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Sample_Name Accession BioProject Organism Strain Tax_ID Glucose_initial_concentration_uM Acetate_initial_concentration_uM Sample_description
unitless unitless unitless unitless unitless unitless micromolar concentration micromolar concentration unitless
DSS3_ac_a SAMN35102865 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 0.0 6 Cells grown with acetate as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
DSS3_ac_b SAMN35102866 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 0.0 6 Cells grown with acetate as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
DSS3_glc_a SAMN35102867 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 2.0 0 Cells grown with glucose as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
DSS3_glc_b SAMN35102868 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 2.0 0 Cells grown with glucose as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
DSS3_glc_c SAMN35102869 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 2.0 0 Cells grown with glucose as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
DSS3_glc_ac_19_a SAMN35102870 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 1.33 2 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of glucose:acetate (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in early exponential phase
DSS3_glc_ac_19_b SAMN35102871 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 1.33 2 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of glucose:acetate (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in early exponential phase
DSS3_glc_ac_19_c SAMN35102872 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 1.33 2 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of glucose:acetate (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in early exponential phase
DSS3_glc_ac_34_a SAMN35102873 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 1.33 2 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of glucose:acetate (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in late exponential phase
DSS3_glc_ac_34_b SAMN35102874 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 1.33 2 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of glucose:acetate (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in late exponential phase
DSS3_glc_ac_34_c SAMN35102875 PRJNA972985 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 89184 1.33 2 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of glucose:acetate (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in late exponential phase
MIT1002_glc_a SAMN35102876 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 2.0 0 Cells grown with glucose as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
MIT1002_glc_b SAMN35102877 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 2.0 0 Cells grown with glucose as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
MIT1002_glc_c SAMN35102878 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 2.0 0 Cells grown with glucose as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
MIT1002_ac_a SAMN35102879 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 0.0 6 Cells grown with acetate as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
MIT1002_ac_b SAMN35102880 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 0.0 6 Cells grown with acetate as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
MIT1002_ac_c SAMN35102881 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 0.0 6 Cells grown with acetate as the sole substrate at a concentration of 12 uM C equivalents collected during exponential phase growth
MIT1002_glc_ac_5_a SAMN35102882 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 0.66 4 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of acetate:glucose (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in early exponential phase
MIT1002_glc_ac_5_c SAMN35102883 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 0.66 4 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of acetate:glucose (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in early exponential phase
MIT1002_glc_ac_8_a SAMN35102884 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 0.66 4 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of acetate:glucose (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in late exponential phase
MIT1002_glc_ac_8_b SAMN35102885 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 0.66 4 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of acetate:glucose (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in late exponential phase
MIT1002_glc_ac_8_c SAMN35102886 PRJNA972985 Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 28108 0.66 4 Cells grown with a 2:1 mixture of acetate:glucose (8 uM C: 4 uM C) collected in late exponential phase

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