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Title Sum-
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     data   graph     files  public [Seeded microcosm experiments: all data] - Nutrients, microbiology, trace metals, and
environmental conditions from seeded microcosm experiments (Vibrio as a model microbe for
opportunistic heterotrophic response to Saharan dust deposition events in marine waters)
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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL access_formats String .htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv
attribute NC_GLOBAL acquisition_description String Samples were collected offshore from Alligator Reef (2014) and Looe Key Reef
(2015). The experimental treatments included additions of dust and iron in
2014 with a control of acidified water. In 2015, treatments included additions
of dust from Barbados, iron, nitrates, phosphates, and carbon with controls of
acidified water and leachate.

Nutrients data went through internal lab QAQC process. BDL means below
detection limit. \u00a0The method detection limit (MDL) was determined using 9
samples on two different runs and correct student-T value.
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_award_nid String 553932
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_award_number String OCE-1357423
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_data_url String http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1357423 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funder_name String NSF Division of Ocean Sciences
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funding_acronym String NSF OCE
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funding_source_nid String 355
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_program_manager String Michael E. Sieracki
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_program_manager_nid String 50446
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String Seeded microcosm experiments
Nutrients, microbiology, trace metals, and environmental conditions
PI's: E. Lipp (UGA), W. Landing (FSU) E. Ottesen (UGA), M. Wetz (TAMU)
version: 2016-11-01
BDL = below detection limit
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String info at bco-dmo.org
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String https://www.bco-dmo.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_source String extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3 19 Dec 2019
attribute NC_GLOBAL dataset_current_state String Final with updates expected
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2017-02-15T15:51:25Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2020-05-18T19:24:17Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String &time<now
attribute NC_GLOBAL doi String 10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.682298.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/682298 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_acronym String Gas Analyzer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_dataset_instrument_description String To measure dissolved organic nitrogen
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid String 682308
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_description String Gas Analyzers - Instruments for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of gas mixtures.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_name String Gas Analyzer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_nid String 720
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_supplied_name String chemoluminescence gas analyzer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_dataset_instrument_description String To measure colony counts
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_dataset_instrument_nid String 682307
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_description String Plate readers (also known as microplate readers) are laboratory instruments designed to detect biological, chemical or physical events of samples in microtiter plates. They are widely used in research, drug discovery, bioassay validation, quality control and manufacturing processes in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry and academic organizations. Sample reactions can be assayed in 6-1536 well format microtiter plates. The most common microplate format used in academic research laboratories or clinical diagnostic laboratories is 96-well (8 by 12 matrix) with a typical reaction volume between 100 and 200 uL per well. Higher density microplates (384- or 1536-well microplates) are typically used for screening applications, when throughput (number of samples per day processed) and assay cost per sample become critical parameters, with a typical assay volume between 5 and 50 µL per well. Common detection modes for microplate assays are absorbance, fluorescence intensity, luminescence, time-resolved fluorescence, and fluorescence polarization. From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plate_reader, 2014-09-0-23.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_instrument_name String plate reader
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_1_instrument_nid String 528693
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String ammonium, bco, bco-dmo, biological, chemical, chemistry, Chl_a, chlorophyll, commerce, concentration, concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water, dark, data, dataset, department, dFe, dmo, doc, don, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Chlorophyll, elapsed, erddap, expt, light, light_dark, management, mole, mole_concentration_of_nitrite_in_sea_water, nh4, nitrate, nitrite, NO2, no3, ocean, oceanography, oceans, office, orthophosphate, preliminary, replicate, sample, science, sea, seawater, SiO4, time, time_elapsed_hr, treatment, vessel, vibrio, water, year
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/682298/license (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL metadata_source String https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/682298 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL param_mapping String {'682298': {}}
