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Title Sum-
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   set  data   graph     files  public [Macrofauna Sediment Community Matrix, AT37-13 & AT42-03] - Matrix of taxon by sample for
sediment push cores collected by HOV Alvin during R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-13 and AT42-03 in
the Pacific margin of Costa Rica in 2017 and 2018 (Collaborative research: Quantifying the
biological, chemical, and physical linkages between chemosynthetic communities and the
surrounding deep sea)
   ?            M   background (external link) RSS Subscribe BCO-DMO bcodmo_dataset_750091

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL access_formats String .htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv
attribute NC_GLOBAL acquisition_description String Push core samples collected using HOV Alvin. Core diameter of 6.4 cm, 0-10 cm
sediment fraction analysed. Counts of macrofaunal taxa retained on a 300 um
sieve presented. Specimens preserved in 8% formalin prior to identification.
See dataset 'AT37-13 Push Core Sampling Locations' ([https://www.bco-
dmo.org/dataset/750284](\\"https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/750284\\")) for
details of core locations.
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_award_nid String 710021
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_award_number String OCE-1634172
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_data_url String http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1634172 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funder_name String NSF Division of Ocean Sciences
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funding_acronym String NSF OCE
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funding_source_nid String 355
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_program_manager String Michael E. Sieracki
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_program_manager_nid String 50446
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String Macrofauna community
PI: Lisa Levin
Data Version 1: 2020-01-07
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String info at bco-dmo.org
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String https://www.bco-dmo.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_source String extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3 19 Dec 2019
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2018-11-27T17:47:24Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2020-01-13T17:07:39Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String &time<now
attribute NC_GLOBAL doi String 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.750091.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/750091 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String acari, agathotanaidae, agathotanais, Agathotanais_hanseni, akanthophoridae, americanus, ampeliscidae, ampharetidae, Ampharetidae_sp_1, Ampharetidae_sp_2, Ampharetidae_sp_3, Ampharetidae_sp_4, Ampharetidae_sp_5, Ampharetidae_sp_6, amphinomidae, Amphinomidae_sp_3, Amphinomidae_sp_4, Amphinomidae_sp_5, Amphinomidae_sp_6, Amphinomidae_sp_7, amphipoda, Amphipoda_unidentified, amphisamytha, Amphisamytha_sp_1, Amphisamytha_sp_2, anarthrurella, Anarthrurella_sp_1, anarthruridae, anophthalma, aphroditidae, aplacophora, Aplacophora_sp_1, Aplacophora_sp_2, Aplacophora_sp_3, Aplacophora_sp_6, apseudidae, araphura, Araphura_c_f_brevimanus, Araphura_c_f_filiformis, Araphura_sp_3, arcidae, Arcidae_sp_1, aricidea, Aricidea_sp, armandia, Armandia_sp_1, Armandia_sp_2, auquabalis, bathylamprops, Bathylamprops_sp_1, bco, bco-dmo, betamorpha, Betamorpha_sp_1, biological, bivalvia, bonnierella, Bonnierella_c_f_campensis, Bonnierella_c_f_dimorpha, bousfieldi, brada, Brada_sp_1, Brada_sp_2, brevicaudus, brevimanus, calyptogena, Calyptogena_sp_1, campensis, campylaspis, Campylaspis_sp_1, capitellidae, Capitellidae_sp_2, Capitellidae_sp_3, Capitellidae_sp_4, Capitellidae_sp_5, Capitellidae_sp_6, Capitellidae_sp_7, Capitellidae_sp_8, Capitellidae_sp_9, chelator, Chelator_c_f_auquabalis, Chelator_c_f_brevicaudus, Chelator_sp_1, chemical, chrysopetalidae, Chrysopetalidae_sp_1, Chrysopetalidae_sp_2, Chrysopetalidae_sp_3, Chrysopetalidae_sp_4, Chrysopetalidae_sp_5, cirratulidae, Cirratulidae_sp_1, Cirratulidae_sp_10, Cirratulidae_sp_11, Cirratulidae_sp_12, Cirratulidae_sp_2, Cirratulidae_sp_3, Cirratulidae_sp_4, Cirratulidae_sp_5, Cirratulidae_sp_6, Cirratulidae_sp_7, Cirratulidae_sp_8, Cirratulidae_sp_9, cirrophorus, Cirrophorus_sp_1, cnidaria, coalecerotanais, Coalecerotanais_nov_sp, core, corollatus, cossura, cossuridae, Cossuridae_sp_1, Cossuridae_sp_2, Cossuridae_sp_3, Cossuridae_sp_4, cuspidaria, Cuspidaria_sp_1, cuspidaridae, data, dataset, decapoda, desmosoma, Desmosoma_sp_1, Desmosoma_sp_2, Desmosoma_sp_3, desmosomatidae, diastylidae, dimorpha, dive, dive_core, dmo, dorvilleidae, Dorvilleidae_sp_1, Dorvilleidae_sp