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Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Acces- sible ![]() | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID |
data | graph | files | public | [radionuclide uptake by humic acids] - Experimental observations of radionuclide uptake by colloidal and particulate humic acids obtained from 14 soils collected worldwide (Biopolymers as carrier phases for selected natural radionuclides (of Th, Pa, Pb, Po, Be) in diatoms and coccolithophores) | ![]() | I M | background![]() | ![]() | ![]() | BCO-DMO | bcodmo_dataset_738833 |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | access_formats | String | .htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | acquisition_description | String | Basically, the humic acids (HAs) from different soils were isolated and further purified according to an alkaline extraction method from the International Humic Substance Society (IHSS) (Xu et al., 2011). Briefly, the dried soil was pre-treated with a 1 M HCl solution to separate the supernatant (i.e., fulvic acid) from the soil, followed by the addition of 0.1 M KOH under N2 purging and 0.3 M K+, as KCl. Then, the supernatant was acidified to pH of 1.0 using 6 M HCl to precipitate HAs, which were pelleted by centrifugation and then suspended in a 0.1 M HCl/0.3 M HF solution overnight for five times to minimize ash content. After HF digestion, Milli-Q water was used to wash HA with the purpose of minimizing ions. HA characterization data were previously reported elsewhere (Fujitake et al., 2012) and on IHSS website ([http://humic- substances.org/13c-nmr-estimates-of-carbon-distribution-in-...](\\"http ://humic-substances.org/13c-nmr-estimates-of-carbon-distribution-in-ihss- samples/\\")).\u00a0 The HA-groundwater suspension batch experiments were conducted basically similar to a previously reported procedure (Xu et al., 2014). In brief, 5-6 mg of the purified HAs were pre-equilibrated in artificial groundwater in the centrifuge tubes for 48 h at room temperature (20 \u00baC) to reach the dissolution equilibrium, since the HAs were extraceted under pH < 1 but the pH of artificial groundwater is 5.5. Then, ~50 Bq of each gamma emitting radionuclide, including 234Th, 237Np-233Pa, 210Pb, 7Be and 59Fe was added to the HA-groundwater slurry to a final volume of 4 mL. The radiolabeled HA- groundwater slurry was then mixed continuously for 7 days in the dark with an end-over-end mixer to ensure that quasi-equilibrium was attained15. After one- week period, particulate (>0.45 \u00b5m), colloidal (3 kDa to 0.45 \u00b5m), and truly dissolved (<3 kDa) phases were size fractionationated by using 0.45 \u00b5m centrifugal filter tubes followed by ultrafiltration with 3 kDa Microsep centrifugal filter tubes (Millipore). Each fraction was collected for the measurement of radionuclide activity and organic matter concentrations. All the size fractions, including the particulate, colloidal and truly dissolved phases were corrected to the same volume and geometry for the counting of 234Th, 233Pa, 237Np, 210Pb, 7Be and 59Fe activity concentrations by a Canberra ultrahigh purity germanium well gamma detector. Concentrations of organic carbon and nitrogen in the colloidal and truly dissolved fractions were determined using a Shimadzu TOC-L analyzer. The organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations in the particulate phase of the HA- groundwater suspension were calculated as the difference between the total carbon/nitrogen contents of the added HAs and the sum of colloidal and truly dissolved phases.\u00a0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_award_nid | String | 735995 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_award_number | String | OCE-1356453 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1356453![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_program_manager | String | Henrietta N Edmonds |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_program_manager_nid | String | 51517 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | Other |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | comment | String | Radionuclide uptake by colloidal and particulate humic acids obtained from 14 soils collected worldwide PI: Peter H. Santschi Version: 2018-05-15 Notes: "-" denotes data not available due to the undetectable activity in particulate (>0.45 um) or truly dissolved phases (<3 kDa). "nd" indicates AVG and STD were not computed for those observations "AVG" = average "STD" = standard deviation |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | info at bco-dmo.org |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | data_source | String | extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3 19 Dec 2019 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_created | String | 2018-06-19T14:30:06Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_modified | String | 2019-04-01T16:23:56Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | defaultDataQuery | String | &time<now |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | doi | String | 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.738833.1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/738833![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_acronym | String | Shimadzu TOC-L |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_dataset_instrument_description | String | Concentrations of organic carbon and nitrogen in the colloidal and truly dissolved fractions were determined using a Shimadzu TOC-L analyzer. