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Library_ID Site_Name Replicate_id SampleID StudyID Sample_type Lake_or_river latitude longitude Collection_date Env_broad_scale Site_depth depth Preservation Filter_size pH Temp Nitrate Diss_oxygen Conductivity Secchi Turbidity Microcystin TN_TP_ratio Chlorophyll_a Total_phosphorus Dissolved_phosphorus Soluble_reactive_phosphorus Ammonia Nitrate_Nitrite Nitrite Silicate Total_nitrogen Total_dissolved_nitrogen Weather Wave_height Wind_speed Salinity Atmospheric_temperature Particulate_cylindrospermopsin ORP Algal_Torch_cyano_sonde Algal_Torch_sonde_total_cells Algal_Torch_percentage_cells_cyano Site_Description Station_observations Site_Classification Notes
unitless unitless unitless unitless unitless unitless unitless degrees_north degrees_east unitless unitless meters (m) m unitless um unitless degrees C ug / L mg / L uS / cm meters NTU ug / L unitless ug / L ug / L ug / L ug / L ug / L umol / L umol / L umol / L umol / L ug / L unitless meters knots g / kg degrees C ng / mL mV cells / L cells / L unitless unitless unitless unitless unitless
LV_1 7. Asembo Bay A samp_4307 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.1961 34.38861 2022-06-25 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 5.4 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.1 25.5 34.9 5.61 146.4 0.8 10.1 0.11 151.07 43.0 53.0 windy and choppy, cold 0.07 516.0 20500000 75200000 27.26064 Site 16 Nearshore R1 nearshore Nearshore clear water
LV_2 7. Asembo Bay B samp_4308 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.1961 34.38861 2022-06-25 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 5.4 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.1 25.5 34.9 5.61 146.4 0.8 10.1 0.11 151.07 43.0 53.0 windy and choppy, cold 0.07 516.0 20500000 75200000 27.26064 Site 16 Nearshore R2 nearshore Nearshore clear water
LV_3 8. Ndere Island A samp_4309 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.2331 34.49639 2022-06-25 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 6.8 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.1 24.8 26.1 6.9 140.02 0.9 14.1 0.03 144.37 37.8 29.9 cool, sun emerging 0.07 38.4 13600000 22600000 60.17699 Site 17 Mid-shore R1 midshore Offshore clear water that clogged filters quickly
LV_4 8. Ndere Island B samp_4310 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.2331 34.49639 2022-06-25 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 6.8 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.1 24.8 26.1 6.9 140.02 0.9 14.1 0.03 144.37 37.8 29.9 cool, sun emerging 0.07 38.4 13600000 22600000 60.17699 Site 17 Mid-shore R2 midshore Offshore clear water that clogged filters quickly
LV_5 9. Mid Gulf A samp_4311 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.2466 34.60327 2022-06-25 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 6.8 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.6 25.0 32.1 7.17 144.7 0.8 14.5 0.14 33.86 43.5 8.5 cool, sun emerging 0.07 153.8 12800000 23700000 54.00844 Site 18 Offshore R1 offshore Offshore clear water with MC colonies
LV_6 9. Mid Gulf B samp_4312 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.2466 34.60327 2022-06-25 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 6.8 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.6 25.0 32.1 7.17 144.7 0.8 14.5 0.14 33.86 43.5 8.5 cool, sun emerging 0.07 153.8 12800000 23700000 54.00844 Site 18 Offshore R2 offshore Offshore clear water with MC colonies
LV_7 5. Mbita East A samp_4313 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4155 34.20972 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 13.0 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 25.5 20.9 8.05 108.7 1.4 8.3 0.03 24.61 40.7 19.6 Storm last night, sunny 0.05 208.6 1800000 7690000 23.407022 Site 12 WC Diatoms R1 Whole water column diatoms Near/Outside Rusinga Channel Diatoms
