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Sample Sample_Date Project Vessel CruiseID Site latitude longitude Date_PDT Time_PDT ISO_DateTime_PDT time Operation CTDCast VideoDive depth_f depth Pen_cm Notes
unitless unitless unitless unitless unitless unitless degrees_north degrees_east unitless unitless unitless UTC unitless unitless unitless fathoms (fa) m centimeters (cm) unitless
COP-001 COP-001_Oct2021 COP Storm COP2021 Tillicum 44.34992 -124.15133 2021-10-19 7:48 2021-10-19T07:48:00 2021-10-19T14:48:00Z No 23.0 42.0 9.0
COP-002 COP-002_Oct2021 COP Storm COP2021 Tillicum 44.34946 -124.23349 2021-10-19 10:03 2021-10-19T10:03:00 2021-10-19T17:03:00Z No 34.5 63.0 8.0
COP-003 COP-003_Oct2021 COP Storm COP2021 Tillicum 44.33766 -124.24649 2021-10-19 10:24 2021-10-19T10:24:00 2021-10-19T17:24:00Z No 36.5 67.0 8.0
COP-004 COP-004_Oct2021 COP Storm COP2021 Tillicum 44.34315 -124.25552 2021-10-19 10:43 2021-10-19T10:43:00 2021-10-19T17:43:00Z No 37.0 68.0 7.0
COP-005 COP-005_Oct2021 COP Storm COP2021 Tillicum 44.37314 -124.26021 2021-10-19 11:33 2021-10-19T11:33:00 2021-10-19T18:33:00Z No 37.0 68.0 6.0
COP-006 COP-006_Oct2021 COP Storm COP2021 Tillicum 44.36323 -124.24908 2021-10-19 11:59 2021-10-19T11:59:00 2021-10-19T18:59:00Z No 36.5 67.0 4.0
COP-007 COP-007_Oct2021 COP Storm COP2021 Tillicum 44.36982 -124.23667 2021-10-19 12:15 2021-10-19T12:15:00 2021-10-19T19:15:00Z No 36.0 66.0 10.0
COP-008 COP-008_Oct2021 COP Storm COP2021 Tillicum 44.37565 -124.16649 2021-10-19 13:09 2021-10-19T13:09:00 2021-10-19T20:09:00Z No 27.0 49.0 6.0
COP-009 COP-009_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.13537 -124.0844 2022-04-07 10:43 2022-04-07T10:43:00 2022-04-07T17:43:00Z 2 No 43.0 79.0 6.0
COP-010 COP-010_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.13604 -124.1111 2022-04-07 11:20 2022-04-07T11:20:00 2022-04-07T18:20:00Z yes 48.0 88.0 9.0
COP-011 COP-011_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.13189 -124.09621 2022-04-07 11:49 2022-04-07T11:49:00 2022-04-07T18:49:00Z 3 No 44.0 80.0 9.0
COP-012 COP-012_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.1133 -124.08813 2022-04-07 12:50 2022-04-07T12:50:00 2022-04-07T19:50:00Z yes 44.0 80.0 6.0
COP-013 COP-013_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.1137 -124.0489 2022-04-07 13:28 2022-04-07T13:28:00 2022-04-07T20:28:00Z 4 No 44.0 80.0 6.5
COP-014 COP-014_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.11161 -124.10023 2022-04-07 13:36 2022-04-07T13:36:00 2022-04-07T20:36:00Z No 44.0 80.0 5.0
COP-015 COP-015_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.10616 -124.10227 2022-04-07 13:56 2022-04-07T13:56:00 2022-04-07T20:56:00Z yes 45.5 83.0 5.0
COP-016 COP-016_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.12789 -124.08362 2022-04-07 14:44 2022-04-07T14:44:00 2022-04-07T21:44:00Z 5 No 39.0 71.0 8.0
COP-017 COP-017_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.13497 -124.08324 2022-04-07 15:10 2022-04-07T15:10:00 2022-04-07T22:10:00Z yes 39.6 72.0 9.75
COP-018 COP-018_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.14542 -124.08282 2022-04-07 15:41 2022-04-07T15:41:00 2022-04-07T22:41:00Z 6 No 40.0 73.0 8.0
COP-019 COP-019_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.13957 -124.02656 2022-04-07 16:16 2022-04-07T16:16:00 2022-04-07T23:16:00Z yes 44.5 81.0 8.0
COP-020 COP-020_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A Neskowin 45.13132 -124.09782 2022-04-07 17:02 2022-04-07T17:02:00 2022-04-08T00:02:00Z yes 44.0 80.0 7.0
COP-021 COP-021_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A OtterCrest 44.77971 -124.19238 2022-04-07 19:54 2022-04-07T19:54:00 2022-04-08T02:54:00Z 7 No 37.5 69.0 5.0
COP-022 COP-022_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A OtterCrest 44.77687 -124.1988 2022-04-07 20:16 2022-04-07T20:16:00 2022-04-08T03:16:00Z yes 38.0 69.0 7.0
COP-023 COP-023_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A OtterCrest 44.77363 -124.20227 2022-04-07 20:42 2022-04-07T20:42:00 2022-04-08T03:42:00Z 8 No 38.0 69.0 6.0
COP-024 COP-024_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A OtterCrest 44.77222 -124.20696 2022-04-07 21:01 2022-04-07T21:01:00 2022-04-08T04:01:00Z yes 39.0 71.0 7.0
COP-025 COP-025_Apr2022 COP Storm COP2022A OtterCrest 44.76993 -124.19909 2022-04-07 21:27 2022-04-07T21:27:00 2022-04-08T04:27:00Z 9 No 37.0 68.0 7.0
COP-026 COP-026_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.70243 -124.05696 2022-07-08 5:30 2022-07-08T05:30:00 2022-07-08T12:30:00Z No 38.0 69.0 8.5
COP-027 COP-027_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.70358 -124.05933 2022-07-08 5:44 2022-07-08T05:44:00 2022-07-08T12:44:00Z yes 38.0 69.0 10.0
