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CruiseId Op_Number Stn Evt Date_Local Time_Local time Latitude_Deg_N Latitude_Min_N Longitude_Deg_W Longitude_Min_W latitude longitude Lease_Block Operation Seq_Number Notes
text unitless dimensionless dimensionless unitless unitless UTC whole degrees decimal minutes whole degrees decimal minutes degrees_north degrees_east text text dimensionless text
OC468-02 Dep Gulfport 20100821 1315 2010-08-21T18:15:00Z 30 21.3100 89 5.2900 30.35517 -89.08817 Z+5; enter W long as +
OC468-02 001.01 001 001 20100822 0525 2010-08-22T10:25:00Z 28 42.5590 88 25.1820 28.70932 -88.4197 Argos float 001 raining; DWH site in clear view
OC468-02 001.02 001 002 20100822 0540 2010-08-22T10:40:00Z SnowCam 001 focus test
OC468-02 001.03 001 003 20100822 0611 2010-08-22T11:11:00Z 28 42.6690 88 25.1382 28.71115 -88.41897 SnowCam 002 focus test
OC468-02 001.04 001 004 20100822 0624 2010-08-22T11:24:00Z 28 42.6000 88 24.7700 28.71 -88.41283 SnowCam 003 740 m max
OC468-02 001.05 001 005 20100822 0802 2010-08-22T13:02:00Z 28 42.5400 88 25.2100 28.709 -88.42017 CTD 001 Shakedown cast; in and out b/c of ballast problems
OC468-02 001.06 001 006 20100822 1132 2010-08-22T16:32:00Z 28 42.5460 88 25.3428 28.7091 -88.42238 Time-series trap 001
OC468-02 001.07 001 007 20100822 1200 2010-08-22T17:00:00Z 28 42.3312 88 25.1808 28.70552 -88.41968 radiometer 001 Approx time
OC468-02 001.08 001 008 20100822 1237 2010-08-22T17:37:00Z 28 42.5000 88 25.2800 28.70833 -88.42133 CTD 001 abort b/c go-flo 14 didn't open
OC468-02 001.09 001 009 20100822 1300 2010-08-22T18:00:00Z 28 42.5100 88 25.6000 28.7085 -88.42667 CTD 001 1400 m
OC468-02 002.01 002 001 20100823 0255 2010-08-23T07:55:00Z 27 29.9900 87 11.0000 27.49983 -87.18333 Deploy PIT 001
OC468-02 002.02 002 002 20100823 0430 2010-08-23T09:30:00Z 27 29.8300 87 10.9200 27.49717 -87.182 SnowCam 004
OC468-02 002.03 002 003 20100823 0826 2010-08-23T13:26:00Z 27 29.2000 87 12.0400 27.48667 -87.20067 CTD 002 Shallow cast for rates.  NF1
OC468-02 002.04 002 004 20100823 1101 2010-08-23T16:01:00Z 27 29.4900 87 13.0000 27.4915 -87.21667 Radiometer 002
OC468-02 002.05 002 005 20100823 1225 2010-08-23T17:25:00Z 27 29.4810 87 13.0400 27.49135 -87.21733 CTD 003 Deep cast
OC468-02 002.06 002 006 20100823 1519 2010-08-23T20:19:00Z 27 29.3472 87 11.9892 27.48912 -87.19982 Mocness 001 Daytime moc (late start)
OC468-02 002.07 002 007 20100823 2220 2010-08-24T03:20:00Z 27 29.3472 87 11.9892 27.48912 -87.19982 Mocness 002 Nighttime moc
OC468-02 002.08 002 008 20100824 0134 2010-08-24T06:34:00Z 27 29.0800 87 14.9400 27.48467 -87.249 SnowCam 005
OC468-02 002.09 002 009 20100824 0720 2010-08-24T12:20:00Z 27 28.6300 87 15.9700 27.47717 -87.26617 CTD 004 Deep cast for rates.  NF2
OC468-02 002.10 002 000 20100824 1107 2010-08-24T16:07:00Z 27 28.1900 87 16.1000 27.46983 -87.26833 Multicorer 001 Good drop
OC468-02 002.11 002 011 20100824 1403 2010-08-24T19:03:00Z 27 29.7100 87 16.7120 27.49517 -87.27853 Radiometer 003
OC468-02 002.12 002 012 20100824 1500 2010-08-24T20:00:00Z 27 29.3472 87 11.9892 27.48912 -87.19982 CTD 005 450 m cast to test bottle integrity
OC468-02 002.13 002 013 20100824 1636 2010-08-24T21:36:00Z 27 28.4600 87 17.6000 27.47433 -87.29333 Recover PIT 001
OC468-02 003.01 003 001 20100824 2300 2010-08-25T04:00:00Z 27 30.4452 88 22.8192 27.50742 -88.38032 Deploy PIT 002
OC468-02 003.02 003 002 20100824 2330 2010-08-25T04:30:00Z 27 30.5500 88 22.2700 27.50917 -88.37117 Mocness 003 Nighttime moc
OC468-02 003.03 003 003 20100825 0313 2010-08-25T08:13:00Z 27 31.0140 88 22.3540 27.5169 -88.37257 Snowcam 006
OC468-02 003.04 003 004 20100825 0737 2010-08-25T12:37:00Z 27 28.8500 88 21.6100 27.48083 -88.36017 Shallow CTD 006 Needed 2 drops.  11&14 leaked.  NF3
OC468-02 003.05 003 005 20100825 0935 2010-08-25T14:35:00Z 27 30.4600 88 20.2900 27.50767 -88.33817 LOPC 001 Long test deployment; big problems handling the cable; but marked the line and got it spooled and laid out in a zarges box.  On deck at 1222
OC468-02 003.06 003 006 20100825 1240 2010-08-25T17:40:00Z 27 30.2600 88 19.3000 27.50433 -88.32167 Radiometer 004
OC468-02 003.07 003 007 20100825 1357 2010-08-25T18:57:00Z 27 29.9652 88 20.6118 27.49942 -88.34353 Deep CTD 007 Water column characterization
OC468-02 003.08 003 008 20100825 1918 2010-08-26T00:18:00Z 27 30.9600 88 19.8000 27.516 -88.33 Deep CTD 008 Rates. NF4
OC468-02 003.09 003 009 20100825 2220 2010-08-26T03:20:00Z 27 31.0572 88 19.3812 27.51762 -88.32302 SnowCam 007
OC468-02 003.10 003 000 20100825 0525 2010-08-25T10:25:00Z 27 31.8500 88 17.4400 27.53083 -88.29067 Shallow CTD 009
OC468-02 003.11 003 011 20100825 0712 2010-08-25T12:12:00Z 27 31.7900 88 17.7400 27.52983 -88.29567 Multicorer 002 Good drop; 8 tubes with mud
OC468-02 003.12 003 012 20100825 1025 2010-08-25T15:25:00Z 27 32.2380 88 18.0670 27.5373 -88.30112 Recover PIT 002
OC468-02 003.13 003 013 20100825 1100 2010-08-25T16:00:00Z 27 32.7300 88 17.8500 27.5455 -88.2975 Sample mahi 001 Leo catches 1 male; 2 female mahi
OC468-02 004.01 004 001 20100826 1925 2010-08-27T00:25:00Z 27 29.7600 89 36.7000 27.496 -89.61167 Deep CTD 010 plume-hunting cast; clear plume signature
OC468-02 005.01 005 001 20100826 2350 2010-08-27T04:50:00Z 27 28.6000 89 48.7200 27.47667 -89.812 Deep CTD 011 plume-hunting cast; less intense feature than @ 004
OC468-02 006.01 006 001 20100827 0405 2010-08-27T09:05:00Z 27 29.8000 89 37.1300 27.49667 -89.61883 Deploy PIT 003
OC468-02 006.02 006 002 20100827 0431 2010-08-27T09:31:00Z 27 29.3600 89 36.9800 27.48933 -89.61633 SnowCam 008
OC468-02 006.03 006 003 20100827 0922 2010-08-27T14:22:00Z 27 26.9800 89 38.8800 27.44967 -89.648 Shallow CTD 012 Shallow rates.  NF5
OC468-02 006.04 006 004 20100827 1111 2010-08-27T16:11:00Z 27 28.8000 89 39.7900 27.48 -89.66317 Radiometer 005
OC468-02 006.05 006 005 20100827 1255 2010-08-27T17:55:00Z 27 30.8500 89 37.2900 27.51417 -89.6215 Deep CTD 013 Deep rates.  NF6
OC468-02 006.06 006 006 20100827 1555 2010-08-27T20:55:00Z 27 30.0510 89 35.8422 27.50085 -89.59737 Mocness 004 Daytime moc
OC468-02 run Check drifter position; run to N for CTD
OC468-02 006.07 006 007 20100827 2111 2010-08-28T02:11:00Z 27 29.8000 89 36.5900 27.49667 -89.60983 Deep CTD 014 Geochemistry
OC468-02 006.08 006 008 20100828 0142 2010-08-28T06:42:00Z 27 25.9968 89 39.2880 27.43328 -89.6548 Mocness 005 Nighttime moc
OC468-02 006.09 006 009 20100828 0500 2010-08-28T10:00:00Z 27 23.2200 89 37.6800 27.387 -89.628 SnowCam 009
OC468-02 006.10 006 000 20100828 0842 2010-08-28T13:42:00Z 27 22.6200 89 37.5700 27.377 -89.62617 LOPC 002 100 m
OC468-02 006.11 006 011 20100828 1011 2010-08-28T15:11:00Z 27 22.8800 89 37.2700 27.38133 -89.62117 Shallow CTD 015 1200 kHz LADCP + fill in depths
OC468-02 006.12 006 012 20100828 1255 2010-08-28T17:55:00Z 27 22.9272 89 34.6620 27.38212 -89.5777 Multicorer 003 z=2002m; 2 tubes lost; 3 with mud
OC468-02 006.13 006 013 20100828 1620 2010-08-28T21:20:00Z 27 24.6220 89 45.1368 27.41037 -89.75228 Recover PIT 003
OC468-02 007.01 007 001 20100828 2148 2010-08-29T02:48:00Z 26 54.5700 90 25.1600 26.9095 -90.41933 Deep CTD 016 Plume-hunting.  Gases negative; so move on
OC468-02 008.01 008 001 20100829 2010-08-29T05:00:00Z 26 54.5700 90 30.2700 26.9095 -90.5045 Deep CTD 017 Plume-hunting.  Gases higher than at 070.01 but not especially high; so plan to keep running W.
OC468-02 008.02 008 002 20100829 0311 2010-08-29T08:11:00Z 26 54.6438 90 29.5008 26.91073 -90.49168 SnowCam 010 Check out deep plume
OC468-02 009.01 009 001 20100829 1143 2010-08-29T16:43:00Z 27 10.0650 90 22.8210 27.16775 -90.38035 Deep CTD 018 Cast of opportunity en route to Fourchon.  Turn back to work area after cast
OC468-02 010.01 010 001 20100829 1613 2010-08-29T21:13:00Z 26 54.8202 90 41.2782 26.91367 -90.68797 Deep CTD 019 Plume-hunting; no features at depth; so appear to have run beyond it.  Next move is to run N.
OC468-02 011.01 011 001 20100829 1948 2010-08-30T00:48:00Z 27 9.4032 90 42.5832 27.15672 -90.70972 Deep CTD 020 Plume-hunting @ NW corner of our mini-grid.  Moderately strong trans feature; moderate O2; no cdom fluor feature.