LV_8 5. Mbita East B samp_4314 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4155 34.20972 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 13.0 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 25.5 20.9 8.05 108.7 1.4 8.3 0.03 24.61 40.7 19.6 Storm last night, sunny 0.05 208.6 1800000 7690000 23.407022 Site 12 WC Diatoms R2 Whole water column diatoms Near/Outside Rusinga Channel Diatoms
LV_9 5. Mbita East A samp_4315 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4155 34.20972 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 13.0 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 25.5 20.9 8.05 108.7 1.4 8.3 0.03 24.61 40.7 19.6 Storm last night, sunny 0.05 208.6 1800000 7690000 23.407022 Site 12 PN Diatoms R1 Plankton net Diatoms Near/Outside Rusinga Channel Diatoms
LV_10 5. Mbita East B samp_4316 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4155 34.20972 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 13.0 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 25.5 20.9 8.05 108.7 1.4 8.3 0.03 24.61 40.7 19.6 Storm last night, sunny 0.05 208.6 1800000 7690000 23.407022 Site 12 PN Diatoms R2 Plankton net Diatoms Near/Outside Rusinga Channel Diatoms
LV_11 1. Homa Bay A samp_4317 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.5216 34.45703 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 4.1 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 26.5 23.49477 5.37 140.5 0.5 19.9 0.19 74.69 10.90144 42.0 41.70848 1.8 0.124 129.186 Storm last night, sunny 0.06 2.312 -52.7 209000000 335000000 62.38806 Site 9 R1 bloomy-cyanos Nearshore Cyano bloom
LV_12 1. Homa Bay B samp_4318 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.5216 34.45703 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 4.1 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 26.5 9.19056 5.37 140.5 0.5 19.9 0.19 74.69 4.3358 42.0 14.10728 0.723 0.067 137.507 Storm last night, sunny 0.06 2.312 -52.7 209000000 335000000 62.38806 Site 9 R2 bloomy-cyanos Nearshore Cyano bloom
LV_13 4. Soklo A samp_4319 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4525 34.41326 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 5.6 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.7 25.5 32.4 6.88 142.1 0.7 21.7 0.11 130.02 38.8 90.4 Storm last night, sunny 0.07 -52.7 23800000 45500000 52.307693 Site 10 R1 no bloom Nearshore Thicker pea soup bloom between sites 9-10
LV_14 4. Soklo B samp_4320 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4525 34.41326 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 5.6 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.7 25.5 32.4 6.88 142.1 0.7 21.7 0.11 130.02 38.8 90.4 Storm last night, sunny 0.07 -52.7 23800000 45500000 52.307693 Site 10 R2 no bloom Nearshore Thicker pea soup bloom between sites 9-10
LV_15 2. Homa Bay Pier A samp_4321 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.522 34.45441 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 2.0 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 26.9 7.5654 21.9 1.34 3.49961 42.0 30.27112 0.593 0.053 22.418 Storm last night, sunny 209000000 337000000 62.017803 Bloom gradient pier Laundry Nearshore Cyano bloom
LV_16 2. Homa Bay Pier B samp_4322 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.522 34.45441 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 2.0 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 26.9 308.47217 21.9 1.34 10.87047 42.0 286.76385 22.229 0.231 20.096 Storm last night, sunny 209000000 337000000 62.017803 Bloom gradient pier Laundry Nearshore Cyano bloom
LV_17 3. Homa Bay Water Intake A samp_4323 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.5214 34.45083 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 4.0 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.1 26.6 18.14295 19.6 0.19 1.95111 42.0 154.242 1.585 0.288 365.631 Storm last night, sunny 249000000 375000000 66.4 Bloom gradient water intake Water intake plant Nearshore Cyano bloom
LV_18 3. Homa Bay Water Intake B samp_4324 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.5214 34.45083 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 4.0 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.1 26.6 19.97826 19.6 0.19 1.73432 42.0 23.9932 1.772 0.344 291.288 Storm last night, sunny 249000000 375000000 66.4 Bloom gradient water intake Water intake plant Nearshore Cyano bloom