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid | String | 739032 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_description | String | A Shimadzu TOC-L Analyzer measures DOC by high temperature combustion method. Developed by Shimadzu, the 680 degree C combustion catalytic oxidation method is now used worldwide. One of its most important features is the capacity to efficiently oxidize hard-to-decompose organic compounds, including insoluble and macromolecular organic compounds. The 680 degree C combustion catalytic oxidation method has been adopted for the TOC-L series. http://www.shimadzu.com/an/toc/lab/toc-l2.html |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_external_identifier | String | http://onto.nerc.ac.uk/CAST/124.html![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_name | String | Shimadzu TOC-L Analyzer |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_nid | String | 527277 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_supplied_name | String | Shimadzu TOC-L analyzer |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_dataset_instrument_description | String | Beckman Coulter Allegra X-12 centrifuge |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_dataset_instrument_nid | String | 738844 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_description | String | A machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies centrifugal force to its contents, typically to separate fluids of different densities (e.g., cream from milk) or liquids from solids. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_instrument_name | String | Centrifuge |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_instrument_nid | String | 629890 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_supplied_name | String | Beckman Coulter Allegra X-12 centrifuge |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_dataset_instrument_description | String | Canberra ultrahigh purity germanium well gamma detector Model GCW3024 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_dataset_instrument_nid | String | 738841 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_description | String | Instruments measuring the relative levels of electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths in the gamma-ray waveband. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_instrument_name | String | Gamma Ray Spectrometer |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_instrument_nid | String | 670659 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_supplied_name | String | Canberra ultrahigh purity germanium well gamma detector |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | bco, bco-dmo, biological, carbon, chemical, coc, col, col_210Pb, col_233Pa, col_234Th, col_237Np, col_59Fe, col_7Be, con, data, dataset, dmo, erddap, HA_ID, kdc, land, Land_use, log, logKd_210Pb, logKd_233Pa, logKd_234Th, logKd_237Np, logKd_59Fe, logKd_7Be, logKdc_210Pb, logKdc_233Pa, logKdc_234Th, logKdc_237Np, logKdc_59Fe, logKdc_7Be, management, oceanography, office, order, organic, part, part_210Pb, part_233Pa, part_234Th, part_237Np, part_59Fe, part_7Be, particulate, pcnt, pcnt_COC, pcnt_CON, pcnt_PN, pcnt_POC, poc, preliminary, sample, Sample_ID, site, soil, Soil_Order, use |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/738833/license![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | metadata_source | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/738833![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | param_mapping | String | {'738833': {}} |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | parameter_source | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/738833/parameters![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_affiliation | String | Texas A&M, Galveston |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_affiliation_acronym | String | TAMUG |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_person_name | String | Peter Santschi |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_person_nid | String | 735998 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_role | String | Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_affiliation | String | Texas A&M, Galveston |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_affiliation_acronym | String | TAMUG |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_person_name | String | Antonietta Quigg |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_person_nid | String | 736000 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_role | String | Co-Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_affiliation | String | Texas A&M, Galveston |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_affiliation_acronym | String | TAMUG |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_person_name | String | Kathleen Schwehr |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_person_nid | String | 736002 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_role | String | Co-Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_affiliation | String | Texas A&M, Galveston |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_affiliation_acronym | String | TAMUG |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_person_name | String | Chen Xu |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_person_nid | String | 736004 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_role | String | Co-Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_affiliation | String | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_affiliation_acronym | String | WHOI BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_person_name | String | Mathew Biddle |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_person_nid | String | 708682 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_role | String | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_role_type | String | related |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | Biopolymers for radionuclides |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_acronym | String | Biopolymers for radionuclides |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_description | String | NSF Award Abstract: Particle-associated natural radioisotopes are transported to the ocean floor mostly via silica and carbonate ballasted particles, allowing their use as tracers for particle transport. Th(IV), Pa (IV,V), Po(IV), Pb(II) and Be(II) radionuclides are important proxies in oceanographic investigations, used for tracing particle and colloid cycling, estimating export fluxes of particulate organic carbon, tracing air-sea exchange, paleoproductivity, and/or ocean circulation in paleoceanographic studies. Even though tracer approaches are considered routine, there are cases where data interpretation or validity has become controversial, largely due to uncertainties about inorganic proxies and organic carrier molecules. Recent studies showed that cleaned diatom frustules and pure silica particles, sorb natural radionuclides to a much lower extent (by 1-2 orders of magnitude) than whole diatom cells (with or without shells). Phytoplankton that build siliceous or calcareous shells, such as the diatoms and coccolithophores, are assembled via bio-mineralization processes using biopolymers as nanoscale templates. These templates could serve as possible carriers for radionuclides and stable metals. In this project, a research team at the Texas A & M University at Galveston hypothesize that radionuclide sorption is controlled by selective biopolymers that are associated with biogenic opal (diatoms), CaCO3 (coccolithophores) and the attached exopolymeric substances (EPS), rather than to pure mineral phase. To pursue this idea, the major objectives of their research will include separation, identification and molecular-level characterization of the individual biopolymers (e.g., polysaccharides, uronic acids, proteins, hydroquinones, hydroxamate siderophores, etc.) that are responsible for binding different radionuclides (Th, Pa, Pb, Po and Be) attached to cells or in the matrix of biogenic opal or CaCO3 as well as attached EPS mixture, in laboratory grown diatom and coccolithophore cultures. Laboratory-scale radiolabeling experiments will be conducted, and different separation techniques and characterization techniques will be applied. Intellectual Merit : It is expected that this study will help elucidate the molecular basis of the templated growth of diatoms and coccoliths, EPS and their role in scavenging natural radionuclides in the ocean, and help resolve debates on the oceanographic tracer applications of different natural radioisotopes (230,234Th, 231Pa, 210Po, 210Pb and 7,10Be). The proposed interdisciplinary research project will require instrumental approaches for molecular-level characterization of these radionuclides associated carrier molecules. Broader Impacts: The results of this study will be relevant for understanding biologically mediated ocean scavenging of radionuclides by diatoms and coccoliths which is important for carbon cycling in the ocean, and will contribute to improved interpretation of data obtained by field studies especially through the GEOTRACES program. This new program will enhance training programs at TAMUG for postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students. Lastly, results will be integrated in college courses and out-reach activities at Texas A&M University, including NSF-REU, Sea Camp, Elder Hostel and exhibits at the local science fair and interaction with its after-school program engaging Grade 9-12 students from groups traditionally underrepresented. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_end_date | String | 2018-02 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_name | String | Biopolymers as carrier phases for selected natural radionuclides (of Th, Pa, Pb, Po, Be) in diatoms and coccolithophores |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_project_nid | String | 735996 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_start_date | String | 2014-03 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_name | String | Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v55 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | The uptake and binding of six particle-reactive and/or redox-sensitive radionuclides (210Pb, 234Th, 7Be, 59Fe, 237Np and 233Pa) with different organic functionalities of three size fractions. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | [radionuclide uptake by humic acids] - Experimental observations of radionuclide uptake by colloidal and particulate humic acids obtained from 14 soils collected worldwide (Biopolymers as carrier phases for selected natural radionuclides (of Th, Pa, Pb, Po, Be) in diatoms and coccolithophores) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | version | String | 1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | xml_source | String | osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3 |
variable | No | byte | ||
attribute | No | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | No | actual_range | byte | 1, 14 |
attribute | No | bcodmo_name | String | Site_Desig |