attribute NC_GLOBAL parameter_source String https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/682298/parameters (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_affiliation String University of Georgia
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_affiliation_acronym String UGA
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_person_name String Erin K. Lipp
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_person_nid String 553935
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_role String Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_affiliation String Florida State University
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_affiliation_acronym String FSU - EOAS
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_person_name String William M. Landing
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_person_nid String 51302
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_role String Co-Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_affiliation String University of Georgia
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_affiliation_acronym String UGA
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_person_name String Elizabeth Ottesen
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_person_nid String 553937
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_role String Co-Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_affiliation String Texas A&M University
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_affiliation_acronym String TAMU
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_person_name String Michael Wetz
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_person_nid String 553945
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_role String Co-Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_affiliation String Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_affiliation_acronym String WHOI BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_person_name String Nancy Copley
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_person_nid String 50396
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_role String BCO-DMO Data Manager
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_role_type String related
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String Vibrio-dust deposition
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_acronym String Vibrio-dust deposition
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_description String Description from NSF award abstract:
Dust and mineral aerosols are a significant source of micro and macronutrients to oligotrophic ocean surface waters. Evidence is growing that heterotrophic microbes may play key roles in processing deposited minerals and nutrients. Yet it is not known which components of dust stimulate the heterotrophic bacteria, which cellular mechanisms are responsible for the utilization of those components and how the activity of these bacteria affect the availability and utilization of dust-derived minerals and nutrients by marine autotrophs. Knowledge of these factors is key to understanding how dust deposition impacts carbon cycles and for predicting the response of tropical oceans to future changes in the frequency and intensity of dust deposition events. The objective of this project is to examine the specific effects of aeolian dust on heterotrophic microbes in a tropical marine system under controlled conditions. The central hypothesis is that in oligotrophic tropical systems numerically minor opportunistic bacteria are the first responders to influx of dust constituents and respond primarily by rapidly accessing soluble trace metals and limiting nutrients that are deposited with Saharan dust. The project will focus on two specific aims: 1) Quantify changes in community structure, composition and transcriptional activity among marine microbial populations upon exposure to dust, and 2) Identify key components in Saharan dust aerosols that stimulate or repress growth and/or activity in Vibrio, a model opportunistic marine heterotrophic group. The study will use a series of controlled experiments designed to identify and quantify heterotrophic microbial response to dust deposition events using both natural communities and model bacteria (Vibrio) through metagenomics, transcriptomics and atmospheric and marine biogeochemical techniques. This innovative approach will identify the most critical (reactive) components leached from dust aerosols on the microbial community as well as elucidate potential mechanisms of response.
There is great interest in the biological response to dust aerosols given its potentially large influence on biogeochemical cycling, but there has been relatively little work that has addressed the mechanisms of response (especially among the heterotrophic microbial fraction) or identified the relative importance of specific constituents of dust aerosols. A detailed framework for microbial response (focusing on opportunistic heterotrophs) will facilitate efforts to link autotrophic and heterotrophic processing. This contribution is significant because it will provide one of the first end-to-end (chemistry to physiology to ecology) mechanistic pathways for marine biological response to desert dust aerosols.
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_end_date String 2017-03
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_geolocation String Florida Keys, FL, USA
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_name String Vibrio as a model microbe for opportunistic heterotrophic response to Saharan dust deposition events in marine waters
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_project_nid String 553933
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_start_date String 2014-04
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v55
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Nutrients, microbiology, trace metals, and environmental conditions from seeded microcosm experiments.