COP-028 COP-028_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.70399 -124.06191 2022-07-08 6:08 2022-07-08T06:08:00 2022-07-08T13:08:00Z fail No 38.0 69.0 10.0
COP-029 COP-029_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.70492 -124.06461 2022-07-08 6:31 2022-07-08T06:31:00 2022-07-08T13:31:00Z No 39.0 71.0 7.5
COP-030 COP-030_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.70593 -124.05897 2022-07-08 6:46 2022-07-08T06:46:00 2022-07-08T13:46:00Z yes 38.0 69.0 7.5
COP-031 COP-031_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.70958 -124.05231 2022-07-08 7:17 2022-07-08T07:17:00 2022-07-08T14:17:00Z fail No 37.0 68.0 9.5
COP-032 COP-032_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.7217 -124.0319 2022-07-08 7:43 2022-07-08T07:43:00 2022-07-08T14:43:00Z No 32.0 59.0 7.0
COP-033 COP-033_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.72392 -124.0347 2022-07-08 8:09 2022-07-08T08:09:00 2022-07-08T15:09:00Z Yes 32.0 59.0 6.0
COP-034 COP-034_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.7454 -124.06211 2022-07-08 8:45 2022-07-08T08:45:00 2022-07-08T15:45:00Z 18 No 39.0 71.0 7.5
COP-035 COP-035_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.72665 -124.0651 2022-07-08 9:01 2022-07-08T09:01:00 2022-07-08T16:01:00Z No 39.0 71.0 9.0
COP-036 COP-036_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.72684 -124.06836 2022-07-08 9:10 2022-07-08T09:10:00 2022-07-08T16:10:00Z No 40.0 73.0 8.5
COP-037 COP-037_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.72757 -124.0384 2022-07-08 9:41 2022-07-08T09:41:00 2022-07-08T16:41:00Z 19 No 34.0 62.0 10.0
COP-038 COP-038_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.72798 -124.0665 2022-07-08 10:06 2022-07-08T10:06:00 2022-07-08T17:06:00Z No 40.0 73.0 9.5
COP-039 COP-039_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.72948 -124.06265 2022-07-08 10:17 2022-07-08T10:17:00 2022-07-08T17:17:00Z Yes 39.0 71.0 10.0
COP-040 COP-040_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.73207 -124.0748 2022-07-08 10:40 2022-07-08T10:40:00 2022-07-08T17:40:00Z 20 No 41.0 75.0 9.5
COP-041 COP-041_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Nehalem 45.73318 -124.0394 2022-07-08 11:52 2022-07-08T11:52:00 2022-07-08T18:52:00Z Yes 34.0 62.0 8.0
COP-042 COP-042_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B MCR 46.28114 -124.29044 2022-07-08 16:46 2022-07-08T16:46:00 2022-07-08T23:46:00Z No 46.0 84.0 17.0
COP-043 COP-043_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B MCR 46.28922 -124.2467 2022-07-08 17:17 2022-07-08T17:17:00 2022-07-09T00:17:00Z yes 34.0 62.0 10.0
COP-044 COP-044_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B MCR 46.29183 -124.28393 2022-07-08 17:45 2022-07-08T17:45:00 2022-07-09T00:45:00Z 21 No 44.0 80.0 19.0
COP-045 COP-045_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B MCR 46.29925 -124.28798 2022-07-08 18:09 2022-07-08T18:09:00 2022-07-09T01:09:00Z yes 44.0 80.0 18.0
COP-046 COP-046_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B MCR 46.30638 -124.30019 2022-07-08 19:17 2022-07-08T19:17:00 2022-07-09T02:17:00Z 22 No 47.0 86.0 14.0
COP-047 COP-047_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B OOI-WA 46.9935 -124.55881 2022-07-09 5:33 2022-07-09T05:33:00 2022-07-09T12:33:00Z yes 45.0 82.0 17.0
COP-048 COP-048_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B OOI-WA 46.9936 -124.55725 2022-07-09 5:50 2022-07-09T05:50:00 2022-07-09T12:50:00Z No 45.0 82.0 14.0
COP-049 COP-049_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B OOI-WA 46.9892 -124.51761 2022-07-09 6:27 2022-07-09T06:27:00 2022-07-09T13:27:00Z 23 No 41.0 75.0 14.5
COP-050 COP-050_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B OOI-WA 46.98882 -124.54546 2022-07-09 7:02 2022-07-09T07:02:00 2022-07-09T14:02:00Z No 44.0 80.0 19.0
COP-051 COP-051_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B OOI-WA 46.98868 -124.51411 2022-07-09 7:33 2022-07-09T07:33:00 2022-07-09T14:33:00Z yes 41.0 75.0 15.0
COP-052 COP-052_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B OOI-WA 46.98631 -124.5209 2022-07-09 8:03 2022-07-09T08:03:00 2022-07-09T15:03:00Z 24 No 43.0 79.0 13.0
COP-053 COP-053_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B OOI-WA 46.98664 -124.55345 2022-07-09 8:38 2022-07-09T08:38:00 2022-07-09T15:38:00Z No 46.0 84.0 28.0
COP-054 COP-054_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B OOI-WA 46.98779 -124.45336 2022-07-09 9:28 2022-07-09T09:28:00 2022-07-09T16:28:00Z No 34.0 62.0 12.0
COP-055 COP-055_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B OOI-WA 46.9869 -124.4225 2022-07-09 9:48 2022-07-09T09:48:00 2022-07-09T16:48:00Z yes 32.0 59.0 6.0
COP-056 COP-056_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B OOI-WA 46.95776 -124.4179 2022-07-09 10:31 2022-07-09T10:31:00 2022-07-09T17:31:00Z 25 No 32.0 59.0 13.5
