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Dataset Title:  [GT10-11 - Particulate composition] - Size-fractionated major and minor
particle composition and concentration from R/V Knorr KN199-04 & KN204-
01 (GA03) in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S.
GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect)
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Institution:  BCO-DMO   (Dataset ID: bcodmo_dataset_3871)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Subset | Files | Make a graph
Variable ?   Optional
Constraint #1 ?
Constraint #2 ?
   Minimum ?
   or a List of Values ?
   Maximum ?
 cruise_id (text) ?          "KN199-04"    "KN204-01"
 station_GEOTRC (unitless) ?          1    24
 latitude (degrees_north) ?          17.35    39.7
  < slider >
 longitude (degrees_east) ?          290.20001    350.34
  < slider >
 date (unitless) ?          20101017    20111209
 time2 (Time, unitless) ?          25    2353
 depth_w (Depth, meters) ?          2150    5851
 cast_GEOTRC (integer) ?          2    9
 cast_flag (unitless) ?      
   - +  ?
 cast_type (integer) ?          1    2
 event_GEOTRC (unitless) ?          2009    3282
 depth_n (Depth, meters) ?          26    5485
 depth_flag (Depth, unitless) ?          0    8
 depth_sd (Depth, meters) ?          0.1    118.2
 depth_sd_flag (Depth, unitless) ?          0    1
 depth (m) ?          748.5    4889.6
  < slider >
 depth_GEOTRC_CTD_round (meters) ?          749    4890
 sample_GEOTRC (unitless) ?          5033    8148
 sample_bottle_GEOTRC (integer) ?          1    8
 bottle_GEOTRC (unitless) ?          "McNIS-1"    "NaN"
 sample_GEOTRC_flag (unitless) ?          0    1
 BTL_ISO_DateTime_UTC (unitless) ?          "2010-10-16T10:15:0..."    "NaN"
 time (ISO Date Time UTC, UTC) ?          2010-10-17T02:37Z    2011-12-09T23:53Z
  < slider >
 pump (unitless) ?          1    9
 pump_flag (unitless) ?      
   - +  ?
 vol_QMA (liters) ?          0.3    1927.9
 vol_QMA_flag (unitless) ?      
   - +  ?
 vol_Supor (liters) ?          0.0    838.4
 vol_Supor_flag (unitless) ?          0    1
 opal_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    12.645
 opal_sink_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 opal_sink_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          7.0E-4    0.0395
 opal_sink_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 opal_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    28.3896
 opal_susp_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 opal_susp_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.006    0.0249
 opal_susp_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 TPC_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.006    27.226
 TPC_sink_flag (integer) ?          1    8
 TPC_sink_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.006    0.029
 TPC_sink_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 TPC_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          0.27    45.147
 TPC_susp_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 TPC_susp_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.065    0.38
 TPC_susp_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 PIC_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    1.9004
 PIC_sink_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 PIC_sink_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    6.052
 PIC_sink_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 PIC_susp_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          2.0E-4    0.4539
 PIC_susp_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 PIC_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    36.4586
 PIC_susp_flag (integer) ?          1    8
 POC_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    26.3777
 POC_sink_flag (integer) ?          1    8
 POC_sink_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          3.0E-4    6.052
 POC_sink_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 POC_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          0.1441    31.198799
 POC_susp_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 POC_susp_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.104251    36.460579
 POC_susp_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 POM_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    49.5901
 POM_sink_flag (integer) ?          1    8
 POM_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          0.271    58.654
 POM_susp_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 CaCO3_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    15.8493
 CaCO3_sink_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 CaCO3_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    304.0647
 CaCO3_susp_flag (integer) ?          1    8
 Litho_AlUCC_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.03627    47.35075
 Litho_AlUCC_sink_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 Litho_AlUCC_sink_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.006694553    7.078391002
 Litho_AlUCC_sink_sd_flag (unitless) ?      
   - +  ?
 Litho_AlUCC_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          0.05104    1229.10448
 Litho_AlUCC_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 Litho_AlUCC_susp_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.018926133    178.119791
 Litho_AlUCC_susp_sd_flag (unitless) ?      
   - +  ?
 Litho_TiDust_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0281    41.9125
 Litho_TiDust_sink_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 Litho_TiDust_sink_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.004    3.443
 Litho_TiDust_sink_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Litho_TiDust_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          0.077    846.2333
 Litho_TiDust_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 Litho_TiDust_susp_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.009    33.971
 Litho_TiDust_susp_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 FeOH_3_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    0.1391
 FeOH_3_sink_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 FeOH_3_sink_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          6.0E-4    0.4244
 FeOH_3_sink_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 FeOH_3_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    4.89936
 FeOH_3_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 FeOH_3_susp_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0028    3.5471
 FeOH_3_susp_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 MnO2_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    0.0795
 MnO2_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 MnO2_sink_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0    0.0075
 MnO2_sink_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 MnO2_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          1.0E-4    2.1342
 MnO2_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 MnO2_susp_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          8.0E-5    0.11177
 MnO2_susp_sd_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 SPM_sink_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.0362    7.10682
 SPM_sink_sd_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 SPM_sink (micrograms/liter) ?          0.27391    79.43926
 SPM_sink_flag (integer) ?          1    8
 SPM_susp (micrograms/liter) ?          1.14526    1581.30823
 SPM_susp_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 SPM_susp_sd (micrograms/liter) ?          0.25559    190.90421
 SPM_susp_sd_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 Ag_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          7.26E-7    1.4E-4
 Ag_sink_flag (unitless) ?          0    1
 Ag_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.83E-7    1.84E-5
 Ag_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ag_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          7.84E-6    0.025800001
 Ag_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    8
 Ag_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.46E-6    6.59E-4
 Ag_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Al_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.108    141.0
 Al_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Al_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.0125    5.77
 Al_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Al_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.152    3660.0
 AL_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Al_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.0517    66.4000015
 Al_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ba_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.00107    0.222000003
 Ba_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ba_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.25E-4    0.0118
 Ba_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ba_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.00507    4.23
 Ba_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ba_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          6.34E-4    0.112
 Ba_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Cd_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          2.3E-6    0.00152
 Cd_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Cd_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          6.54E-7    1.77E-4
 Cd_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Cd_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.0E-5    0.0176
 Cd_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Cd_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          3.38E-6    3.99E-4
 Cd_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Co_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.47E-5    0.017200001
 Co_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Co_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          5.91E-6    6.1E-4
 Co_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Co_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          3.45E-4    0.395999998
 Co_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Co_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          2.46E-5    0.0101
 Co_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Cu_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          2.0E-4    0.113
 Cu_sink_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 Cu_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          4.28E-5    0.00203
 Cu_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Cu_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.0075    1.20000005
 Cu_susp_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 Cu_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          3.15E-4    0.035
 Cu_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Fe_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.0397    35.2999992
 Fe_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Fe_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.00367    1.88
 Fe_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Fe_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.0722    938.0
 Fe_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Fe_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.015    22.8999996
 Fe_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Mn_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.00133    1.58
 Mn_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Mn_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.68E-4    0.0597
 Mn_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Mn_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.00768    38.0
 Mn_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Mn_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          8.53E-4    1.0
 Mn_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Nd_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.75E-5    0.00801
 Nd_sink_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 Nd_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.66E-6    1.79E-4
 Nd_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Nd_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          6.77E-5    0.252000004
 Nd_susp_flag (integer) ?          1    4
 Nd_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          7.56E-6    0.00582
 Nd_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ni_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          2.0E-4    0.202999994
 Ni_sink_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 Ni_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          7.51E-5    0.012
 Ni_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ni_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.0015    5.730000019
 Ni_susp_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 Ni_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          4.09E-4    0.118000001
 Ni_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 P_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.008    6.6300001
 P_sink_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 P_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.0013    0.35
 P_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 P_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.225    33.5999985
 P_susp_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 P_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.011    1.17
 P_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Pb_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          9.63E-6    0.020300001
 Pb_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Pb_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.95E-6    7.66E-4
 Pb_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Pb_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          9.87E-5    0.108999997
 Pb_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Pb_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.54E-5    0.0038
 Pb_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Th_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.95E-6    0.0024
 Th_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Th_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          2.88E-7    2.49E-4
 Th_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    8
 Th_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          6.5E-6    0.041200001
 Th_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 Th_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.38E-6    9.89E-4
 Th_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ti_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.00352    5.25
 Ti_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ti_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          4.31E-4    0.389
 Ti_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ti_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.00964    106.0
 Ti_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Ti_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.00113    1.99000001
 Ti_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 V_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          2.0E-4    0.14300001
 V_sink_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 V_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.87E-5    0.0094
 V_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 V_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          9.0E-4    2.92000008
 V_susp_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 V_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          5.62E-5    0.0681
 V_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Y_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          2.09E-5    0.0141
 Y_sink_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Y_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          3.07E-6    5.71E-4
 Y_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Y_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.55E-4    0.270999998
 Y_susp_flag (integer) ?          0    4
 Y_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          1.53E-5    0.0104
 Y_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Zn_sink (nanomoles/liter) ?          0.0012    0.300000012
 Zn_sink_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 Zn_sink_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          2.67E-4    0.00714
 Zn_sink_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
 Zn_susp (nanomoles/liter) ?          -0.0055    1.75
 Zn_susp_flag (integer) ?      
