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Dataset Title:  [Bulk Raw Isotopes - Tunas] - Bulk raw isotopic data from tissue samples from
three species of tunas collected in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean onboard
commercial tuna purse-seine vessels from 2003-2005 (CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool
for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models)
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Institution:  BCO-DMO   (Dataset ID: bcodmo_dataset_675055)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Files | Make a graph
Variable ?   Optional
Constraint #1 ?
Constraint #2 ?
   Minimum ?
   Maximum ?
 species (unitless) ?          "Katsuwonus_pelamis"    "Thunnus_obesus"
 sample_number (unitless) ?          "Kp1"    "To9"
 set_number (unitless) ?          10    178
 latitude (degrees_north) ?          -4.18    8.9
  < slider >
 longitude (degrees_east) ?          -139.82    -92.57
  < slider >
 date (unitless) ?          "2003-10-15"    "2005-07-05"
 length (millimeters (mm)) ?          423    670
 sex (numeric (1 to 3)) ?          1    3
 replicate (unitless) ?          1    3
 d15N (parts per thousand (per mil, ‰)) ?          8.1    14.6
 d13C (parts per thousand (per mil, ‰)) ?          -16.7    -15.2
 Molar_C_to_N (dimensionless (ratio)) ?          3.53    3.89
Server-side Functions ?
 distinct() ?
? ("Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.")

File type: (more information)

(Documentation / Bypass this form ? )
(Please be patient. It may take a while to get the data.)