COP-057 COP-057_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B GraysH 46.95875 -124.50043 2022-07-09 11:24 2022-07-09T11:24:00 2022-07-09T18:24:00Z No 42.0 77.0 19.0
COP-058 COP-058_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B GraysH 46.94738 -124.47803 2022-07-09 11:56 2022-07-09T11:56:00 2022-07-09T18:56:00Z 26 No 41.0 75.0 11.0
COP-059 COP-059_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B GraysH 46.9443 -124.49283 2022-07-09 12:24 2022-07-09T12:24:00 2022-07-09T19:24:00Z No 46.0 84.0 18.5
COP-060 COP-060_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Grayland 46.79375 -124.33524 2022-07-09 14:26 2022-07-09T14:26:00 2022-07-09T21:26:00Z No 31.0 57.0 8.5
COP-061 COP-061_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Grayland 46.79144 -124.35246 2022-07-09 14:41 2022-07-09T14:41:00 2022-07-09T21:41:00Z 27 No 33.0 60.0 8.5
COP-062 COP-062_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Grayland 46.77813 -124.34985 2022-07-09 15:04 2022-07-09T15:04:00 2022-07-09T22:04:00Z Yes 34.0 62.0 14.0
COP-063 COP-063_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Grayland 46.77254 -124.32249 2022-07-09 15:34 2022-07-09T15:34:00 2022-07-09T22:34:00Z No 31.0 57.0 9.0
COP-064 COP-064_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Grayland 46.75835 -124.32246 2022-07-09 15:48 2022-07-09T15:48:00 2022-07-09T22:48:00Z 28 No 31.5 58.0 11.0
COP-065 COP-065_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Grayland 46.74802 -124.33121 2022-07-09 15:53 2022-07-09T15:53:00 2022-07-09T22:53:00Z No 33.0 60.0 8.5
COP-066 COP-066_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Grayland 46.73989 -124.32196 2022-07-09 16:12 2022-07-09T16:12:00 2022-07-09T23:12:00Z No 32.0 59.0 9.0
COP-067 COP-067_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Grayland 46.75089 -124.31398 2022-07-09 16:26 2022-07-09T16:26:00 2022-07-09T23:26:00Z No 31.0 57.0 8.5
COP-068 COP-068_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Grayland 46.75783 -124.32026 2022-07-09 16:41 2022-07-09T16:41:00 2022-07-09T23:41:00Z Yes - 1 camera? 31.5 58.0 12.0
COP-069 COP-069_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Willipa 46.59272 -124.26954 2022-07-09 16:53 2022-07-09T16:53:00 2022-07-09T23:53:00Z No 32.0 59.0 14.0
COP-070 COP-070_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Willipa 46.58315 -124.26865 2022-07-09 18:38 2022-07-09T18:38:00 2022-07-10T01:38:00Z Yes 32.0 59.0 12.5
COP-071 COP-071_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Willipa 46.56917 -124.26569 2022-07-09 19:00 2022-07-09T19:00:00 2022-07-10T02:00:00Z 29 No 31.5 58.0 9.5
COP-072 COP-072_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.14555 -124.08298 2022-07-10 5:58 2022-07-10T05:58:00 2022-07-10T12:58:00Z No 39.0 71.0 10.0
COP-073 COP-073_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.13545 -124.08415 2022-07-10 5:54 2022-07-10T05:54:00 2022-07-10T12:54:00Z Yes 39.0 71.0 11.0
COP-074 COP-074_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.13253 -124.04699 2022-07-10 6:31 2022-07-10T06:31:00 2022-07-10T13:31:00Z 30 No 29.0 53.0 13.5
COP-075 COP-075_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.13227 -124.05123 2022-07-10 6:48 2022-07-10T06:48:00 2022-07-10T13:48:00Z No 30.0 55.0 14.5
COP-076 COP-076_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.13134 -124.09676 2022-07-10 7:12 2022-07-10T07:12:00 2022-07-10T14:12:00Z Yes 44.0 80.0 9.5
COP-077 COP-077_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.12794 -124.08393 2022-07-10 7:43 2022-07-10T07:43:00 2022-07-10T14:43:00Z 31 No 39.0 71.0 5.0
COP-078 COP-078_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.11699 -124.0563 2022-07-10 8:14 2022-07-10T08:14:00 2022-07-10T15:14:00Z No 31.0 57.0 11.5
COP-079 COP-079_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.11613 -124.06084 2022-07-10 8:24 2022-07-10T08:24:00 2022-07-10T15:24:00Z 32 No 32.0 59.0 10.0
COP-080 COP-080_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.11666 -124.07199 2022-07-10 8:46 2022-07-10T08:46:00 2022-07-10T15:46:00Z Yes 35.0 64.0 5.0
COP-081 COP-081_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.11337 -124.08826 2022-07-10 9:09 2022-07-10T09:09:00 2022-07-10T16:09:00Z No 40.0 73.0 9.5
COP-082 COP-082_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.10467 -124.07194 2022-07-10 9:27 2022-07-10T09:27:00 2022-07-10T16:27:00Z Yes 35.0 64.0 12.0
COP-083 COP-083_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.10232 -124.07252 2022-07-10 9:47 2022-07-10T09:47:00 2022-07-10T16:47:00Z 33 No 35.0 64.0 13.5
COP-084 COP-084_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.10055 -124.08833 2022-07-10 10:12 2022-07-10T10:12:00 2022-07-10T17:12:00Z No 40.0 73.0 9.5
