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Sample_ID Site latitude longitude Cup_ID Treatment Date_examined Time_examined Larvae_settled_clay Larvae_settled_red_ziptie Larvae_settled_cup Swimming_in_water Unsettled_on_clay Notes
unitless unitless degrees_north degrees_east unitless unitless unitless unitless per individual per individual per individual per individual per individual unitless
Tektite 4-Light Tektite 18.30962 -64.72218 4 Light 7/28/2017 10:15 - 10:45 19 1 0 0 0
Tektite 1-Dark Tektite 18.30962 -64.72218 1 Dark 7/28/2017 10:52 - 11:14 24 4 0 1 0
Reef Bay 10-Light Reef Bay 18.31789 -64.75059 10 Light 7/28/2017 11:18 - 11:43 15 0 0 0 5 unsettled orienting towards settled corals
Reef Bay 8 -Dark Reef Bay 18.31789 -64.75059 8 Dark 7/28/2017 11:44 - 12:06 9 1 0 0 0
Cocolaba 17-Light Cocolaba 18.31528 -64.76065 17 Light 7/28/2017 12:10 - 12:23 21 0 1 0 0
Cocolaba 15-Dark Cocolaba 18.31528 -64.76065 15 Dark 7/28/2017 12:26 - 12:47 11 0 0 0 0
Tektite 5-Light Tektite 18.30962 -64.72218 5 Light 7/28/2017 12:49 - 13:09 43 3 1 1 0
Tektite 2-Dark Tektite 18.30962 -64.72218 2 Dark 7/28/2017 13:10 - 13:25 23 1 0 0 0
Reef Bay 12-Light Reef Bay 18.31789 -64.75059 12 Light 7/28/2017 13:28 - 13:40 12 0 1 0 0
Reef Bay 9-Dark Reef Bay 18.31789 -64.75059 9 Dark 7/28/2017 13:43 - 14:00 14 0 0 0 0
Cocolaba 18-Light Cocolaba 18.31528 -64.76065 18 Light 7/28/2017 14:10 - 14:31 15 0 3 1 3
Cocolaba 13-Dark Cocolaba 18.31528 -64.76065 13 Dark 7/28/2017 14:32 - 14:45 9 0 0 0 0
Tektite 6-Light Tektite 18.30962 -64.72218 6 Light 7/28/2017 14:48 - 15:00 23 1 2 0 0
Tektite 3-Dark Tektite 18.30962 -64.72218 3 Dark 7/28/2017 15:03 - 15:22 26 0 1 0 2 well formed larvae on clay
Reef Bay 11-Light Reef Bay 18.31789 -64.75059 11 Light 7/28/2017 15:26 - 15:35 12 1 0 0 1
Reef Bay 7-Dark Reef Bay 18.31789 -64.75059 7 Dark 7/28/2017 15:36 - 13:46 8 0 0 0 1
Cocolaba 16-Light Cocolaba 18.31528 -64.76065 16 Light 7/28/2017 15:40 - 16:15 7 0 0 0 0 established settled coral next to newly settled
Cocolaba 14-Dark Cocolaba 18.31528 -64.76065 14 Dark 7/28/2017 16:18 - 16:45 5 0 0 0 0

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