OC468-02 012.01 012 001 20100829 2300 2010-08-30T04:00:00Z 27 9.0280 90 38.5180 27.15047 -90.64197 Deep CTD 021
OC468-02 012.02 012 002 20100830 0115 2010-08-30T06:15:00Z 27 9.1188 90 39.2010 27.15198 -90.65335 Mocness 006 Nighttime moc
OC468-02 012.03 012 003 20100830 0440 2010-08-30T09:40:00Z 27 11.0300 90 37.3400 27.18383 -90.62233 SnowCam 011
OC468-02 013.01 013 001 20100830 1158 2010-08-30T16:58:00Z 27 1.8918 90 31.0560 27.03153 -90.5176 Argos float 002 Deploy POGO in center of dO2 feature
OC468-02 013.02 013 002 20100830 1255 2010-08-30T17:55:00Z 27 2.2400 90 30.0000 27.03733 -90.5 Deep CTD 022 Changed cdom fluorometer sensitivity
OC468-02 013.03 013 003 20100830 1442 2010-08-30T19:42:00Z 27 2.7400 90 28.5300 27.04567 -90.4755 Spectroradiometer 006
OC468-02 014.00 014 014 20100830 1710 2010-08-30T22:10:00Z 27 21.9100 90 33.8500 27.36517 -90.56417 Chirp line 001 Mud volcano pass
OC468-02 014.01 014 001 20100830 1831 2010-08-30T23:31:00Z 27 22.1000 90 33.7800 27.36833 -90.563 Deploy PIT 004
OC468-02 014.02 014 002 20100830 1855 2010-08-30T23:55:00Z 27 22.3800 90 33.7100 27.373 -90.56183 Deep CTD 023 Geochemical profile
OC468-02 014.03 014 003 20100830 2125 2010-08-31T02:25:00Z 27 24.2600 90 34.4200 27.40433 -90.57367 LOPC 003 150 m
OC468-02 014.04 014 004 20100830 2253 2010-08-31T03:53:00Z 27 22.8800 90 35.3500 27.38133 -90.58917 Mocness 007 Nighttime moc
OC468-02 014.05 014 005 20100831 0235 2010-08-31T07:35:00Z 27 23.3220 90 36.7548 27.3887 -90.61258 SnowCam 012
OC468-02 014.06 014 006 20100831 0900 2010-08-31T14:00:00Z 27 22.1000 90 33.8900 27.36833 -90.56483 Shallow CTD 024 Shallow rates.  NF7
OC468-02 014.07 014 007 20100831 1030 2010-08-31T15:30:00Z 27 23.1500 90 34.2700 27.38583 -90.57117 LOPC 004
OC468-02 014.08 014 008 20100831 1119 2010-08-31T16:19:00Z 27 23.7600 90 34.4500 27.396 -90.57417 Spectroradiometer 007
OC468-02 014.09 014 009 20100831 1247 2010-08-31T17:47:00Z 27 27.1170 90 41.8460 27.45195 -90.69743 Mocness 008 Daytime moc
OC468-02 014.10 014 000 20100831 1751 2010-08-31T22:51:00Z 27 21.1860 90 34.1502 27.3531 -90.56917 Multicorer 004 z=1827m
OC468-02 014.11 014 011 20100831 2227 2010-09-01T03:27:00Z 27 21.9300 90 33.8300 27.3655 -90.56383 Deep CTD 025 Deep rates.  NF8
OC468-02 014.12 014 012 20100901 0047 2010-09-01T05:47:00Z 27 22.7300 90 35.6500 27.37883 -90.59417 SnowCam 013 At oily spot
OC468-02 014.13 014 013 20100901 0412 2010-09-01T09:12:00Z 27 22.1550 90 33.8310 27.36925 -90.56385 Deep CTD 026 Mud volcano
OC468-02 014.14 014 014 20100901 0808 2010-09-01T13:08:00Z 27 30.7998 90 49.7868 27.51333 -90.82978 Recover PIT 004
OC468-02 015.01 015 001 20100902 0724 2010-09-02T12:24:00Z 29 53.4800 88 24.9500 29.89133 -88.41583 Multicorer 005 Shallow; inshore cores.
OC468-02 Arr Gulfport 20100902 1400 2010-09-02T19:00:00Z
OC468-02 Dep Gulfport 20100904 0830 2010-09-04T13:30:00Z
OC468-02 016.01 016 001 20100904 2230 2010-09-05T03:30:00Z 28 48.4938 88 5.1900 28.80823 -88.0865 DeployPIT 005
OC468-02 016.02 016 002 20100904 2302 2010-09-05T04:02:00Z 28 48.4938 88 5.1900 28.80823 -88.0865 Deep CTD 027 Geochemical profile
OC468-02 016.03 016 003 20100905 0204 2010-09-05T07:04:00Z 28 48.6468 88 6.6648 28.81078 -88.11108 Mocness 009 Nighttime moc
OC468-02 016.04 016 004 20100905 0524 2010-09-05T10:24:00Z 28 50.2008 88 8.5872 28.83668 -88.14312 SnowCam 014
OC468-02 016.05 016 005 20100905 0910 2010-09-05T14:10:00Z 28 48.7070 88 5.5600 28.81178 -88.09267 Shallow CTD 028 Shallow Rates.  NF9
OC468-02 016.06 016 006 20100905 1045 2010-09-05T15:45:00Z 28 48.7700 88 6.5200 28.81283 -88.10867 LOPC 005
OC468-02 016.07 016 007 20100905 1153 2010-09-05T16:53:00Z 28 48.7000 88 6.8400 28.81167 -88.114 Spectroradiometer 008 Time on board; not deployed
OC468-02 016.08 016 008 20100905 1231 2010-09-05T17:31:00Z 28 48.6070 88 6.8790 28.81012 -88.11465 Mocness 010 Daytime mocness
OC468-02 016.09 016 009 20100905 1610 2010-09-05T21:10:00Z 28 47.7820 88 10.0170 28.79637 -88.16695 Multicorer 006 z=1496m; degraded oil on top
OC468-02 016.10 016 000 20100905 2033 2010-09-06T01:33:00Z 28 48.1110 88 4.1370 28.80185 -88.06895 Deep CTD 029 fill in profiles
OC468-02 016.11 016 011 20100905 2305 2010-09-06T04:05:00Z 28 47.9000 88 4.0600 28.79833 -88.06767 LOPC 006
OC468-02 016.12 016 012 20100906 0000 2010-09-06T05:00:00Z 28 47.5900 88 4.0900 28.79317 -88.06817 SnowCam 015
OC468-02 Run 20100906 Ran to water barge; but no water taken on
OC468-02 016.13 016 013 20100906 1015 2010-09-06T15:15:00Z 28 47.9832 88 3.4518 28.79972 -88.05753 Deep CTD 030 Deep rates.  NF10
OC468-02 016.14 016 014 20100906 1235 2010-09-06T17:35:00Z 28 49.6800 88 3.2300 28.828 -88.05383 Recover PIT 005
OC468-02 016.15 016 015 20100906 1321 2010-09-06T18:21:00Z 28 47.7858 88 3.1632 28.79643 -88.05272 Shallow CTD 031 shallow LADCP cast
OC468-02 017.00 017 017 20100906 changed chl flourometer con file
OC468-02 017.01 017 001 20100906 2030 2010-09-07T01:30:00Z 28 51.9660 88 28.6338 28.8661 -88.47723 Deploy PIT 006 Deployed 1 nm E of s\\ite b/c Ryan Chouest is there
OC468-02 017.02 017 002 20100906 2112 2010-09-07T02:12:00Z 28 52.0770 88 28.1280 28.86795 -88.4688 Mocness 011 Nighttime moc
OC468-02 017.03 017 003 20100907 0112 2010-09-07T06:12:00Z 28 51.2028 88 29.2830 28.85338 -88.48805 Deep CTD 032 Geochemical profile
OC468-02 017.04 017 004 20100907 0307 2010-09-07T08:07:00Z 28 51.0500 88 29.8200 28.85083 -88.497 SnowCam 016
OC468-02 017.05 017 005 20100907 0827 2010-09-07T13:27:00Z 28 51.6402 88 29.4558 28.86067 -88.49093 Shallow CTD 033 Shallow rates.  NF11
OC468-02 017.06 017 006 20100907 1015 2010-09-07T15:15:00Z 28 52.0000 88 28.8500 28.86667 -88.48083 LOPC 007
OC468-02 017.07 017 007 20100907 1110 2010-09-07T16:10:00Z 28 52.4000 88 28.87333 -88.0 Spectroradiometer 009
OC468-02 017.08 017 008 20100907 1255 2010-09-07T17:55:00Z 28 50.5500 88 6.5000 28.8425 -88.10833 Mocness 012 Daytime moc
OC468-02 017.09 017 009 20100907 1627 2010-09-07T21:27:00Z 28 50.9550 88 29.9598 28.84925 -88.49933 Multicorer 007 South side of MC118
OC468-02 017.10 017 000 20100907 1831 2010-09-07T23:31:00Z 28 51.2100 88 29.6420 28.8535 -88.49403 Deep CTD 034 Makeup cast.  No CTD data recorded.
OC468-02 017.11 017 011 20100907 2233 2010-09-08T03:33:00Z 28 50.6900 88 29.2000 28.84483 -88.48667 SnowCam 017
OC468-02 017.12 017 012 20100908 0509 2010-09-08T10:09:00Z 28 51.1608 88 29.5752 28.85268 -88.49292 Deep cast 035 Deep experiments.  NF12
OC468-02 017.13 017 013 20100908 0700 2010-09-08T12:00:00Z 28 46.1000 88 26.9100 28.76833 -88.4485 Recover PIT 006
OC468-02 017.14 017 014 20100908 0630 2010-09-08T11:30:00Z 28 51.1608 88 29.5752 28.85268 -88.49292 Hand nets 001
OC468-02 018.01 018 001 20100908 0930 2010-09-08T14:30:00Z 28 50.8638 88 40.5390 28.84773 -88.67565 Deep CTD 036 Pelican site 26.  10 nm W of MC118.Same transmissometer features as previously
OC468-02 018.02 018 002 20100908 2115 2010-09-09T02:15:00Z 28 51.0300 89 3.4400 28.8505 -89.05733 Multicorer 008
OC468-02 019.01 019 001 20100908 1500 2010-09-08T20:00:00Z 28 50.8220 88 51.8990 28.84703 -88.86498 CTD 037 20 nm W of MC118.
OC468-02 020.01 020 001 20100908 1900 2010-09-09T00:00:00Z 28 51.0780 89 3.5502 28.8513 -89.05917 CTD 038 30 nm W of MC118.  Huge features!
OC468-02 020.02 020 002 20100908 2115 2010-09-09T02:15:00Z 28 51.0300 89 3.4400 28.8505 -89.05733 Multicorer 009
OC468-02 020.03 020 003 20100908 2145 2010-09-09T02:45:00Z 28 51.1902 89 3.6468 28.85317 -89.06078 SnowCam 018
OC468-02 021.01 021 001 20100908 2350 2010-09-09T04:50:00Z 28 51.1470 89 15.1122 28.85245 -89.25187 CTD 039 40 nm W of MC118.  Huge features.
OC468-02 022.01 022 001 20100909 0817 2010-09-09T13:17:00Z 29 0.1362 88 47.8800 29.00227 -88.798 CTD 040 Northern end of N-S mapping run.  Pelican Site 28
OC468-02 022.02 022 002 20100909 1055 2010-09-09T15:55:00Z 29 0.0600 88 47.9700 29.001 -88.7995 Multicorer 010 Took 3 drops to get good cores b/c of softness of mud
OC468-02 023.01 023 001 20100909 1645 2010-09-09T21:45:00Z 28 50.0100 88 48.0100 28.8335 -88.80017 Shallow CTD 041 Shallow LADCP cast
OC468-02 023.02 023 002 20100909 1821 2010-09-09T23:21:00Z 28 50.0100 88 48.0100 28.8335 -88.80017 Deep CTD 042
OC468-02 024.01 024 001 20100909 2050 2010-09-10T01:50:00Z 28 42.4452 88 45.4410 28.70742 -88.75735 Deep CTD 043 Geochemical profiles
OC468-02 024.02 024 002 20100909 2300 2010-09-10T04:00:00Z 28 42.2900 88 44.4300 28.70483 -88.7405 Multicorer 011
OC468-02 024.03 024 003 20100910 0039 2010-09-10T05:39:00Z 28 42.3000 88 44.4900 28.705 -88.7415 SnowCam 019
OC468-02 025.01 025 001 20100910 0838 2010-09-10T13:38:00Z 28 32.1400 88 47.4670 28.53567 -88.79112 Deep CTD 044 Geochemical profiles
OC468-02 025.02 025 002 20100910 1137 2010-09-10T16:37:00Z 28 33.6100 88 40.6600 28.56017 -88.67767 Deploy PIT 007 PIT lost!