COP-085 COP-085_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.09647 -124.08878 2022-07-10 10:22 2022-07-10T10:22:00 2022-07-10T17:22:00Z Yes 40.0 73.0 10.0
COP-086 COP-086_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.09353 -124.08503 2022-07-10 10:46 2022-07-10T10:46:00 2022-07-10T17:46:00Z 34 No 38.0 69.0 10.5
COP-087 COP-087_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.08198 -124.06606 2022-07-10 11:19 2022-07-10T11:19:00 2022-07-10T18:19:00Z Yes 32.0 59.0 7.5
COP-088 COP-088_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B Neskowin 45.08038 -124.06594 2022-07-10 11:40 2022-07-10T11:40:00 2022-07-10T18:40:00Z 35 No 31.0 57.0 8.0
COP-089 COP-089_Jul2022 COP Storm COP2022B NHLine 44.65454 -124.30715 2022-07-10 14:56 2022-07-10T14:56:00 2022-07-10T21:56:00Z No 44.0 80.0 5.5
Event1 Event1_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS1 44.58183 -124.24717 2022-07-22 10:27:00 2022-07-22T10:27:00 2022-07-22T17:27:00Z EC lander 72.0 Vector start at 11:00.  Not recovered until 8/19 after recovery mishap.  Secondary position after lost 44 31.922; 124 14.742; 76 m
Event2 Event2_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS2 44.57117 -124.3035 2022-07-22 12:30:00 2022-07-22T12:30:00 2022-07-22T19:30:00Z EC lander 80.0 Vector start at 12:45.  Not recovered until 7/26/22 from Elakha.  Good 3-day record
Event3 Event3_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS2 44.56933 -124.30917 2022-07-22 12:56:00 2022-07-22T12:56:00 2022-07-22T19:56:00Z CTD 80.0 bottles triggered at 73 and 78 m; some delay in sampling Winkler's suspect.
Event4 Event4_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS2 44.54908 -124.31283 2022-07-22 14:51:20 2022-07-22T14:51:20 2022-07-22T21:51:00Z Slow core 81.0 recovered very good fine sand core; even interface; some black patches at depth
Event5 Event5_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS2 44.568 -124.3085 2022-07-22 15:34:30 2022-07-22T15:34:30 2022-07-22T22:34:00Z Slow core 83.0 59.0 recovered 59 cm long core with two pronounced burrow holes; one active.  Burrows visible to 25 cm; took photos
Event6 Event6_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS1 44.5795 -124.24817 2022-07-22 16:25:00 2022-07-22T16:25:00 2022-07-22T23:25:00Z Slow core 70.0 25.0 recovered 25 cm of sand over thick shel has layer; disturbed-did not keep
Event7 Event7_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS1 44.58267 -124.25167 2022-07-22 16:54:15 2022-07-22T16:54:15 2022-07-22T23:54:00Z Slow core 70.0 62.0 beautiful 62 cm long core of fine sand.
Event8 Event8_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS1 44.58317 -124.24733 2022-07-22 18:04:26 2022-07-22T18:04:26 2022-07-23T01:04:00Z Slow core 70.0 33.0 33 cm core; a bit disturbed but kept
COP-090 COP-090_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS1 44.58523 -124.21324 2022-07-22 19:17:00 2022-07-22T19:17:00 2022-07-23T02:17:00Z Box corer 61.4 7.0
COP-091 COP-091_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS1 44.58337 -124.2866 2022-07-22 19:56:00 2022-07-22T19:56:00 2022-07-23T02:56:00Z Box corer 77.2 4.0
COP-092 COP-092_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS1 44.58397 -124.24989 2022-07-22 20:35:00 2022-07-22T20:35:00 2022-07-23T03:35:00Z Box corer 72.2 0.0
COPVid-PWS1A COPVid-PWS1A_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS1 44.57971 -124.2486 2022-07-23 07:36:00 2022-07-23T07:36:00 2022-07-23T14:36:00Z Camera lander 71.0 125 lb lead. Bottom time less than 1 minute
COPVid-PWS1B COPVid-PWS1B_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS1 44.57964 -124.24846 2022-07-23 08:07:00 2022-07-23T08:07:00 2022-07-23T15:07:00Z Camera lander 71.0 125 lb lead. On bottom 8:09-8:11
COPVid-PWS2A COPVid-PWS2A_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS2 44.56882 -124.306 2022-07-23 08:48:00 2022-07-23T08:48:00 2022-07-23T15:48:00Z Camera lander 81.0 Added another 30 x 2 weights for a total of 185 lb lead.
COPVid-PWS2B COPVid-PWS2B_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS2 44.56955 -124.30843 2022-07-23 09:00:00 2022-07-23T09:00:00 2022-07-23T16:00:00Z Camera lander 81.0 185 lb lead.
Event18 Event18_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS2 44.568 -124.30633 2022-07-23 10:27:40 2022-07-23T10:27:40 2022-07-23T17:27:00Z BBL lander 81.0 syringes did not trigger; Aquadopp record saved
Event19 Event19_Jul2022 COP Sproul RS2215 PWS2 44.56867 -124.30283 2022-07-23 11:05:00 2022-07-23T11:05:00 2022-07-23T18:05:00Z CTD 83.0 bottles fired at 73 and 81 m
Event1 Event1_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10383 -124.07217 2022-09-14 14:20:00 2022-09-14T14:20:00 2022-09-14T21:20:00Z EC lander 65.0 recovered 10:10 on 9/14/22. Good EC record.  Optodes did not record.