   - +  ?
 Zn_susp_err (nanomoles/liter) ?          -2.414292812    0.143000007
 Zn_susp_err_flag (integer) ?          0    1
Server-side Functions ?
 distinct() ?
? ("Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.")

File type: (more information)

(Documentation / Bypass this form ? )
(Please be patient. It may take a while to get the data.)


The Dataset Attribute Structure (.das) for this Dataset

Attributes {
 s {
  cruise_id {
    String bcodmo_name "cruise_id";
    String description "cruise identification";
    String long_name "Cruise Id";
    String units "text";
  station_GEOTRC {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 24;
    String bcodmo_name "station";
    String description "GEOTRACES station number; ranges from 1 through 12 for KN199-04 and 1 through 24 for KN204-01. Stations 7 and 9 were skipped on KN204-01. PI-supplied values were identical to those in the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file. Originally submitted as 'station'; this parameter name has been changed to conform to BCO-DMO's GEOTRACES naming conventions.";
    String long_name "Station GEOTRC";
    String units "unitless";
  latitude {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Lat";
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 17.35, 39.7;
    String axis "Y";
    String bcodmo_name "latitude";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 90.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -90.0;
    String description "latitude of the shallow pump cast of the station; north is positive";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "Latitude";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LATX/";
    String standard_name "latitude";
    String units "degrees_north";
  longitude {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Lon";
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 290.20001, 350.34;
    String axis "X";
    String bcodmo_name "longitude";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 180.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -180.0;
    String description "longitude of the shallow pump cast of the station; east is positive";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "Longitude";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LONX/";
    String standard_name "longitude";
    String units "degrees_east";
  date {
    Int32 _FillValue 2147483647;
    Int32 actual_range 20101017, 20111209;
    String bcodmo_name "date";
    String description "date of the midpoint of pumping of the shallow pump cast of the station in the format yyyymmdd";
    String long_name "Date";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ADATAA01/";
    String units "unitless";
  time2 {
    Int16 _FillValue 32767;
    Int16 actual_range 25, 2353;
    String bcodmo_name "time";
    String description "time of the midpoint of pumping of the shallow pump cast of the station in the format HHMM";
    String long_name "Time";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/AHMSAA01/";
    String units "unitless";
  depth_w {
    Int16 _FillValue 32767;
    Int16 actual_range 2150, 5851;
    String bcodmo_name "depth_w";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 8000.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -8000.0;
    String colorBarPalette "TopographyDepth";
    String description "depth of the water";
    String long_name "Depth";
    String standard_name "depth";
    String units "meters";
  cast_GEOTRC {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 2, 9;
    String bcodmo_name "cast";
    String description "cast identifier numbered consecutively within a station. PI-supplied values were identical to those in the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file. Originally submitted as 'cast'; this parameter name has been changed to conform to BCO-DMO's GEOTRACES naming conventions.";
    String long_name "Cast GEOTRC";
    String units "integer";
  cast_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 0;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Cast Flag";
    String units "unitless";
  cast_type {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 2;
    String bcodmo_name "cast_type";
    String description "1 is a shallow cast; 2 is a deep cast";
    String long_name "Cast Type";
    String units "integer";
  event_GEOTRC {
    Int16 _FillValue 32767;
    Int16 actual_range 2009, 3282;
    String bcodmo_name "event";
    String description "Unique identifying number for US GEOTRACES sampling events; ranges from 2001 to 2225 for KN199-04 events and from 3001 to 3282 for KN204-01 events. PI-supplied values were identical to those in the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file. Originally submitted as 'event'; this parameter name has been changed to conform to BCO-DMO's GEOTRACES naming conventions.";
    String long_name "Event GEOTRC";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/EVTAGFL/";
    String units "unitless";
  depth_n {
    Int16 _FillValue 32767;
    Int16 actual_range 26, 5485;
    String bcodmo_name "depth_n";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 8000.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -8000.0;
    String colorBarPalette "TopographyDepth";
    String description "nominal or target depth; not corrected";
    String long_name "Depth";
    String standard_name "depth";
    String units "meters";
  depth_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 8;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Depth";
    String standard_name "depth";
    String units "unitless";
  depth_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.1, 118.2;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "standard deviation of depth";
    String long_name "Depth";
    String standard_name "depth";
    String units "meters";
  depth_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Depth";
    String standard_name "depth";
    String units "unitless";
  depth {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Height";
    String _CoordinateZisPositive "down";
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 748.5, 4889.6;
    String axis "Z";
    String bcodmo_name "depth";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 8000.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -8000.0;
    String colorBarPalette "TopographyDepth";
    String description "depth of pump sample as reported in the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file. Observation/sample depth in meters calculated from CTD pressure.";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "Depth";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/DEPH/";
    String positive "down";
    String standard_name "depth";
    String units "m";
  depth_GEOTRC_CTD_round {
    Int16 _FillValue 32767;
    Int16 actual_range 749, 4890;
    String bcodmo_name "depth";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 8000.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -8000.0;
    String colorBarPalette "TopographyDepth";
    String description "rounded depth of pump sample to nearest meater. Observation/sample depth in meters calculated from CTD pressure.";
    String long_name "Depth";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/DEPH/";
    String standard_name "depth";
    String units "meters";
  sample_GEOTRC {
    Int16 _FillValue 32767;
    Int16 actual_range 5033, 8148;
    String bcodmo_name "sample";
    String description "Unique identifying number for US GEOTRACES samples; ranges from 5033 to 6078 for KN199-04 and from 6112 to 8148 for KN204-01. PI-supplied values were identical to those in the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file Originally submitted as 'sample'; this parameter name has been changed to conform to BCO-DMO's GEOTRACES naming conventions.";
    String long_name "Sample GEOTRC";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/ACYC/";
    String units "unitless";
  sample_bottle_GEOTRC {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 8;
    String bcodmo_name "bottle";
    String description "Unique identification numbers given to samples taken from bottles; ranges from 1 to 24; often used synonymously with bottle number. Values were added from the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file (see Processing Description).";
    String long_name "Sample Bottle GEOTRC";
    String units "integer";
  bottle_GEOTRC {
    String bcodmo_name "bottle";
    String description "Alphanumeric characters identifying bottle type (e.g.; NIS representing Niskin and GF representing GOFLO) and position on a CTD rosette. Values were added from the intermediate US GEOTRACES master file (see Processing Description).";
    String long_name "Bottle GEOTRC";
    String units "unitless";
  sample_GEOTRC_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Sample GEOTRC Flag";
    String units "unitless";
  BTL_ISO_DateTime_UTC {
    String bcodmo_name "ISO_DateTime_UTC";
    String description "Date and time of bottle sample; UTC; ISO formatL yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.ssZ";
    String long_name "BTL ISO Date Time UTC";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/DTUT8601/";
    String units "unitless";
  time {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Time";
    Float64 actual_range 1.28728302e+9, 1.32347478e+9;
    String axis "T";
    String bcodmo_name "ISO_DateTime_UTC";
    String description "date and time of the midpoint of pumping of the shallow pump cast of the station. Note that both shallow and deep pump casts were assigned the same date and time stamp to facilitate station recognition in ODV";
    String ioos_category "Time";
    String long_name "ISO Date Time UTC";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/DTUT8601/";
    String source_name "ISO_DateTime_UTC";
    String standard_name "time";
    String time_origin "01-JAN-1970 00:00:00";
    String time_precision "1970-01-01T00:00Z";
    String units "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z";
  pump {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 9;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "McLane in-situ pump identifier";
    String long_name "Pump";
    String units "unitless";
  pump_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 0;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Pump Flag";
    String units "unitless";
  vol_QMA {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.3, 1927.9;
    String bcodmo_name "vol_filt";
    String description "volume pumped through the filter holder containing paired QMA filters";
    String long_name "Vol QMA";
    String units "liters";
  vol_QMA_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 0;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Vol QMA Flag";
    String units "unitless";
  vol_Supor {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 838.4;
    String bcodmo_name "vol_filt";
    String description "volume pumped through the filter holder containing paired Supor filters";
    String long_name "Vol Supor";
    String units "liters";
  vol_Supor_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Vol Supor Flag";
    String units "unitless";
  opal_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 12.645;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "amorphous/biogenic silica from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Opal Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  opal_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Opal Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  opal_sink_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 7.0e-4, 0.0395;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for amorphous/biogenic silica from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Opal Sink Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  opal_sink_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Opal Sink Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  opal_susp {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 28.3896;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "amorphous/biogenic silica from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Opal Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  opal_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Opal Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  opal_susp_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.006, 0.0249;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation amorphous/biogenic silica from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Opal Susp Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  opal_susp_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Opal Susp Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  TPC_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.006, 27.226;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "total particulate carbon from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "TPC Sink";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  TPC_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 8;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "TPC Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  TPC_sink_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.006, 0.029;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for total particulate carbon from the sinking size fraction (>51um)";
    String long_name "TPC Sink Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  TPC_sink_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "TPC Sink Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  TPC_susp {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.27, 45.147;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "total particulate carbon from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "TPC Susp";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  TPC_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "TPC Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  TPC_susp_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.065, 0.38;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for total particulate carbon from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "TPC Susp Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  TPC_susp_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "TPC Susp Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  PIC_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 1.9004;
    String bcodmo_name "PIC";
    String description "particulate inorganic carbon from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "PIC Sink";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  PIC_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "PIC Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  PIC_sink_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 6.052;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "particulate inorganic carbon from the sinking size fraction (>51 um) - 1-sigma variation";
    String long_name "PIC Sink Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  PIC_sink_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "PIC Sink Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  PIC_susp_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 2.0e-4, 0.4539;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "particulate inorganic carbon from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "PIC Susp Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  PIC_susp_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "PIC Susp Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  PIC_susp {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 36.4586;
    String bcodmo_name "PIC";
    String description "particulate inorganic carbon from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "PIC Susp";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  PIC_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 8;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "PIC Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  POC_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 26.3777;
    String bcodmo_name "POC";
    String description "particulate organic carbon from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "POC Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CORGCAP1/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  POC_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 8;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "POC Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  POC_sink_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 3.0e-4, 6.052;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for particulate organic carbon from the sinking size fraction (>51um)";
    String long_name "POC Sink Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  POC_sink_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "POC Sink Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  POC_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.1441, 31.198799;
    String bcodmo_name "POC";