LV_19 H1. Homa Bay Coast A samp_4325 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.5216 34.45703 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 4.1 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.1 26.8 36.2 10.2 142.3 0.1 42.0 20.0 Storm last night, sunny 101000000 234000000 43.16239 Bloom gradient fishing boats Fishing boats Nearshore Cyano bloom
LV_20 H1. Homa Bay Coast B samp_4326 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.5216 34.45703 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 4.1 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.1 26.8 36.2 10.2 142.3 0.1 42.0 20.0 Storm last night, sunny 101000000 234000000 43.16239 Bloom gradient fishing boats Foshing boats Nearshore Cyano bloom
LV_21 6. Mbita West A samp_4331 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.42 34.20583 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 2.7 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 25.6 5.61 99.5 1.7 5.8 49.6875 85.4 7.9 Storm last night, sunny 0.05 -34.5 1800000 5080000 35.43307 Site 13 mouth of gulf R1 Whole water column diatoms Near/Outside Rusinga Channel Diatoms
LV_22 6. Mbita West B samp_4332 set_55 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.42 34.20583 2022-06-24 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 2.7 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 25.6 5.61 99.5 1.7 5.8 49.6875 85.4 7.9 Storm last night, sunny 0.05 -34.5 1800000 5080000 35.43307 Site 13 mouth of gulf R2 Whole water column diatoms Near/Outside Rusinga Channel Diatoms
LV_23 10. Kisumu Harbor A samp_4432 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.1041 34.74074 2023-05-29 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 5.4 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 6.7 26.84 1.995 4.26 180.0 0.6 22.4 0.378 10.27972 143.0 13.65 10.95 5.77 1470 411.0 sunny 0.0 5.0 0.08 21.0 -106.5 49400000 98900000 49.949444 Harbour/pier near port, industry, institutes Nearshore
LV_24 11. Dunga A samp_4433 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.1539 34.7281 2023-05-29 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 6.0 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.3 26.55 26.015 32.6 0.2 11.871657 74.8 11.4525 9.59 64.7 888 676.5 sunny 0.0 4.0 23.0 -83.2 6100000 52500000 11.619047 Dunga fish cages, hotels Nearshore
LV_25 15. Sondu Miriu A samp_4434 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.3185 34.75242 2023-05-29 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 3.7 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 8.5 26.56 42.45 5.95 142.2 0.55 48.1 0.363 9.602273 176.0 43.6 21.45 231.5 1690 1524.0 sunny 0.0 5.0 0.04 28.0 -107.9 20900000 107000000 19.532711 Sondu Miriu river mouth Nearshore Lots of hyacinth
LV_26 17. Southern Mid-Gulf A samp_4435 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.2572 34.70315 2023-05-29 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 6.4 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 8.1 26.09 45.05 5.17 144.2 0.55 42.8 0.247 10.2061 60.65 12.05 12.15 14.35 619 835.0 partly cloudy 0.0 5.0 0.04 28.0 -99.2 5400000 18300000 29.508196 Mid gulf middle of gulf, far from shore Offshore
LV_27 18. Awach River Mouth A samp_4436 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.3471 34.64945 2023-05-30 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 3.2 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.1 29.7 27.1 4.38 142.5 0.35 31.9 0.079 9.341216 296.0 17.75 22.05 274.5 2765 745.5 sunny 0.0 7.0 0.05 22.0 -129.5 33900000 173000000 19.595375 Awach River mouth river mouth, farming, wetlands Nearshore labeled on LH samples as Kendu Bay, 1 culture sample from pier 1 culture sample from outside of pier at sampling station
LV_28 19. Bala Rawi A samp_4437 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.3144 34.56518 2023-05-30 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 8.1 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.7 28.7 74.41 5.02 141.9 0.6 34.5 0.15 25.353016 77.9 16.9 28.275 165.0 1975 316.0 sunny 0.0 6.0 0.05 26.0 -136.5 5200000 72700000 7.1526823 Bala Rawi wetlands Nearshore LH labeled samples as Miti Mbiti