OC468-02 025.03 025 003 20100910 1235 2010-09-10T17:35:00Z 28 33.9700 88 40.0400 28.56617 -88.66733 Spectroradiometer 010
OC468-02 025.04 025 004 20100910 1354 2010-09-10T18:54:00Z 28 32.9610 88 40.6580 28.54935 -88.67763 Mocness 013 Daytime moc
OC468-02 025.05 025 005 20100910 1730 2010-09-10T22:30:00Z 28 33.3890 88 41.1890 28.55648 -88.68648 Deep CTD 045 Deep Rates.  NF 13
OC468-02 025.06 025 006 20100910 1942 2010-09-11T00:42:00Z 28 33.5900 88 41.3500 28.55983 -88.68917 LOPC 008 200 m
OC468-02 025.07 025 007 20100910 2055 2010-09-11T01:55:00Z 28 33.6700 88 41.3800 28.56117 -88.68967 Deploy PIT2 008 jury-rigged PIT
OC468-02 025.08 025 008 20100910 2109 2010-09-11T02:09:00Z 28 33.8202 88 42.2262 28.56367 -88.70377 Shallow CTD 046 LADCP cast
OC468-02 025.09 025 009 20100910 2205 2010-09-11T03:05:00Z 28 33.7000 88 41.6400 28.56167 -88.694 Mocness 014 Nighttime moc
OC468-02 025.10 025 000 20100911 0230 2010-09-11T07:30:00Z 28 35.1600 88 40.8000 28.586 -88.68 SnowCam 020
OC468-02 025.11 025 011 20100911 0750 2010-09-11T12:50:00Z 28 33.6012 88 41.0250 28.56002 -88.68375 Shallow CTD 047 Shallow rates.  NF14
OC468-02 025.12 025 012 20100911 0930 2010-09-11T14:30:00Z 28 33.5200 88 41.1500 28.55867 -88.68583 LOPC 009
OC468-02 025.13 025 013 20100911 1115 2010-09-11T16:15:00Z 28 33.3000 88 40.1700 28.555 -88.6695 Spectroradiometer 011
OC468-02 025.14 025 014 20100911 1403 2010-09-11T19:03:00Z 28 33.1100 88 41.1800 28.55183 -88.68633 Multicorer 012
OC468-02 025.15 025 015 20100911 1620 2010-09-11T21:20:00Z 28 33.4370 88 41.1600 28.55728 -88.686 Deep CTD 048 Fill in profiles
OC468-02 025.16 025 016 20100911 2041 2010-09-12T01:41:00Z 28 27.4000 88 43.5700 28.45667 -88.72617 Recover PIT 007
OC468-02 026.01 026 001 20100912 0404 2010-09-12T09:04:00Z 28 42.1400 88 21.7000 28.70233 -88.36167 Snowcam 021
OC468-02 026.02 026 002 20100912 0957 2010-09-12T14:57:00Z 28 42.2300 88 21.6500 28.70383 -88.36083 Multicorer 013
OC468-02 026.03 026 003 20100912 1235 2010-09-12T17:35:00Z 28 41.9878 88 21.3772 28.6998 -88.35629 Deep cast 049
OC468-02 027.01 027 001 20100912 1622 2010-09-12T21:22:00Z 28 33.7110 88 19.7380 28.56185 -88.32897 Deploy PIT 009
OC468-02 027.02 027 002 20100912 1700 2010-09-12T22:00:00Z 28 33.3888 88 20.1990 28.55648 -88.33665 Deep CTD 050 broke the frame
OC468-02 027.03 027 003 20100912 2020 2010-09-13T01:20:00Z 28 32.8200 88 20.6200 28.547 -88.34367 LOPC 010
OC468-02 027.04 027 004 20100912 2110 2010-09-13T02:10:00Z 28 32.6200 88 21.1000 28.54367 -88.35167 Mocness 015 Nighttime moc
OC468-02 027.05 027 005 20100913 0404 2010-09-13T09:04:00Z 28 31.8900 88 22.9000 28.5315 -88.38167 SnowCam 022
OC468-02 027.06 027 006 20100913 0905 2010-09-13T14:05:00Z 28 31.3750 88 19.0100 28.52292 -88.31683 Multicorer 014
OC468-02 027.07 027 007 20100913 1123 2010-09-13T16:23:00Z 28 33.5412 88 18.9822 28.55902 -88.31637 Deep CTD 051 Deep Rates.  NF15
OC468-02 027.08 027 008 20100913 1325 2010-09-13T18:25:00Z 28 35.0600 88 18.9900 28.58433 -88.3165 Spectroradiometer 012
OC468-02 027.09 027 009 20100913 1407 2010-09-13T19:07:00Z 28 35.5000 88 19.0800 28.59167 -88.318 LOPC 011
OC468-02 027.10 027 000 20100913 2110 2010-09-14T02:10:00Z 28 32.6200 88 21.1000 28.54367 -88.35167 Mocness 016 Daytime moc
OC468-02 027.11 027 011 20100913 2004 2010-09-14T01:04:00Z 28 32.7552 88 19.0818 28.54592 -88.31803 Deep CTD 052
OC468-02 027.12 027 012 20100913 0404 2010-09-13T09:04:00Z 28 31.8900 88 22.9000 28.5315 -88.38167 SlowCam 022
OC468-02 027.13 027 013 20100914 0540 2010-09-14T10:40:00Z 28 28.5450 88 28.7238 28.47575 -88.47873 Recover PIT 008 Rinal recovery!
OC468-02 027.14 027 014 20100914 0705 2010-09-14T12:05:00Z 28 32.6100 88 18.9000 28.5435 -88.315 Shallow CTD 053 Shallow rates + LADCP.  NF16
OC468-02 027.15 027 015 20100914 0842 2010-09-14T13:42:00Z 28 36.5040 88 20.2090 28.6084 -88.33682 Recover BOBO 001
OC468-02 028.01 028 001 20100914 1134 2010-09-14T16:34:00Z 28 32.4000 87 55.7600 28.54 -87.92933 Deep CTD 054 Geochemical profile
OC468-02 028.02 028 002 20100914 1422 2010-09-14T19:22:00Z 28 32.2000 87 56.3800 28.53667 -87.93967 Multicorer 015
OC468-02 029.01 029 001 20100914 1818 2010-09-14T23:18:00Z 28 52.0000 87 55.7500 28.86667 -87.92917 Deep CTD 055 Geochemical profile
OC468-02 029.02 029 002 20100914 2010 2010-09-15T01:10:00Z 28 53.6110 87 54.9220 28.89352 -87.91537 Deploy BOBO 002
OC468-02 029.03 029 003 20100914 2049 2010-09-15T01:49:00Z 28 54.1100 87 55.4500 28.90183 -87.92417 Multicorer 016
OC468-02 030.01 030 001 20100915 Multicorer 017 cores too high
OC468-02 030.02 030 002 20100915 1328 2010-09-15T18:28:00Z 29 2.7880 88 30.2490 29.04647 -88.50415 CTD cast 056 Geochemical profiles
OC468-02 030.03 030 003 20100915 1436 2010-09-15T19:36:00Z 29 2.5602 88 30.4062 29.04267 -88.50677 Multicorer 018 Second and final try
EN496 Dep Gulfport 20110702 0900 2011-07-02T14:00:00Z 29 13.5020 87 41.6120 29.22503 -87.69353 Z+5; enter W long as +
EN496 001.01 001 001 20110702 1955 2011-07-03T00:55:00Z Shakedown Cast 001 transmittance anomalies
EN496 001.02 001 002 20110702 2000 2011-07-03T01:00:00Z Surface net 001 Some Trx.
EN496 002.01 002 001 20110703 0235 2011-07-03T07:35:00Z 28 42.3150 88 21.1900 28.70525 -88.35317 Deploy LOBO 001 Easy deployment
EN496 002.02 002 002 20110703 0908 2011-07-03T14:08:00Z 28 42.2440 88 21.2510 28.70407 -88.35418 CTD 002 Deep cast
EN496 02.Nets 002 20110703 0000 2011-07-03T05:00:00Z Hand nets 001 nets
EN496 002.03 002 003 20110703 1140 2011-07-03T16:40:00Z 28 41.9190 88 22.2380 28.69865 -88.37063 Spectroradiometer 001 Spectroradiometer
EN496 002.04 002 004 20110703 1235 2011-07-03T17:35:00Z 28 41.7760 88 22.6590 28.69627 -88.37765 CTD 003 Shallow cast
EN496 002.05 002 005 20110703 1612 2011-07-03T21:12:00Z 28 41.9390 88 21.4910 28.69898 -88.35818 Mocness 001 late daytime moc; abort b/c of comm problem
EN496 002.06 002 006 20110703 1950 2011-07-04T00:50:00Z 28 41.9720 88 20.3010 28.69953 -88.33835 Multicorer 001 7 cores; 2 clear water on top.  Flocculant layer on all; some with pteropods
EN496 003.01 003 001 20110704 0606 2011-07-04T11:06:00Z 28 50.9700 88 29.5880 28.8495 -88.49313 CTD 004 Shallow experimental cast (N2-fixn)
EN496 003.02 003 002 20110704 0905 2011-07-04T14:05:00Z 28 51.1060 88 29.8000 28.85177 -88.49667 CTD 005 Shallow MOx
EN496 003.03 003 003 20110704 1000 2011-07-04T15:00:00Z 28 50.9310 88 29.8910 28.84885 -88.49818 Spectroradiometer 002
EN496 003.04 003 004 20110704 1150 2011-07-04T16:50:00Z 28 50.4950 88 29.7160 28.84158 -88.49527 mocness 002 Daytime moc to 500 m (0; 500; 400; 300; 200; 100; 50; 25; 0)
EN496 003.05 003 005 20110704 1500 2011-07-04T20:00:00Z 29 5.0970 88 25.1570 29.08495 -88.41928 Multicorer 002
EN496 003.06 003 006 20110704 1638 2011-07-04T21:38:00Z 28 51.0700 88 29.6950 28.85117 -88.49492 CTD 006 Deep cast
EN496 003.07 003 007 20110704 2126 2011-07-05T02:26:00Z 28 50.8780 88 29.6510 28.84797 -88.49418 Multicorer 003 MC118 drop
EN496 20110704 Mocness Nighttime moc to 500 m.  Scrubbed b/c of comms problems
EN496 003.08 003 008 20110705 0705 2011-07-05T12:05:00Z 28 51.1590 88 29.5080 28.85265 -88.4918 CTD 007 Shallow experimental cast (N2-fixn)
EN496 003.09 003 009 20110705 0945 2011-07-05T14:45:00Z 28 50.9400 88 29.4620 28.849 -88.49103 CTD 008 Shallow MOx cast.  Scrubbed b/c of sea cable problem
EN496 003.10 003 000 20110705 1030 2011-07-05T15:30:00Z 28 10.6880 88 29.6010 28.17813 -88.49335 Spectroradiometer 003
EN496 003.11 003 011 20110705 1141 2011-07-05T16:41:00Z 28 50.1880 88 29.9140 28.83647 -88.49857 CTD 009 Shallow MOx cast
EN496 003.12 003 012 20110705 1343 2011-07-05T18:43:00Z 28 50.3160 88 31.4600 28.8386 -88.52433 CTD 010 Deep CTD; focus on large nepheloid layer
EN496 003.13 003 013 20110705 1618 2011-07-05T21:18:00Z 28 51.0080 88 29.7020 28.85013 -88.49503 Multicorer 004 Poor penetration; mussel shells
EN496 003.14 003 014 20110705 1825 2011-07-05T23:25:00Z 28 51.1910 88 29.6650 28.85318 -88.49442 Multicorer 005 8 good cores
EN496 003.15 003 015 20110705 2355 2011-07-06T04:55:00Z 28 51.7630 88 29.7340 28.86272 -88.49557 Mocness 003 Nighttime moc
EN496 004.01 004 001 20110706 1023 2011-07-06T15:23:00Z 27 57.4920 88 7.8080 27.9582 -88.13013 CTD 011 Shallow experimental cast (N2-fixn)
EN496 004.02 004 002 20110706 1120 2011-07-06T16:20:00Z 27 57.2880 88 6.6880 27.9548 -88.11147 Spectroradiometer 004
EN496 004.03 004 003 20110706 1333 2011-07-06T18:33:00Z 27 57.3190 88 6.4460 27.95532 -88.10743 CTD 012 Shallow MOx cast
EN496 004.04 004 004 20110706 1610 2011-07-06T21:10:00Z 27 57.4060 88 6.5080 27.95677 -88.10847 Mocness 004 Daytime moc
EN496 004.05 004 005 20110706 1904 2011-07-07T00:04:00Z 27 57.3410 88 6.7220 27.95568 -88.11203 CTD 013 Deep cast