Event2 Event2_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10158 -124.07328 2022-09-14 15:07:00 2022-09-14T15:07:00 2022-09-14T22:07:00Z CTD 66.0 Bottles fired at 61 m; O2=64.4 uM
Event3 Event3_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10537 -124.07187 2022-09-14 16:04:00 2022-09-14T16:04:00 2022-09-15T01:04:00Z Slow core 66.0 47.0
Event4 Event4_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.1041 -124.07443 2022-09-14 16:37:53 2022-09-14T16:37:53 2022-09-15T01:37:00Z Slow core 66.0 60.0
Event5 Event5_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW2 45.13153 -124.10125 2022-09-14 17:48:51 2022-09-14T17:48:51 2022-09-15T02:48:00Z Slow core 83.0 63.0 Good core; used in incubation but top plug leaked.  Later extrided for permeability short core.
Event6 Event6_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW2 45.13207 -124.09948 2022-09-14 18:13:45 2022-09-14T18:13:45 2022-09-15T03:13:00Z Slow core 83.0 Good core but leaking at base.  Saved for later sectioning.
Event7 Event7_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW2 45.13182 -124.1007 2022-09-14 18:35:56 2022-09-14T18:35:56 2022-09-15T03:35:00Z Slow core 83.5 56.0 Good long core but lost about 5 cm of bottom during capping. Top remained undisturbed.  Burrows seen to 25 cm through tibe walls.  Used for incubation.
Event8 Event8_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10423 -124.07508 2022-09-14 21:46:45 2022-09-14T21:46:45 2022-09-15T05:46:00Z BBL lander 65.0 Triggered in water column because burn wire timer not started correctly. Aquadopp record ~6 min on bottom.
Event9 Event9_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10433 -124.07615 2022-09-14 22:39:00 2022-09-14T22:39:00 2022-09-15T05:39:00Z CTD 65.0 Bottles fired at 60 m; BW O2= 68.82
COPVid-NSK1A COPVid-NSK1A_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.105 -124.07561 2022-09-14 23:38:00 2022-09-14T23:38:00 2022-09-15T06:38:00Z Camera lander 65.0
COPVid-NSK1B COPVid-NSK1B_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10473 -124.07436 2022-09-14 23:56:00 2022-09-14T23:56:00 2022-09-15T06:56:00Z Camera lander 66.5
COPVid-NSK2A COPVid-NSK2A_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW2 45.13149 -124.0997 2022-09-15 00:30:00 2022-09-15T00:30:00 2022-09-15T07:30:00Z Camera lander 83.0
COPVid-NSK2B COPVid-NSK2B_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW2 45.12117 -124.09955 2022-09-15 00:48:00 2022-09-15T00:48:00 2022-09-15T07:48:00Z Camera lander 83.0
COP-094 COP-094_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW2 45.13096 -124.09924 2022-09-15 02:02:00 2022-09-15T02:02:00 2022-09-15T09:02:00Z Box corer 86.0 13.0
COP-095 COP-095_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW2 45.13112 -124.09923 2022-09-15 02:33:00 2022-09-15T02:33:00 2022-09-15T09:33:00Z Box corer 87.0 14.5
COP-096 COP-096_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW2 45.13097 -124.09949 2022-09-15 03:05:00 2022-09-15T03:05:00 2022-09-15T10:05:00Z Box corer 84.0 10.0
COP-097 COP-097_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW2 45.13097 -124.09956 2022-09-15 03:19:00 2022-09-15T03:19:00 2022-09-15T10:19:00Z Box corer 83.0 10.5
COP-098 COP-098_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10473 -124.07436 2022-09-15 03:58:00 2022-09-15T03:58:00 2022-09-15T10:58:00Z Box corer 67.0 10.0
COP-099 COP-099_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10473 -124.07507 2022-09-15 04:12:00 2022-09-15T04:12:00 2022-09-15T11:12:00Z Box corer 67.0 10.0
COP-100 COP-100_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10485 -124.07541 2022-09-15 04:45:00 2022-09-15T04:45:00 2022-09-15T11:45:00Z Box corer 67.0 15.0
COP-101 COP-101_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10509 -124.07585 2022-09-15 04:57:00 2022-09-15T04:57:00 2022-09-15T11:57:00Z Box corer 68.0 12.5
Event14 Event14_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NKW1 45.10412 -124.07742 2022-09-15 08:14:00 2022-09-15T08:14:00 2022-09-15T15:14:00Z CTD 66.0 bottles at 61 m; sampled by Clare and Anna;BW  O2=79.2
Event15 Event15_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH2 45.72183 -124.06683 2022-09-15 15:58:00 2022-09-15T15:58:00 2022-09-15T22:58:00Z EC lander 74.0 used two microsqud FO sensors; recovered ~15:00 on 9/15/22; good EC record with both sensors working and tracking much the same.
