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Experiment Cruise Date lat longitude Treatment n iso_sub bulk_fix_uptake_rate_bulk_avg bulk_fix_uptake_rate_bulk_sd C_fix_rate_bulk_avg C_fix_rate_bulk_sd LOD_bulk MQR_bulk sheet chl_a_n chla_avg chla_sd PON_n PON_avg PON_sd POC_n POC_avg POC_sd Sublineage sub_enrich_atom_pcnt sub_enrich_atom_pcnt_sd fix_uptake_rate_sc_avg fix_uptake_rate_sc_sd C_fix_rate_sc_avg C_fix_rate_sc_sd LOD_sc MQR_sc comment start_date end_date
unitless unitless unitless degrees_north degrees_east unitless count unitless micromole Nitrogen per meter cubed per day (umol N/m3/d) micromole Nitrogen per meter cubed per day (umol N/m3/d) millimole Carbon per meter cubed per day (mmolC/m3/d) millimole Carbon per meter cubed per day (mmolC/m3/d) umol N/m3/d or mmolC/m3/d depending on column it references umol N/m3/d or mmolC/m3/d depending on column it references unitless count micrograms per liter (ug/L) micrograms per liter (ug/L) count micromole per liter (umol/L) micromole per liter (umol/L) count micromole per liter (umol/L) micromole per liter (umol/L) unitless percent percent femptomole Nitrogen per cell per day (fmol N/cell/day) femptomole Nitrogen per cell per day (fmol N/cell/day) femptomole Carbon per cell per day (fmol C/cell/day) femptomole Carbon per cell per day (fmol C/cell/day) fmol N/cell/day or  fmol C/cell/day depending on column it references unknown unitless unitless unitless
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 Control 3 15N-N2 4.1 4.0 1.9 4.0 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 +NO3- 3 15N-N2 11 2.0 3.1 4.7 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 Control 3 15N-NO3- 35.9 2.5 0.05 2.1 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 +NO3- 3 15N-NO3- 151 8.6 0.2 8.3 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 Control 3 13C-HCO3- 0.77 0.67 0.05 0.61 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 +NO3- 3 13C-HCO3- 6.43 0.35 0.07 0.27 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 Control 3 15N-N2 9.3 1.0 0.9 1.2 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 +NO3- 3 15N-N2 9.4 0.2 1.8 1.8 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 Control 3 15N-NO3- 55.3 1.1 0.7 2.1 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 +NO3- 3 15N-NO3- 174 92.4 4.4 72.6 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 Control 3 13C-HCO3- 0.32 0.02 0.03 0.07 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 +NO3- 3 13C-HCO3- 0.71 0.1 0.04 0.1 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 Control 3 15N-N2 32.6 2.2 3.8 3.3 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 +NO3- 3 15N-N2 34.3 7.8 6.9 5.7 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 Control 3 15N-NO3- 47.1 1.9 1.9 14.4 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 +NO3- 3 15N-NO3- 193 43.7 3.5 32.5 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 Control 3 13C-HCO3- 0.44 0.03 0.04 0.03 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 +NO3- 3 13C-HCO3- 2.47 0.35 0.07 0.28 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 Control 3 15N-N2 BDL 0.05 0.01 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 +NH4+ 3 15N-N2 BDL 0.08 0.02 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 Control 3 15N-NH4+ 31 1.3 1.2 9.4 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 +NH4+ 3 15N-NH4+ 551 125.0 9.8 92.6 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 Control 1 13C-HCO3- 6.39 1.15 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 +NH4+ 3 13C-HCO3- 8.6 0.43 0.94 4.35 Bulk_Rate_measurements 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 Initial Bulk_Biomass 3 0.14 0.01 3 0.93 0.17 3 7.03 1.4 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 Control Bulk_Biomass 3 0.12 0.02 3 1.14 0.17 3 7.1 0.43 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 +NO3- Bulk_Biomass 3 0.43 0.02 3 1.67 0.4 3 9.42 1.49 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 Initial Bulk_Biomass 3 0.07 0.01 3 0.49 0.03 3 5.23 0.36 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 Control Bulk_Biomass 3 0.09 0.01 3 0.51 0.01 3 5.27 0.43 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 +NO3- Bulk_Biomass 3 0.15 0.01 3 0.74 0.07 3 6.02 0.29 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 Initial Bulk_Biomass 3 0.16 0.02 3 0.57 0.03 3 4.93 0.04 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 Control Bulk_Biomass 3 0.2 0.01 3 0.9 0.13 3 5.82 0.31 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 +NO3- Bulk_Biomass 3 0.9 0.06 3 1.63 0.2 3 10.35 1.11 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 