    String description "particulate organic carbon (POC = TPC - PIC) from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "POC Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CORGCAP1/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  POC_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "POC Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  POC_susp_sd {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.104251, 36.460579;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for particulate organic carbon (POC = TPC - PIC) from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "POC Susp Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  POC_susp_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "POC Susp Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  POM_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 49.5901;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "particulate organic matter from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "POM Sink";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  POM_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 8;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "POM Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  POM_susp {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.271, 58.654;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "particulate organic matter from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "POM Susp";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  POM_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "POM Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  CaCO3_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 15.8493;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "calcium carbonate from the sinking size fraction (>51 um): (CaCO3 = PIC * 100.08 g CaCO3/ 12 g PIC)";
    String long_name "Ca CO3 Sink";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  CaCO3_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ca CO3 Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  CaCO3_susp {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 304.0647;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "calcium carbonate from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Ca CO3 Susp";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  CaCO3_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 8;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ca CO3 Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Litho_AlUCC_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.03627, 47.35075;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "alternative lithogenic material for the sinking size fraction (>51um) from Al concentrations and using a UCC Al composition (litho = Al [nM] * 27 g/mol / 0.0804 g Al/g UCC/ 1000 ng/ug)";
    String long_name "Litho Al UCC Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  Litho_AlUCC_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Litho Al UCC Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Litho_AlUCC_sink_sd {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.006694553, 7.078391002;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for Litho_AlUCC&nbsp;&nbsp;from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Litho Al UCC Sink Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  Litho_AlUCC_sink_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Litho Al UCC Sink Sd Flag";
    String units "unitless";
  Litho_AlUCC_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.05104, 1229.10448;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "alternative lithogenic material for the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Litho Al UCC Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  Litho_AlUCC_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Litho Al UCC Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Litho_AlUCC_susp_sd {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.018926133, 178.119791;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for suspended Litho_AlUCC";
    String long_name "Litho Al UCC Susp Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  Litho_AlUCC_susp_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Litho Al UCC Susp Sd Flag";
    String units "unitless";
  Litho_TiDust_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0281, 41.9125;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "lithogenic material from Ti concentrations and using a dust Ti composition - from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Litho Ti Dust Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  Litho_TiDust_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Litho Ti Dust Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Litho_TiDust_sink_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.004, 3.443;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for lithogenic material from Ti concentrations and using a dust Ti composition from the sinnking size fraction (>51um)";
    String long_name "Litho Ti Dust Sink Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  Litho_TiDust_sink_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Litho Ti Dust Sink Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Litho_TiDust_susp {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.077, 846.2333;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "lithogenic material from Ti concentrations and using a dust Ti composition from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Litho Ti Dust Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  Litho_TiDust_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Litho Ti Dust Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Litho_TiDust_susp_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.009, 33.971;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for lithogenic material from Ti concentrations and using a dust Ti composition from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Litho Ti Dust Susp Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  Litho_TiDust_susp_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Litho Ti Dust Susp Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  FeOH_3_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 0.1391;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "Fe oxyhydroxides from the sinking size fraction (>51 um): (Fe(OH)3=(Fe [nM]-(Ti[nM]*8.736 nmolFe/nmol Ti[sub-dust]))*106.9 ng Fe(OH)3/nmol Fe/1000)";
    String long_name "Fe OH 3 Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  FeOH_3_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Fe OH 3 Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  FeOH_3_sink_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 6.0e-4, 0.4244;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for iron oxyhydroxides from the sinking size fraction (>51um)";
    String long_name "Fe OH 3 Sink Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  FeOH_3_sink_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Fe OH 3 Sink Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  FeOH_3_susp {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 4.89936;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "iron oxyhydroxides from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Fe OH 3 Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  FeOH_3_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Fe OH 3 Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  FeOH_3_susp_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0028, 3.5471;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for iron oxyhydroxides from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Fe OH 3 Susp Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  FeOH_3_susp_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Fe OH 3 Susp Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  MnO2_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 0.0795;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "Mn (oxyhydr)oxides from the sinking size fraction (>51 um): (MnO2=(Mn [nM]-(Ti[nM]*0.1268 nmolFe/nmol Ti[sub-dust]))*86.9 ng MnO2/nmol Mn/1000)";
    String long_name "Mn O2 Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  MnO2_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Mn O2 Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  MnO2_sink_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0, 0.0075;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for Mn (oxyhydr)oxides from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Mn O2 Sink Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  MnO2_sink_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Mn O2 Sink Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  MnO2_susp {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.0e-4, 2.1342;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "manganese (oxyhydr) oxides from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Mn O2 Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  MnO2_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Mn O2 Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  MnO2_susp_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 8.0e-5, 0.11177;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for Mn (oxyhydr)oxides from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Mn O2 Susp Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  MnO2_susp_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Mn O2 Susp Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  SPM_sink_sd {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0362, 7.10682;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "suspended particulate material from the sinking size fraction (>51um)";
    String long_name "SPM Sink Sd";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  SPM_sink_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "SPM Sink Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  SPM_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.27391, 79.43926;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for suspended particulate material from the sinking size fraction (>51um)";
    String long_name "SPM Sink";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  SPM_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 8;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "SPM Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  SPM_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 1.14526, 1581.30823;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "suspended particulate material from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "SPM Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  SPM_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "SPM Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  SPM_susp_sd {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.25559, 190.90421;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "error reported as the 1-sigma variation for suspended particulate material from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "SPM Susp Sd";
    String units "micrograms/liter";
  SPM_susp_sd_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "SPM Susp Sd Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ag_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 7.26e-7, 1.4e-4;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate silver from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Ag Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ag_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ag Sink Flag";
    String units "unitless";
  Ag_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.83e-7, 1.84e-5;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Ag Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ag_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ag Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ag_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 7.84e-6, 0.025800001;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate silver from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Ag Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ag_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 8;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ag Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ag_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.46e-6, 6.59e-4;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Ag Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ag_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ag Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Al_sink {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.108, 141.0;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate aluminium from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Al Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Al_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Al Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Al_sink_err {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.0125, 5.77;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Al Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Al_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Al Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Al_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.152, 3660.0;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate aluminium from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Al Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  AL_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "AL Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Al_susp_err {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.0517, 66.4000015;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Al Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Al_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Al Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ba_sink {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.00107, 0.222000003;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate barium from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Ba Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ba_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ba Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ba_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.25e-4, 0.0118;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Ba Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ba_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ba Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ba_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.00507, 4.23;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate barium from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Ba Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ba_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ba Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ba_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 6.34e-4, 0.112;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Ba Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ba_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ba Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Cd_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 2.3e-6, 0.00152;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate cadmium from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Cd Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Cd_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Cd Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Cd_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 6.54e-7, 1.77e-4;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Cd Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Cd_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Cd Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Cd_susp {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.0e-5, 0.0176;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate cadmium from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Cd Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Cd_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Cd Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Cd_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 3.38e-6, 3.99e-4;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Cd Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Cd_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Cd Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Co_sink {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 1.47e-5, 0.017200001;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate cobalt from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Co Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Co_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Co Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Co_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 5.91e-6, 6.1e-4;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Co Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Co_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Co Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Co_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 3.45e-4, 0.395999998;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate cobalt from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Co Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Co_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Co Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Co_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 2.46e-5, 0.0101;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Co Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Co_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Co Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Cu_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 2.0e-4, 0.113;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate copper from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Cu Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Cu_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Cu Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Cu_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 4.28e-5, 