Event16 Event16_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH2 45.72317 -124.06633 2022-09-15 16:25:00 2022-09-15T16:25:00 2022-09-15T23:25:00Z CTD 74.0 bottles fired at 69 m; sampled by Anna and Christian; BW o2=31.58
Event17 Event17_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 2022-09-15 19:09:35 2022-09-15T19:09:35 2022-09-16T02:09:00Z BBL lander 73.0 syringes did not fire; drop weight tied up; Aquadopp record ~8 min
Event18 Event18_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 45.71758 -124.06738 2022-09-15 20:02:00 2022-09-15T20:02:00 2022-09-16T03:02:00Z BBL lander 72.5 on bottom until 20:09; triggered on way up
COPVid-NEH2A COPVid-NEH2A_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 45.71775 -124.06699 2022-09-15 20:52:00 2022-09-15T20:52:00 2022-09-16T03:52:00Z Camera lander 73.0
COPVid-NEH2B COPVid-NEH2B_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 45.71757 -124.06687 2022-09-15 21:04:00 2022-09-15T21:04:00 2022-09-16T04:04:00Z Camera lander 73.0
COPVid-NEH1A COPVid-NEH1A_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL1 45.72098 -124.03178 2022-09-15 21:38:00 2022-09-15T21:38:00 2022-09-16T04:38:00Z Camera lander 58.0
COPVid-NEH1B COPVid-NEH1B_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL1 45.72157 -124.03121 2022-09-15 21:50:00 2022-09-15T21:50:00 2022-09-16T04:50:00Z Camera lander 58.0
COP-102 COP-102_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL1 45.7217 -124.03175 2022-09-15 22:26:00 2022-09-15T22:26:00 2022-09-16T05:26:00Z Box corer 64.0 14.0
COP-103 COP-103_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL1 45.72172 -124.03158 2022-09-15 22:34:00 2022-09-15T22:34:00 2022-09-16T05:34:00Z Box corer 57.0 12.0
COP-104 COP-104_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL1 45.72162 -124.03105 2022-09-15 22:55:00 2022-09-15T22:55:00 2022-09-16T05:55:00Z Box corer 57.0 13.0
COP-105 COP-105_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL1 45.72172 -124.03143 2022-09-15 23:04:00 2022-09-15T23:04:00 2022-09-16T06:04:00Z Box corer 58.0 16.0
COP-106 COP-106_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 45.71797 -124.06603 2022-09-16 00:07:00 2022-09-16T00:07:00 2022-09-16T07:07:00Z Box corer 73.0 13.0
COP-107 COP-107_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 45.71827 -124.0659 2022-09-16 00:17:00 2022-09-16T00:17:00 2022-09-16T07:17:00Z Box corer 72.0 14.0
COP-108 COP-108_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 45.71756 -124.06677 2022-09-16 Box corer 72.0 14.0
COP-109 COP-109_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 2022-09-16 Box corer 73.0 12.5
COP-110 COP-110_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH-L 45.732 -124.04116 2022-09-16 01:53:00 2022-09-16T01:53:00 2022-09-16T08:53:00Z Box corer 64.0 8.5
COP-111 COP-111_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH-F 45.72727 -124.04979 2022-09-16 02:18:00 2022-09-16T02:18:00 2022-09-16T09:18:00Z Box corer 67.0 9.5
COP-112 COP-112_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH-H 45.72201 -124.08462 2022-09-16 02:47:00 2022-09-16T02:47:00 2022-09-16T09:47:00Z Box corer 76.0 12.0
COP-113 COP-113_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH-E 45.72682 -124.08955 2022-09-16 03:10:00 2022-09-16T03:10:00 2022-09-16T10:10:00Z Box corer 78.0 14.0
Event40 Event40_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 45.72087 -124.06323 2022-09-16 07:42:00 2022-09-16T07:42:00 2022-09-16T14:42:00Z CTD 72.5 bottles at 68 m;BW  O2=38.2
Event41 Event41_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 45.71998 -124.06447 2022-09-16 08:38:00 2022-09-16T08:38:00 2022-09-16T15:38:00Z Slow core 72.0 62.0 Perfect core; used for incubations.
Event42 Event42_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 45.71993 -124.06395 2022-09-16 09:00:42 2022-09-16T09:00:42 2022-09-16T16:00:00Z Slow core 72.0 Perfect but lost bottom section when capping so saved remainder as an extra sample
Event43 Event43_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEHL2 45.71933 -124.06477 2022-09-16 09:28:41 2022-09-16T09:28:41 2022-09-16T16:28:00Z Slow core 72.0 58.0 perfect core; nice interface; used in incubation
Event44 Event44_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH-L 45.73232 -124.03943 2022-09-16 10:07:30 2022-09-16T10:07:30 2022-09-16T17:07:00Z Slow core 62.0 30.0 30 cm core with shell at base; saved
Event45 Event45_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH-L 45.73247 -124.03982 2022-09-16 10:26:00 2022-09-16T10:26:00 2022-09-16T17:26:00Z slow core 62.0 0.0 no core; no penetration; tube damaged
Event46 Event46_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH-L 45.73202 -124.04137 2022-09-16 10:47:52 2022-09-16T10:47:52 2022-09-16T17:47:00Z slow core 63.0 20.0 short core ~20 cm long; good interface; leaking at base; saved for permeability
Event47 Event47_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH2 45.71613 -124.07508 2022-09-16 13:23:00 2022-09-16T13:23:00 2022-09-16T20:23:00Z BBL lander 75.0 fired 5 min after off bottom; 7 min on bottom time; AQUA DOPP record
Event48 Event48_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH2 45.7196 -124.06612 2022-09-16 14:30:00 2022-09-16T14:30:00 2022-09-16T21:30:00Z CTD 73.0 no bottles; sensors only BW O2=52.45
Event49 Event49_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 45.45033 -124.30517 2022-09-16 21:10:00 2022-09-16T21:10:00 2022-09-17T04:10:00Z EC lander 69.0 two FO sensors and CTD; recovered 07AM 9/18.  Complete record.