_2, Dorvilleidae_sp_3, Dorvilleidae_sp_4, Dorvilleidae_sp_5, Dorvilleidae_sp_6, Dorvilleidae_sp_7, echinodermata, enteropneusta, erddap, eudorella, Eudorella_c_f_hispida, eulimidae, Eulimidae_sp_1, eurycope, Eurycope_sp_1, eusiridae, fauveliopsidae, filiformis, flabelligeridae, Flabelligeridae_p_7, Flabelligeridae_sp_4, Flabelligeridae_sp_5, Flabelligeridae_sp_6, fucaria, Fucaria_sp_1, gastropoda, Gastropoda_uniden, glyceridae, Glyceridae_sp_1, Glyceridae_sp_2, Glyceridae_sp_3, hanseni, haploops, Haploops_sp_1, harpinia, Harpinia_sp_1, hesione, Hesione_sp_1, Hesione_sp_2, Hesione_sp_3, hesionidae, Hesionidae_sp_1, Hesionidae_sp_2, Hesionidae_sp_3, Hesionidae_sp_4, Hesionidae_sp_5, Hesionidae_sp_6, hispida, holothuria, hyalagyrinidae, hyalogyrinidae, Hyalogyrinidae_sp_1, Hyalogyrinidae_sp_2, hydroidea, idunella, Idunella_sp_1, ilyarachna, Ilyarachna_sp, inflatus, ischyroceridae, keenani, lacydonia, Lacydonia_sp_1, Lacydonia_sp_2, Lacydonia_sp_3, lacydoniidae, lamellibrachia, lampropidae, lepetodrilidae, leptognathia, Leptognathia_sp_a, Leptognathia_sp_b, leptognathiidae, leptostylis, Leptostylis_sp_1, leucon, Leucon_c_f_americanus, Leucon_c_f_simanensis, leuconidae, leviapseudes, Leviapseudes_wolffi, liljeborgiidae, limacinidae, limidae, Limidae_sp_1, lumbrineridae, Lumbrineridae_sp_1, Lumbrineridae_sp_2, lysianassoidea, maldanidae, Maldanidae_sp_1, Maldanidae_sp_3, Maldanidae_sp_4, Maldanidae_sp_5, Maldanidae_sp_6, management, medius, monoculodes, Monoculodes_c_f_anophthalma, Monoculodes_c_f_bousfieldi, Monoculodes_c_f_recandesco, Monoculodes_sp_4, monocuspis, munnopsidae, myidae, nannastacidae, nannoniscidae, nannoniscus, Nannoniscus_sp_1, nemertea, nephtyidae, Nephtyidae_sp_1, Nephtyidae_sp_2, Nephtyidae_sp_3, nereididae, Nereididae_sp_1, nuculana, Nuculana_sp_1, nuculanidae, Nuculanidae_sp_2, Nuculanidae_sp_4, oceanography, oedicerotidae, oenonidae, Oenonidae_sp_1, Oenonidae_sp_2, Oenonidae_sp_3, Oenonidae_sp_4, office, oligochaeta, Oligochaeta_sp_2, Oligochaeta_sp_3, onuphidae, Onuphidae_sp_1, Onuphidae_sp_2, Onuphidae_sp_3, opheliidae, Opheliidae_sp_1, Opheliidae_sp_2, Opheliidae_sp_3, ophiuroidea, ophryotrocha, Ophryotrocha_platykephale, orbiniidae, Orbiniidae_sp_1, paragathotanais, Paragathotanais_c_f_medius, parakanthophoreus, Parakanthophoreus_sp_1, paralacydonidae, Paralacydonidae_sp_1, paraleucon, Paraleucon_nov_sp, paranarthrura, Paranarthrura_similis, paraonidae, Paraonidae_sp_1, Paraonidae_sp_10, Paraonidae_sp_11, Paraonidae_sp_12, Paraonidae_sp_13, Paraonidae_sp_14, Paraonidae_sp_2, Paraonidae_sp_3, Paraonidae_sp_4, Paraonidae_sp_5, Paraonidae_sp_6, Paraonidae_sp_8, Paraonidae_sp_9, pardaliscidae, pardaliscopsis, Pardaliscopsis_sp_1, parougia, Parougia_spp, pavlovskeola, Pavlovskeola_sp_1, photidae, phoxocephalidae, phyllodocidae, Phyllodocidae_sp_1, Phyllodocidae_sp_2, pilargidae, Pilargidae_sp_1, platykephale, pleustidae, polydora, polynoidae, Polynoidae_sp_1, Polynoidae_sp_2, Polynoidae_sp_3, Polynoidae_sp_4, posophotis, Posophotis_sp_1, preliminary, priapulida, prionospio, Prionospio_sp_1, prochelator, Prochelator_c_f_keenani_nov_sp, Prochelator_sp_2, provanna, Provanna_sp_1, Provanna_sp_2, provannidae, pseudarachna, Pseudarachna_sp_1, pseudotanaidae, pseudotanais, Pseudotanais_P_corollatus, Pseudotanais_P_inflatus, pteropoda, pycnogonida, recandesco, retiskenea, rhachotropis, Rhachotropis_c_f_rossi, rossi, rotundicephala, sabellidae, Sabellidae_sp_1, Sabellidae_sp_2, Sabellidae_sp_3, Sabellidae_sp_4, Sabellidae_sp_5, Sabellidae_sp_6, Sabellidae_sp_8, scalibregmatidae, Scalibregmatidae_sp_1, scaphopoda, Scaphopoda_sp_1, Scaphopoda_sp_2, scissurellidae, serpulidae, siboglinidae, Siboglinidae_sp_1, sigalionidae, simanensis, similis, skeneidae, solemyidae, sphaerodoridae, Sphaerodoridae_sp_1, Sphaerodoridae_sp_2, Sphaerodoridae_sp_3, Sphaerodoridae_sp_4, Sphaerodoridae_sp_5, Sphaerodoridae_sp_6, spionidae, Spionidae_sp_1, Spionidae_sp_10, Spionidae_sp_3, Spionidae_sp_4, Spionidae_sp_5, Spionidae_sp_6, Spionidae_sp_7, Spionidae_sp_8, Spionidae_sp_9, spp, stenetriidae, stenopleustes, Stenopleustes_c_f_monocuspis, sternaspidae, sternaspis, Sternaspis_sp_1, syllidae, synopiidae, syrrhoites, Syrrhoites_sp_1, tanaella, Tanaella_c_f_rotundicephala, tanaellidae, tenupedunculus, Tenupedunculus_nov_sp, terebellidae, thecosomata, Thecosomata_sp_1, travisia, Travisia_sp_1, trichobranchidae, Trichobranchidae_sp_1, Trichobranchidae_sp_2, Trichobranchidae_sp_3, typhlotanaidae, typhlotanais, Typhlotanais_c_f_williamsae, typhlotanoides, Typhlotanoides_sp_1, uniden, unidentified, Unidentified_Bivalvia, Unknown, vesicomyidae, Vesicomyidae_sp_1, Vesicomyidae_sp_3, Vesicomyidae_sp_4, Vesicomyidae_sp_5, wecomedon, Wecomedon_sp_1, williamsae, wolffi, yoldiidae
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/750091/license (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL metadata_source String https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/750091 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL param_mapping String {'750091': {}}