EN496 004.06 004 006 20110706 2200 2011-07-07T03:00:00Z 27 55.3900 88 2.7000 27.92317 -88.045 Mocness 005 Nighttime moc
EN496 004.07 004 007 20110707 0835 2011-07-07T13:35:00Z 27 56.6510 88 5.8500 27.94418 -88.0975 CTD 014 Shallow experimental cast (N2-fixn)
EN496 004.08 004 008 20110707 1015 2011-07-07T15:15:00Z 27 55.1300 88 2.9490 27.91883 -88.04915 Spectroradiometer 005
EN496 004.09 004 009 20110707 1215 2011-07-07T17:15:00Z 27 57.2680 88 6.6810 27.95447 -88.11135 Multicorer 006
EN496 005.01 005 001 20110708 Nets
EN496 005.02 005 002 20110708 Nets
EN496 005.03 005 003 20110708 Nets
EN496 005.04 005 004 20110708 1205 2011-07-08T17:05:00Z 26 41.3150 87 2.1490 26.68858 -87.03582 CTD 015 Shallow MOx cast
EN496 005.05 005 005 20110708 1315 2011-07-08T18:15:00Z 26 40.0000 87 3.0270 26.66667 -87.05045 Spectroradiometer 006
EN496 005.06 005 006 20110708 1448 2011-07-08T19:48:00Z 26 42.2230 87 2.1700 26.70372 -87.03617 CTD 016 Shallow experimental cast (N2-fixn)
EN496 005.07 005 007 20110708 2124 2011-07-09T02:24:00Z 26 41.7720 87 1.7830 26.6962 -87.02972 CTD 017 Deep cast
EN496 005.08 005 008 20110709 0800 2011-07-09T13:00:00Z 26 41.6190 87 1.6590 26.69365 -87.02765 Sediment Trap 001 Deploy trap
EN496 005.09 005 009 20110709 0848 2011-07-09T13:48:00Z 26 40.4630 87 1.7920 26.67438 -87.02987 CTD 018 Shallow cast (experimental cast)
EN496 005.10 005 000 20110709 1020 2011-07-09T15:20:00Z 26 39.1330 87 1.7920 26.65222 -87.02987 Spectroradiometer 007
EN496 005.11 005 011 20110709 1112 2011-07-09T16:12:00Z 26 37.9570 87 1.8830 26.63262 -87.03138 Meter net 001 20 m/min out to 160 m w/o; 5 min @ depth; up at 10 m/min
EN496 005.12 005 012 20110709 1300 2011-07-09T18:00:00Z 26 35.3080 87 2.4970 26.58847 -87.04162 Mocness 006 Daytime moc
EN496 005.13 005 013 20110709 1603 2011-07-09T21:03:00Z 26 32.4950 87 3.6520 26.54158 -87.06087 CTD 019 Deep cast
EN496 005.14 005 014 20110709 2145 2011-07-10T02:45:00Z 26 26.9340 87 4.3950 26.4489 -87.07325 Mocness 007 Nighttime moc
EN496 005.15 005 015 20110710 0830 2011-07-10T13:30:00Z 26 15.5060 87 4.7950 26.25843 -87.07992 CTD 020 Shallow experimental cast
EN496 005.16 005 016 20110710 1050 2011-07-10T15:50:00Z 26 13.3270 87 5.3710 26.22212 -87.08952 Multicorer 007 7 tubes of mud; no coretop red layer
EN496 005.move 005 20110710 Move ~15 nm to SSE to find lower S water
EN496 005.17 005 017 20110710 1520 2011-07-10T20:20:00Z 25 51.9580 86 56.2820 25.86597 -86.93803 Spectroradiometer 008
EN496 005.18 005 018 20110710 1550 2011-07-10T20:50:00Z 25 51.7850 86 56.0030 25.86308 -86.93338 CTD 021 Shallow experimental cast
EN496 005.19 005 019 20110710 1703 2011-07-10T22:03:00Z 25 52.4720 86 56.5720 25.87453 -86.94287 Meter net 002 20 m/min out to 160 m w/o; up at 10 m/min.  Drop posn given.  Bridge reports only 0.2 kts made good; so little change during the 40 min tow.  Ctr 0000 -> 01628.2
EN496 005.20 005 000 20110710 1745 2011-07-10T22:45:00Z 25 52.4720 86 56.5720 25.87453 -86.94287 Meter net 003 approx time and posn.  Ctr. 01628.2 -> 2636.5
EN496 005.move 005 20110710 Move back to trap
EN496 005.21 005 021 20110710 1950 2011-07-11T00:50:00Z 26 2.9950 87 4.1430 26.04992 -87.06905 CTD 022 Deep cast
EN496 005.22 005 022 20110711 0656 2011-07-11T11:56:00Z 25 51.6880 87 0.4160 25.86147 -87.00693 CTD 023 Shallow experimental CTD
EN496 005.23 005 023 20110711 1010 2011-07-11T15:10:00Z 25 49.0960 86 59.9410 25.81827 -86.99902 Sediment Trap 001 Recover trap
EN496 005.24 005 024 20110711 1025 2011-07-11T15:25:00Z 25 48.9030 86 59.9270 25.81505 -86.99878 Spectroradiometer 009
EN496 006.01 006 001 20110711 1834 2011-07-11T23:34:00Z 26 52.0390 87 29.1590 26.86732 -87.48598 CTD 024 Mixed cast
EN496 006.02 006 002 20110711 2121 2011-07-12T02:21:00Z Meter net 004 20 m/min out to 160 m w/o; up at 10 m/min.  Counter 000 -> 01469.7.
EN496 006.03 006 003 20110711 2150 2011-07-12T02:50:00Z Meter net 005 Shallow tow; 50m w/o; tow for 5min30sec.  Counter 01469.7 -> 03056.2
EN496 007.01 007 001 20110712 0745 2011-07-12T12:45:00Z 28 13.3830 87 43.3020 28.22305 -87.7217 Recover LOBO 001
EN496 008.01 008 001 20110712 0952 2011-07-12T14:52:00Z 28 29.0280 87 28.4820 28.4838 -87.4747 CTD 025 Shallow cast (experimental)
EN496 008.02 008 002 20110712 1045 2011-07-12T15:45:00Z 28 28.9550 87 28.5750 28.48258 -87.47625 Spectroradiometer 010
EN496 008.03 008 003 20110712 1130 2011-07-12T16:30:00Z 28 29.3260 87 28.1800 28.48877 -87.46967 Multicorer 008 2000 m core; 5 tubes; all short; but have a foram ooze layer.
EN496 008.04 008 004 20110712 1427 2011-07-12T19:27:00Z 28 28.6750 87 28.1400 28.47792 -87.469 Mocness 007
EN496 008.05 008 005 20110712 1705 2011-07-12T22:05:00Z 28 28.6880 87 28.1850 28.47813 -87.46975 CTD 026 Deep cast
EN496 008.06 008 006 20110712 2119 2011-07-13T02:19:00Z 28 29.0240 87 27.9580 28.48373 -87.46597 Mocness 008 Nighttime moc
EN496 Arr. Gulfport 20110713 1600 2011-07-13T21:00:00Z 30 21.5630 89 5.4390 30.35938 -89.09065
EN496 Dep. Gulfport 20110715 0900 2011-07-15T14:00:00Z
EN496 009.00 009 009 20110715 2025 2011-07-16T01:25:00Z Change fl scale Change fluorometer scale on underway system
EN496 009.01 009 001 20110715 2347 2011-07-16T04:47:00Z 28 34.7280 88 59.6100 28.5788 -88.9935 Deploy sediment trap 002 Low S water
EN496 009.02 009 002 20110716 0011 2011-07-16T05:11:00Z 28 35.0950 88 59.7870 28.58492 -88.99645 CTD 027 shallow cast for nuts; etc.
EN496 009.03 009 003 20110716 0712 2011-07-16T12:12:00Z 28 38.4720 88 51.8720 28.6412 -88.86453 CTD 028 shallow cast for experiments
EN496 009.04 009 004 20110716 0850 2011-07-16T13:50:00Z 28 39.1160 88 49.5350 28.65193 -88.82558 multicorer 009 1084 m; 8 nice cores; red coretops; clear water
EN496 009.05 009 005 20110716 1025 2011-07-16T15:25:00Z 28 39.6180 88 47.4450 28.6603 -88.79075 spectroradiometer 011
EN496 009.06 009 006 20110716 1212 2011-07-16T17:12:00Z 28 39.5900 88 45.5180 28.65983 -88.75863 mocness 009 daytime moc
EN496 009.07 009 007 20110716 1530 2011-07-16T20:30:00Z 28 40.7550 88 42.3380 28.67925 -88.70563 CTD 029 deep cast
EN496 009.08 009 008 20110716 2119 2011-07-17T02:19:00Z 28 41.0070 88 40.3650 28.68345 -88.67275 mocness 010 nighttime moc
EN496 009.09 009 009 20110717 0700 2011-07-17T12:00:00Z 28 47.8060 88 37.0990 28.79677 -88.61832 CTD 030 Shallow cast (experimental)
EN496 009.10 009 000 20110717 1005 2011-07-17T15:05:00Z 28 49.2010 88 35.1820 28.82002 -88.58637 Recover sediment trap 002
EN496 009.11 009 011 20110717 1020 2011-07-17T15:20:00Z 28 48.0250 88 37.0180 28.80042 -88.61697 spectroradiometer 012
EN496 010.01 010 001 717/11 Deploy sediment trap 003
EN496 010.02 010 002 20110717 2045 2011-07-18T01:45:00Z 28 0.2830 87 15.1250 28.00472 -87.25208 CTD 031 Shallow cast
EN496 010.03 010 003 20110717 2201 2011-07-18T03:01:00Z 28 1.0680 87 13.6490 28.0178 -87.22748 Mocness 011 Nighttime moc
EN496 010.04 010 004 20110718 0706 2011-07-18T12:06:00Z 28 7.5440 87 6.6850 28.12573 -87.11142 CTD 032 Shallow cast (experimental)
EN496 010.05 010 005 20110718 0919 2011-07-18T14:19:00Z 28 8.7560 87 5.4860 28.14593 -87.09143 multicorer 010 2800m; 8 tubes; some short; reddish layer on top
EN496 010.06 010 006 20110718 1200 2011-07-18T17:00:00Z 28 10.3720 87 3.8630 28.17287 -87.06438 spectroradiometer 013
EN496 010.07 010 007 20110718 1230 2011-07-18T17:30:00Z 28 10.8620 87 2.9550 28.18103 -87.04925 mocness 012 Daytime mocness
EN496 011.01 011 001 20110718 1649 2011-07-18T21:49:00Z 28 6.8760 86 45.1020 28.1146 -86.7517 CTD 033 Shallow cast
EN496 010.08 010 008 20110718 1954 2011-07-19T00:54:00Z 28 15.0020 87 2.7740 28.25003 -87.04623 CTD 034 Deep cast
EN496 010.09 010 009 20110719 0705 2011-07-19T12:05:00Z 28 22.1520 87 6.5720 28.3692 -87.10953 CTD 035 Shallow cast (experimental)
EN496 010.10 010 000 20110719 1000 2011-07-19T15:00:00Z 28 23.7440 87 7.2250 28.39573 -87.12042 Recover sediment trap 003
EN496 010.11 010 011 20110719 1030 2011-07-19T15:30:00Z 28 22.1170 87 6.8000 28.36862 -87.11333 Spectroradiometer 014
EN496 012.01 012 001 20110719 2223 2011-07-20T03:23:00Z 28 24.8160 89 23.2660 28.4136 -89.38777 CTD 036 Shallow cast (experimental)
EN496 012.02 012 002 20110719 2328 2011-07-20T04:28:00Z 28 24.5900 89 23.2570 28.40983 -89.38762 Multicorer 011
EN496 012.03 012 003 20110720 0033 2011-07-20T05:33:00Z 28 24.6350 89 23.2640 28.41058 -89.38773 Meter net 006 Shallow tow; 180m w/o @ 20m/min; in @ 10 m/min.  Counter 000  -> 01262.4
EN496 013.01 013 001 20110720 1046 2011-07-20T15:46:00Z 28 2.1980 91 19.0920 28.03663 -91.3182 CTD 037 Shallow cast (expermental)
EN496 013.02 013 002 20110720 1150 2011-07-20T16:50:00Z 28 2.0840 91 18.7480 28.03473 -91.31247 Spectroradiometer 015
EN496 013.03 013 003 20110720 1240 2011-07-20T17:40:00Z 28 1.9980 91 18.9800 28.0333 -91.31633 Multicorer 012 150m; 6 good cores; all with sandy layer on top.