0.00203;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Cu Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Cu_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Cu Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Cu_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.0075, 1.20000005;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate copper from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Cu Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Cu_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Cu Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Cu_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 3.15e-4, 0.035;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Cu Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Cu_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Cu Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Fe_sink {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.0397, 35.2999992;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate iron from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Fe Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Fe_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Fe Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Fe_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.00367, 1.88;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Fe Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Fe_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Fe Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Fe_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.0722, 938.0;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate iron from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Fe Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Fe_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Fe Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Fe_susp_err {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.015, 22.8999996;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Fe Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Fe_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Fe Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Mn_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.00133, 1.58;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate manganese from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Mn Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Mn_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Mn Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Mn_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.68e-4, 0.0597;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Mn Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Mn_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Mn Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Mn_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.00768, 38.0;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate manganese from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Mn Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Mn_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Mn Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Mn_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 8.53e-4, 1.0;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Mn Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Mn_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Mn Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Nd_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.75e-5, 0.00801;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate neodymium from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Nd Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Nd_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Nd Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Nd_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.66e-6, 1.79e-4;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Nd Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Nd_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Nd Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Nd_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 6.77e-5, 0.252000004;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate neodymium from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Nd Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Nd_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Nd Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Nd_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 7.56e-6, 0.00582;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Nd Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Nd_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Nd Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ni_sink {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 2.0e-4, 0.202999994;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate nickel from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Ni Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ni_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ni Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ni_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 7.51e-5, 0.012;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Ni Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ni_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ni Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ni_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.0015, 5.730000019;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate nickel from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Ni Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ni_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ni Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ni_susp_err {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 4.09e-4, 0.118000001;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Ni Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ni_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ni Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  P_sink {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.008, 6.6300001;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate phosphorus from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "P Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  P_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "P Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  P_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.0013, 0.35;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "P Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  P_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "P Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  P_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.225, 33.5999985;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate phosphorus from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "P Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  P_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "P Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  P_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.011, 1.17;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "P Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  P_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "P Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Pb_sink {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 9.63e-6, 0.020300001;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate lead from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Pb Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Pb_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Pb Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Pb_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.95e-6, 7.66e-4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Pb Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Pb_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Pb Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Pb_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 9.87e-5, 0.108999997;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate lead from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Pb Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Pb_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Pb Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Pb_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.54e-5, 0.0038;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Pb Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Pb_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Pb Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Th_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.95e-6, 0.0024;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate thorium from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Th Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Th_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Th Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Th_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 2.88e-7, 2.49e-4;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Th Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Th_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 8;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Th Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Th_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 6.5e-6, 0.041200001;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate thorium from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Th Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Th_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Th Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Th_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.38e-6, 9.89e-4;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Th Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Th_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Th Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ti_sink {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.00352, 5.25;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate titanium from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Ti Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ti_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ti Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ti_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 4.31e-4, 0.389;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Ti Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ti_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ti Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ti_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.00964, 106.0;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate titanium from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Ti Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ti_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ti Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Ti_susp_err {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.00113, 1.99000001;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Ti Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Ti_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Ti Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  V_sink {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 2.0e-4, 0.14300001;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate vanadium from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "V Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  V_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "V Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  V_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.87e-5, 0.0094;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "V Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  V_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "V Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  V_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 9.0e-4, 2.92000008;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate vanadium from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "V Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  V_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "V Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  V_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 5.62e-5, 0.0681;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "V Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  V_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "V Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Y_sink {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 2.09e-5, 0.0141;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate yttrium from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Y Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Y_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Y Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Y_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 3.07e-6, 5.71e-4;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Y Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Y_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Y Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Y_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 1.55e-4, 0.270999998;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate yttrium from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Y Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Y_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 4;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Y Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Y_susp_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.53e-5, 0.0104;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Y Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Y_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Y Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Zn_sink {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 0.0012, 0.300000012;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate zinc from the sinking size fraction (>51 um)";
    String long_name "Zn Sink";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Zn_sink_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Zn Sink Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Zn_sink_err {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 2.67e-4, 0.00714;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Zn Sink Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Zn_sink_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Zn Sink Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Zn_susp {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range -0.0055, 1.75;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_conc";
    String description "total particulate zinc from the suspended size fraction (";
    String long_name "Zn Susp";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/C035/";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Zn_susp_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Zn Susp Flag";
    String units "integer";
  Zn_susp_err {
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range -2.414292812, 0.143000007;
    String bcodmo_name "trace_metal_sd";
    String description "total particulate elemental error reported as the 1-sigma variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve uncertainties and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters";
    String long_name "Zn Susp Err";
    String units "nanomoles/liter";
  Zn_susp_err_flag {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 0, 1;
    String bcodmo_name "flag";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 150.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "measurement quality flag";
    String long_name "Zn Susp Err Flag";
    String units "integer";
    String access_formats ".htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv,.esriCsv,.geoJson,.odvTxt";
    String acquisition_description 
"Sampling and Analytical Methodology:\\u00a0
1\\. Sampling:
Size-fractionated particles were collected using McLane Research in-situ pumps
(WTS-LV) that had been modified to accommodate two flowpaths (Lam and Morris
Patent pending).\\u00a0 Typically, two casts of 8 pumps each and two filter
holders per pump were deployed to collect a 16-depth profile.\\u00a0 The wire-
out was used to target nominal depths ('depth_n') during deployment. A self-
recording Seabird 19plus CTD was deployed at the end of the line for both
cruises. On the second cruise, three RBR data loggers were also attached to
pumps #2, #5, and #8 to help correct for actual depths ('depth') during
pumping. For the first cruise (KN199-4), the recorded CTD depth was near its
target depth and had a small standard deviation over the course of pumping, so
we report the target depth ('depth_n') as the final depth ('depth').\\u00a0 For
the second cruise, the target depth ('depth_n') is not the same as the final
depth ('depth'), since some casts experienced significant wire angles
(especially in the western boundary currents), so we corrected for the wire
angle based on the recorded depths in the three data loggers and terminal CTD.
Filter holders used were 142 mm-diameter 'mini-MULVFS' style filter holders
with two stages for two size fractions and multiple baffle systems designed to
ensure even particle distribution and prevent particle loss (Bishop et al.
2012).\\u00a0 One filter holder/flowpath was loaded with a 51micron Sefar
polyester mesh prefilter followed by paired Whatman QMA quartz fiber filters.