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String [Seeded microcosm experiments: all data] - Nutrients, microbiology, trace metals, and environmental conditions from seeded microcosm experiments (Vibrio as a model microbe for opportunistic heterotrophic response to Saharan dust deposition events in marine waters)
attribute NC_GLOBAL version String 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL xml_source String osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.5
variable year   short  
attribute year _FillValue short 32767
attribute year actual_range short 2014, 2015
attribute year bcodmo_name String year
attribute year description String year of measurement
attribute year long_name String Year
attribute year nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/YEARXXXX/ (external link)
attribute year units String year
variable expt   String  
attribute expt bcodmo_name String exp_id
attribute expt description String experiment identifier
attribute expt long_name String Expt
attribute expt units String unitless
variable treatment   String  
attribute treatment bcodmo_name String treatment
attribute treatment description String experimental treatments:
For 2014:
control acidified water;
dust= dust leachate from Whatman41 filters used to collect dust aerosols from Barbados (added to provide +1 nM Fe); FeCl = FeCl3 (added to provide +1 nM Fe)
For 2015: 
control acidified water;
2nMFe: 2 nM Fe provided by FeCl3
20nMFe: 20 nM Fe provided by FeCl3
control_leachate: control leachate (leached from Whatman41 blank filter);
dust_barbados: dust leachate from Whatman41 filters used to collect dust aerosols from Barbados (added to provide +2 nM Fe);
Fe: FeCl3 (added to provide +1 nM Fe);
NO3: HNO3 added to provide +0.2 uM N;
PO4: K2HPO4 added to provide +0.01 uM P;
C: Pyruvate added to provide +10 uM C;
FeCNP: mix of FeCl3 (+2 nM Fe), pyruvate (+10 uM C), HNO3 (+0.2 uM), and K2HPO4 (+0.01 uM)
attribute treatment long_name String Treatment
attribute treatment units String unitless
variable light_dark   String  
attribute light_dark bcodmo_name String treatment
attribute light_dark description String whether experiment took place in the light or dark
attribute light_dark long_name String Light Dark
attribute light_dark units String unitless
variable vessel   byte  
attribute vessel _FillValue byte 127
attribute vessel actual_range byte 1, 42
attribute vessel bcodmo_name String sample
attribute vessel description String sample vessel identifier
attribute vessel long_name String Vessel
attribute vessel nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/ACYC/ (external link)
attribute vessel units String unitless
variable replicate   String  
attribute replicate bcodmo_name String replicate
attribute replicate description String replicate identifier
attribute replicate long_name String Replicate
attribute replicate units String unitless
variable time_elapsed_hr   byte  
attribute time_elapsed_hr _FillValue byte 127
attribute time_elapsed_hr actual_range byte 0, 94
attribute time_elapsed_hr bcodmo_name String time_elapsed
attribute time_elapsed_hr description String time since start of experiment
attribute time_elapsed_hr long_name String Time Elapsed Hr
attribute time_elapsed_hr nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ELTMZZZZ/ (external link)
attribute time_elapsed_hr units String hours
variable sample   String  
attribute sample bcodmo_name String sample
attribute sample description String sample identifier: 'year_treatment_light or dark_vessel number_replicate_time
attribute sample long_name String Sample
attribute sample nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/ACYC/ (external link)
attribute sample units String unitless
variable Vibrio   float  
attribute Vibrio _FillValue float NaN
attribute Vibrio actual_range float 0.0, 2800.0
attribute Vibrio bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute Vibrio description String Vibrio concentration: determined by spread plating on TCBS agar and countng ager 18-24 incubation at 30 C. Limit of detection was 3.3 CFU/ml (determined using 100 ul spread volume in triplicate). The data uses a value of 0.0 for below detection limit.
attribute Vibrio long_name String Vibrio
attribute Vibrio units String colony forming units/milliliter (CFU/ml)
variable Chl_a   float  
attribute Chl_a _FillValue float NaN
attribute Chl_a actual_range float 0.03, 0.59
attribute Chl_a bcodmo_name String chlorophyll a
attribute Chl_a colorBarMaximum double 30.0
attribute Chl_a colorBarMinimum double 0.03
attribute Chl_a colorBarScale String Log
attribute Chl_a description String Chlorophyll-a concentration: determined by acetone freeze thaw using EPA method 445.0 (non-acidificaton). Data went through internal lab QAQC process. BDL= below detection limit.