The Dataset Attribute Structure (.das) for this Dataset

Attributes {
 s {
  species {
    String bcodmo_name "species";
    String description "name of the species";
    String long_name "Species";
    String units "unitless";
  sample_number {
    String bcodmo_name "sample";
    String description "alphanumeric sample identification number; 2 letter codes representing genus/species names (see species column) followed by sequential numbers 1-15.";
    String long_name "Sample Number";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/ACYC/";
    String units "unitless";
  set_number {
    Int16 _FillValue 32767;
    Int16 actual_range 10, 178;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 100.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "arbitrary set number (purse-seine sets that caught tunas). Note: IATTC confidentiality rules prohibit divulging the fishing activities of individual vessels.";
    String long_name "Set Number";
    String units "unitless";
  latitude {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Lat";
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range -4.18, 8.9;
    String axis "Y";
    String bcodmo_name "latitude";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 90.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -90.0;
    String description "latitude of catch location; decimal degrees with S latitude as negative numbers";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "Latitude";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LATX/";
    String standard_name "latitude";
    String units "degrees_north";
  longitude {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Lon";
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range -139.82, -92.57;
    String axis "X";
    String bcodmo_name "longitude";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 180.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum -180.0;
    String description "longitude of catch location; decimal degrees with W longitude as negative number";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "Longitude";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LONX/";
    String standard_name "longitude";
    String units "degrees_east";
  date {
    String bcodmo_name "date";
    String description "date on which tuna were captured and sampled formatted as yyyy-mm-dd";
    String long_name "Date";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ADATAA01/";
    String source_name "date";
    String time_precision "1970-01-01";
    String units "unitless";
  length {
    Int16 _FillValue 32767;
    Int16 actual_range 423, 670;
    String bcodmo_name "length";
    String description "fork-length of tuna in millimeters";
    String long_name "Length";
    String units "millimeters (mm)";
  sex {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 3;
    String bcodmo_name "sex";
    String description "sex of the tuna. 1=male, 2=female, 3=undetermined.";
    String long_name "Sex";
    String units "numeric (1 to 3)";
  replicate {
    Byte _FillValue 127;
    String _Unsigned "false";
    Byte actual_range 1, 3;
    String bcodmo_name "replicate";
    String description "replicate number for sets from which replicate samples (up to 3 individuals) were taken";
    String long_name "Replicate";
    String units "unitless";
  d15N {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 8.1, 14.6;
    String bcodmo_name "d15N_bio";
    String description "delta 15 N. Isotope values are reported in conventional d-notation relative to the international standard atmospheric N2.";
    String long_name "D15 N";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/IRBO/";
    String units "parts per thousand (per mil, ‰)";
  d13C {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range -16.7, -15.2;
    String bcodmo_name "d13C_bio";
    String description "delta 13 C. Isotope values are reported in conventional d-notation relative to the international standard V-PDB.";
    String long_name "D13 C";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/IRBO/";
    String units "parts per thousand (per mil, ‰)";
  Molar_C_to_N {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 3.53, 3.89;
    String bcodmo_name "C_to_N";
    String description "molar carbon to nitrogen ratio";
    String long_name "Molar C To N";
    String units "dimensionless (ratio)";
    String access_formats ".htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv,.esriCsv,.geoJson";
    String acquisition_description 
"Sampling Methodology: Three species of tuna, yellowfin (Ta.; Thunnus
albacares), skipjack (Kp.; Katsuwonus pelamis), and bigeye (To.; Thunnus
obesus) tunas, were sampled year-round during 2003-2005 by observers of the
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission onboard purse-seine fishing vessels.
Samples of dorsal white muscle were taken from each fish adjacent to the
second dorsal fin. Fish of uniform size were used for analysis: skipjack tuna
450-550 mm, yellowfin tuna 500-700 mm, and bigeye tuna 450-550 mm. All samples
were stored frozen until further processing in the laboratory.
Analytical Methodology: Methods are described in Hetherington et al. (2016).
Briefly: Isotopic analysis of bulk muscle tissue of the tunas was performed at
the University of Hawaii\\u2019s Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory. Stable
isotope values of nitrogen were determined using an on-line carbon-nitrogen
analyzer coupled with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (FinniganConFlo II
/Delta-Plus). Isotope values are reported in conventional delta-notation
relative to the international standards, atmospheric N2 and V-PDB, for N and
C, respectively. Mean accuracy of all stable isotopic analyses was <
+/-\\u00a00.1 \\u2030 (1 sd) based on triplicate analysis of in-house reference
materials (glycine standard and tuna muscle) with known \\u03b415N values.";