EN496 013.04 013 004 20110720 1357 2011-07-20T18:57:00Z 28 1.9970 91 19.6550 28.03328 -91.32758 Meter net 007 Shallow tow; 180m w/o @ 20m/min; in @ 10 m/min.  Counter 000  -> 3866.2
EN496 014.01 014 001 20110720 1817 2011-07-20T23:17:00Z 28 21.0450 91 49.7140 28.35075 -91.82857 CTD 038 Shallow cast (survey)
EN496 014.02 014 002 20110720 1915 2011-07-21T00:15:00Z 28 21.0320 91 49.7450 28.35053 -91.82908 Multicorer 013 ~60m station; 8 good cores
EN496 014.03 014 003 20110720 2030 2011-07-21T01:30:00Z 28 20.9180 91 49.4620 28.34863 -91.82437 Meter net 008 Shallow tow; 80 m w/o @ 20 m/min; in @ 10 m/min; stop for 5 min at 40 m w/o.  Counter 000 -> 31613.0
EN496 015.01 015 001 20110721 0750 2011-07-21T12:50:00Z 27 7.2480 92 31.8530 27.1208 -92.53088 Deploy sediment trap 004
EN496 015.02 015 002 20110721 0835 2011-07-21T13:35:00Z 27 6.7100 92 32.3740 27.11183 -92.53957 CTD 039 Shallow cast (experimental)
EN496 015.03 015 003 20110721 0955 2011-07-21T14:55:00Z 27 6.6330 92 32.9400 27.11055 -92.549 spectroradiometer 016
EN496 015.04 015 004 20110721 1032 2011-07-21T15:32:00Z 27 6.6700 92 32.8740 27.11117 -92.5479 Multicorer 014 ~1260m; 8 cores; all good.
EN496 015.05 015 005 20110721 1247 2011-07-21T17:47:00Z 27 5.6360 92 33.1260 27.09393 -92.5521 Mocness 013 Daytime moc
EN496 015.06 015 006 20110721 1535 2011-07-21T20:35:00Z 27 4.6070 92 33.9650 27.07678 -92.56608 CTD 040 Deep cast
EN496 015.07 015 007 20110721 2138 2011-07-22T02:38:00Z 27 1.8830 92 35.0650 27.03138 -92.58442 Mocness 014 Nighttime moc
EN496 015.08 015 008 20110722 0707 2011-07-22T12:07:00Z 26 58.1490 92 36.2770 26.96915 -92.60462 CTD 041 Shallow cast (experimental)
EN496 015.09 015 009 20110722 1228 2011-07-22T17:28:00Z 26 55.8690 92 35.7240 26.93115 -92.5954 CTD 042 Shallow cast (misc)
EN496 015.10 015 000 20110722 1320 2011-07-22T18:20:00Z 26 55.6430 92 35.5020 26.92738 -92.5917 Spectroradiometer 017
EN496 015.11 015 011 20110722 1412 2011-07-22T19:12:00Z 26 54.9780 92 34.8320 26.9163 -92.58053 Meter net 009 Shallow tow; 180 m w/o @ 20 m/min; in @ 10 m/min.  Counter 000 -> 01002.0
EN496 015.12 015 012 20110722 1540 2011-07-22T20:40:00Z 26 54.2330 92 36.0380 26.90388 -92.60063 Recover sediment trap 004
EN496 016.01 016 001 20110723 0930 2011-07-23T14:30:00Z 27 29.7200 88 59.0980 27.49533 -88.98497 Deploy sediment trap 005
EN496 016.02 016 002 20110723 1042 2011-07-23T15:42:00Z 27 30.0020 88 56.8620 27.50003 -88.9477 CTD 043 Shallow cast (experimental)
EN496 016.03 016 003 20110723 1140 2011-07-23T16:40:00Z 27 29.9640 88 55.2260 27.4994 -88.92043 Spectroradiometer 018
EN496 016.04 016 004 20110723 1302 2011-07-23T18:02:00Z 27 30.0480 88 52.7220 27.5008 -88.8787 CTD 044 Deep cast
EN496 016.05 016 005 20110723 0000 2011-07-23T05:00:00Z Multicorer 015
EN496 016.06 016 006 20110723 2133 2011-07-24T02:33:00Z 27 28.1710 88 38.7410 27.46952 -88.64568 Mocness 015 Nighttime moc
EN496 016.07 016 007 20110724 0704 2011-07-24T12:04:00Z 27 23.2360 88 27.0030 27.38727 -88.45005 CTD 045
EN496 016.nets 016 20110724 0000 2011-07-24T05:00:00Z
EN496 016.08 016 008 20110724 1020 2011-07-24T15:20:00Z 27 21.8240 88 23.4630 27.36373 -88.39105 Spectroradiometer 019
EN496 016.09 016 009 20110724 1103 2011-07-24T16:03:00Z 27 21.5250 88 22.5470 27.35875 -88.37578 CTD 046
EN496 016.10 016 000 20110724 1238 2011-07-24T17:38:00Z 27 20.7610 88 20.3890 27.34602 -88.33982 Mocness 016 Daytime moc
EN496 016.11 016 011 20110724 1618 2011-07-24T21:18:00Z 27 17.9070 88 15.8980 27.29845 -88.26497 CTD 047 Deep cast
EN496 016.12 016 012 20110724 2115 2011-07-25T02:15:00Z 27 13.2470 88 9.7550 27.22078 -88.16258 Recover sediment trap 005
EN496 017.01 017 001 20110725 0740 2011-07-25T12:40:00Z 28 51.1590 88 29.5470 28.85265 -88.49245 CTD 048 Shallow cast (expt)
EN496 017.02 017 002 20110725 0855 2011-07-25T13:55:00Z 28 51.3050 88 29.4770 28.85508 -88.49128 Multicorer 016 Miss SW crater by ~300 m
EN496 017.03 017 003 20110725 1030 2011-07-25T15:30:00Z 28 50.9430 88 29.3490 28.84905 -88.48915 Spectroradiometer 020
EN496 017.04 017 004 20110725 1132 2011-07-25T16:32:00Z 28 50.8900 88 29.3520 28.84817 -88.4892 CTD 049 Shallow cast (misc.)
EN496 017.05 017 005 20110725 1240 2011-07-25T17:40:00Z 28 51.1430 88 29.3500 28.85238 -88.48917 Multicorer 017 Good drop on SW crater
EN496 017.06 017 006 20110725 1445 2011-07-25T19:45:00Z 28 50.2910 88 28.9980 28.83818 -88.4833 Mocness 017 Daytime moc
EN496 017.07 017 007 20110725 1724 2011-07-25T22:24:00Z 28 51.1930 88 29.3820 28.85322 -88.4897 CTD 050 Deep cast
EN496 018.01 018 001 20110725 2015 2011-07-26T01:15:00Z 28 42.3640 88 21.9170 28.70607 -88.36528 Multicorer 018 lost 3 core tubes
EN496 018.02 018 002 20110725 2204 2011-07-26T03:04:00Z 28 42.9460 88 21.5550 28.71577 -88.35925 Mocness 018 Nighttime moc
EN496 018.03 018 003 20110726 0708 2011-07-26T12:08:00Z 28 42.4410 88 22.0410 28.70735 -88.36735 CTD 051 Deep cast
EN496 018.04 018 004 20110726 0907 2011-07-26T14:07:00Z 28 42.3950 88 22.2540 28.70658 -88.3709 Multicorer 019
EN496 018.05 018 005 20110726 1100 2011-07-26T16:00:00Z 28 42.3820 88 21.6750 28.70637 -88.36125 Spectroradiometer 021
EN496 018.06 018 006 20110726 1147 2011-07-26T16:47:00Z 28 42.3070 88 21.8140 28.70512 -88.36357 CTD 052 Shallow
EN496 019.01 019 001 20110726 1340 2011-07-26T18:40:00Z 28 51.1910 88 21.8750 28.85318 -88.36458 Spectroradiometer 022
EN496 019.02 019 002 20110726 1403 2011-07-26T19:03:00Z 28 50.4920 88 21.2800 28.84153 -88.35467 CTD 053 Shallow cast
EN496 017.08 017 008 20110726 1520 2011-07-26T20:20:00Z 28 51.0670 88 29.4580 28.85112 -88.49097 Multicorer 020 cores too short (UGA 017.10)
EN496 017.09 017 009 20110726 1630 2011-07-26T21:30:00Z 28 51.1050 88 29.4780 28.85175 -88.4913 Multicorer 021 6 cores; might be oily (UGA 017.11)
EN496 Arr. Gulfport 20110727 0900 2011-07-27T14:00:00Z 30 21.5630 89 5.4390 30.35938 -89.09065 End of cruise
EN509 Depart Gulfport 20120525 1100 2012-05-25T16:00:00Z 29 13.5020 87 41.6120 29.22503 -87.69353 Depart 2h late b/c of generator problems
EN509 001.01 001 001 20120525 2210 2012-05-26T03:10:00Z 29 13.0610 87 35.7150 29.21768 -87.59525 Deep CTD 001 Shakedown CTD after exiting the fairway
EN509 002.01 002 001 20120526 0542 2012-05-26T10:42:00Z 28 51.3780 88 29.2400 28.8563 -88.48733 MC118 Deep CTD 002 Deep cast for geochemistry
EN509 002.02 002 002 20120526 0821 2012-05-26T13:21:00Z 28 51.0930 88 29.2790 28.85155 -88.48798 MC118 Multicorer 001 target SW crater.  890 m; 8 cores; 1 lost during sampling.
EN509 002.03 002 003 20120526 1140 2012-05-26T16:40:00Z 28 51.2240 88 28.8610 28.85373 -88.48102 MC118 Shallow CTD 003 Experimental cast.  NFix-01.  002.03-09 is a leaker.
EN509 002.04 002 004 20120526 1221 2012-05-26T17:21:00Z 28 51.0300 88 29.3600 28.8505 -88.48933 MC118 Shallow CTD 004 Genomics and microbiology cast
EN509 002.05 002 005 20120526 1350 2012-05-26T18:50:00Z 28 51.1690 88 28.8710 28.85282 -88.48118 MC118 Mocness 001 Daytime moc; winch freewheeled for a while during Net 4
EN509 003.01 003 001 20120526 2200 2012-05-27T03:00:00Z 28 08.1670 88 59.6880 28.13612 -88.9948 MARS/URSA Shallow CTD 005 metas cast
EN509 003.02 003 002 20120527 0032 2012-05-27T05:32:00Z 28 08.1350 88 57.9200 28.13558 -88.96533 Mocness 002 midnight moc
EN509 003.03 003 003 20120527 0510 2012-05-27T10:10:00Z 28 08.0890 88 59.7590 28.13482 -88.99598 Multicorer 002 1279m; 8 cores; 1 disturbed.
EN509 003.04 003 004 20120527 0907 2012-05-27T14:07:00Z 28 08.1790 88 59.4650 28.13632 -88.99108 Shallow CTD 006 Experimental cast.  NFix-02
EN509 003.05 003 005 20120527 1132 2012-05-27T16:32:00Z 28 08.1100 88 59.6910 28.13517 -88.99485 Deep CTD 007 Deep cast for geochemistry
EN509 003.06 003 006 20120527 1314 2012-05-27T18:14:00Z 28 07.9020 88 59.9660 28.1317 -88.99943 Mocness 003 Daytime moc
EN509 003.07 003 007 20120527 1650 2012-05-27T21:50:00Z 28 21.7800 89 04.1690 28.363 -89.06948 Ring Net 001 Trx tow for Ellen
EN509 003.08 003 008 20120527 1815 2012-05-27T23:15:00Z 28 06.8670 89 04.4780 28.11445 -89.07463 LOBO out 001 Deploy LOBO
EN509 004.01 004 001 20120528 0420 2012-05-28T09:20:00Z 27 22.0000 90 34.4570 27.36667 -90.57428 GC600 Multicorer 003 Nominal position is 500m west of the lander; 1226 m; 8 cores; 1 desturbed.