The other filter holder/flowpath was also loaded with a 51micron prefilter,
but followed by paired 0.8micron Pall Supor800 polyethersulfone filters.\\u00a0
These filter combinations were chosen as the best compromise after extensive
testing during the intercalibration process (Bishop et al. 2012).\\u00a0 Each
cast also had a full set of 'dipped blank' filters deployed.\\u00a0 These were
the full filters sets (prefilter followed by paired QMA or paired Supor
filters) sandwiched within a 1micron polyester mesh filter, loaded into
perforated polypropylene containers, and attached with plastic cable ties to a
pump frame, and deployed.\\u00a0 Dipped blank filters were exposed to seawater
for the length of the deployment and processed and analyzed as regular
samples, and thus functioned as full seawater process blanks. \\u00a0
All filters and filter holders were acid leached prior to use according to
methods recommended in the GEOTRACES sample and sample-handing Protocols
(Geotraces 2010).
In this dataset, data reported from the 51micron prefilter are referred to
with a 'sink' suffix to indicate the sinking size fraction (>51micron); data
reported from the main filters (QMA - 1-51micron - or Supor - 0.8 micron-
51micron) are from the top filter of the pair only, and are referred to with a
'susp' suffix to indicate the suspended size fraction.
2\\. Analytical Methodology:
2.1. Opal (amorphous silica)  
 A 1/16 subsample of the top 0.8micron Supor filter, equivalent to ~30L, or
of the 51micron polyester prefilter above the QMA filter, equivalent to ~60L,
was analyzed for amorphous/biogenic Si concentrations using standard
spectrophotometric detection of the blue silico-molydate complex. We slightly
modified DeMaster\\u2019s time-series approach developed for marine sediments
to correct for the contribution of lithogenic silica to the leachate (Demaster
1981), using 20mL 0.2N NaOH at 85\\u00b0C for the leach, and taking a 1.6mL
subsample every hour for 3 hours.\\u00a0 The slope of the fit was negligible
for shallow samples but generally increased with depth of the sample, a
reflection of the increasing importance of lithogenic silica to total silica
with depth; we thus proceeded with a 1 hour incubation time for shallow cast
samples (<900m), and continued the time-series approach for deep cast samples
(>900m).\\u00a0 Dipped blank filters from both shallow and deep casts were used
to correct the Supor data.\\u00a0 For >51 micron samples on polyester
prefilters, blank corrections were made using the average failed pump values
(pumps that never turned on, or that shut off after <5% of programmed water
volume was filtered) because of anomalously high prefilter dipped blank
The detection limit was three times the standard deviation of dipped blank
samples and was 0.26 and 0.19 micronol Si/filter for shallow and deep Supor
dipped blank subsamples, respectively, and was 1.05 and 0.35 micronol
Si/filter for shallow and deep polyester prefilter failed pump subsamples,
respectively.\\u00a0 Values below the detection limit are flagged (QF=4).
The mass of biogenic silica (opal) was calculated assuming a hydrated form of
silica: SiO2.(0.4 H2O) (Mortlock and Froelich 1989), or 67.2 g opal/mol bSi.
We use the standard deviation of the dipped blank filters used in the blank
subtraction to estimate error in the reported opal value.\\u00a0 The
appropriate filter-matched standard deviations were converted to \\u00b5g
opal/L using volume filtered and reported in the opal_susp_sd, opal_sink_sd
columns, as appropriate.
2.2 Total Particulate Carbon (TPC)  
 Total particulate carbon was measured using a Flash EA1112 Carbon/Nitrogen
Analyzer using a Dynamic Flash Combustion technique at the WHOI Nutrient
Analytical Facility. Suspended particles (1-51micron) were measured for total
particulate carbon using one or two 12mm-diameter punches from the top QMA
filter, representing the equivalent of 10-20L of material. For the >51micron
size fraction, particles from half or a whole 51micron polyester prefilter
were rinsed at sea with 1micron-filtered seawater onto a 25mm 0.8micron
Sterlitech Ag filter or 25mm pre-combusted Whatman QMA filter before being
dried at 60\\u00b0C.\\u00a0 A quarter of the Ag or QMA filter containing rinsed
particles was analyzed for total particulate carbon, typically representing
60-120L of material.  
 We use the standard deviation of the dipped blank filters used in the blank
subtraction to estimate error in the TPC measurement.\\u00a0 For TPC in the
suspended (0.8-51 micron) size fraction (TPC_susp), the standard deviation of
8 dipped blank or failed pump QMA filters (6.95 micronol C/filter for
QMA).\\u00a0 For TPC in the sinking (>51 micron) size fraction, the standard
deviation of 8 dipped blank filters rinsed onto Ag and onto QMA were 0.52
micronol C/filter and 0.59 micronol C/filter, respectively.\\u00a0 The
appropriate filter-matched standard deviations were converted to \\u00b5g C/L
using volume filtered and reported in the TPC_susp_sd, TPC_sink_sd columns, as
 2.3 Particulate Inorganic Carbon (PIC) and CaCO3  
 PIC was measured using one of four methods noted in data column
 1.\\u00a0\\u00a0 \\u00a0Directly by coulometry (measurement of CO2 following
closed-system conversion of PIC to CO2 upon addition of 1N phosphoric acid to
a QMA punch or 1/16 polyester prefilter) (Honjo et al. 1995)  
 As CaCO3 from the measurement of salt-corrected Ca (using Na for salt
correction) (Lam and Bishop 2007) on a 1/16 subsample of Supor or polyester
prefilter or 2 QMA punches (2% of filter area) and measured by:  
 2.\\u00a0\\u00a0 \\u00a0ICP-MS at WHOI following a 2 hr room temperature 25%
glacial acetic acid leach, which was dried down and brought back up in 5% HNO3  
 3.\\u00a0\\u00a0 \\u00a0ICP-MS at WHOI following a 5% (0.6N) HCl leach for
12-16 hrs at 60\\u00b0C and diluted to 1% HCl  
 4.\\u00a0\\u00a0 \\u00a0ICP-AES at Boston University following a 5% HCl leach
overnight at room temperature  
 Intercomparability between methods was tested by running select samples in
replicate by different methods.\\u00a0 PIC_methods 1,2,3 had good
intercomparability.\\u00a0 There was a 20-30% offset in samples analyzed by
PIC_method=4 compared to the other methods.\\u00a0 Data from PIC_method=4 were
normalized using replicate analyses from a depth profile (GT11-8 for Supor
samples; GT11-24 for prefilter samples).\\u00a0 The resulting dataset has
improved oceanographic consistency.\\u00a0 When available, the reported error
is the standard deviation of replicate analyses (after normalization); if no
replicate analyses were made, the reported error is the standard deviation of
the dipped blank filters used in the blank subtraction for each method and
filtertype, adjusted for volume filtered. The standard deviation of the blank
subtraction was 18.3 \\u00b5g PIC/QMA filter for coulometry and 3.0 \\u00b5g
PIC/prefilter or 11.0 \\u00b5g PIC/Supor filter for ICP-MS. For ICP-AES, the
standard deviation of the blank subtraction was 190 \\u00b5g PIC/QMA filter, 61
or 12 \\u00b5g PIC/Supor filter (depending on the run), and 7.1 \\u00b5g
The mass of CaCO3 is calculated stoichiometrically from the mass of PIC (CaCO3
[\\u00b5g/L] = 100.08 g CaCO3/12 g C * PIC [\\u00b5g/L])
2.4 Particulate Organic Carbon (POC)  
 POC is calculated as the difference between TPC (see 2.2) and PIC (see 2.3).
Any negative numbers were set to 0.\\u00a0 Errors were propagated from those
from TPC and PIC.
2.5 Particulate Organic Matter (POM)  
 POM is calculated from POC (see 2.4) using a weight ratio of 1.88 g POM/g
POC (Lam et al. 2011).