attribute NC_GLOBAL parameter_source String https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/750091/parameters (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_affiliation String University of California-San Diego
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_affiliation_acronym String UCSD-SIO
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_person_name String Lisa A Levin
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_person_nid String 51242
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_role String Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_affiliation String University of California-San Diego
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_affiliation_acronym String UCSD-SIO
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_person_name String Gregory Rouse
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_person_nid String 51433
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_role String Co-Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_affiliation String University of California-San Diego
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_affiliation_acronym String UCSD-SIO
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_person_name String Oliver S. Ashford
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_person_nid String 750292
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_role String Contact
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_2_role_type String related
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_affiliation String Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_affiliation_acronym String WHOI BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_person_name String Shannon Rauch
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_person_nid String 51498
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_role String BCO-DMO Data Manager
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_3_role_type String related
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_affiliation String Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_affiliation_acronym String WHOI BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_person_name String Karen Soenen
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_person_nid String 748773
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_role String BCO-DMO Data Manager
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_4_role_type String related
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String Costa Rica Seeps
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_acronym String Costa Rica Seeps
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_description String NSF abstract:
If life were to disappear from the deep sea, would we notice? We only have a cursory understanding of this vast region and the connectivity among its communities and the rest of the oceans, and yet the ecosystems of the deep sea have been implicated in the larger function of the global marine ecosystems. We now rely on the deep ocean for food, energy, novel drugs and materials, and for its role in the global cycling of carbon, as well as for supporting services such as habitat creation, nutrient replenishment for shallow waters, and the maintenance of biodiversity. Cold seeps, active areas of the seafloor where methane and other chemicals are released, are key features along the continental margins worldwide. To characterize how methane seep communities interact with the surrounding ecosystems and vice versa, we will study methane seeps off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica in 2017 and 2018. It is the sphere of influence around the seep, both along the seafloor and up into the water column, that we seek to better understand. We will map the structure and the chemistry surrounding these habitats using a novel 3-dimensional framework, combining typical transects with vertical characterizations of the water column just above the seafloor. This will include measurements of methane flux into the water column and changes in the overlying carbonate chemistry and oxygen levels that are critical to our understanding of the effect of warming, oxygen loss and ocean acidification in this region. Within this framework, we will collect seep organisms in sediments and on rocks (including all sizes from microbes to large animals), and transplant some of these from within the area of seep influence to the background deep sea, and vice-versa. Together, these studies will help us to measure the size of the seep sphere of influence, and also demonstrate the role of these seeps within the deep sea and the greater, global, marine ecosystem. We will share this information with a group of teachers during a series of workshops in the San Diego area, at an exhibit at the Birch Aquarium, and through the work of an artist who has worked extensively with marine organisms in extreme environments.
