sigma0
attribute SIGMA0 units String kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3)
variable CTDTMP float
attribute CTDTMP actual_range float -999.0, 30.0623
attribute CTDTMP long_name String Ctdtmp
attribute CTDTMP units String degrees Celsius (ITS-90)
variable CTDSAL float
attribute CTDSAL actual_range float -999.0, 38.6887
attribute CTDSAL long_name String Ctdsal
attribute CTDSAL units String Practical Salinity Units (PSU)
variable CTDSAL_FLAG_W int
attribute CTDSAL_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute CTDSAL_FLAG_W long_name String Ctdsal_flag_w
attribute CTDSAL_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable CTDOXY float
attribute CTDOXY actual_range float -999.0, 361.5
attribute CTDOXY long_name String Ctdoxy
attribute CTDOXY units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable CTDOXY_FLAG_W int
attribute CTDOXY_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute CTDOXY_FLAG_W long_name String Ctdoxy_flag_w
attribute CTDOXY_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable SALNTY float
attribute SALNTY actual_range float -999.0, 37.121
attribute SALNTY long_name String Salnty
attribute SALNTY units String Practical Salinity Units (PSU)
variable SALNTY_FLAG_W int
attribute SALNTY_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute SALNTY_FLAG_W long_name String Salnty_flag_w
attribute SALNTY_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable SALNTY_SOPf int
attribute SALNTY_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute SALNTY_SOPf long_name String Salnty_sopf
attribute SALNTY_SOPf units String unitless
variable SALNTY_P float
attribute SALNTY_P actual_range float -999.0, 0.003
attribute SALNTY_P long_name String Salnty_p
attribute SALNTY_P units String Practical Salinity Units (PSU)
variable SALNTY_A float
attribute SALNTY_A actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute SALNTY_A long_name String Salnty_a
attribute SALNTY_A units String Practical Salinity Units (PSU)
variable OXYGEN float
attribute OXYGEN actual_range float -999.0, 413.4
attribute OXYGEN long_name String Oxygen
attribute OXYGEN units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable OXYGEN_FLAG_W int
attribute OXYGEN_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute OXYGEN_FLAG_W long_name String Oxygen_flag_w
attribute OXYGEN_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable OXYGEN_SOPf int
attribute OXYGEN_SOPf actual_range int 0, 2
attribute OXYGEN_SOPf long_name String Oxygen_sopf
attribute OXYGEN_SOPf units String unitless
variable OXYGEN_P float
attribute OXYGEN_P actual_range float -999.0, 3.0
attribute OXYGEN_P long_name String Oxygen_p
attribute OXYGEN_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable OXYGEN_A float
attribute OXYGEN_A actual_range float -999.0, 1.38
attribute OXYGEN_A long_name String Oxygen_a
attribute OXYGEN_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable NITRAT float
attribute NITRAT actual_range float -999.0, 45.9
attribute NITRAT long_name String Nitrat
attribute NITRAT units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable NITRAT_FLAG_W int
attribute NITRAT_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute NITRAT_FLAG_W long_name String Nitrat_flag_w
attribute NITRAT_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable NITRAT_SOPf int
attribute NITRAT_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute NITRAT_SOPf long_name String Nitrat_sopf
attribute NITRAT_SOPf units String unitless
variable NITRAT_P float
attribute NITRAT_P actual_range float -999.0, 0.37
attribute NITRAT_P long_name String Nitrat_p
attribute NITRAT_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable NITRAT_A float
attribute NITRAT_A actual_range float -999.0, 1.6
attribute NITRAT_A long_name String Nitrat_a
attribute NITRAT_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable NITRIT float
attribute NITRIT actual_range float -999.0, 1.939
attribute NITRIT long_name String Nitrit
attribute NITRIT units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable NITRIT_FLAG_W int
attribute NITRIT_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute NITRIT_FLAG_W long_name String Nitrit_flag_w
attribute NITRIT_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable NITRIT_SOPf int
attribute NITRIT_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute NITRIT_SOPf long_name String Nitrit_sopf
attribute NITRIT_SOPf units String unitless
variable NITRIT_P float
attribute NITRIT_P actual_range float -999.0, 0.02
attribute NITRIT_P long_name String Nitrit_p
attribute NITRIT_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable NITRIT_A float
attribute NITRIT_A actual_range float -999.0, 0.07
attribute NITRIT_A long_name String Nitrit_a
attribute NITRIT_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable PHSPHT float
attribute PHSPHT actual_range float -999.0, 4.135
attribute PHSPHT long_name String Phspht
attribute PHSPHT units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable PHSPHT_FLAG_W int
attribute PHSPHT_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute PHSPHT_FLAG_W long_name String Phspht_flag_w
attribute PHSPHT_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable PHSPHT_SOPf int
attribute PHSPHT_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute PHSPHT_SOPf long_name String Phspht_sopf
attribute PHSPHT_SOPf units String unitless
variable PHSPHT_P float
attribute PHSPHT_P actual_range float -999.0, 0.19
attribute PHSPHT_P long_name String Phspht_p
attribute PHSPHT_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable PHSPHT_A float
attribute PHSPHT_A actual_range float -999.0, 0.07
attribute PHSPHT_A long_name String Phspht_a
attribute PHSPHT_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable SILCAT float
attribute SILCAT actual_range float -999.0, 172.59
attribute SILCAT long_name String Silcat