2.6 Particulate trace metals (pTM)  
 Methods for particulate trace metal (pTM) digestion and analysis are
described in (Ohnemus et al. submitted) and briefly below.\\u00a0 Total pTM
concentrations in the suspended fraction (*_susp) were analyzed from 1/16
subsamples of the top Supor (0.8micron) filter.\\u00a0 pTM totals in the
sinking size fraction (*_sink) were analyzed from 1/8 subsamples (typically
~150L) of the QMA-side 51micron pre-filter. Pre-filter particles were rinsed
at sea onto 25mm Supor (0.8micron) filter discs using 0.2micron-filtered
surface seawater collected using clean techniques from an underway Fish system
(Bruland et al. 2005).\\u00a0 In Teflon vials (Savillex), samples were first
digested using a 3:1 mixture of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide at high
heat to remove the Supor filter matrix, then dried. A mixture of HCl/HNO3/HF
acids (all acids 4N, heated to 135\\u00b0C for 4 hrs) was used to digest the
material in the remaining pellet, which was then dried, reacted with a small
amount of 50% HNO3/15% H2O2 to remove any remaining organics, dried, and
resuspended in 5% HNO3\\u00ac for analysis via ICP-MS (Element 2, Thermo-
Finnigan).\\u00a0 Elemental concentrations were standardized using multi-
element, external standard curves prepared from NIST atomic absorption-
standards in 5% HNO3\\u00ac.\\u00a0 Standard curves were fitted using weighted
least squares fits that consider instrument analytical uncertainties.\\u00a0
Data are reported in units of [nmoles per L of seawater filtered] and have had
the median of multiple (typically 12-16) dipped blank filters (analyzed using
identical methods) subtracted.\\u00a0 The detection limit of most elements was
defined as 3 times the standard deviation of 12-16 dipped blank
filters.\\u00a0\\u00a0 We define the detection limit for Ti to be one standard
deviation of the dipped blanks filters.\\u00a0 The median and standard
deviation of the dipped blank filters and detection limits for the Supor
(0.8-51 micron size fraction) and polyester prefilter (>51micron size
fraction) are reported in the following table in nmol per whole filter (NB:
filter area of 142mm filter is 158.4 cm2):
Table 1: Dipped (filter) blanks and detection limits for 0.8-51um samples for
142mm filters (nmol/filter) ([Table 1 PDF file](\\\\\"http://data.bco-
In table 1 the errors (*_susp_error, *_sink_error) are reported as the 1-sigma
variation of propagated instrumental analytical and standard curve
uncertainties, and the variation in subtracted dipped blank filters.
The completeness of our digestion method for trace elements was assessed by
digesting and analyzing three certified reference materials: a freshwater
plankton CRM from the European Commision Community Bureau of Reference
(BCR-414), and two marine sediments from the National Research Council of
Canada (PACS-1 and MESS-3).\\u00a0 Certified values with their standard
deviation and recoveries from our lab with standard deviations, are presented
in the table appended at the end of this document.
2.7 Lithogenic material  
 Al is usually used as a tracer of lithogenic material since it is the third
most abundant element in Earth\\u2019s crust after Si and O.\\u00a0 Al has the
added advantage that its concentration does not vary much between upper
continental crust (UCC Al = 8.04% by weight) and bulk continental crust (BCC
Al = 8.41wt%), so the estimate of lithogenic mass is not very sensitive to
lithogenic source regions.\\u00a0 However, our data suggests that there is
considerable scavenged Al in particles near the coasts, which would lead to
overestimates of lithogenic mass in coastal samples.\\u00a0 We thus calculate
lithogenic mass two ways: 1) using the UCC Al concentration of 8.04% to
calculate lithogenic mass (Litho_AlUCC), and 2) using Ti, a lithogenic tracer
that appears to be less affected by scavenging (Litho_TiDust).\\u00a0 Ti has
the disadvantage of varying greatly as a function of different source regions
(e.g., UCC Ti=0.3wt% and BCC Ti=0.54wt%).\\u00a0\\u00a0 We make the assumption
that the source of the lithogenic material is from African dust, and use the
concentration of Ti and Al in aerosols collected on four samples between Cape
Verde and Mauritania (Shelley and Landing, personal communication) to estimate
a Ti composition of 0.6 wt% to estimate lithogenic mass (Litho_TiDust).\\u00a0
We estimate an uncertainty in the lithogenic mass derived from Ti of 7%, which
is the propogated uncertainty of the analytical error (1 sigma) of Ti (6%) and
the variability in the estimate of the Ti composition of the collected
aerosols (4%).\\u00a0 The Ti-based estimate (Litho_TiDust) is the one that we
use in subsequent calculations (eg., suspended particulate mass, section 2.9).
2.8 Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides  
 Fe and Mn in oxyhydroxides were calculated by subtracting Fe and Mn
associated with lithogenic material.\\u00a0 Unlike Al, crustal Fe, Mn, and Ti
vary as a function of crustal material, but the ratios of Fe and Mn to Ti are
less variable. We therefore use Fe/Ti = 8.736 (mole ratio) and Mn/Ti = 0.1268
(mole ratio) derived from aerosols collected on four samples between Cape
Verde and Mauritania (Shelley and Landing, personal communication) to subtract
the lithogenic contributions of Fe and Mn to derive Fe(OH)3_TiDust and
MnO2_TiDust.\\u00a0 For comparison, UCC Fe/Ti and Mn/Ti mole ratios are 10.0
and 0.1745, respectively. Variability in the Fe/Ti and Mn/Ti ratios in the
aerosols and analytical errors for Fe, Mn, and Ti were propagated to determine
the error for Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides.\\u00a0 The variability in the Fe/Ti and
Mn/Ti ratios in the aerosols was 2% and 6%, respectively.\\u00a0 Typical
analytical errors for Fe, Mn, and Ti are 3%, 3%, and 6%, respectively. We
approximate the formulae for Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides to be Fe(OH)3
(ferrihydrite approximation) and MnO2 (birnessite approximation), with formula
weights 106.9 g Fe(OH)3/mol Fe and 86.9 g MnO2/mol Mn, respectively. Negative
numbers were set to 0.
2.9 Suspended particulate mass \\u00a0  
 Suspended particulate mass in the sinking (>51micron) and suspended
(1-51micron) size fractions was estimated as the chemical dry weight of the
major particulate phases, which is the sum of POM, opal, CaCO3, lithogenic
material from Ti (Litho_TiDust), and Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides, and is
calculated as:  
 SPM = 100.08 g CaCO3/12 g C * PIC [\\u00b5g/L] + opal [\\u00b5g/L] + 1.88 g
POM/g POC * POC [\\u00b5g/L] + ...  
 \\u00a0\\u00a0 \\u00a0Litho_TiDust [\\u00b5g/L] + Fe(OH)3_TiDust [\\u00b5g/L] +
MnO2_TiDust [\\u00b5g/L]  
 Note that the resolution of this data is dictated by the lowest resolution
of the component parts.";
    String awards_0_award_nid "55161";
    String awards_0_award_number "OCE-0963026";
    String awards_0_data_url "http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0963026";
    String awards_0_funder_name "NSF Division of Ocean Sciences";
    String awards_0_funding_acronym "NSF OCE";
    String awards_0_funding_source_nid "355";
    String awards_0_program_manager "Donald L. Rice";
    String awards_0_program_manager_nid "51467";
    String cdm_data_type "Other";
    String comment 
"Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration from GEOTRACES NAZT cruises 
    PI: P. Lam (WHOI) 
     version 5.1: 2020-02-26 [changed displayed order of columns] 
    [replaces version 5: 2018-08-06 [corrected data - see documentation] 
    [replaces version 4:  2014-12-12 [corrected data - see documentation] 
    [replaces version 3:  31 October 2013] 
    [replaces version 2b: 14 June 2013] 
    [replaces version 2:  11 April 2013: added nominal depths] 
    [replaces version 1:   1 February 2013]";
    String Conventions "COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3";
    String creator_email "info@bco-dmo.org";
    String creator_name "BCO-DMO";
    String creator_type "institution";
    String creator_url "https://www.bco-dmo.org/";
    String data_source "extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3  19 Dec 2019";
    String date_created "2013-02-01T20:11:44Z";
    String date_modified "2020-02-26T21:29:25Z";
    String defaultDataQuery "&amp;time&lt;now";
    String doi "10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.3871.5.1";
    Float64 Easternmost_Easting 350.34;
    Float64 geospatial_lat_max 39.7;
    Float64 geospatial_lat_min 17.35;
    String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north";
    Float64 geospatial_lon_max 350.34;
    Float64 geospatial_lon_min 290.20001;
    String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east";
    Float64 geospatial_vertical_max 4889.6;
    Float64 geospatial_vertical_min 748.5;
    String geospatial_vertical_positive "down";
    String geospatial_vertical_units "m";
    String history 
"2025-02-20T05:38:13Z (local files)
2025-02-20T05:38:13Z https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_3871.html";
    String infoUrl "https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/3871";
    String institution "BCO-DMO";
    String instruments_0_acronym "CTD Sea-Bird";
    String instruments_0_dataset_instrument_description "A self-recording Seabird 19plus CTD, deployed at the end of the line for both cruises.";
    String instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid "6087";
    String instruments_0_description "Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensor package from SeaBird Electronics, no specific unit identified. This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known. See also other SeaBird instruments listed under CTD. More information from Sea-Bird Electronics.";
    String instruments_0_instrument_external_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/130/";
    String instruments_0_instrument_name "CTD Sea-Bird";
    String instruments_0_instrument_nid "447";
    String instruments_0_supplied_name "CTD Sea-Bird";
    String instruments_1_acronym "ICP Mass Spec";
    String instruments_1_dataset_instrument_description "Used to measure particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) and particulate trace metals (pTM). Instruments were located at WHOI and Boston University.";
    String instruments_1_dataset_instrument_nid "743391";
    String instruments_1_description "An ICP Mass Spec is an instrument that passes nebulized samples into an inductively-coupled gas plasma (8-10000 K) where they are atomized and ionized. Ions of specific mass-to-charge ratios are quantified in a quadrupole mass spectrometer.";
    String instruments_1_instrument_external_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB15/";
    String instruments_1_instrument_name "Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer";
    String instruments_1_instrument_nid "530";
    String instruments_1_supplied_name "Element 2, Thermo-Finnigan";
    String instruments_2_acronym "McLane Pump";
    String instruments_2_dataset_instrument_description 
"Modified to accommodate two flowpaths (Lam and Morris Patent pending).  Typically, two casts of 8 pumps each and two filter holders per pump were deployed to collect a 16-depth profile.