LV_29 20. Ingra A samp_4438 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.3505 34.45655 2023-05-30 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 10.3 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 8.7 28.4 5.99 138.5 0.7 27.7 0.266 5.116022 90.5 17.45 10.6 463 252.75 sunny 0.0 2.0 0.05 26.0 -95.4 55200000 206000000 26.796116 Ingra farming, mining Nearshore
LV_30 21. Kowuor A samp_4439 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.44 34.4736 2023-05-30 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 5.9 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.3 27.8 3.635 6.31 138.7 0.8 32.6 6.920792 101.0 25.75 17.25 7.67 699 386.0 sunny 0.0 7.0 0.05 27.0 -129.7 6100000 52500000 11.619047 Kowuor farming, wetlands Nearshore
LV_31 22. Oluch A samp_4440 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4731 34.49207 2023-05-31 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 6.8 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 8.7 26.32 1.83 6.92 143.2 0.5 34.0 0.086 7.5265555 65.9 21.0 9.03 496 353.0 partly cloudy, mixed skies 0.3 1.5 0.04 18.0 -168.3 7600000 79700000 9.535759 Oluch farming, wetlands Nearshore
LV_32 23. Sikli A samp_4441 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4294 34.364 2023-05-31 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 11.8 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 8.6 26.32 4.505 7.16 143.7 0.8 27.9 0.149 8.774194 93.0 31.2 25.7 13.05 816 406.0 cloudy, mixed skies 0.3 1.5 0.05 22.0 -78.3 13900000 50100000 27.74451 Sukru Island/Sikli human settlement, industrialization Offshore LH samples labeled as Sikli
LV_33 24. Mirunda A samp_4442 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4779 34.3553 2023-05-31 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 6.3 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 8.6 26.48 6.36 142.5 0.4 27.7 0.311 11.551155 303.0 21.825 12.85 5.95 3500 303.5 cloudy, mixed skies 0.3 1.5 0.05 24.0 -98.6 12900000 38100000 33.85827 Mirunda wetland, farming hills Nearshore Sample taken from left side of boat because sewage leak on other side of boat
LV_34 25. Mbita East A samp_4443 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4155 34.20972 2023-06-01 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 11.3 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 25.26 8.68 146.3 1.95 13.5 0.138 5.2475247 50.5 21.55 12.375 265 204.75 sunny 0.5 3.5 0.05 22.0 -89.3 2400000 7030000 34.139404 Mbita East urbanization, farming, wetlands Near/Outside Rusinga Channel barely any bloom, easterly wind changed direction east
LV_35 26. Mbita West A samp_4444 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4233 34.19795 2023-06-01 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 9.3 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 8.3 25.5 9.9 146.1 1.9 5.0 5.719697 52.8 31.3 20.6 4.03 302 291.0 sunny 0.5 3.5 0.05 21.0 -65.4 1800000 4940000 36.43725 Mbita West bridge, urbanization, boats docking Near/Outside Rusinga Channel easterly wind, took dingy for sampling
LV_36 27. Bridge Island A samp_4445 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.4055 34.10967 2023-06-01 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 44.3 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.8 26.1 7.62 10.98 85.0 2.5 5.3 0.121 8.1306305 44.4 32.0 20.95 361 236.5 sunny, clear 0.3 0.0 0.04 27.0 -45.1 9300000 10700000 86.915886 Bridge Island open water Near/Outside Rusinga Channel sonde and torch didn't go very deep, fine because we sampled from 1meter depth
LV_37 28. Bondo A samp_4446 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.2683 34.1481 2023-06-02 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 30.0 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 9.0 0.367 10.526316 133.0 15.775 4.87 1400 250.0 sunny 0.0 4.0 24.0 Super green/Bondo open water Near/Outside Rusinga Channel gentle westerly winds, labeled as offshore for LH samples