EN509 004.02 004 002 20120528 0719 2012-05-28T12:19:00Z 27 21.7520 90 33.8360 27.36253 -90.56393 GC600 Shallow CTD 008 Rates; PN.  NFix-04.
EN509 004.03 004 003 20120528 0926 2012-05-28T14:26:00Z 27 21.7680 90 33.7810 27.3628 -90.56302 GC600 Shallow CTD 009 Metagenomics
EN509 004.04 004 004 20120528 1036 2012-05-28T15:36:00Z 27 21.7750 90 33.9160 27.36292 -90.56527 GC600 Mocness 004 Datytime moc
EN509 004.05 004 005 20120528 1454 2012-05-28T19:54:00Z 27 21.6700 90 34.5110 27.36117 -90.57518 GC600 Deep CTD 010 PN; nutrients; geochemistry.  004.05-07 is a leaker.
EN509 004.06 004 006 20120528 1700 2012-05-28T22:00:00Z 27 21.5540 90 33.9360 27.35923 -90.5656 GC600 Multicorer 004 Site:  something 2 per Melitza.  1235 m; 8 cores all alike.
EN509 005.01 005 001 20120529 0712 2012-05-29T12:12:00Z 26 00.3510 92 21.9630 26.00585 -92.36605 W chl feature Shallow CTD 011 Rates.  NFix-05
EN509 005.nets Hand-nets for Trx 001 NFix-06; NTrans-01
EN509 005.02 005 002 20120529 0913 2012-05-29T14:13:00Z 26 00.2820 92 211.0580 26.0047 -95.51763 Shallow CTD 012 Make up for misfired bottles on first cast.
EN509 005.03 005 003 20120529 1006 2012-05-29T15:06:00Z 26 00.3000 92 19.8000 26.005 -92.33 Deploy Trap 001 Floating trap away
EN509 005.04 005 004 20120529 1022 2012-05-29T15:22:00Z 26 00.0540 92 19.2670 26.0009 -92.32112 Shallow CTD 013 Metagenomics; etc.
EN509 005.05 005 005 20120529 1210 2012-05-29T17:10:00Z 26 01.2250 92 18.4350 26.02042 -92.30725 Mocness 005 Daytime tow
EN509 005.06 005 006 20120529 1645 2012-05-29T21:45:00Z 26 01.5210 92 15.1460 26.02535 -92.25243 Deep CTD 014 PN; nutrients; geochem
EN509 005.07 005 007 20120529 1947 2012-05-30T00:47:00Z 26 01.8800 92 13.1130 26.03133 -92.21855 Ring net 002 For exptl zooplankton
EN509 005.08 005 008 20120529 0835 2012-05-29T13:35:00Z 26 00.9790 92 13.1340 26.01632 -92.2189 Multicorer 005 2159 m; 5 cores; 3 disturbed.
EN509 005.09 005 009 20120529 2320 2012-05-30T04:20:00Z 26 03.0750 92 12.5010 26.05125 -92.20835 Mocness 006 Nighttime tow;  lots of comm problems late in tow
EN509 005.10 005 010 20120530 0437 2012-05-30T09:37:00Z 26 05.7010 92 06.6910 26.09502 -92.11152 Deep CTD 015 Metagenomics profile
EN509 005.11 005 011 20120530 0838 2012-05-30T13:38:00Z 26 06.8160 92 03.7250 26.1136 -92.06208 Shallow CTD 016 Rates.  NFix-07
EN509 005.12 005 012 20120530 1028 2012-05-30T15:28:00Z 26 08.1400 92 03.2910 26.13567 -92.05485 Deep CTD 017 PN; nutrients; geochem
EN509 005.13 005 013 20120530 1243 2012-05-30T17:43:00Z 26 08.4690 92 01.5780 26.14115 -92.0263 Mocness 007 Deeper daytime tow (1800 m)
EN509 005.14 005 014 20120530 1340 2012-05-30T18:40:00Z 26 06.1140 92 01.5970 26.1019 -92.02662 Ring net 003 Trx sample for Ellen
EN509 005.15 005 015 20120530 1740 2012-05-30T22:40:00Z 26 02.9890 92 00.1430 26.04982 -92.00238 Shallow CTD 018 Surface cast for NAE-01
EN509 005.16 005 016 20120530 1946 2012-05-31T00:46:00Z 26 10.2510 91 59.9160 26.17085 -91.9986 Recover Trap 001 Floating trap array
EN509 006.01 006 001 20120531 1219 2012-05-31T17:19:00Z 26 28.3050 94 46.7130 26.47175 -94.77855 SW corner Shallow CTD 019 Rates; NFix-08
EN509 006.02 006 002 20120531 1310 2012-05-31T18:10:00Z 26 27.5520 94 46.7380 26.4592 -94.77897 Mocness 008 Daytime moc; NFix-09; NTrans-02
EN509 006.03 006 003 20120531 1831 2012-05-31T23:31:00Z 26 28.3150 94 46.6680 26.47192 -94.7778 Shallow CTD 020 Metagenomics; etc.
EN509 006.04 006 004 20120531 1947 2012-06-01T00:47:00Z 26 28.1030 94 46.6710 26.46838 -94.77785 Shallow CTD 021 Surface cast for NAE-02
EN509 006.05 006 005 20120531 2039 2012-06-01T01:39:00Z 26 27.7510 94 46.2880 26.46252 -94.77147 Deep CTD 022 PN; nutrients; geochem
EN509 006.06 006 006 20120531 1020 2012-05-31T15:20:00Z 26 27.6420 94 46.6980 26.4607 -94.7783 Multicorer 006 1737 m; 6 cores; one disturbed; no oil layer.
EN509 007.01 007 001 20120601 0515 2012-06-01T10:15:00Z 27 15.3230 95 00.0350 27.25538 -95.00058 NW corner Deep CTD 023 PN; nutrients; geochem.  007.01-19 is a leaker.
EN509 007.02 007 002 20120601 0831 2012-06-01T13:31:00Z 27 15.3080 94 59.9060 27.25513 -94.99843 Shallow CTD 024 Rates; NFix-10
EN509 007.03 007 003 20120601 1023 2012-06-01T15:23:00Z 27 15.4980 94 58.8170 27.2583 -94.98028 Shallow CTD 025 Metagenomics; etc.
EN509 007.04 007 004 20120601 1109 2012-06-01T16:09:00Z 27 15.1300 94 58.2510 27.25217 -94.97085 Mocness 009 Daytime moc; NFix-11; NTrans-03
EN509 007.05 007 005 20120601 1536 2012-06-01T20:36:00Z 27 14.9400 95 00.0530 27.249 -95.00088 Shallow CTD 026 Shallow cast for NAE-03
EN509 007.06 007 006 20120601 1620 2012-06-01T21:20:00Z 27 14.7350 75 00.0220 27.24558 -75.00037 Multicorer 007 1150 m; 8 cores; 3 disturbed.
EN509 008.01 008 001 20120602 0645 2012-06-02T11:45:00Z 27 15.2530 92 42.0340 27.25422 -92.70057 Blue water Deploy trap 002
EN509 008.02 008 002 20120602 0804 2012-06-02T13:04:00Z 27 16.1460 92 42.1620 27.2691 -92.7027 Shallow CTD 027 Rates; NFix-12
EN509 008.03 008 003 20120602 1000 2012-06-02T15:00:00Z 27 15.7400 92 42.0590 27.26233 -92.70098 Shallow CTD 028 Metagenomics; etc.
EN509 008.04 008 004 20120602 1105 2012-06-02T16:05:00Z 27 15.7830 92 42.5960 27.26305 -92.70993 Mocness 010 Daytime moc; NFix-13; NTrans-04
EN509 008.05 008 005 20120602 1556 2012-06-02T20:56:00Z 27 15.5850 92 42.7790 27.25975 -92.71298 Deep CTD 029 PN; nutrients; geochem
EN509 008.06 008 006 20120602 1755 2012-06-02T22:55:00Z 27 15.1900 92 43.1860 27.25317 -92.71977 Multicorer 008 1100 m; 7 cores; 1 disturbed.
EN509 008.07 008 007 20120602 2245 2012-06-03T03:45:00Z 27 15.6270 92 44.2040 27.26045 -92.73673 Mocness 011 Nighttime moc
EN509 008.08 008 008 20120603 0832 2012-06-03T13:32:00Z 27 17.2400 92 47.7710 27.28733 -92.79618 Shallow CTD 030 Rates; NFix-14
EN509 008.nets Hand nets for Trx NFix-15; NTrans-05
EN509 008.09 008 010 20120603 1130 2012-06-03T16:30:00Z 27 17.5500 92 47.7620 27.2925 -92.79603 Mocness 012 Daytime moc
EN509 008.10 008 010 20120603 1501 2012-06-03T20:01:00Z 27 16.7620 92 47.6580 27.27937 -92.7943 Shallow CTD 031 Shallow cast for NAE-04
EN509 008.11 008 011 20120603 2131 2012-06-04T02:31:00Z 27 17.1760 92 49.6740 27.28627 -92.8279 Recover trap 002
EN509 009.01 009 001 20120604 0700 2012-06-04T12:00:00Z 28 02.6310 91 19.2630 28.04385 -91.32105 Shelf stn. Deep CTD 032 PN; nutrients; geochem
EN509 009.02 009 002 20120604 0906 2012-06-04T14:06:00Z 28 02.2090 91 19.4130 28.03682 -91.32355 Shallow CTD 033 Metagenomics; etc.
EN509 009.03 009 003 20120604 1108 2012-06-04T16:08:00Z 28 02.1420 91 18.5650 28.0357 -91.30942 Shallow CTD 034 Rates; NFix-16
EN509 009.04 009 004 20120604 1310 2012-06-04T18:10:00Z 28 02.0920 91 19.1730 28.03487 -91.31955 Multicorer 009 127 m; 5 cores; 1 disturbed.
EN509 009.05 009 005 20120604 1419 2012-06-04T19:19:00Z 28 02.2710 91 19.4580 28.03785 -91.3243 Ring net 004 Zooplankton tow:  180 m w/o @ 20m/min out; 10 m/min in
EN509 009.06 009 006 20120604 1458 2012-06-04T19:58:00Z 28 02.7040 91 19.8190 28.04507 -91.33032 Ring net 005 Surface tow for phytoplankton
EN509 009.07 009 007 20120604 1527 2012-06-04T20:27:00Z 28 02.8490 91 18.1970 28.04748 -91.30328 Shallow CTD 035 Surface cast for metas
EN509 010.01 010 001 20120605 0414 2012-06-05T09:14:00Z 27 49.0000 89 04.0000 27.81667 -89.06667 Eddy Multicorer 010 1399 m; 8 cores; 2 disturbed; shells on surface.
EN509 010.02 010 002 20120605 0700 2012-06-05T12:00:00Z 27 49.1110 89 04.0980 27.81852 -89.0683 Shallow CTD 036 Rates; NFix-17
EN509 010.03 010 003 20120605 0909 2012-06-05T14:09:00Z 27 49.0430 89 03.7750 27.81738 -89.06292 Shallow CTD 037 Metagenomics; etc.
EN509 010.04 010 004 20120605 1035 2012-06-05T15:35:00Z 27 48.7600 89 04.0650 27.81267 -89.06775 Mocness 013 Daytime moc
EN509 010.05 010 005 20120605 1515 2012-06-05T20:15:00Z 27 48.9070 89 03.7300 27.81512 -89.06217 Deep CTD 038 PN; nutrients; geochemistry.  010.05-5 is a leaker..