Lam, P. J., and P. J. Morris. Patent pending. In situ marine sample collection system and methods. Application No. 13/864,655.";
    String instruments_2_dataset_instrument_nid "6086";
    String instruments_2_description "McLane pumps sample large volumes of seawater at depth. They are attached to a wire and lowered to different depths in the ocean. As the water is pumped through the filter, particles suspended in the ocean are collected on the filters. The pumps are then retrieved and the contents of the filters are analyzed in a lab.";
    String instruments_2_instrument_name "McLane Pump";
    String instruments_2_instrument_nid "627";
    String instruments_2_supplied_name "McLane Pump";
    String instruments_3_acronym "CHN";
    String instruments_3_dataset_instrument_description "Used to measure total particulate carbon.";
    String instruments_3_dataset_instrument_nid "743390";
    String instruments_3_description "A unit that accurately determines the carbon and nitrogen concentrations of organic compounds typically by detecting and measuring their combustion products (CO2 and NO).";
    String instruments_3_instrument_name "Particulate Organic Carbon/Nitrogen  Analyzer";
    String instruments_3_instrument_nid "654";
    String instruments_3_supplied_name "Flash EA1112 Carbon/Nitrogen Analyzer";
    String keywords "Ag_sink, Ag_sink_err, Ag_sink_err_flag, Ag_sink_flag, Ag_susp, Ag_susp_err, Ag_susp_err_flag, Ag_susp_flag, Al_sink, Al_sink_err, Al_sink_err_flag, Al_sink_flag, Al_susp, Al_susp_err, Al_susp_err_flag, AL_susp_flag, Ba_sink, Ba_sink_err, Ba_sink_err_flag, Ba_sink_flag, Ba_susp, Ba_susp_err, Ba_susp_err_flag, Ba_susp_flag, bco, bco-dmo, biological, bottle, bottle_GEOTRC, btl, BTL_ISO_DateTime_UTC, CaCO3_sink, CaCO3_sink_flag, CaCO3_susp, CaCO3_susp_flag, carbonate, cast, cast_flag, cast_GEOTRC, cast_type, Cd_sink, Cd_sink_err, Cd_sink_err_flag, Cd_sink_flag, Cd_susp, Cd_susp_err, Cd_susp_err_flag, Cd_susp_flag, chemical, co3, Co_sink, Co_sink_err, Co_sink_err_flag, Co_sink_flag, Co_susp, Co_susp_err, Co_susp_err_flag, Co_susp_flag, cruise, cruise_id, Cu_sink, Cu_sink_err, Cu_sink_err_flag, Cu_sink_flag, Cu_susp, Cu_susp_err, Cu_susp_err_flag, Cu_susp_flag, data, dataset, date, depth, depth_flag, depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth_GEOTRC_CTD_round, depth_n, depth_sd, depth_sd_flag, depth_w, dmo, dust, erddap, error, event, event_GEOTRC, Fe_sink, Fe_sink_err, Fe_sink_err_flag, Fe_sink_flag, Fe_susp, Fe_susp_err, Fe_susp_err_flag, Fe_susp_flag, FeOH_3_sink, FeOH_3_sink_flag, FeOH_3_sink_sd, FeOH_3_sink_sd_flag, FeOH_3_susp, FeOH_3_susp_flag, FeOH_3_susp_sd, FeOH_3_susp_sd_flag, flag, geotrc, iso, latitude, litho, Litho_AlUCC_sink, Litho_AlUCC_sink_flag, Litho_AlUCC_sink_sd, Litho_AlUCC_sink_sd_flag, Litho_AlUCC_susp, Litho_AlUCC_susp_flag, Litho_AlUCC_susp_sd, Litho_AlUCC_susp_sd_flag, Litho_TiDust_sink, Litho_TiDust_sink_flag, Litho_TiDust_sink_sd, Litho_TiDust_sink_sd_flag, Litho_TiDust_susp, Litho_TiDust_susp_flag, Litho_TiDust_susp_sd, Litho_TiDust_susp_sd_flag, longitude, management, Mn_sink, Mn_sink_err, Mn_sink_err_flag, Mn_sink_flag, Mn_susp, Mn_susp_err, Mn_susp_err_flag, Mn_susp_flag, MnO2_sink, MnO2_sink_flag, MnO2_sink_sd, MnO2_sink_sd_flag, MnO2_susp, MnO2_susp_flag, MnO2_susp_sd, MnO2_susp_sd_flag, model, Nd_sink, Nd_sink_err, Nd_sink_err_flag, Nd_sink_flag, Nd_susp, Nd_susp_err, Nd_susp_err_flag, Nd_susp_flag, Ni_sink, Ni_sink_err, Ni_sink_err_flag, Ni_sink_flag, Ni_susp, Ni_susp_err, Ni_susp_err_flag, Ni_susp_flag, O2, ocean, oceanography, office, opal, opal_sink, opal_sink_flag, opal_sink_sd, opal_sink_sd_flag, opal_susp, opal_susp_flag, opal_susp_sd, opal_susp_sd_flag, oxygen, P_sink, P_sink_err, P_sink_err_flag, P_sink_flag, P_susp, P_susp_err, P_susp_err_flag, P_susp_flag, Pb_sink, Pb_sink_err, Pb_sink_err_flag, Pb_sink_flag, Pb_susp, Pb_susp_err, Pb_susp_err_flag, Pb_susp_flag, pic, PIC_sink, PIC_sink_flag, PIC_sink_sd, PIC_sink_sd_flag, PIC_susp, PIC_susp_flag, PIC_susp_sd, PIC_susp_sd_flag, poc, POC_sink, POC_sink_flag, POC_sink_sd, POC_sink_sd_flag, POC_susp, POC_susp_flag, POC_susp_sd, POC_susp_sd_flag, pom, POM_sink, POM_sink_flag, POM_susp, POM_susp_flag, preliminary, princeton, pump, pump_flag, qma, sample, sample_bottle_GEOTRC, sample_GEOTRC, sample_GEOTRC_flag, sink, spm, SPM_sink, SPM_sink_flag, SPM_sink_sd, SPM_sink_sd_flag, SPM_susp, SPM_susp_flag, SPM_susp_sd, SPM_susp_sd_flag, station, station_GEOTRC, supor, susp, Th_sink, Th_sink_err, Th_sink_err_flag, Th_sink_flag, Th_susp, Th_susp_err, Th_susp_err_flag, Th_susp_flag, Ti_sink, Ti_sink_err, Ti_sink_err_flag, Ti_sink_flag, Ti_susp, Ti_susp_err, Ti_susp_err_flag, Ti_susp_flag, time, time2, tpc, TPC_sink, TPC_sink_flag, TPC_sink_sd, TPC_sink_sd_flag, TPC_susp, TPC_susp_flag, TPC_susp_sd, TPC_susp_sd_flag, type, ucc, v, V_sink, V_sink_err, V_sink_err_flag, V_sink_flag, V_susp, V_susp_err, V_susp_err_flag, V_susp_flag, vol, vol_QMA, vol_QMA_flag, vol_Supor, vol_Supor_flag, Y_sink, Y_sink_err, Y_sink_err_flag, Y_sink_flag, Y_susp, Y_susp_err, Y_susp_err_flag, Y_susp_flag, Zn_sink, Zn_sink_err, Zn_sink_err_flag, Zn_sink_flag, Zn_susp, Zn_susp_err, Zn_susp_err_flag, Zn_susp_flag";
    String license "https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/3871/license";
    String metadata_source "https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/3871";
    Float64 Northernmost_Northing 39.7;
    String param_mapping "{'3871': {'depth_GEOTRC_CTD': 'flag - depth', 'lat': 'master - latitude', 'lon': 'master - longitude', 'ISO_DateTime_UTC': 'flag - time'}}";
    String parameter_source "https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/3871/parameters";
    String people_0_affiliation "Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution";
    String people_0_affiliation_acronym "WHOI";
    String people_0_person_name "Phoebe J. Lam";
    String people_0_person_nid "51146";
    String people_0_role "Principal Investigator";
    String people_0_role_type "originator";
    String people_1_affiliation "Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution";
    String people_1_affiliation_acronym "WHOI";
    String people_1_person_name "Phoebe J. Lam";
    String people_1_person_nid "51146";
    String people_1_role "Contact";
    String people_1_role_type "related";
    String people_2_affiliation "Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution";
    String people_2_affiliation_acronym "WHOI BCO-DMO";
    String people_2_person_name "Nancy Copley";
    String people_2_person_nid "50396";
    String people_2_role "BCO-DMO Data Manager";
    String people_2_role_type "related";
    String project "U.S. GEOTRACES NAT";
    String projects_0_acronym "U.S. GEOTRACES NAT";
    String projects_0_description 
"Much of this text appeared in an article published in OCB News, October 2008, by the OCB Project Office.