Chemosynthetic ecosystems are inextricably linked to the broader world-ocean biome and global biogeochemical cycles in ways that we are just beginning to understand. This research will identify the form, extent, and nature of the physical, chemical, and biological linkages between methane seeps and the surrounding deep-sea ecosystem. The proposed research builds critical understanding of the structural and functional processes that underpin the ecosystem services provided by chemosynthetic ecosystems. We target a critical continental margin, Costa Rica, where methane fates and dynamics loom large and play out in an setting that reflects many oceanographic stressors. We will use quantitative sampling and manipulative studies within a 3-dimensional oceanographic framework. We will ask what are the shapes of the diversity and density functions for organisms of different size classes and trophic position over the transition from the seep habitat through the ecotone to the background deep sea? Further, we will ask how do depth, dissolved oxygen concentrations, pH and carbonate ion availability, relative rates of fluid flux, and substrate (biogenic, authigenic carbonate, sediments) alter these linkages and interactions with the surrounding deep sea? Evidence for distinct transitional communities and biotic patterns in density and alpha and beta diversity will be quantified and placed in a global biogeographic context. All of these investigations will occur across biological size spectra: for microorganisms (archaea, bacteria, microeukaryotes), the macrofauna, and the megafauna that form biogenic habitats. Our research results will be interpreted in the context of potential effects of global ocean change in the equatorial Pacific to determine how the linkages with the surrounding deep sea will be altered as anthropogenic impacts proceed in the future. 
Related publications:
Levin, L.A., V.J. Orphan, G.W. Rouse, W. Ussler, A. E. Rathburn, G. S. Cook, S. Goffredi, E. Perez, A. Waren, B. Grupe, G. Chadwick, B. Strickrott. (2012). A hydrothermal seep on the Costa Rica margin: Middle ground in a continuum of reducing ecosystems. Proc. Royal Soc. B. 279: 2580-88 doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.0205
Sahling, H., Masson, D. G., Ranero, C. R., Hühnerbach, V., Weinrebe, W., Klaucke, I., & Suess, E. (2008). Fluid seepage at the continental margin offshore Costa Rica and southern Nicaragua. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9: doi: 10.1029/2008GC001978
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_end_date String 2019-09
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_geolocation String Costa Rica Pacific Margin
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_name String Collaborative research: Quantifying the biological, chemical, and physical linkages between chemosynthetic communities and the surrounding deep sea
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_project_nid String 648472
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_start_date String 2016-10
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v55
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String Amphinomidae_sp_7,Aphroditidae,Capitellidae_sp_3,Capitellidae_sp_5,Capitellidae_sp_8,Chrysopetalidae,Chrysopetalidae_sp_3,Chrysopetalidae_sp_5,Cirratulidae_sp_5,Cirratulidae_sp_10,Cirratulidae_sp_11,Cossura,Dorvilleidae,Dorvilleidae_sp_6,Dorvilleidae_sp_7,Ophryotrocha_platykephale,Parougia_spp,Fauveliopsidae,Flabelligeridae,Flabelligeridae_sp_5,Flabelligeridae_sp_6,Glyceridae,Glyceridae_sp_3,Hesionidae_sp_5,Lacydoniidae,Lacydonia,Lumbrineridae_sp_2,Maldanidae_sp_5,Nephtyidae,Nephtyidae_sp_2,Nereididae,Oenonidae,Oenonidae_sp_2,Onuphidae,Onuphidae_sp_1,Onuphidae_sp_2,Onuphidae_sp_3,Opheliidae,Opheliidae_sp_2,Opheliidae_sp_3,Armandia_sp_2,Paralacydonidae,Paraonidae_sp_8,Paraonidae_sp_9,Paraonidae_sp_11,Paraonidae_sp_13,Paraonidae_sp_14,Aricidea_sp,Cirrophorus_sp_1,Pilargidae,Sabellidae_sp_5,Sabellidae_sp_8,Scalibregmatidae,Scalibregmatidae_sp_1,Serpulidae,Siboglinidae,Lamellibrachia,Sigalionidae,Spionidae_sp_7,Spionidae_sp_8,Spionidae_sp_9,Sphaerodoridae,Sphaerodoridae_sp_4,Sphaerodoridae_sp_6,Sternaspidae,Sternaspis_sp_1,Terebellidae,Trichobranchidae_sp_3,Amphipoda_unidentified,Ampeliscidae,Haploops_sp_1,Eusiridae,Ischyroceridae,Liljeborgiidae,Lysianassoidea,Oedicerotidae,Monoculodes_sp_4,Pardaliscidae,Pardaliscopsis_sp_1,Photidae,Posophotis_sp_1,Phoxocephalidae,Harpinia_sp_1,Pleustidae,Synopiidae,Syrrhoites_sp_1,Diastylidae,Leptostylis_sp_1,Lampropidae,Bathylamprops_sp_1,Leuconidae,Eudorella,Leucon,Leucon_c_f_simanensis,Nannastacidae,Campylaspis_sp_1,Desmosomatidae,Prochelator_sp_2,Chelator_sp_1,Chelator_c_f_auquabalis,Desmosoma_sp_1,Desmosoma_sp_2,Desmosoma_sp_3,Munnopsidae,Betamorpha_sp_1,Ilyarachna_sp,Pseudarachna_sp_1,Nannoniscidae,Nannoniscus_sp_1,Stenetriidae,Tenupedunculus_nov_sp,Agathotanaidae,Paragathotanais,Paranarthrura,Akanthophoridae,Anarthruridae,Apseudidae,Leptognathiidae,Pseudotanaidae,Pseudotanais,Tanaellidae,Araphura_c_f_brevimanus,Tanaella_c_f_rotundicephala,Typhlotanaidae,Unidentified_Bivalvia,Arcidae,Cuspidaridae,Limidae,Limidae_sp_1,Myidae,Nuculanidae,Solemyidae,Vesicomyidae_sp_4,Yoldiidae,Gastropoda_uniden,Eulimidae,Eulimidae_sp_1,Hyalagyrinidae,Hyalogyrinidae_sp_2,Limacinidae,Provannidae,Provanna_sp_2,Pteropoda,Retiskenea,Scissurellidae,Skeneidae,Aplacophora_sp_3,Decapoda,Holothuria,Hydroidea
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Matrix of taxon (columns) by sample (rows) for sediment push cores collected by HOV Alvin during R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-13 in the Pacific margin of Costa Rica from May to June 2017
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String [Macrofauna Sediment Community Matrix, AT37-13 & AT42-03] - Matrix of taxon by sample for sediment push cores collected by HOV Alvin during R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-13 and AT42-03 in the Pacific margin of Costa Rica in 2017 and 2018 (Collaborative research: Quantifying the biological, chemical, and physical linkages between chemosynthetic communities and the surrounding deep sea)
attribute NC_GLOBAL version String 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL xml_source String osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3
variable dive_core   String  
attribute dive_core bcodmo_name String sample
attribute dive_core description String Alvin dive number and core number
attribute dive_core long_name String Dive Core
attribute dive_core nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/ACYC/ (external link)
attribute dive_core units String unitless
variable Ampharetidae   byte  
attribute Ampharetidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ampharetidae actual_range byte 0, 6
attribute Ampharetidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Ampharetidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ampharetidae long_name String Ampharetidae
attribute Ampharetidae units String unitless
variable Ampharetidae_sp_1   byte  
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 68
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_1 long_name String Ampharetidae Sp 1