attribute | No | description | String | site number |
attribute | No | long_name | String | No |
attribute | No | units | String | unitless |
variable | HA_ID | String | ||
attribute | HA_ID | bcodmo_name | String | sample_descrip |
attribute | HA_ID | description | String | Sample description |
attribute | HA_ID | long_name | String | HA ID |
attribute | HA_ID | units | String | unitless |
variable | Site | String | ||
attribute | Site | bcodmo_name | String | site |
attribute | Site | description | String | Name of site. |
attribute | Site | long_name | String | Site |
attribute | Site | units | String | unitless |
variable | Soil_Order | String | ||
attribute | Soil_Order | bcodmo_name | String | sample_descrip |
attribute | Soil_Order | description | String | Soil Order |
attribute | Soil_Order | long_name | String | Soil Order |
attribute | Soil_Order | units | String | unitless |
variable | Land_use | String | ||
attribute | Land_use | bcodmo_name | String | site_descrip |
attribute | Land_use | description | String | Land use description |
attribute | Land_use | long_name | String | Land Use |
attribute | Land_use | units | String | unitless |
variable | Sample_ID | String | ||
attribute | Sample_ID | bcodmo_name | String | sample |
attribute | Sample_ID | description | String | Identifier for the sample |
attribute | Sample_ID | long_name | String | Sample ID |
attribute | Sample_ID | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/ACYC/![]() |
attribute | Sample_ID | units | String | unitless |
variable | part_210Pb | byte | ||
attribute | part_210Pb | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | part_210Pb | actual_range | byte | 9, 99 |
attribute | part_210Pb | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | part_210Pb | description | String | Particulate activity percentage for Lead 210 |
attribute | part_210Pb | long_name | String | Part 210 Pb |
attribute | part_210Pb | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | part_210Pb | units | String | unitless |
variable | part_234Th | byte | ||
attribute | part_234Th | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | part_234Th | actual_range | byte | 0, 92 |
attribute | part_234Th | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | part_234Th | description | String | Particulate activity percentage for Thorium 234 |
attribute | part_234Th | long_name | String | Part 234 Th |
attribute | part_234Th | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | part_234Th | units | String | unitless |
variable | part_7Be | byte | ||
attribute | part_7Be | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | part_7Be | actual_range | byte | 10, 100 |
attribute | part_7Be | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | part_7Be | description | String | Particulate activity percentage for Beryllium 7 |
attribute | part_7Be | long_name | String | Part 7 Be |
attribute | part_7Be | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | part_7Be | units | String | unitless |
variable | part_59Fe | byte | ||
attribute | part_59Fe | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | part_59Fe | actual_range | byte | 12, 99 |
attribute | part_59Fe | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | part_59Fe | description | String | Particulate activity percentage for Iron 59 |
attribute | part_59Fe | long_name | String | Part 59 Fe |
attribute | part_59Fe | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | part_59Fe | units | String | unitless |
variable | part_237Np | byte | ||
attribute | part_237Np | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | part_237Np | actual_range | byte | 14, 80 |
attribute | part_237Np | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | part_237Np | description | String | Particulate activity percentage for Neptunium 237 |
attribute | part_237Np | long_name | String | Part 237 Np |
attribute | part_237Np | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | part_237Np | units | String | unitless |
variable | part_233Pa | byte | ||
attribute | part_233Pa | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | part_233Pa | actual_range | byte | 12, 94 |
attribute | part_233Pa | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | part_233Pa | description | String | Particulate activity percentage for Protactinium 233 |
attribute | part_233Pa | long_name | String | Part 233 Pa |
attribute | part_233Pa | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | part_233Pa | units | String | unitless |
variable | col_210Pb | byte | ||
attribute | col_210Pb | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | col_210Pb | actual_range | byte | 0, 79 |
attribute | col_210Pb | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | col_210Pb | description | String | Colloidal activity percentage for Lead 210 |
attribute | col_210Pb | long_name | String | Col 210 Pb |
attribute | col_210Pb | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | col_210Pb | units | String | unitless |
variable | col_234Th | byte | ||
attribute | col_234Th | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | col_234Th | actual_range | byte | 8, 100 |
attribute | col_234Th | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | col_234Th | description | String | Colloidal activity percentage for Thorium 234 |
attribute | col_234Th | long_name | String | Col 234 Th |
attribute | col_234Th | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | col_234Th | units | String | unitless |
variable | col_7Be | byte | ||
attribute | col_7Be | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | col_7Be | actual_range | byte | 0, 69 |