Initial Bulk_Biomass 3 3.94 0.42 3 20.74 12.41 3 87.6 3.29 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 Control Bulk_Biomass 3 4.12 0.43 3 11.87 2.2 1 79.5 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 +NH4+ Bulk_Biomass 3 4.02 0.65 3 30.2 2.35 3 116.77 21.35 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 Control 10 15N-N2 Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 2.42 0.04 3.51 2.22 0.09 2.03 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 Control 7 15N-NO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 50.0 BDL 0.01 0.01 NO3- pool enrichment calculated using NO3- concentration detection limit 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 +NO3- 9 15N-N2 Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 2.42 0.04 6.89 1.38 0.0 0.03 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 +NO3- 8 15N-NO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 10.0 BDL 0.0 0.01 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 Control 10 13C-HCO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 4.18 12.97 6.31 0.38 6.32 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.1 SP1714 5/3-5/2017 32.84 -117.53 +NO3- 7 13C-HCO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 4.18 28.58 8.99 0.32 14.18 2017-05-03 2017-05-05
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 Control 5 15N-N2 Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 8.41 0.26 25.34 12.89 0.16 14.84 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 +NO3- 5 15N-N2 Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 8.41 0.26 27 17.78 0.27 17.04 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 +NO3- 6 15N-NO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 4.0 BDL 0.35 4.29 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 Control 5 13C-HCO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 4.06 183.0 84.5 4.15 96.31 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.2 SP1727 10/6-8/2017 28.29 -115.91 +NO3- 5 13C-HCO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 4.06 102.0 55.3 2.5 60.8 2017-10-06 2017-10-08
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 +NO3- 9 15N-N2 Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 5.0 1.21 0.86 0.06 0.98 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 +NO3- 7 15N-NO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 4.0 0.12 0.18 0.03 0.2 avg n2 fix rate below minimum quantifiable rate 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 +NO3- 4 13C-HCO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 4.06 26.82 7.46 0.6 13.62 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NO3.3 SP1727 10/7-9/2017 30.36 -116.36 +NO3- 7 13C-HCO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 4.06 12.83 5.39 0.28 6.21 2017-10-07 2017-10-09
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 Control 5 15N-N2 Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 5.25 0.41 5.54 1.41 0.05 2.98 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 +NH4+ 6 15N-N2 Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 5.25 0.41 7 1.82 0.05 3.29 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 +NH4+ 6 15N-NH4+ Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 5.5 1.2 0.75 0.05 2.87 avg n2 fix rate below minimum quantifiable rate 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 Control 5 13C-HCO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 2.84 11.35 9.94 0.97 8.31 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 +NH4+ 6 13C-HCO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A1 2.84 3.96 3.42 0.86 3.39 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 Control 5 15N-N2 Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 5.25 0.41 108.31 26.9 0.69 35.51 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 Control 5 15N-NH4+ Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 5.5 10.88 6.48 0.85 6.73 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 +NH4+ 5 15N-N2 Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 5.25 0.41 106.68 28.11 0.86 29.34 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 +NH4+ 6 15N-NH4+ Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 5.5 40.26 42.48 0.85 28.0 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 Control 5 13C-HCO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 2.8 352.46 92.43 15.6 116.73 2018-05-10 2018-05-12
NH4.1 Scripps Institiute of Oceanography Pier 5/10-12/2018 32.87 -117.26 +NH4+ 5 13C-HCO3- Single_Cell_Rate_Measurements UCYN-A2 2.8 397.92 101.05 13.91 107.53 2018-05-10 2018-05-12

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