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Ampharetidae_sp_2   byte  
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_2 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 12
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_2 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_2 long_name String Ampharetidae Sp 2
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Ampharetidae_sp_3   byte  
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_3 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_3 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_3 long_name String Ampharetidae Sp 3
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_3 units String unitless
variable Ampharetidae_sp_4   byte  
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_4 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_4 actual_range byte 0, 4
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_4 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_4 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_4 long_name String Ampharetidae Sp 4
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_4 units String unitless
variable Ampharetidae_sp_5   byte  
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_5 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_5 actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_5 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_5 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_5 long_name String Ampharetidae Sp 5
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_5 units String unitless
variable Ampharetidae_sp_6   byte  
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_6 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_6 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_6 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_6 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_6 long_name String Ampharetidae Sp 6
attribute Ampharetidae_sp_6 units String unitless
variable Amphisamytha_sp_1   byte  
attribute Amphisamytha_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Amphisamytha_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 20
attribute Amphisamytha_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Amphisamytha_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Amphisamytha_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Amphisamytha_sp_2 long_name String Amphisamytha Sp 2
attribute Amphisamytha_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Amphinomidae   byte  
attribute Amphinomidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Amphinomidae actual_range byte 0, 2
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attribute Amphinomidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Amphinomidae long_name String Amphinomidae
attribute Amphinomidae units String unitless
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attribute Amphinomidae_sp_4 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Amphinomidae_sp_6 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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variable Amphinomidae_sp_7   byte  
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attribute Amphinomidae_sp_7 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Amphinomidae_sp_7 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Amphinomidae_sp_7 units String unitless
variable Aphroditidae   byte  
attribute Aphroditidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Aphroditidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Aphroditidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Aphroditidae units String unitless
variable Capitellidae   byte  
attribute Capitellidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Capitellidae actual_range byte 0, 3
attribute Capitellidae bcodmo_name String count
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attribute Capitellidae units String unitless
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variable Capitellidae_sp_5   byte  
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variable Capitellidae_sp_6   byte  
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attribute Capitellidae_sp_9 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Capitellidae_sp_9 long_name String Capitellidae Sp 9
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variable Chrysopetalidae   byte  
attribute Chrysopetalidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Chrysopetalidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Chrysopetalidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Chrysopetalidae units String unitless
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variable Chrysopetalidae_sp_2   byte  
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attribute Chrysopetalidae_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Chrysopetalidae_sp_5 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Chrysopetalidae_sp_5 units String unitless
variable Cirratulidae   byte  
attribute Cirratulidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Cirratulidae actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Cirratulidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cirratulidae units String unitless
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 2
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 2
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_5 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_6 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_7 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_8 actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_8 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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variable Cirratulidae_sp_9   byte  
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_9 actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_9 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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variable Cirratulidae_sp_10   byte  
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_10 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_11 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_12 actual_range byte 0, 2
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attribute Cirratulidae_sp_12 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Cirratulidae_sp_12 long_name String Cirratulidae Sp 12
attribute Cirratulidae_sp_12 units String unitless
variable Cossuridae   byte  
attribute Cossuridae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Cossuridae actual_range byte 0, 3
attribute Cossuridae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Cossuridae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cossuridae units String unitless
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 5
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_1 units String unitless
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 18
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Cossuridae_sp_3   byte  
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 17
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_3 units String unitless
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_4 actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_4 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cossuridae_sp_4 units String unitless