attribute | col_7Be | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | col_7Be | description | String | Colloidal activity percentage for Beryllium 7 |
attribute | col_7Be | long_name | String | Col 7 Be |
attribute | col_7Be | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | col_7Be | units | String | unitless |
variable | col_59Fe | byte | ||
attribute | col_59Fe | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | col_59Fe | actual_range | byte | 1, 79 |
attribute | col_59Fe | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | col_59Fe | description | String | Colloidal activity percentage for Iron 59 |
attribute | col_59Fe | long_name | String | Col 59 Fe |
attribute | col_59Fe | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | col_59Fe | units | String | unitless |
variable | col_237Np | byte | ||
attribute | col_237Np | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | col_237Np | actual_range | byte | 11, 78 |
attribute | col_237Np | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | col_237Np | description | String | Colloidal activity percentage for Neptunium 237 |
attribute | col_237Np | long_name | String | Col 237 Np |
attribute | col_237Np | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | col_237Np | units | String | unitless |
variable | col_233Pa | byte | ||
attribute | col_233Pa | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | col_233Pa | actual_range | byte | 5, 49 |
attribute | col_233Pa | bcodmo_name | String | radioactive_isotope_conc |
attribute | col_233Pa | description | String | Colloidal activity percentage for Protactinium 233 |
attribute | col_233Pa | long_name | String | Col 233 Pa |
attribute | col_233Pa | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/WRAD/![]() |
attribute | col_233Pa | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKd_210Pb | float | ||
attribute | logKd_210Pb | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKd_210Pb | actual_range | float | 0.88, 4.99 |
attribute | logKd_210Pb | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKd_210Pb | description | String | partitioning coefficient (logKd) for Lead 210 |
attribute | logKd_210Pb | long_name | String | Log Kd 210 Pb |
attribute | logKd_210Pb | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKd_234Th | float | ||
attribute | logKd_234Th | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKd_234Th | actual_range | float | 0.5, 3.99 |
attribute | logKd_234Th | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKd_234Th | description | String | partitioning coefficient (logKd) for Thorium 234 |
attribute | logKd_234Th | long_name | String | Log Kd 234 Th |
attribute | logKd_234Th | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKd_7Be | float | ||
attribute | logKd_7Be | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKd_7Be | actual_range | float | 0.98, 5.23 |
attribute | logKd_7Be | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKd_7Be | description | String | partitioning coefficient (logKd) for Beryllium 7 |
attribute | logKd_7Be | long_name | String | Log Kd 7 Be |
attribute | logKd_7Be | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKd_59Fe | float | ||
attribute | logKd_59Fe | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKd_59Fe | actual_range | float | 0.8, 5.03 |
attribute | logKd_59Fe | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKd_59Fe | description | String | partitioning coefficient (logKd) for Iron 59 |
attribute | logKd_59Fe | long_name | String | Log Kd 59 Fe |
attribute | logKd_59Fe | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKd_237Np | float | ||
attribute | logKd_237Np | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKd_237Np | actual_range | float | 0.39, 3.48 |
attribute | logKd_237Np | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKd_237Np | description | String | partitioning coefficient (logKd) for Neptunium 237 |
attribute | logKd_237Np | long_name | String | Log Kd 237 Np |
attribute | logKd_237Np | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKd_233Pa | float | ||
attribute | logKd_233Pa | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKd_233Pa | actual_range | float | 0.31, 4.11 |
attribute | logKd_233Pa | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKd_233Pa | description | String | partitioning coefficient (logKd) for Protactinium 233 |
attribute | logKd_233Pa | long_name | String | Log Kd 233 Pa |
attribute | logKd_233Pa | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKdc_210Pb | float | ||
attribute | logKdc_210Pb | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKdc_210Pb | actual_range | float | 0.6, 5.81 |
attribute | logKdc_210Pb | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKdc_210Pb | description | String | partitioning coefficient in colloidal fraction (logKdc) for Lead 210 |
attribute | logKdc_210Pb | long_name | String | Log Kdc 210 Pb |
attribute | logKdc_210Pb | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKdc_234Th | float | ||
attribute | logKdc_234Th | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKdc_234Th | actual_range | float | 0.55, 6.0 |
attribute | logKdc_234Th | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKdc_234Th | description | String | partitioning coefficient in colloidal fraction (logKdc) for Thorium 234 |
attribute | logKdc_234Th | long_name | String | Log Kdc 234 Th |
attribute | logKdc_234Th | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKdc_7Be | float | ||
attribute | logKdc_7Be | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKdc_7Be | actual_range | float | 0.36, 5.82 |