The first U.S. GEOTRACES Atlantic Section will be specifically centered around a sampling cruise to be carried out in the North Atlantic in 2010. Ed Boyle (MIT) and Bill Jenkins (WHOI) organized a three-day planning workshop that was held September 22-24, 2008 at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The main goal of the workshop, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee, was to design the implementation plan for the first U.S. GEOTRACES Atlantic Section. The primary cruise design motivation was to improve knowledge of the sources, sinks and internal cycling of Trace Elements and their Isotopes (TEIs) by studying their distributions along a section in the North Atlantic (Figure 1). The North Atlantic has the full suite of processes that affect TEIs, including strong meridional advection, boundary scavenging and source effects, aeolian deposition, and the salty Mediterranean Outflow. The North Atlantic is particularly important as it lies at the \"origin\" of the global Meridional Overturning Circulation.
It is well understood that many trace metals play important roles in biogeochemical processes and the carbon cycle, yet very little is known about their large-scale distributions and the regional scale processes that affect them. Recent advances in sampling and analytical techniques, along with advances in our understanding of their roles in enzymatic and catalytic processes in the open ocean provide a natural opportunity to make substantial advances in our understanding of these important elements. Moreover, we are motivated by the prospect of global change and the need to understand the present and future workings of the ocean's biogeochemistry. The GEOTRACES strategy is to measure a broad suite of TEIs to constrain the critical biogeochemical processes that influence their distributions. In addition to these \"exotic\" substances, more traditional properties, including macronutrients (at micromolar and nanomolar levels), CTD, bio-optical parameters, and carbon system characteristics will be measured. The cruise starts at Line W, a repeat hydrographic section southeast of Cape Cod, extends to Bermuda and subsequently through the North Atlantic oligotrophic subtropical gyre, then transects into the African coast in the northern limb of the coastal upwelling region. From there, the cruise goes northward into the Mediterranean outflow. The station locations shown on the map are for the \"fulldepth TEI\" stations, and constitute approximately half of the stations to be ultimately occupied.
Figure 1. The proposed 2010 Atlantic GEOTRACES cruise track plotted on dissolved oxygen at 400 m depth. Data from the World Ocean Atlas (Levitus et al., 2005) were plotted using Ocean Data View (courtesy Reiner Schlitzer). [click on the image to view a larger version]
Hydrography, CTD and nutrient measurements will be supported by the Ocean Data Facility (J. Swift) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and funded through NSF Facilities. They will be providing an additional CTD rosette system along with nephelometer and LADCP. A trace metal clean Go-Flo Rosette and winch will be provided by the group at Old Dominion University (G. Cutter) along with a towed underway pumping system.
The North Atlantic Transect cruise began in 2010 with KN199 leg 4 (station sampling) and leg 5 (underway sampling only) (Figure 2).
KN199-04 Cruise Report (PDF)
Figure 2. The red line shows the cruise track for the first leg of the US Geotraces North Atlantic Transect on the R/V Knorr in October 2010.  The rest of the stations (beginning with 13) will be completed in October-December 2011 on the R/V Knorr (courtesy of Bill Jenkins, Chief Scientist, GNAT first leg). [click on the image to view a larger version]
The section completion effort resumed again in November 2011 with KN204-01A,B (Figure 3).
KN204-01A,B Cruise Report (PDF)
Figure 3. Station locations occupied on the US Geotraces North Atlantic Transect on the R/V Knorr in November 2011.  [click on the image to view a larger version]
Data from the North Atlantic Transect cruises are available under the Datasets heading below, and consensus values for the SAFe and North Atlantic GEOTRACES Reference Seawater Samples are available from the GEOTRACES Program Office: Standards and Reference Materials
ADCP data are available from the Currents ADCP group at the University of Hawaii at the links below:KN199-04   (leg 1 of 2010 cruise; Lisbon to Cape Verde)KN199-05   (leg 2 of 2010 cruise; Cape Verde to Charleston, NC)KN204-01A (part 1 of 2011 cruise; Woods Hole, MA to Bermuda)KN204-01B (part 2 of 2011 cruise; Bermuda to Cape Verde)";
    String projects_0_end_date "2013-08";
    String projects_0_geolocation "Subtropical western and eastern North Atlantic Ocean";
    String projects_0_name "U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect";
    String projects_0_project_nid "2066";
    String projects_0_project_website "https://www.geotraces.org/";
    String projects_0_start_date "2010-10";
    String publisher_name "Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)";
    String publisher_type "institution";
    String sourceUrl "(local files)";
    Float64 Southernmost_Northing 17.35;
    String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table v55";
    String subsetVariables "cast_flag,pump_flag,vol_QMA_flag,Litho_AlUCC_sink_sd_flag,Litho_AlUCC_susp_sd_flag,Litho_TiDust_sink_flag,FeOH_3_sink_flag,SPM_sink_sd_flag,SPM_susp_flag,SPM_susp_sd_flag,Nd_sink_flag,Ni_sink_flag,Ni_susp_flag,P_sink_flag,P_susp_flag,V_sink_flag,V_susp_flag,Zn_sink_flag,Zn_susp_flag";
    String summary "Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration from R/V Knorr KN199-04, KN204-01 in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project).";
    String time_coverage_end "2011-12-09T23:53Z";
    String time_coverage_start "2010-10-17T02:37Z";
    String title "[GT10-11 - Particulate composition] - Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration from R/V Knorr KN199-04 & KN204-01 (GA03) in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect)";
    String version "1";
    Float64 Westernmost_Easting 290.20001;
    String xml_source "osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3";


Using tabledap to Request Data and Graphs from Tabular Datasets

tabledap lets you request a data subset, a graph, or a map from a tabular dataset (for example, buoy data), via a specially formed URL. tabledap uses the OPeNDAP (external link) Data Access Protocol (DAP) (external link) and its selection constraints (external link).

The URL specifies what you want: the dataset, a description of the graph or the subset of the data, and the file type for the response.

Tabledap request URLs must be in the form
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Thus, the query is often a comma-separated list of desired variable names, followed by a collection of constraints (e.g., variable<value), each preceded by '&' (which is interpreted as "AND").

For details, see the tabledap Documentation.

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