variable Cossura   byte  
attribute Cossura _FillValue byte 127
attribute Cossura actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Cossura description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Cossura long_name String Cossura
attribute Cossura units String unitless
variable Dorvilleidae   byte  
attribute Dorvilleidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Dorvilleidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Dorvilleidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Dorvilleidae units String unitless
variable Dorvilleidae_sp_1   byte  
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variable Dorvilleidae_sp_2   byte  
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 21
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Dorvilleidae_sp_3   byte  
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 7
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_3 units String unitless
variable Dorvilleidae_sp_4   byte  
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_4 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_4 units String unitless
variable Dorvilleidae_sp_5   byte  
attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_5 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_5 actual_range byte 0, 9
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_5 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_5 units String unitless
variable Dorvilleidae_sp_6   byte  
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_6 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_6 units String unitless
variable Dorvilleidae_sp_7   byte  
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_7 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_7 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Dorvilleidae_sp_7 units String unitless
variable Ophryotrocha_platykephale   byte  
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attribute Ophryotrocha_platykephale description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Ophryotrocha_platykephale units String unitless
variable Parougia_spp   byte  
attribute Parougia_spp _FillValue byte 127
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attribute Parougia_spp units String unitless
variable Fauveliopsidae   byte  
attribute Fauveliopsidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Fauveliopsidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Fauveliopsidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Fauveliopsidae long_name String Fauveliopsidae
attribute Fauveliopsidae units String unitless
variable Flabelligeridae   byte  
attribute Flabelligeridae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Flabelligeridae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Flabelligeridae units String unitless
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attribute Flabelligeridae_sp_5 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Flabelligeridae_p_7 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Brada_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Glyceridae   byte  
attribute Glyceridae _FillValue byte 127
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attribute Glyceridae units String unitless
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attribute Hesionidae units String unitless
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attribute Hesionidae_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Lacydoniidae units String unitless
variable Lacydonia   byte  
attribute Lacydonia _FillValue byte 127
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attribute Lacydonia description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Lacydonia units String unitless
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attribute Lacydonia_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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variable Lumbrineridae   byte  
attribute Lumbrineridae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Lumbrineridae actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Lumbrineridae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Lumbrineridae units String unitless
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variable Maldanidae   byte  
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attribute Maldanidae actual_range byte 0, 4
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attribute Maldanidae units String unitless
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variable Nephtyidae   byte  
attribute Nephtyidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Nephtyidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Nephtyidae units String unitless
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variable Nereididae   byte  
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attribute Nereididae units String unitless
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variable Oenonidae   byte  
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attribute Oenonidae units String unitless
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variable Onuphidae   byte  
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attribute Onuphidae units String unitless
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variable Opheliidae   byte  
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variable Opheliidae_sp_3   byte  
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attribute Travisia_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Orbiniidae   byte  
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attribute Orbiniidae units String unitless
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attribute Paralacydonidae units String unitless
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variable Paraonidae   byte  
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variable Paraonidae_sp_11   byte  
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variable Phyllodocidae   byte  
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variable Pilargidae   byte  
attribute Pilargidae _FillValue byte 127
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variable Polynoidae   byte  
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attribute Polynoidae units String unitless
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attribute Polynoidae_sp_4 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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variable Sabellidae   byte  
attribute Sabellidae _FillValue byte 127
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attribute Sabellidae units String unitless
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attribute Sabellidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Sabellidae_sp_1 long_name String Sabellidae Sp 1
attribute Sabellidae_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Sabellidae_sp_2   byte  
attribute Sabellidae_sp_2 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Sabellidae_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 2
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attribute Sabellidae_sp_2 units String unitless