attribute SILCAT units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable SILCAT_FLAG_W int
attribute SILCAT_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute SILCAT_FLAG_W long_name String Silcat_flag_w
attribute SILCAT_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable SILCAT_SOPf int
attribute SILCAT_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute SILCAT_SOPf long_name String Silcat_sopf
attribute SILCAT_SOPf units String unitless
variable SILCAT_P float
attribute SILCAT_P actual_range float -999.0, 6.0
attribute SILCAT_P long_name String Silcat_p
attribute SILCAT_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable SILCAT_A float
attribute SILCAT_A actual_range float -999.0, 1.668
attribute SILCAT_A long_name String Silcat_a
attribute SILCAT_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable NH4 float
attribute NH4 actual_range float -999.0, 39.69
attribute NH4 long_name String Nh4
attribute NH4 units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable NH4_FLAG_W int
attribute NH4_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute NH4_FLAG_W long_name String Nh4_flag_w
attribute NH4_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable NH4_SOPf int
attribute NH4_SOPf actual_range int 0, 2
attribute NH4_SOPf long_name String Nh4_sopf
attribute NH4_SOPf units String unitless
variable NH4_P float
attribute NH4_P actual_range float -999.0, 0.1
attribute NH4_P long_name String Nh4_p
attribute NH4_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable NH4_A float
attribute NH4_A actual_range float -999.0, 0.05
attribute NH4_A long_name String Nh4_a
attribute NH4_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TCARBN float
attribute TCARBN actual_range float -999.0, 2395.8
attribute TCARBN long_name String Tcarbn
attribute TCARBN units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TCARBN_FLAG_W int
attribute TCARBN_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute TCARBN_FLAG_W long_name String Tcarbn_flag_w
attribute TCARBN_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable TCARBN_SOPf int
attribute TCARBN_SOPf actual_range int 0, 2
attribute TCARBN_SOPf long_name String Tcarbn_sopf
attribute TCARBN_SOPf units String unitless
variable TCARBN_P float
attribute TCARBN_P actual_range float -999.0, 4.0
attribute TCARBN_P long_name String Tcarbn_p
attribute TCARBN_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TCARBN_A float
attribute TCARBN_A actual_range float -999.0, 3.7
attribute TCARBN_A long_name String Tcarbn_a
attribute TCARBN_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable ALKALI float
attribute ALKALI actual_range float -999.0, 2666.7
attribute ALKALI long_name String Alkali
attribute ALKALI units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable ALKALI_FLAG_W int
attribute ALKALI_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute ALKALI_FLAG_W long_name String Alkali_flag_w
attribute ALKALI_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable ALKALI_SOPf int
attribute ALKALI_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute ALKALI_SOPf long_name String Alkali_sopf
attribute ALKALI_SOPf units String unitless
variable ALKALI_P float
attribute ALKALI_P actual_range float -999.0, 5.6
attribute ALKALI_P long_name String Alkali_p
attribute ALKALI_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable ALKALI_A float
attribute ALKALI_A actual_range float -999.0, 8.52
attribute ALKALI_A long_name String Alkali_a
attribute ALKALI_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable PH_TOT float
attribute PH_TOT actual_range float -999.0, 8.1525
attribute PH_TOT long_name String Ph_tot
attribute PH_TOT units String unitless
variable PH_TOT_FLAG_W int
attribute PH_TOT_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute PH_TOT_FLAG_W long_name String Ph_tot_flag_w
attribute PH_TOT_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable PH_TMP float
attribute PH_TMP actual_range float -999.0, 25.0
attribute PH_TMP long_name String Ph_tmp
attribute PH_TMP units String unitless
variable PH_TOT_SOPf int
attribute PH_TOT_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute PH_TOT_SOPf long_name String Ph_tot_sopf
attribute PH_TOT_SOPf units String unitless
variable PH_TOT_P float
attribute PH_TOT_P actual_range float -999.0, 0.005
attribute PH_TOT_P long_name String Ph_tot_p
attribute PH_TOT_P units String unitless
variable PH_TOT_A float
attribute PH_TOT_A actual_range float -999.0, 0.005
attribute PH_TOT_A long_name String Ph_tot_a
attribute PH_TOT_A units String unitless
variable PCO2 float
attribute PCO2 actual_range float -999.0, 456.2
attribute PCO2 long_name String Pco2
attribute PCO2 units String microatmospheres (uatm)
variable PCO2_FLAG_W int
attribute PCO2_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute PCO2_FLAG_W long_name String Pco2_flag_w
attribute PCO2_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable PCO2_TMP float
attribute PCO2_TMP actual_range float -999.0, 10.0
attribute PCO2_TMP long_name String Pco2_tmp
attribute PCO2_TMP units String degrees Celsius
variable PCO2_SOPf int
attribute PCO2_SOPf actual_range int 0, 2
attribute PCO2_SOPf long_name String Pco2_sopf
attribute PCO2_SOPf units String unitless
variable PCO2_P float
attribute PCO2_P actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute PCO2_P long_name String Pco2_p
attribute PCO2_P units String microatmospheres (uatm)
variable PCO2_A float
attribute PCO2_A actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute PCO2_A long_name String Pco2_a
attribute PCO2_A units String microatmospheres (uatm)
variable TPC float
attribute TPC actual_range float -999.0, 64.03
attribute TPC long_name String Tpc
attribute TPC units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TPC_FLAG_W int
attribute TPC_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute TPC_FLAG_W long_name String Tpc_flag_w
attribute TPC_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable TPC_SOPf int