Event50 Event50_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 2022-09-16 21:40:00 2022-09-16T21:40:00 2022-09-17T04:40:00Z CTD 69.0 BW O2=15.1
COPVid-WLP1A COPVid-WLP1A_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.44833 -124.30437 2022-09-16 22:07:00 2022-09-16T22:07:00 2022-09-17T05:07:00Z Camera lander 70.0
COPVid-WLP1B COPVid-WLP1B_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.44868 -124.30406 2022-09-16 22:18:00 2022-09-16T22:18:00 2022-09-17T05:18:00Z Camera lander 70.0
COPVid-WLP15A COPVid-WLP15A_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1.5 46.44896 -124.32868 2022-09-16 22:47:00 2022-09-16T22:47:00 2022-09-17T05:47:00Z Camera lander 76.0
COPVid-WLP15B COPVid-WLP15B_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1.5 46.44894 -124.32889 2022-09-16 22:59:00 2022-09-16T22:59:00 2022-09-17T05:59:00Z Camera lander 73.0
COP-114 COP-114_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1.5 46.44922 -124.3289 2022-09-16 23:35:00 2022-09-16T23:35:00 2022-09-17T06:35:00Z Box corer 73.0 23.5
COP-115 COP-115_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1.5 46.44938 -124.32836 2022-09-16 23:50:00 2022-09-16T23:50:00 2022-09-17T06:50:00Z Box corer 73.0 22.0
COP-116 COP-116_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1.5 46.44915 -124.32887 2022-09-17 00:09:00 2022-09-17T00:09:00 2022-09-17T07:09:00Z Box corer 75.0 16.0
COP-117 COP-117_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1.5 46.44939 -124.32893 2022-09-17 00:23:00 2022-09-17T00:23:00 2022-09-17T07:23:00Z Box corer 75.0 26.0
COP-118 COP-118_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.44872 -124.30384 2022-09-17 01:47:00 2022-09-17T01:47:00 2022-09-17T08:47:00Z Box corer 70.0 25.0
COP-119 COP-119_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.448 -124.30391 2022-09-17 02:00:00 2022-09-17T02:00:00 2022-09-17T09:00:00Z Box corer 71.0 19.0
COP-120 COP-120_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.44886 -124.30407 2022-09-17 02:10:00 2022-09-17T02:10:00 2022-09-17T09:10:00Z Box corer 68.0 26.0
COP-121 COP-121_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.44868 -124.30409 2022-09-17 02:31:00 2022-09-17T02:31:00 2022-09-17T09:31:00Z Box corer 68.0 26.0
COP-122 COP-122_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1.5 46.44913 -124.32861 2022-09-17 03:02:00 2022-09-17T03:02:00 2022-09-17T10:02:00Z Box corer 74.0 23.0
Event64 Event64_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.44815 -124.30458 2022-09-17 08:20:00 2022-09-17T08:20:00 2022-09-17T15:20:00Z CTD 70.0 bottles tripped at 8:21 at 66 m; BW O2=17.0
Event65 Event65_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.4494 -124.30572 2022-09-17 10:15:00 2022-09-17T10:15:00 2022-09-17T17:15:00Z BBL lander 69.0 14 min on bottom; successful trigger; very calm sunny conditions
Event66 Event66_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.4481 -124.3043 2022-09-17 11:31:15 2022-09-17T11:31:15 2022-09-17T18:31:00Z Slow core 68.0 56.0 great core; used for incubation; silty mud
Event67 Event67_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.44778 -124.3059 2022-09-17 12:27:48 2022-09-17T12:27:48 2022-09-17T19:27:00Z Slow core 69.0 great core; sticky black mud; ~10 cm biturbated surace layer is more brown; used for incubation
Event68 Event68_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.44892 -124.3586 2022-09-17 13:17:50 2022-09-17T13:17:50 2022-09-17T20:17:00Z Slow core 81.5 56.0 beautiful core; bioturbated mud; used in incubation
Event69 Event69_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.44945 -124.35795 2022-09-17 13:40:39 2022-09-17T13:40:39 2022-09-17T20:40:00Z Slow core 81.5 62.0 another perfect core;used in incubation
Event70 Event70_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.45032 -124.35887 2022-09-17 14:09:43 2022-09-17T14:09:43 2022-09-17T21:09:00Z Slow core 81.0 good long core; saved for pore water work after cruise
Event71 Event71_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.44842 -124.35822 2022-09-17 14:30:10 2022-09-17T14:30:10 2022-09-17T21:30:00Z Slow core 81.5 good core; appears to have shrimp burrow along wall of tube; saved for lab measurements
Event72 Event72_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.44873 -124.3614 2022-09-17 15:20:00 2022-09-17T15:20:00 2022-09-17T22:20:00Z CTD 84.0 bottles 1-4 tripped at 79 m and 5&6 at 69 meters
Event73 Event73_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP1 46.44812 -124.30445 2022-09-17 16:18:00 2022-09-17T16:18:00 2022-09-17T23:18:00Z CTD 69.5 bottles trippped but waves over deck (underway) stopped sampling; bottle 1 sampled for DIC and POC only; BW O2=16
COPVid-WLP2A COPVid-WLP2A_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.447 -124.35867 2022-09-17 17:05:00 2022-09-17T17:05:00 2022-09-18T00:05:00Z Camera lander 81.0
COPVid-WLP2B COPVid-WLP2B_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.44667 -124.36483 2022-09-17 17:22:00 2022-09-17T17:22:00 2022-09-18T00:22:00Z Camera lander 81.0
COP-123 COP-123_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.44572 -124.35907 2022-09-17 18:38:00 2022-09-17T18:38:00 2022-09-18T01:38:00Z Box corer 84.0 14.0