attribute | logKdc_7Be | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKdc_7Be | description | String | partitioning coefficient in colloidal fraction (logKdc) for Beryllium 7 |
attribute | logKdc_7Be | long_name | String | Log Kdc 7 Be |
attribute | logKdc_7Be | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKdc_59Fe | float | ||
attribute | logKdc_59Fe | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKdc_59Fe | actual_range | float | 0.65, 5.93 |
attribute | logKdc_59Fe | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKdc_59Fe | description | String | partitioning coefficient in colloidal fraction (logKdc) for Iron 59 |
attribute | logKdc_59Fe | long_name | String | Log Kdc 59 Fe |
attribute | logKdc_59Fe | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKdc_237Np | float | ||
attribute | logKdc_237Np | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKdc_237Np | actual_range | float | 0.63, 5.5 |
attribute | logKdc_237Np | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKdc_237Np | description | String | partitioning coefficient in colloidal fraction (logKdc) for Neptunium 237 |
attribute | logKdc_237Np | long_name | String | Log Kdc 237 Np |
attribute | logKdc_237Np | units | String | unitless |
variable | logKdc_233Pa | float | ||
attribute | logKdc_233Pa | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | logKdc_233Pa | actual_range | float | 0.74, 5.69 |
attribute | logKdc_233Pa | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | logKdc_233Pa | description | String | partitioning coefficient in colloidal fraction (logKdc) for Protactinium 233 |
attribute | logKdc_233Pa | long_name | String | Log Kdc 233 Pa |
attribute | logKdc_233Pa | units | String | unitless |
variable | POC | short | ||
attribute | POC | _FillValue | short | 32767 |
attribute | POC | actual_range | short | 163, 743 |
attribute | POC | bcodmo_name | String | POC |
attribute | POC | description | String | Concentration of Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) after one week HAs-groundwater resuspension |
attribute | POC | long_name | String | Particulate Organic Carbon |
attribute | POC | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CORGCAP1/![]() |
attribute | POC | units | String | miligrams per liter (mg/L) |
variable | PN | byte | ||
attribute | PN | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | PN | actual_range | byte | 11, 78 |
attribute | PN | bcodmo_name | String | Total Particulate Nitrogen |
attribute | PN | description | String | Concentration of Particulate Nitrogen (PN) after one week HAs-groundwater resuspension |
attribute | PN | long_name | String | PN |
attribute | PN | units | String | miligrams per liter (mg/L) |
variable | COC | short | ||
attribute | COC | _FillValue | short | 32767 |
attribute | COC | actual_range | short | 45, 532 |
attribute | COC | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | COC | description | String | Concentration of Colloidal Organic Carbon (COC) after one week HAs-groundwater resuspension |
attribute | COC | long_name | String | COC |
attribute | COC | units | String | miligrams per liter (mg/L) |
variable | CON | byte | ||
attribute | CON | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | CON | actual_range | byte | 0, 54 |
attribute | CON | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | CON | description | String | Concentration of Colloidal Organic Nitrogen (CON) after one week HAs-groundwater resuspension |
attribute | CON | long_name | String | CON |
attribute | CON | units | String | miligrams per liter (mg/L) |
variable | pcnt_POC | byte | ||
attribute | pcnt_POC | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | pcnt_POC | actual_range | byte | 23, 94 |
attribute | pcnt_POC | bcodmo_name | String | POC |
attribute | pcnt_POC | description | String | Percentage of Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) after one week HAs-groundwater resuspension |
attribute | pcnt_POC | long_name | String | Pcnt POC |
attribute | pcnt_POC | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CORGCAP1/![]() |
attribute | pcnt_POC | units | String | unitless |
variable | pcnt_PN | byte | ||
attribute | pcnt_PN | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | pcnt_PN | actual_range | byte | 26, 100 |
attribute | pcnt_PN | bcodmo_name | String | Total Particulate Nitrogen |
attribute | pcnt_PN | description | String | Percentage of Particulate Nitrogen (PN) after one week HAs-groundwater resuspension |
attribute | pcnt_PN | long_name | String | PCNT PN |
attribute | pcnt_PN | units | String | unitless |
variable | pcnt_COC | byte | ||
attribute | pcnt_COC | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | pcnt_COC | actual_range | byte | 6, 77 |
attribute | pcnt_COC | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | pcnt_COC | description | String | Percentage of Colloidal Organic Carbon (COC) after one week HAs-groundwater resuspension |
attribute | pcnt_COC | long_name | String | Pcnt COC |
attribute | pcnt_COC | units | String | unitless |
variable | pcnt_CON | byte | ||
attribute | pcnt_CON | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | pcnt_CON | actual_range | byte | 0, 74 |
attribute | pcnt_CON | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | pcnt_CON | description | String | Percentage of Colloidal Organic Nitrogen (CON) after one week HAs-groundwater resuspension |
attribute | pcnt_CON | long_name | String | Pcnt CON |
attribute | pcnt_CON | units | String | unitless |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.