EN509 010.06 010 006 20120605 1740 2012-06-05T22:40:00Z 27 47.0810 89 02.8790 27.78468 -89.04798 Shallow CTD 039 Surface cast for metas
EN509 Arrive Gulfport 20120606 1420 2012-06-06T19:20:00Z 29 13.5020 87 41.6120 29.22503 -87.69353 EN509 port call
EN509 Depart Gulfport 20120608 0900 2012-06-08T14:00:00Z 29 13.5020 87 41.6120 29.22503 -87.69353
EN509 011.01 011 001 20120609 0900 2012-06-09T14:00:00Z 27 44.3040 88 50.4020 27.7384 -88.84003 Eddy Deploy trap 003
EN509 011.02 011 002 20120609 0920 2012-06-09T14:20:00Z 27 44.2640 88 50.2870 27.73773 -88.83812 Shallow CTD 040 Rates; NFix-18
EN509 011.03 011 003 20120609 1109 2012-06-09T16:09:00Z 27 43.2930 88 19.0180 27.72155 -88.31697 Shallow CTD 041 Metas; NAE-05
EN509 011.04 011 004 20120609 1247 2012-06-09T17:47:00Z 27 45.4280 88 50.1960 27.75713 -88.8366 Mocness 014 Daytime moc to 1400 m
EN509 011.05 011 005 20120609 1750 2012-06-09T22:50:00Z 27 40.3770 88 46.6420 27.67295 -88.77737 Deep CTD 042 PN; nutrients; geochem.  011.05-7 is a leaker..
EN509 011.06 011 006 20120609 2049 2012-06-10T01:49:00Z 27 39.5540 88 47.0930 27.65923 -88.78488 Multicorer 011 1787 m; Rough conditions; only two very short cores
EN509 011.07 011 007 20120609 2342 2012-06-10T04:42:00Z 27 37.7170 88 44.8530 27.62862 -88.74755 Mocness 015 Nighttime moc
EN509 011.08 011 008 20120610 0905 2012-06-10T14:05:00Z 27 34.8120 88 43.2900 27.5802 -88.7215 Shallow CTD 043 Rates; NFix-19
EN509 011.10 011 010 20120610 1255 2012-06-10T17:55:00Z 27 33.3670 88 43.1230 27.55612 -88.71872 Mocness 016 daytime moc
EN509 011.12 011 012 20120610 1924 2012-06-11T00:24:00Z 27 31.4270 88 40.7560 27.52378 -88.67927 Recoer trap 003
EN509 012.01 012 001 20120611 0510 2012-06-11T10:10:00Z 28 42.0355 88 29.9520 28.70059 -88.4992 Plume stn Deep CTD 044 PN; nutrients; geochem
EN509 012.02 012 002 20120611 0825 2012-06-11T13:25:00Z 28 42.4100 88 29.0930 28.70683 -88.48488 Shallow CTD 045 Rates.  NFix-20
EN509 012.03 012 003 20120611 1012 2012-06-11T15:12:00Z 28 42.1410 88 23.8420 28.70235 -88.39737 Shallow CTD 046 Metagenomics; NAE-06
EN509 012.04 012 004 20120611 1132 2012-06-11T16:32:00Z 28 41.8330 88 29.6000 28.69722 -88.49333 Deep CTD 047 Makeup for missed depths
EN509 012.05 012 005 20120611 1350 2012-06-11T18:50:00Z 28 41.7880 88 30.1450 28.69647 -88.50242 Mocness 017 Daytime moc to 500 m
EN509 012.06 012 006 20120611 1720 2012-06-11T22:20:00Z 28 41.9890 88 30.1220 28.69982 -88.50203 Multicorer 014 1386 m; 7 cores; 1 disturbed; oily layer and black particles on coretops look like tarballs
EN509 013.01 013 001 20120612 0340 2012-06-12T08:40:00Z 27 25.1830 88 07.0450 27.41972 -88.11742 Offshore eddy Deploy trap 004 Strobe not working
EN509 013.02 013 002 20120612 0613 2012-06-12T11:13:00Z 27 26.6730 88 04.8960 27.44455 -88.0816 Deep CTD 048 PN nutrients; geochemistry
EN509 013.03 013 003 20120612 1004 2012-06-12T15:04:00Z 27 25.9740 87 59.2770 27.4329 -87.98795 Shallow CTD 049 Rates.  NFix-21
EN509 013.04 013 004 20120612 1159 2012-06-12T16:59:00Z 27 25.9200 87 56.3250 27.432 -87.93875 Shallow CTD 050 Metagenomics; etc.
EN509 013.05 013 005 20120612 1252 2012-06-12T17:52:00Z 27 26.0690 87 55.2590 27.43448 -87.92098 Mocness 018 Daytime moc to 500 m
EN509 013.06 013 006 20120612 1700 2012-06-12T22:00:00Z Trap check 001 Change batteries in strobe
EN509 013.07 013 007 20120612 1816 2012-06-12T23:16:00Z 27 27.5930 87 45.3890 27.45988 -87.75648 Multicorer 015 2750 m; 7 cores; 2 disturbed; brown shelly layer on top; red layer at ~ 15 cm depth
EN509 013.08 013 008 20120612 2208 2012-06-13T03:08:00Z 27 25.5360 87 37.3925 27.4256 -87.62321 Mocness 019 Nighttime moc to 1000 m
EN509 013.09 013 009 20120613 0853 2012-06-13T13:53:00Z 27 25.0130 87 20.0340 27.41688 -87.3339 Shallow CTD 051 Rates.  NFix-22
EN509 013.10 013 010 20120613 1051 2012-06-13T15:51:00Z 27 24.0520 87 15.1900 27.40087 -87.25317 Shallow CTD 052 NAE-07; metagenomics; etc.
EN509 013.11 013 011 20120613 1227 2012-06-13T17:27:00Z 27 22.7820 87 16.3540 27.3797 -87.27257 Mocness 020 Daytime moc to 1000 m
EN509 013.12 013 012 20120613 1716 2012-06-13T22:16:00Z Recover trap 004
EN509 014.01 014 001 20120614 0445 2012-06-14T09:45:00Z 26 00.0370 86 44.4590 26.00062 -86.74098 Deploy trap 005 Combo unit strobe not working despite new batteries
EN509 014.02 014 002 20120614 0603 2012-06-14T11:03:00Z 26 00.6100 86 44.8860 26.01017 -86.7481 Deep CTD 053 Nuts; PN; geochem; shrinkage
EN509 014.03 014 003 20120614 1004 2012-06-14T15:04:00Z 25 59.7360 86 46.0330 25.9956 -86.76722 Shallow CTD 054 Rates; NFix-23
EN509 014.04 014 004 20120614 1200 2012-06-14T17:00:00Z 25 53.5430 86 41.6550 25.89238 -86.69425 Shallow CTD 055 NAE-08; metagenomics; etc.
EN509 014.05 014 005 20120614 1317 2012-06-14T18:17:00Z 25 59.5790 86 00.9630 25.99298 -86.01605 Mocness 021 Daytime moc to 1400 m
EN509 014.06 014 006 20120614 1830 2012-06-14T23:30:00Z 25 59.9740 86 37.6120 25.99957 -86.62687 Multicorer 016 3176 m; 8 cores; 3 disturbed; forams all over coretops
EN509 014.07 014 007 20120614 2217 2012-06-15T03:17:00Z 25 59.5600 86 35.2590 25.99267 -86.58765 Mocness 022 Nighttime moc to 1400 m
EN509 014.08 014 008 20120615 0800 2012-06-15T13:00:00Z 25 55.6870 86 28.8590 25.92812 -86.48098 Shallow CTD 056 Rates; NFix-24
EN509 014.09 014 009 20120615 1038 2012-06-15T15:38:00Z 25 54.5880 86 27.4070 25.9098 -86.45678 Mocness 023 Daytime moc
EN509 014.10 014 010 20120615 1523 2012-06-15T20:23:00Z 25 54.1010 86 25.7620 25.90168 -86.42937 Deep CTD 057 Metagenomics; shrinkage; etc.
EN509 014.11 014 011 20120615 1927 2012-06-16T00:27:00Z 25 50.9000 86 24.8000 25.84833 -86.41333 Recover trap 005
EN509 015.01 015 001 20120616 0701 2012-06-16T12:01:00Z 27 00.4210 84 37.3790 27.00702 -84.62298 Deep CTD 058 Abort b/c of ctd problems
EN509 015.02 015 002 20120616 0814 2012-06-16T13:14:00Z 26 59.8470 84 37.8470 26.99745 -84.63078 Deep CTD 059 Nuts; PN; geochem; shrinkage
EN509 015.03 015 003 20120616 0950 2012-06-16T14:50:00Z 26 59.8870 84 37.9270 26.99812 -84.63212 Shallow CTD 060 Rates; NFix-25
EN509 015.04 015 004 20120616 1138 2012-06-16T16:38:00Z 26 59.8110 84 37.7870 26.99685 -84.62978 Shallow CTD 061 NAE; metagenomics; etc.
EN509 015.05 015 005 20120616 1242 2012-06-16T17:42:00Z 27 00.2450 84 36.7290 27.00408 -84.61215 Mocness 024 Daytime moc to 175 m
EN509 015.06 015 006 20120616 1635 2012-06-16T21:35:00Z 26 59.7380 84 37.4360 26.99563 -84.62393 Multicorer 017 203 m; No mud.
EN509 015.07 015 007 20120616 1605 2012-06-16T21:05:00Z 26 59.4640 84 37.0220 26.99107 -84.61703 Multicorer 018 203 m; added 4 lead weights.  No mud.
EN509 015.08 015 008 20120616 1645 2012-06-16T21:45:00Z 26 59.2150 84 36.6770 26.98692 -84.61128 Multicorer 019 203 m; water cores
EN509 015.09 015 009 20120616 1752 2012-06-16T22:52:00Z 27 00.4120 84 38.0660 27.00687 -84.63443 Shallow CTD 062 Surface cast for NAE-09
EN509 016.01 016 001 20120617 0830 2012-06-17T13:30:00Z 27 55.2176 87 02.9680 27.92029 -87.04947 Deploy trap 006
EN509 016.02 016 002 20120617 0902 2012-06-17T14:02:00Z 27 55.2330 87 02.0430 27.92055 -87.03405 Shallow CTD 063 Rates; NFix-26
EN509 016.03 016 003 20120617 1052 2012-06-17T15:52:00Z 27 55.2950 87 01.5620 27.92158 -87.02603 Shallow CTD 064 NAE-10; metagenomics; etc.
EN509 016.04 016 004 20120617 1220 2012-06-17T17:20:00Z 27 55.0110 87 00.3030 27.91685 -87.00505 Mocness 025 Daytime moc (deep)
EN509 016.05 016 005 20120617 1810 2012-06-17T23:10:00Z 27 55.6110 86 56.3000 27.92685 -86.93833 Multicorer 020 2918 m; no mud
EN509 016.06 016 006 20120617 2045 2012-06-18T01:45:00Z 27 55.1470 86 52.1530 27.91912 -86.86922 Multicorer 021 2970m; big oscillations when hit bottom; cores not very long; probably hard bottom
EN509 016.07 016 007 20120617 2353 2012-06-18T04:53:00Z 27 55.6940 86 50.1400 27.92823 -86.83567 Mocness 026 Nighttime moc (deep)
EN509 016.08 016 008 20120618 0807 2012-06-18T13:07:00Z 27 54.6820 86 45.1740 27.91137 -86.7529 Shallow CTD 065 Rates; NFix-27
EN509 016.09 016 009 20120618 1035 2012-06-18T15:35:00Z 27 54.5480 86 43.5420 27.90913 -86.7257 Mocness 027 Datytime moc (shallow).  Battery troubles
EN509 016.10 016 010 20120618 1424 2012-06-18T19:24:00Z 27 55.2800 86 41.4980 27.92133 -86.69163 Deep CTD 066 PN; nutrients; geochemistry
EN509 016.10 016 010 20120618 1927 2012-06-19T00:27:00Z 27 54.3000 86 38.4000 27.905 -86.64 Recover trap 006
EN509 017.01 017 001 20120618 2319 2012-06-19T04:19:00Z 27 32.9300 86 34.9170 27.54883 -86.58195 Mocness 028 Nighttime moc (shallow)
EN509 017.02 017 002 20120619 0000 1999-11-30T00:00:00Z Multicorer 022 Good cores
EN509 017.03 017 003 20120619 0000 2014-06-26T05:00:00Z 27 28.7930 86 30.7050 27.47988 -86.51175 Recover Lobo 001 Went into recovery mode one cycle later than expected.