attribute TPC_SOPf actual_range int 0, 1
attribute TPC_SOPf long_name String Tpc_sopf
attribute TPC_SOPf units String unitless
variable TPC_P float
attribute TPC_P actual_range float -999.0, 4.73
attribute TPC_P long_name String Tpc_p
attribute TPC_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TPC_A float
attribute TPC_A actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute TPC_A long_name String Tpc_a
attribute TPC_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TPN float
attribute TPN actual_range float -999.0, 9.326
attribute TPN long_name String Tpn
attribute TPN units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TPN_FLAG_W int
attribute TPN_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute TPN_FLAG_W long_name String Tpn_flag_w
attribute TPN_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable TPN_SOPf int
attribute TPN_SOPf actual_range int 0, 1
attribute TPN_SOPf long_name String Tpn_sopf
attribute TPN_SOPf units String unitless
variable TPN_P float
attribute TPN_P actual_range float -999.0, 0.627
attribute TPN_P long_name String Tpn_p
attribute TPN_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TPN_A float
attribute TPN_A actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute TPN_A long_name String Tpn_a
attribute TPN_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TPP float
attribute TPP actual_range float -999.0, 0.507647
attribute TPP long_name String Tpp
attribute TPP units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TPP_FLAG_W int
attribute TPP_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute TPP_FLAG_W long_name String Tpp_flag_w
attribute TPP_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable TPP_SOPf int
attribute TPP_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute TPP_SOPf long_name String Tpp_sopf
attribute TPP_SOPf units String unitless
variable TPP_P float
attribute TPP_P actual_range float -999.0, 0.096
attribute TPP_P long_name String Tpp_p
attribute TPP_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable TPP_A float
attribute TPP_A actual_range float -999.0, 0.76
attribute TPP_A long_name String Tpp_a
attribute TPP_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable POC float
attribute POC actual_range float -999.0, 64.03
attribute POC long_name String Poc
attribute POC units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable POC_FLAG_W int
attribute POC_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute POC_FLAG_W long_name String Poc_flag_w
attribute POC_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable POC_SOPf int
attribute POC_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute POC_SOPf long_name String Poc_sopf
attribute POC_SOPf units String unitless
variable POC_P float
attribute POC_P actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute POC_P long_name String Poc_p
attribute POC_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable POC_A float
attribute POC_A actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute POC_A long_name String Poc_a
attribute POC_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable PON float
attribute PON actual_range float -999.0, 9.326
attribute PON long_name String Pon
attribute PON units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable PON_FLAG_W int
attribute PON_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute PON_FLAG_W long_name String Pon_flag_w
attribute PON_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable PON_SOPf int
attribute PON_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute PON_SOPf long_name String Pon_sopf
attribute PON_SOPf units String unitless
variable PON_P float
attribute PON_P actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute PON_P long_name String Pon_p
attribute PON_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable PON_A float
attribute PON_A actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute PON_A long_name String Pon_a
attribute PON_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable POP float
attribute POP actual_range float -999.0, 0.5076
attribute POP long_name String Pop
attribute POP units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable POP_FLAG_W int
attribute POP_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute POP_FLAG_W long_name String Pop_flag_w
attribute POP_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable POP_SOPf int
attribute POP_SOPf actual_range int 0, 3
attribute POP_SOPf long_name String Pop_sopf
attribute POP_SOPf units String unitless
variable POP_P float
attribute POP_P actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute POP_P long_name String Pop_p
attribute POP_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable POP_A float
attribute POP_A actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute POP_A long_name String Pop_a
attribute POP_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable DOC float
attribute DOC actual_range float -999.0, 363.98
attribute DOC long_name String Doc
attribute DOC units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable DOC_FLAG_W int
attribute DOC_FLAG_W actual_range int 2, 9
attribute DOC_FLAG_W long_name String Doc_flag_w
attribute DOC_FLAG_W units String unitless
variable DOC_SOPf int
attribute DOC_SOPf actual_range int 0, 2
attribute DOC_SOPf long_name String Doc_sopf
attribute DOC_SOPf units String unitless
variable DOC_P float
attribute DOC_P actual_range float -999.0, 1.0
attribute DOC_P long_name String Doc_p
attribute DOC_P units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable DOC_A float
attribute DOC_A actual_range float -999.0, -999.0
attribute DOC_A long_name String Doc_a
attribute DOC_A units String micromole per kilogram (umol/kg)
variable DOI String
attribute DOI long_name String Doi
attribute DOI units String unitless

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