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attribute Sabellidae_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Sabellidae_sp_3 bcodmo_name String count
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attribute Sabellidae_sp_3 units String unitless
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attribute Sabellidae_sp_4 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Sabellidae_sp_4 actual_range byte 0, 7
attribute Sabellidae_sp_4 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Sabellidae_sp_4 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Sabellidae_sp_4 units String unitless
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attribute Sabellidae_sp_5 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Sabellidae_sp_5 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Sabellidae_sp_5 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Sabellidae_sp_5 units String unitless
variable Sabellidae_sp_6   byte  
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attribute Sabellidae_sp_6 actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Sabellidae_sp_6 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Sabellidae_sp_6 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Sabellidae_sp_6 long_name String Sabellidae Sp 6
attribute Sabellidae_sp_6 units String unitless
variable Sabellidae_sp_8   byte  
attribute Sabellidae_sp_8 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Sabellidae_sp_8 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Sabellidae_sp_8 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Sabellidae_sp_8 long_name String Sabellidae Sp 8
attribute Sabellidae_sp_8 units String unitless
variable Scalibregmatidae   byte  
attribute Scalibregmatidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Scalibregmatidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Scalibregmatidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Scalibregmatidae long_name String Scalibregmatidae
attribute Scalibregmatidae units String unitless
variable Scalibregmatidae_sp_1   byte  
attribute Scalibregmatidae_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Scalibregmatidae_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Scalibregmatidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Scalibregmatidae_sp_1 long_name String Scalibregmatidae Sp 1
attribute Scalibregmatidae_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Serpulidae   byte  
attribute Serpulidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Serpulidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Serpulidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Serpulidae long_name String Serpulidae
attribute Serpulidae units String unitless
variable Siboglinidae   byte  
attribute Siboglinidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Siboglinidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Siboglinidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Siboglinidae long_name String Siboglinidae
attribute Siboglinidae units String unitless
variable Siboglinidae_sp_1   short  
attribute Siboglinidae_sp_1 _FillValue short 32767
attribute Siboglinidae_sp_1 actual_range short 0, 1140
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attribute Siboglinidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Siboglinidae_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Lamellibrachia   byte  
attribute Lamellibrachia _FillValue byte 127
attribute Lamellibrachia actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Lamellibrachia description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Lamellibrachia long_name String Lamellibrachia
attribute Lamellibrachia units String unitless
variable Sigalionidae   byte  
attribute Sigalionidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Sigalionidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Sigalionidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Sigalionidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Sigalionidae long_name String Sigalionidae
attribute Sigalionidae units String unitless
variable Spionidae   byte  
attribute Spionidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Spionidae actual_range byte 0, 3
attribute Spionidae bcodmo_name String count
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attribute Spionidae units String unitless
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attribute Spionidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Spionidae_sp_1 units String unitless
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attribute Spionidae_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 9
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attribute Spionidae_sp_3 units String unitless
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attribute Spionidae_sp_4 actual_range byte 0, 4
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attribute Spionidae_sp_4 units String unitless
variable Spionidae_sp_5   byte  
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attribute Spionidae_sp_5 actual_range byte 0, 3
attribute Spionidae_sp_5 bcodmo_name String count
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attribute Spionidae_sp_5 units String unitless
variable Spionidae_sp_6   byte  
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attribute Spionidae_sp_6 actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Spionidae_sp_6 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Spionidae_sp_6 long_name String Spionidae Sp 6
attribute Spionidae_sp_6 units String unitless
variable Spionidae_sp_7   byte  
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attribute Spionidae_sp_7 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Spionidae_sp_7 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Spionidae_sp_7 long_name String Spionidae Sp 7
attribute Spionidae_sp_7 units String unitless
variable Spionidae_sp_8   byte  
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attribute Spionidae_sp_8 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Spionidae_sp_8 long_name String Spionidae Sp 8
attribute Spionidae_sp_8 units String unitless
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attribute Spionidae_sp_9 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Spionidae_sp_9 units String unitless
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attribute Spionidae_sp_10 actual_range byte 0, 2
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attribute Spionidae_sp_10 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Spionidae_sp_10 long_name String Spionidae Sp 10
attribute Spionidae_sp_10 units String unitless
variable Polydora   byte  
attribute Polydora _FillValue byte 127
attribute Polydora actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Polydora description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Polydora long_name String Polydora
attribute Polydora units String unitless
variable Prionospio_sp_1   byte  
attribute Prionospio_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
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attribute Prionospio_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Prionospio_sp_1 units String unitless