    String awards_0_award_nid "616068";
    String awards_0_award_number "OCE-1040810";
    String awards_0_data_url "http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1040810";
    String awards_0_funder_name "NSF Division of Ocean Sciences";
    String awards_0_funding_acronym "NSF OCE";
    String awards_0_funding_source_nid "355";
    String awards_0_program_manager "David L. Garrison";
    String awards_0_program_manager_nid "50534";
    String cdm_data_type "Other";
    String comment 
"Bulk Raw Isotopes From Three Tuna Species 
 PIs: Robert J. Olson (Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission) & Brian N. Popp (University of Hawaii) 
 Co-PI: Jeffrey C. Drazen (University of Hawaii) 
 Version: 17 January 2017";
    String Conventions "COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3";
    String creator_email "info@bco-dmo.org";
    String creator_name "BCO-DMO";
    String creator_type "institution";
    String creator_url "https://www.bco-dmo.org/";
    String data_source "extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3  19 Dec 2019";
    String date_created "2017-01-17T20:26:25Z";
    String date_modified "2020-01-21T21:37:39Z";
    String defaultDataQuery "&amp;time&lt;now";
    String doi "10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.675055.1";
    Float64 Easternmost_Easting -92.57;
    Float64 geospatial_lat_max 8.9;
    Float64 geospatial_lat_min -4.18;
    String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north";
    Float64 geospatial_lon_max -92.57;
    Float64 geospatial_lon_min -139.82;
    String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east";
    String history 
"2025-02-18T23:47:23Z (local files)
2025-02-18T23:47:23Z https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_675055.html";
    String infoUrl "https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/675055";
    String institution "BCO-DMO";
    String instruments_0_acronym "IR Mass Spec";
    String instruments_0_dataset_instrument_description "Stable isotope values of nitrogen were determined using an on-line carbon-nitrogen analyzer coupled with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (FinniganConFlo II/Delta-Plus).";
    String instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid "675177";
    String instruments_0_description "The Isotope-ratio Mass Spectrometer is a particular type of mass spectrometer used to measure the relative abundance of isotopes in a given sample (e.g. VG Prism II Isotope Ratio Mass-Spectrometer).";
    String instruments_0_instrument_external_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB16/";
    String instruments_0_instrument_name "Isotope-ratio Mass Spectrometer";
    String instruments_0_instrument_nid "469";
    String instruments_0_supplied_name "Isotope-ratio Mass Spectrometer";
    String instruments_1_dataset_instrument_description "Stable isotope values of nitrogen were determined using an on-line carbon-nitrogen analyzer coupled with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (FinniganConFlo II/Delta-Plus).";
    String instruments_1_dataset_instrument_nid "675176";
    String instruments_1_description "Instruments that quantify carbon, nitrogen and sometimes other elements by combusting the sample at very high temperature and assaying the resulting gaseous oxides. Usually used for samples including organic material.";
    String instruments_1_instrument_external_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB01/";
    String instruments_1_instrument_name "Elemental Analyzer";
    String instruments_1_instrument_nid "546339";
    String instruments_1_supplied_name "Carbon-Nitrogen Analyzer";
    String instruments_2_acronym "Purse-seine";
    String instruments_2_dataset_instrument_description "Three species of tuna were collected using purse-seine gear from commercial fishing vessels.";
    String instruments_2_dataset_instrument_nid "675175";
    String instruments_2_description "A purse seine is a large wall of netting deployed in a circle around an entire school of fish. The seine has floats along the top line with a lead line of chain along the bottom. Once a school of fish is located, a skiff pulls the seine into the water as the vessel encircles the school with the net. A cable running along the bottom is then pulled in, \"pursing\" the net closed on the bottom, preventing fish from escaping by swimming downward. The catch is harvested by bringing the net alongside the vessel and brailing the fish aboard.";
    String instruments_2_instrument_name "Purse-seine Fishing Gear";
    String instruments_2_instrument_nid "675173";
    String instruments_2_supplied_name "Purse-seine Fishing Gear";
    String keywords "bco, bco-dmo, biological, chemical, d13, d13C, d15, d15N, data, dataset, date, dmo, erddap, latitude, length, longitude, management, molar, Molar_C_to_N, number, oceanography, office, preliminary, replicate, sample, sample_number, set, set_number, sex, species, time";
    String license "https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/675055/license";
    String metadata_source "https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/675055";
    Float64 Northernmost_Northing 8.9;
    String param_mapping "{'675055': {'lat': 'master - latitude', 'lon': 'master - longitude'}}";
    String parameter_source "https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/675055/parameters";
    String people_0_affiliation "Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission";
    String people_0_affiliation_acronym "IATTC";
    String people_0_person_name "Robert Olson";
    String people_0_person_nid "50553";
    String people_0_role "Principal Investigator";
    String people_0_role_type "originator";
    String people_1_affiliation "University of Hawaii";
    String people_1_person_name "Brian N. Popp";
    String people_1_person_nid "51093";