COP-124 COP-124_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.44617 -124.35981 2022-09-17 18:50:00 2022-09-17T18:50:00 2022-09-18T01:50:00Z Box corer 82.0 19.0
COP-125 COP-125_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.44591 -124.35376 2022-09-17 19:07:00 2022-09-17T19:07:00 2022-09-18T02:07:00Z Box corer 81.0 21.0
COP-126 COP-126_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 WLP2 46.44698 -124.35303 2022-09-17 19:21:00 2022-09-17T19:21:00 2022-09-18T02:21:00Z Box corer 80.0
Event80 Event80_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH1 45.72167 -124.0309 2022-09-18 13:00:45 2022-09-18T13:00:45 2022-09-18T20:00:00Z Slow core 59.0 57.0 recovered good core; 57 cm long; small amount of resuspension above intercave; even surace; used for incunation
Event81 Event81_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH1 45.72157 -124.03093 2022-09-18 13:25:12 2022-09-18T13:25:12 2022-09-18T20:25:00Z Slow core 58.0 37.0 good core and interface; only 37 cm long; used for incubation
Event82 Event82_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH1 45.72167 -124.03098 2022-09-18 13:43:39 2022-09-18T13:43:39 2022-09-18T20:43:00Z Slow core 58.0 0.0 lost core tube
Event83 Event83_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH1 45.72155 -124.03052 2022-09-18 14:00:50 2022-09-18T14:00:50 2022-09-18T21:00:00Z Slow core 58.0 72.0 72 cm long core; saved for lab measurements
Event84 Event84_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH1 45.7216 -124.03092 2022-09-18 14:41:00 2022-09-18T14:41:00 2022-09-18T21:41:00Z CTD 59.0 bottles 1-4 at 54 m; BW O2=91
Event85 Event85_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NEH1 45.72135 -124.03107 2022-09-18 16:00:23 2022-09-18T16:00:23 2022-09-18T23:00:00Z BBL lander 58.0 15 min on bottom; trigger successfully
Event86 Event86_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NH50 44.658 -124.14767 2022-09-19 06:41:00 2022-09-19T06:41:00 2022-09-19T13:41:00Z CTD 47.1 Cast only; no bottles
COP-127 COP-127_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NH50 44.65681 -124.14841 2022-09-19 07:48:00 2022-09-19T07:48:00 2022-09-19T14:48:00Z Box corer 47.6 9.5
COP-128 COP-128_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NH60 44.65171 -124.19246 2022-09-19 08:23:00 2022-09-19T08:23:00 2022-09-19T15:23:00Z Box corer 62.0 6.0
COP-129 COP-129_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NH70 44.65086 -124.2299 2022-09-19 08:50:00 2022-09-19T08:50:00 2022-09-19T15:50:00Z Box corer 71.0 6.5
COP-130 COP-130_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 NH80 44.65919 -124.30973 2022-09-19 09:44:00 2022-09-19T09:44:00 2022-09-19T16:44:00Z Box corer 81.0 5.0
COP-131 COP-131_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 PWS2 44.56471 -124.3156 2022-09-19 10:59:00 2022-09-19T10:59:00 2022-09-19T17:59:00Z Box corer 84.0 7.5
COP-132 COP-132_Sep2022 COP Sproul SP2219 PWS2 44.55102 -124.30857 2022-09-19 11:23:00 2022-09-19T11:23:00 2022-09-19T18:23:00Z Box corer 82.0 7.0
COP-133 COP-133_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E PWS1 44.58302 -124.24888 2022-09-21 10:31:00 2022-09-21T10:31:00 2022-09-21T17:31:00Z Box corer 69.4944 7.0
COP-134 COP-134_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E PWS1 44.57972 -124.24918 2022-09-21 10:57:00 2022-09-21T10:57:00 2022-09-21T17:57:00Z Box corer 70.4088 4.5
COP-135 COP-135_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E PWS1 44.57981 -124.24847 2022-09-21 11:10:00 2022-09-21T11:10:00 2022-09-21T18:10:00Z Box corer 69.4944 6.5
COP-136 COP-136_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E PWS1 44.57936 -124.2484 2022-09-21 11:29:00 2022-09-21T11:29:00 2022-09-21T18:29:00Z Box corer 69.4944 6.0
COP-137 COP-137_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E PWS1 44.57021 -124.30747 2022-09-21 12:24:00 2022-09-21T12:24:00 2022-09-21T19:24:00Z Box corer 82.296 9.0
COP-138 COP-138_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E PWS1 44.56908 -124.30593 2022-09-21 12:34:00 2022-09-21T12:34:00 2022-09-21T19:34:00Z Box corer 82.296 12.0
COPVid-NH50 COPVid-NH50_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E NH50 44.65387 -124.14783 2022-09-22 10:13:00 2022-09-22T10:13:00 2022-09-22T17:13:00Z Camera lander 47.5
COPVid-NH60 COPVid-NH60_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E NH60 44.65203 -124.19205 2022-09-22 10:41:00 2022-09-22T10:41:00 2022-09-22T17:41:00Z Camera lander 62.0
COPVid-NH70 COPVid-NH70_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E NH70 44.65211 -124.22946 2022-09-22 11:09:00 2022-09-22T11:09:00 2022-09-22T18:09:00Z Camera lander 71.0
COPVid-NH80 COPVid-NH80_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E NH80 44.6587 -124.30968 2022-09-22 11:51:00 2022-09-22T11:51:00 2022-09-22T18:51:00Z Camera lander 81.0
COPVid-MB45 COPVid-MB45_Sep2022 COP Storm COP2022E MB45 44.69397 -124.14238 2022-09-22 14:29:00 2022-09-22T14:29:00 2022-09-22T21:29:00Z Camera lander 45.0

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