EN509 017.04 017 004 20120619 0808 2012-06-19T13:08:00Z 27 27.9880 86 29.5500 27.46647 -86.4925 Shallow CTD 067 Rates; NFix-28
EN509 017.05 017 005 19040107 1006 2004-01-07T19:39:00Z 27 24.5750 86 25.3670 27.40958 -86.42278 Intermed CTD 068 PN; nutrients; geochemistry
EN509 017.06 017 006 20120619 1132 2012-06-19T16:32:00Z 27 22.4260 86 23.1420 27.37377 -86.3857 Mocness 029 Daytime moc (shallow; running with wind on the beam)
EN510 Depart Gulfport 20120624 0900 2012-06-24T14:00:00Z 29 13.502 87 41.612 29.225 -87.6935 Depart 1d late; relocate to Pascagoula b/c of wx
EN510 Arrive Pascagoula 20120624 1400 2012-06-24T19:00:00Z 30 20.380 88 34.567 30.3397 -88.5761 Waiting out Tropical Storm Debby
EN510 Depart Pascagoula 20120625 1400 2012-06-25T19:00:00Z 30 20.380 88 34.567 30.3397 -88.5761 lost ~ 2 days to TS Debby
EN510 001.01 001 001 20120626 0104 2012-06-26T06:04:00Z 28 44.830 88 23.460 28.7472 -88.391 OC26 Deep CTD 001 Lobo calibration cast plus water for Ziervogel
EN510 001.02 001 002 20120626 0800 2012-06-26T13:00:00Z 28 40.780 88 21.680 28.6797 -88.3613 Deploy mooring 001 New Uta spot.  Bridge log entries:  0637 - start mooring 28Ëš40.2'N  088Ëš23.5'W
EN510 001.03 001 003 20120626 0847 2012-06-26T13:47:00Z 28 40.225 88 22.482 28.6704 -88.3747 Deploy Lobo 001 Lobo away
EN510 002.01 002 001 20120626 2234 2012-06-27T03:34:00Z 27 21.958 90 34.300 27.366 -90.5717 GC600 Deploy trap 001 floating sediment trap (approx location)
EN510 002.02 002 002 20120626 2258 2012-06-27T03:58:00Z 27 22.323 90 34.611 27.3721 -90.5769 Mocness 001 Nighttime moc (1000 m)
EN510 002.03 002 003 20120627 0400 2012-06-27T09:00:00Z 27 22.010 90 33.358 27.3668 -90.556 CHIRP survey 001 one potential bubble plume at Lenin's chin.  CHIRP Survey waypoints
EN510 002.04 002 004 20120627 0910 2012-06-27T14:10:00Z 27 21.810 90 34.670 27.3635 -90.5778 Shallow CTD 002 Lenin site.  NF-biomass.  NFix-01.
EN510 002.05 002 005 20120627 1110 2012-06-27T16:10:00Z 27 21.664 90 34.018 27.3611 -90.567 Shallow CTD 003 Lenin site.  MOx; etc.
EN510 002.06 002 006 20120627 1224 2012-06-27T17:24:00Z 27 21.763 90 35.182 27.3627 -90.5864 Mocness 002 Daytime moc (1000 m)
EN510 002.07 002 007 20120627 1633 2012-06-27T21:33:00Z 27 21.750 90 34.798 27.3625 -90.58 Deep CTD 004 Lenin site; experimental
EN510 002.08 002 008 20120627 0000 2012-06-27T05:00:00Z Multicorer 001 Lenin site; good cores; no oil
EN510 002.09 002 009 20120627 2230 2012-06-28T03:30:00Z 27 22.818 90 35.478 27.3803 -90.5913 Mocness 003 Nighttime moc (500 m)
EN510 002.10 002 010 20120628 0000 2012-06-28T05:00:00Z Pump sampling 001 For JCVI metagenomics sample
EN510 002.11 002 011 20120628 1009 2012-06-28T15:09:00Z 27 21.655 90 34.734 27.3609 -90.5789 Deep CTD 005 combo nitrification + NAE
EN510 002.12 002 012 20120628 0000 2012-06-28T05:00:00Z CHIRP survey 002 N-S search
EN510 002.13 002 013 20120628 1230 2012-06-28T17:30:00Z 27 22.420 90 32.935 27.3737 -90.5489 Bucket sample 001 oil slick
EN510 002.14 002 014 20120628 1300 2012-06-28T18:00:00Z 27 21.854 90 34.036 27.3642 -90.5673 Bucket sample 002 non-slick sample
EN510 002.15 002 015 20120628 1624 2012-06-28T21:24:00Z 27 21.843 91 34.803 27.3641 -91.5801 Deep CTD 005 Full profile at Lenin site
EN510 002.16 002 016 20120628 2030 2012-06-29T01:30:00Z Recover trap 001
EN510 002.17 002 017 20120628 0325 2012-06-28T08:25:00Z 27 21.812 90 33.841 27.3635 -90.564 Deep CTD 006 GC600 center site.  SW glitch at bottom; so separate up/down casts
EN510 002.18 002 018 20120629 0417 2012-06-29T09:17:00Z 27 21.780 90 33.870 27.363 -90.5645 Multicorer 002 EN505-muc site.
EN510 002.19 002 019 20120629 0627 2012-06-29T11:27:00Z 27 21.964 90 33.808 27.3661 -90.5635 Deep CTD 007 GC600-center; experimental.  abort b/c moved way off stn; no samples collected; just hydro data.
EN510 002.20 002 020 20120629 0747 2012-06-29T12:47:00Z 27 21.795 90 33.886 27.3633 -90.5648 Deep CTD 008 GC600-ctr; experimental
EN510 002.21 002 021 20120629 1015 2012-06-29T15:15:00Z 27 22.003 90 33.748 27.3667 -90.5625 Shallow CTD 008 GC600-ctr; NF+biomass
EN510 002.22 002 022 20120629 0000 2012-06-29T05:00:00Z Bucket sample 003 oil slick; marked by bridge
EN510 002.23 002 023 20120629 1211 2012-06-29T17:11:00Z 27 23.210 90 34.763 27.3868 -90.5794 Mocness 004 Daytime moc
EN510 002.24 002 024 20120629 1607 2012-06-29T21:07:00Z 27 21.690 90 34.006 27.3615 -90.5668 Deep CTD 009 GC600-ctr; shallow MOx; etc. + deep water for Joy Battles
EN510 003.01 003 001 20120629 2255 2012-06-30T03:55:00Z AT357 Deploy trap 002 Floating sediment trap
EN510 003.02 003 002 20120629 2215 2012-06-30T03:15:00Z 27 33.326 89 45.962 27.5554 -89.766 Deep CTD 010 Full profile
EN510 003.03 003 003 20120630 1030 2012-06-30T15:30:00Z Recover trap 002 Fouled in a long line; nothing lost
EN510 003.04 003 004 20120630 1102 2012-06-30T16:02:00Z 27 33.707 89 45.628 27.5618 -89.7605 Shallow CTD 011 NF+biomass
EN510 003.05 003 005 20120630 1200 2012-06-30T17:00:00Z 27 33.777 89 46.411 27.563 -89.7735 Net tow 001 Trx samples for Phil's expt
EN510 003.06 003 006 20120630 1300 2012-06-30T18:00:00Z 27 33.777 89 46.411 27.563 -89.7735 Mocness 005 Daytime moc (deep)
EN510 003.07 003 007 20120630 1759 2012-06-30T22:59:00Z 27 32.999 89 45.686 27.55 -89.7614 Deep CTD 012 Experimental cast
EN510 003.08 003 008 20120630 0000 2012-06-30T05:00:00Z Multicorer 003
EN510 003.09 003 009 20120630 2120 2012-07-01T02:20:00Z 27 33.408 89 46.961 27.5568 -89.7827 Shallow CTD 013 MOx etc.
EN510 003.10 003 010 20120630 2242 2012-07-01T03:42:00Z 27 32.981 89 46.493 27.5497 -89.7749 Mocness 006 Nighttime moc (deep)
EN510 003.11 003 011 20120701 0841 2012-07-01T13:41:00Z 27 33.473 89 45.775 27.5579 -89.7629 Intermed CTD 014 Intermed z NF + biomass
EN510 003.12 003 012 20120701 1102 2012-07-01T16:02:00Z 27 33.171 89 46.989 27.5529 -89.7832 Shallow CTD 015 MOx; NAE; etc.
EN510 004.01 004 001 20120701 2330 2012-07-02T04:30:00Z 28 40.515 88 22.115 28.6753 -88.3686 OC26 Deploy trap 003 Floating sediment trap
EN510 004.02 004 002 20120702 0655 2012-07-02T11:55:00Z 28 40.163 88 22.469 28.6694 -88.3745 Deep CTD 016 Full profile
EN510 004.03 004 003 20120702 0946 2012-07-02T14:46:00Z 28 40.459 88 22.280 28.6743 -88.3713 Shallow CTD 017 MOx; NAE; etc.
EN510 004.04 004 004 20120702 1112 2012-07-02T16:12:00Z 28 40.509 88 22.243 28.6752 -88.3707 Shallow CTD 018 NF+biomass
EN510 004.05 004 005 20120702 1255 2012-07-02T17:55:00Z 28 40.084 88 22.094 28.6681 -88.3682 Mocness 007 Daytime moc (deep)
EN510 004.06 004 006 20120702 1809 2012-07-02T23:09:00Z 28 40.214 88 22.465 28.6702 -88.3744 Deep CTD 019 Experimental cast
EN510 004.07 004 007 20120702 0000 2012-07-02T05:00:00Z Multicorer 004 Good cores; oily layeron top
EN510 004.08 004 008 20120702 2250 2012-07-03T03:50:00Z 28 40.002 88 22.603 28.6667 -88.3767 Mocness 008 Nighttime moc (deep)
EN510 004.09 004 009 20120703 0805 2012-07-03T13:05:00Z 28 40.443 88 22.211 28.6741 -88.3702 Deep CTD 020 Experimental cast (NF + Nit)
EN510 004.10 004 010 20120703 1057 2012-07-03T15:57:00Z 28 40.441 88 22.168 28.674 -88.3695 Mid-depth CTD 021 NF+biomass; max Z=800 m
EN510 004.11 004 011 20120703 1322 2012-07-03T18:22:00Z 28 40.400 Deep CTD 022 Full profile; test CH4 methods
EN510 004.12 004 012 20120703 1617 2012-07-03T21:17:00Z 28 40.440 88 22.284 28.674 -88.3714 Shallow CTD 023 MOx; etc.
EN510 005.01 005 001 20120703 2347 2012-07-04T04:47:00Z 28 56.880 88 57.523 28.948 -88.9587 Taylor Energy Site CTD 024 Full profile
EN510 005.02 005 002 20120704 0000 2012-07-04T05:00:00Z Multicorer 005 8 bricks on spider.  Lots of mud; too high in tubes.
EN510 005.03 005 003 20120704 0000 2012-07-04T05:00:00Z Multicorer 006 5 bricks on spider.  Good cores
EN510 006.01 006 001 20120704 0000 2012-07-04T05:00:00Z CTRL-1 Shallow CTD 025 Combo cast:  Biomass; MOx; etc.
EN510 006.02 006 002 20120704 0930 2012-07-04T14:30:00Z 28 18.265 88 21.909 28.3044 -88.3652 Bucket samples 004 Surface water for Niko
EN510 006.03 006 003 20120704 0953 2012-07-04T14:53:00Z 28 19.626 88 23.215 28.3271 -88.3869 Deep CTD 026 Full profile
EN510 006.04 006 004 20120704 0000 2012-07-04T05:00:00Z Mocness 009 Daytime moc
EN510 006.05 006 005 20120704 0000 2012-07-04T05:00:00Z Intermed CTD 027 Intermediate cast to fill in geochem profiles
EN510 006.06 006 006 20120704 1900 2012-07-05T00:00:00Z 28 20.884 88 22.442 28.3481 -88.374 Lobo recovery 001 approx position
EN510 006.07 006 007 20120704 1944 2012-07-05T00:44:00Z 28 19.938 88 23.812 28.3323 -88.3969 Multicorer 007 Final drop
EN510 Arrive Gulfport 20120705 1500 2012-07-05T20:00:00Z 29 13.502 87 41.612 29.225 -87.6935

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