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Dataset Title:  [nitrogen fixation rates] - 15N2-based N2 fixation rates from the Eastern
Tropical South Pacific collected on the R/V Atlantis (AT15-61) and R/V
Melville (MV1104) in 2010-2011 (N2 fixation ETSP project) (Collaborative
Research: Documenting N2 fixation in N deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical
South Pacific)
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Institution:  BCO-DMO   (Dataset ID: bcodmo_dataset_555666)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Files | Make a graph
Variable ?   Optional
Constraint #1 ?
Constraint #2 ?
   Minimum ?
   Maximum ?
 cruise_id (unitless) ?          "AT15-61"    "MV1104"
 date (unitless) ?          "2010-02-01"    "2011-04-19"
 station (unitless) ?          1    13
 latitude (degrees_north) ?          -20.0    -15.0
  < slider >
 longitude (degrees_east) ?          -100.0    -80.0
  < slider >
 depth (m) ?          150.0    180.0
  < slider >
 Nfix_umol_N_m2_d (umol N m-2 d-1) ?          23    98
 Nfix_stdev (umol N m-2 d-1) ?          9    129
Server-side Functions ?
 distinct() ?
? ("Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.")

File type: (more information)

(Documentation / Bypass this form ? )
(Please be patient. It may take a while to get the data.)