attribute Chl_a long_name String Concentration Of Chlorophyll In Sea Water
attribute Chl_a nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CPHLHPP1/ (external link)
attribute Chl_a units String microgram/liter (ug/L)
variable DOC   float  
attribute DOC _FillValue float NaN
attribute DOC actual_range float 61.0, 339.7
attribute DOC bcodmo_name String DOC
attribute DOC description String Dissolved organic carbon concentration: determined using oxidatve high temperature combuston-infrared analysis. MDL is 11.16 micro mol/L.
attribute DOC long_name String DOC
attribute DOC nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CORGZZZX/ (external link)
attribute DOC units String micromol/liter C (umol/L)
variable DON   float  
attribute DON _FillValue float NaN
attribute DON actual_range float 1.4, 26.1
attribute DON bcodmo_name String Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
attribute DON description String Dissolved organic nitrogen concentration: determined the same as DOC samples but the sample is converted to nitrogen monoxide and measured by a chemoluminescence gas analyzer. The analyte sampled is TDN and the inorganic values are subtracted to get DON. MDL is 5.38 micro mol/L.
attribute DON long_name String DON
attribute DON units String micromol/liter N (umol/L)
variable NH4   String  
attribute NH4 bcodmo_name String Ammonium
attribute NH4 description String Ammonium concentration: determined by the automated phenate method 4500-NH3G. 20th Edition Std. Meth. MDL is 0.3 micro gram/L.
attribute NH4 long_name String NH4
attribute NH4 nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/AMONAAZX/ (external link)
attribute NH4 units String micromol/liter N (umol/L)
variable NO3   String  
attribute NO3 bcodmo_name String NO3
attribute NO3 description String Nitrate concentration: determined by the automated cadmium reducton method 4500-NO3- F. 20th Edition Std. Method. MDL is 0.3 micro gram/L.
attribute NO3 long_name String NO3
attribute NO3 nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/NTRAIGGS/ (external link)
attribute NO3 units String micromol/liter N (umol/L)
variable NO2   float  
attribute NO2 _FillValue float NaN
attribute NO2 actual_range float 0.01, 0.14
attribute NO2 bcodmo_name String NO2
attribute NO2 colorBarMaximum double 1.0
attribute NO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute NO2 description String Nitrite concentration: determined as with Nitrate without running the sample through a cadmium column. 20th Edition Std. Meth. MDL is 0.1 micro gram/L.
attribute NO2 long_name String Mole Concentration Of Nitrite In Sea Water
attribute NO2 nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/NTRIAAZX/ (external link)
attribute NO2 units String micromol/liter N (umol/L)
variable Orthophosphate   String  
attribute Orthophosphate bcodmo_name String PO4
attribute Orthophosphate description String Orthophosphate concentration: determined by the automated ascorbic acid reducton method 4500-P F. 20th Edition Std. Meth. MDL is 0.2 micro gram/ L.
attribute Orthophosphate long_name String Orthophosphate
attribute Orthophosphate units String micromol/liter P (umol/L)
variable SiO4   String  
attribute SiO4 bcodmo_name String SiO4
attribute SiO4 description String Silicate concentration: determined by the automated molybdate-reactve silica method 4500-SiO2 E. 20th Edition Std. Meth. MDL is 0.3 micro gram/L.
attribute SiO4 long_name String Si O4
attribute SiO4 nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/SLCAAAZX/ (external link)
attribute SiO4 units String micromol/liter Si (umol/L)
variable dFe   float  
attribute dFe _FillValue float NaN
attribute dFe actual_range float 0.71, 6.38
attribute dFe bcodmo_name String Fe
attribute dFe description String dissolved iron concentration: determined in the 0.2 um filtered fracton using ICP-MSas described in Milne et al. 2010. Analytca Chimera Acta 665: 200-207
attribute dFe long_name String D Fe
attribute dFe units String nanoMolar (nM)

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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