    String people_1_role "Principal Investigator";
    String people_1_role_type "originator";
    String people_2_affiliation "University of Hawaii";
    String people_2_person_name "Jeffrey C. Drazen";
    String people_2_person_nid "491313";
    String people_2_role "Co-Principal Investigator";
    String people_2_role_type "originator";
    String people_3_affiliation "Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission";
    String people_3_affiliation_acronym "IATTC";
    String people_3_person_name "Robert Olson";
    String people_3_person_nid "50553";
    String people_3_role "Contact";
    String people_3_role_type "related";
    String people_4_affiliation "Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution";
    String people_4_affiliation_acronym "WHOI BCO-DMO";
    String people_4_person_name "Shannon Rauch";
    String people_4_person_nid "51498";
    String people_4_role "BCO-DMO Data Manager";
    String people_4_role_type "related";
    String project "CAMEO_Trophic_Position";
    String projects_0_acronym "CAMEO_Trophic_Position";
    String projects_0_description 
"(From NSF Award Abstract)
Evidence increasingly demonstrates that selective removal of marine life can induce restructuring of marine food webs. Trophic structure is the central component of mass balance models, widely used tools to evaluate fisheries in an ecosystem context. Food web structure is commonly determined by stomach contents or by bulk tissue stable isotope analyses, both of which are limited in terms of resolution and versatility. The investigators will refine a tool, Amino Acid Compound-Specific Isotopic Analyses (AA-CSIA), which can be broadly applicable for quantifying the time-integrated trophic position (TP) of consumers. Differences in source and trophic nitrogen isotopic composition for specific amino acids will provide an unambiguous and integrated measure of fractional trophic TP across multiple phyla, regardless of an animal's physiological condition or of the biogeochemical cycling at the base of the food web. AA-CSIA will allow testing of the efficacy of trophic position estimates derived from ecosystem-based models and promote the evolution of these models into decision-support tools.
This project has three goals: 1. To validate the application of AA-CSIA across multiple marine phyla under differing physiological conditions. 2. To compare the application of AA-CSIA across systems with contrasting biogeochemical cycling regimes. 3. To develop the use of AA-CSIA TP estimates for validating trophic models of exploited ecosystems. The investigators will test and refine the approach using a combination of laboratory feeding experiments and field studies across regions with differing biogeochemical cycling regimes. They will determine the applicability of the AA-CSIA approach in a variety of marine organisms assessed in controlled studies. Subsequently, ecosystem components will be sampled from the eastern tropical Pacific, coastal California and the subtropical Pacific gyre. They will also test the effects of sample preservation on the isotopic composition of individual AA to determine whether the approach can be used on archived samples. This tool will allow testing of the efficacy of ecosystem-based models currently used to gain insight into the ecological effects of fisheries removals and improve the reliability of future models required to manage marine resources. In addition to the goal of developing AA-CSIA for use as a TP indicator, the information obtained through this project will provide important species-specific biological data on the feeding behavior of marine organisms that could have implications for their resilience to anthropogenic pressures and climate change.";
    String projects_0_end_date "2014-07";
    String projects_0_geolocation "Subtropical North Pacific Ocean";
    String projects_0_name "CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models";
    String projects_0_project_nid "491309";
    String projects_0_project_website "http://cameo.noaa.gov/pres_bpopp.html";
    String projects_0_start_date "2010-08";
    String publisher_name "Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)";
    String publisher_type "institution";
    String sourceUrl "(local files)";
    Float64 Southernmost_Northing -4.18;
    String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table v55";
    String summary "Bulk raw isotopic data from tissue samples from three species of tunas collected in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean onboard commercial tuna purse-seine vessels.";
    String title "[Bulk Raw Isotopes - Tunas] - Bulk raw isotopic data from tissue samples from three species of tunas collected in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean onboard commercial tuna purse-seine vessels from 2003-2005 (CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models)";
    String version "1";
    Float64 Westernmost_Easting -139.82;
    String xml_source "osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3";


Using tabledap to Request Data and Graphs from Tabular Datasets

tabledap lets you request a data subset, a graph, or a map from a tabular dataset (for example, buoy data), via a specially formed URL. tabledap uses the OPeNDAP (external link) Data Access Protocol (DAP) (external link) and its selection constraints (external link).

The URL specifies what you want: the dataset, a description of the graph or the subset of the data, and the file type for the response.

Tabledap request URLs must be in the form
For example,
Thus, the query is often a comma-separated list of desired variable names, followed by a collection of constraints (e.g., variable<value), each preceded by '&' (which is interpreted as "AND").

For details, see the tabledap Documentation.

ERDDAP, Version 2.22
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