The Dataset Attribute Structure (.das) for this Dataset

Attributes {
 s {
  cruise_id {
    String bcodmo_name "cruise_id";
    String description "cruise_id";
    String long_name "Cruise Id";
    String units "unitless";
  date {
    String bcodmo_name "date_local";
    String description "sample collection date (local). Format: yyyy-mm-dd";
    String long_name "Date";
    String source_name "date";
    String time_precision "1970-01-01";
    String units "unitless";
  station {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 13;
    String bcodmo_name "sta";
    String description "station";
    String long_name "Station";
    String units "unitless";
  latitude {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Lat";
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range -20.0, -15.0;
    String axis "Y";
    String bcodmo_name "latitude";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 90.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -90.0;
    String description "latitude; north is positive";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "Latitude";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LATX/";
    String standard_name "latitude";
    String units "degrees_north";
  longitude {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Lon";
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range -100.0, -80.0;
    String axis "X";
    String bcodmo_name "longitude";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 180.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -180.0;
    String description "longitude; east is positive";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "Longitude";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LONX/";
    String standard_name "longitude";
    String units "degrees_east";
  depth {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Height";
    String _CoordinateZisPositive "down";
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 150.0, 180.0;
    String axis "Z";
    String bcodmo_name "depth";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 8000.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -8000.0;
    String colorBarPalette "TopographyDepth";
    String description "sample depth";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "Depth";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/DEPH/";
    String positive "down";
    String standard_name "depth";
    String units "m";
  Nfix_umol_N_m2_d {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 23, 98;
    String bcodmo_name "N2_fix";
    String description "24 hr 15N2 fixation rate";
    String long_name "Nfix Umol N M2 D";
    String units "umol N m-2 d-1";
  Nfix_stdev {
    Int16 _FillValue 32767;
    Int16 actual_range 9, 129;
    String bcodmo_name "standard deviation";
    String description "24 hr 15N2 fixation rate standard deviation";
    String long_name "Nfix Stdev";
    String units "umol N m-2 d-1";
    String access_formats ".htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv,.esriCsv,.geoJson";
    String acquisition_description 
"Water column sample collection:\\u00a0Samples were collected on the R/V
Atlantis in January through February 2010, and the R/V Melville in March
through April 2011 on a zonal transect along 20\\u00ba S between 80\\u00ba W and
100\\u00ba W, with exact station locations and sample depths, nutrient
concentrations and isotopic compositions reported below. Water column samples
were collected by Niskin bottles deployed on a rosette equipped with
conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensors. All samples were collected into
acid-washed, sample-rinsed HDPE bottles, and samples from the upper 400 m
passed a 0.2 \\u00b5m filter before collection. All samples were stored at
-20\\u00ba C until analysis on land.
15N2 fixation rate measurements: Short-term N2 fixation rate measurements
incubated with 15N2 gas from Sigma Aldrich (lot #s SZ1670V and MBBB0968V) were
carried out in acid-washed, sample-rinsed light transparent 4 L polycarbonate
bottles amended with 1.5 mL of 99% 15N2\\u00a0 and 1.5 mL of 0.5M NaH13CO3.
Incubations were performed under simulated in situ conditions of temperature
and light and run for staggered periods (e.g. 0, 12, 24 and 48 hrs).
Incubations were terminated by filtration of the 4 L sample onto a
precombusted 25 mm Whatman GF/F, which was then analyzed by mass spectrometry
at the University of Southern California for d15N and d13C. During ESTP 1,
periodic time zero incubations were measured, with samples filtered within 5
to 10 minutes of injection of 15N2. Zero time enrichments were typically near
natural abundance levels with the greatest observed enrichment in 8
experiments at 23\\u2030, essentially at natural abundance level for our tracer
experiments. We assumed natural abundance (0.3663 atom %) for calculations.
Limits of detection are about 10-14 \\u00b5g for N and 6-10 \\u00b5g for C.
Reproducibility as the standard deviation for isotopic analysis is about
\\u00b10.3\\u2030 for d15N and \\u00b10.2\\u2030 for d13C, and about \\u00b10.1-0.2
\\u00b5g for mass determinations.";
    String awards_0_award_nid "55039";
    String awards_0_award_number "OCE-0850801";
    String awards_0_data_url "http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0850801";
    String awards_0_funder_name "NSF Division of Ocean Sciences";
    String awards_0_funding_acronym "NSF OCE";
    String awards_0_funding_source_nid "355";
    String awards_0_program_manager "Donald L. Rice";
    String awards_0_program_manager_nid "51467";
    String awards_1_award_nid "55105";
    String awards_1_award_number "OCE-0850905";
    String awards_1_data_url "http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0850905";
    String awards_1_funder_name "NSF Division of Ocean Sciences";
    String awards_1_funding_acronym "NSF OCE";
    String awards_1_funding_source_nid "355";
    String awards_1_program_manager "Donald L. Rice";
    String awards_1_program_manager_nid "51467";
    String cdm_data_type "Other";
    String comment 
"nitrogen fixation rates 
   A. Knapp (FSU) et al 
   version: 2016-02-29";
    String Conventions "COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3";
    String creator_email "info@bco-dmo.org";
    String creator_name "BCO-DMO";
    String creator_type "institution";
    String creator_url "https://www.bco-dmo.org/";
    String data_source "extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3  19 Dec 2019";
    String date_created "2015-04-10T14:28:52Z";
    String date_modified "2019-04-08T18:38:32Z";
    String defaultDataQuery "&amp;time&lt;now";
    String doi "10.1575/1912/7227";
    Float64 Easternmost_Easting -80.0;
    Float64 geospatial_lat_max -15.0;
    Float64 geospatial_lat_min -20.0;
    String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north";
    Float64 geospatial_lon_max -80.0;
    Float64 geospatial_lon_min -100.0;
    String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east";
    Float64 geospatial_vertical_max 180.0;
    Float64 geospatial_vertical_min 150.0;
    String geospatial_vertical_positive "down";
    String geospatial_vertical_units "m";
    String history 
"2025-02-02T07:09:38Z (local files)
2025-02-02T07:09:38Z https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_555666.html";
    String infoUrl "https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/555666";
    String institution "BCO-DMO";
    String instruments_0_acronym "CTD";
    String instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid "555688";
    String instruments_0_description "The Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) unit is an integrated instrument package designed to measure the conductivity, temperature, and pressure (depth) of the water column.  The instrument is lowered via cable through the water column and permits scientists observe the physical properties in real time via a conducting cable connecting the CTD to a deck unit and computer on the ship. The CTD is often configured with additional optional sensors including fluorometers, transmissometers and/or  radiometers.  It is often combined with a Rosette of water sampling bottles (e.g. Niskin, GO-FLO) for collecting discrete water samples during the cast.  This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known.";