LV_38 29. Yala River Mouth A samp_4447 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.0623 34.03812 2023-06-02 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 4.5 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.8 27.9 7.89 7.62 97.9 18.8 0.713 15.425532 75.2 13.9 4.1525 1160 324.0 sunny 0.0 4.0 0.04 24.0 -98.2 80600000 90600000 88.96247 Yala River Mouth river mouth Near/Outside Rusinga Channel quick stop without anchor, super large bloom
LV_39 30. Rosinga Channel A samp_4448 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.341 34.2403 2023-06-03 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 20.4 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.5 26.2 11.6 88.1 6.8 0.097 6.6320167 48.1 26.6 13.2 319 224.0 sunny 0.3 5.7 0.04 22.0 -134.2 2100000 5650000 37.16814 Rosinga Channel open waters Near/Outside Rusinga Channel
LV_40 31. South Rosinga A samp_4449 set_57 metagenome Lake Victoria -0.3742 34.23967 2023-06-03 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 6.8 1.0 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 8.7 28.8 24.5 6.7 143.1 23.7 0.379 6.9333334 120.0 15.9 20.3 39.3 832 280.0 sunny 0.2 4.0 0.06 27.0 -99.1 1300000 44000000 2.9545455 Ndere Island highland, nature preserve Near/Outside Rusinga Channel lots of sediment, sediment in ship track
NR_1 12. Nyando River A samp_4450 set_57 metagenome River -0.1695 34.9211 2023-05-29 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 8.7 0.25 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 514.0 3.6033058 302.5 107.0 68.45 48.65 1090 971.75 scattered clouds 6.2 26.5 Nyando River at Ahero Town (NRA) shore access 200 m from bridge River altimeter: 1157 m, abbreviated NRA
SRB_1 13. Sondu River Bride A samp_4451 set_57 metagenome River -0.3973 35.01796 2023-05-29 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 0.25 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 1210.0 31.645569 43.45 13.05 10.745 19.75 1375 1410.0 scattered clouds Sondu River Bridge on Kisii-Kisumu Rd near Sondu Town (SRB1) shore access River Abbreviated SRB1
SRS_1 14. Sondu River Shore A samp_4452 set_57 metagenome River -0.3478 34.79111 2023-05-29 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 0.25 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 1019.5 35.52465 39.55 12.0 10.76 277.0 1405 1840.0 scattered clouds Sondu Miriu Shore sample 2 (SRB2) shore access River spiders collected, abbreviated SRB2
KR_1 16. Kibuon River A samp_4454 set_57 metagenome River -0.38 34.63508 2023-05-30 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 0.25 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 1320.0 20.601336 89.8 1149.95 16.05 14.95 1850 2335.0 broken clouds 3.1 25.0 River Kiboun shore access River
LS_1 S1. Lake Simbi A samp_4327 set_55 metagenome Lake Simbi -0.3697 34.62892 2022-07-02 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 0.61 0.5 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 29.4 64.40397 2195.773 296.3972 8.155 0.736 1028.65 Sunny, clear skies, hot Alkaline Lake Simbi R1 Bloom-cyano Soda lake Cyano bloom
LS_2 S1. Lake Simbi B samp_4328 set_55 metagenome Lake Simbi -0.3697 34.62892 2022-07-02 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 0.61 0.5 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 29.4 132.99693 2309.7427 355.09937 10.872 1.09 1090.099 Sunny, clear skies, hot Alklaine Lake Simbi R2 Bloom-cyano Soda lake Cyano bloom
LN_1 N1. Lake Naivasha A samp_4329 set_55 metagenome Lake Naivasha -0.7586 36.425 2022-07-12 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 0.5 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 0.8406 3.49976 0.067 0.007 51.955 Overcast, cool tmperatures Non-alkaline Lake Naivasha R1 No bloom Soda lake No bloom
LN_2 N1. Lake Naivasha B samp_4330 set_55 metagenome Lake Naivasha -0.7586 36.425 2022-07-12 large freshwater lake biome [ENVO:00000891] 0.5 Zymo RNA/DNA Shield 0.2 7.4 5.64603 0.43358 10.69772 0.429 0.025 47.861 Overcast, cool tmperatures Non-alkaline Lake Naivasha R2 No bloom Soda lake No bloom

ERDDAP, Version 2.22
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