    String instruments_0_instrument_external_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/130/";
    String instruments_0_instrument_name "CTD profiler";
    String instruments_0_instrument_nid "417";
    String instruments_0_supplied_name "CTD";
    String instruments_1_acronym "Gas Chromatograph";
    String instruments_1_dataset_instrument_nid "555772";
    String instruments_1_description "Instrument separating gases, volatile substances, or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transporting an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent to a detector for assay. (from SeaDataNet, BODC)";
    String instruments_1_instrument_external_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB02/";
    String instruments_1_instrument_name "Gas Chromatograph";
    String instruments_1_instrument_nid "661";
    String instruments_1_supplied_name "Gas Chromatograph";
    String keywords "bco, bco-dmo, biological, chemical, cruise, cruise_id, data, dataset, date, depth, deviation, dmo, erddap, latitude, longitude, management, nfix, Nfix_stdev, Nfix_umol_N_m2_d, oceanography, office, preliminary, standard, standard deviation, station, stdev, time, umol";
    String license "https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/555666/license";
    String metadata_source "https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/555666";
    Float64 Northernmost_Northing -15.0;
    String param_mapping "{'555666': {'lat': 'master - latitude', 'depth': 'master - depth', 'lon': 'master - longitude'}}";
    String parameter_source "https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/555666/parameters";
    String people_0_affiliation "University of Southern California";
    String people_0_affiliation_acronym "USC-WIES";
    String people_0_person_name "Douglas G. Capone";
    String people_0_person_nid "50669";
    String people_0_role "Lead Principal Investigator";
    String people_0_role_type "originator";
    String people_1_affiliation "University of Southern California";
    String people_1_affiliation_acronym "USC-WIES";
    String people_1_person_name "William M. Berelson";
    String people_1_person_nid "50600";
    String people_1_role "Principal Investigator";
    String people_1_role_type "originator";
    String people_2_affiliation "University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science";
    String people_2_affiliation_acronym "UM-RSMAS";
    String people_2_person_name "Dennis Hansell";
    String people_2_person_nid "50539";
    String people_2_role "Principal Investigator";
    String people_2_role_type "originator";
    String people_3_affiliation "University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science";
    String people_3_affiliation_acronym "UM-RSMAS";
    String people_3_person_name "Angela N. Knapp";
    String people_3_person_nid "555499";
    String people_3_role "Co-Principal Investigator";
    String people_3_role_type "originator";
    String people_4_affiliation "Florida State University";
    String people_4_affiliation_acronym "FSU - EOAS";
    String people_4_person_name "Angela N. Knapp";
    String people_4_person_nid "555499";
    String people_4_role "Contact";
    String people_4_role_type "related";
    String people_5_affiliation "Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution";
    String people_5_affiliation_acronym "WHOI BCO-DMO";
    String people_5_person_name "Nancy Copley";
    String people_5_person_nid "50396";
    String people_5_role "BCO-DMO Data Manager";
    String people_5_role_type "related";
    String project "N2 fixation ETSP";
    String projects_0_acronym "N2 fixation ETSP";
    String projects_0_description 
"Description from NSF award abstract:
Several independent lines of geochemical and remote sensing evidence suggest that dinitrogen (N2) fixation may be associated with surface waters downstream of major oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) and in particular in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific (ETSP). However, little direct evidence supports these inferences. Besides substantiating these indirect assessments, documenting significant N2 fixation in the ETSP would provide insight into two longstanding controversies: Is the marine N budget balanced, as implied by modeling and paleoceanographic data, and if so, how are the processes that add and remove N spatially, and thus temporally coupled?
In this project researchers at the University of Southern California and the University of Miami will test the hypothesis that fixation occurs in the ETSP at areal rates that equal or exceed those previously documented in more well-studied regions such as the oligotrophic waters of the sub/tropical North Atlantic. If scaled to the surface area of ETSP waters, this could add an additional 10-50 Tg N per year of inputs to the global marine N budget. They will undertake two cruises in the ETSP during early and late summer in two consecutive years to assess the quantitative significance of N2 fixation as a source of new N to surface waters using complementary biological and geochemical tools. N2 fixation rates will be evaluated on two temporal/spatial scales: daily/local (bottle 15N2 incubations and floating sediment traps); and seasonal/regional (d15N budget using moored sediment traps and water column TDN d15N). These estimates provide detailed observations of potential N2 fixation during station occupation in two summer seasons, when rates are expected to be greatest, as well as prolonged observation over lower expected N2 fixation periods. A combination of these different estimates will aim to determine if N2 fixation in this region can help balance the marine N budget. If all goes as planned, this study will determine the quantitative importance of N2 fixation in the ETSP, and whether these previously undocumented rates can help resolve the marine N budget. Implications include the ability of the marine N cycle to maintain homeostasis, and thus the global C cycle on glacial/interglacial time scales.";
    String projects_0_end_date "2012-07";
    String projects_0_geolocation "Eastern Tropical South Pacific";
    String projects_0_name "Collaborative Research: Documenting N2 fixation in N deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific";
    String projects_0_project_nid "555496";
    String projects_0_start_date "2009-08";
    String publisher_name "Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)";
    String publisher_type "institution";
    String sourceUrl "(local files)";
    Float64 Southernmost_Northing -20.0;
    String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table v55";
    String summary "15N2 incubation-based N2 fixation rates, nitrate plus nitrite concentration and d15N, sediment trap PN mass flux and isotopic composition from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific, 2010 and 2011.";
    String title "[nitrogen fixation rates] - 15N2-based N2 fixation rates from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific collected on the R/V Atlantis (AT15-61) and R/V Melville (MV1104) in 2010-2011 (N2 fixation ETSP project) (Collaborative Research: Documenting N2 fixation in N deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific)";
    String version "1";
    Float64 Westernmost_Easting -100.0;
    String xml_source "osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3";


Using tabledap to Request Data and Graphs from Tabular Datasets

tabledap lets you request a data subset, a graph, or a map from a tabular dataset (for example, buoy data), via a specially formed URL. tabledap uses the OPeNDAP (external link) Data Access Protocol (DAP) (external link) and its selection constraints (external link).

The URL specifies what you want: the dataset, a description of the graph or the subset of the data, and the file type for the response.

Tabledap request URLs must be in the form
For example,
Thus, the query is often a comma-separated list of desired variable names, followed by a collection of constraints (e.g., variable<value), each preceded by '&' (which is interpreted as "AND").

For details, see the tabledap Documentation.

ERDDAP, Version 2.22
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