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attribute Sphaerodoridae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Sphaerodoridae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Sphaerodoridae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Sphaerodoridae long_name String Sphaerodoridae
attribute Sphaerodoridae units String unitless
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attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_2 long_name String Sphaerodoridae Sp 2
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variable Sphaerodoridae_sp_3   byte  
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attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_3 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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variable Sphaerodoridae_sp_4   byte  
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attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_4 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_4 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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variable Sphaerodoridae_sp_5   byte  
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attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_5 actual_range byte 0, 2
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attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_5 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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variable Sphaerodoridae_sp_6   byte  
attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_6 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_6 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_6 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_6 long_name String Sphaerodoridae Sp 6
attribute Sphaerodoridae_sp_6 units String unitless
variable Sternaspidae   byte  
attribute Sternaspidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Sternaspidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Sternaspidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Sternaspidae long_name String Sternaspidae
attribute Sternaspidae units String unitless
variable Sternaspis_sp_1   byte  
attribute Sternaspis_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Sternaspis_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Sternaspis_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Sternaspis_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Sternaspis_sp_1 long_name String Sternaspis Sp 1
attribute Sternaspis_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Syllidae   String  
attribute Syllidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Syllidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Syllidae long_name String Syllidae
attribute Syllidae units String unitless
variable Terebellidae   byte  
attribute Terebellidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Terebellidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Terebellidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Terebellidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Terebellidae long_name String Terebellidae
attribute Terebellidae units String unitless
variable Trichobranchidae_sp_1   byte  
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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variable Trichobranchidae_sp_2   byte  
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_2 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_2 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Trichobranchidae_sp_3   byte  
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_3 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_3 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_3 long_name String Trichobranchidae Sp 3
attribute Trichobranchidae_sp_3 units String unitless
variable Oligochaeta_sp_2   byte  
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_2 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_2 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_2 long_name String Oligochaeta Sp 2
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Oligochaeta_sp_3   byte  
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_3 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_3 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_3 long_name String Oligochaeta Sp 3
attribute Oligochaeta_sp_3 units String unitless
variable Amphipoda_unidentified   byte  
attribute Amphipoda_unidentified _FillValue byte 127
attribute Amphipoda_unidentified actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Amphipoda_unidentified bcodmo_name String count
attribute Amphipoda_unidentified description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Amphipoda_unidentified long_name String Amphipoda Unidentified
attribute Amphipoda_unidentified units String unitless
variable Ampeliscidae   byte  
attribute Ampeliscidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ampeliscidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Ampeliscidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Ampeliscidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ampeliscidae long_name String Ampeliscidae
attribute Ampeliscidae units String unitless
variable Haploops_sp_1   byte  
attribute Haploops_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Haploops_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Haploops_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Haploops_sp_1 long_name String Haploops Sp 1
attribute Haploops_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Eusiridae   byte  
attribute Eusiridae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Eusiridae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Eusiridae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Eusiridae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Eusiridae long_name String Eusiridae
attribute Eusiridae units String unitless
variable Rhachotropis_c_f_rossi   byte  
attribute Rhachotropis_c_f_rossi _FillValue byte 127
attribute Rhachotropis_c_f_rossi actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Rhachotropis_c_f_rossi description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Rhachotropis_c_f_rossi long_name String Rhachotropis C F Rossi
attribute Rhachotropis_c_f_rossi units String unitless
variable Ischyroceridae   byte  
attribute Ischyroceridae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ischyroceridae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Ischyroceridae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Ischyroceridae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ischyroceridae long_name String Ischyroceridae
attribute Ischyroceridae units String unitless
variable Bonnierella_c_f_campensis   byte  
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_campensis _FillValue byte 127
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_campensis actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_campensis bcodmo_name String count
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_campensis description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_campensis long_name String Bonnierella C F Campensis
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_campensis units String unitless
variable Bonnierella_c_f_dimorpha   byte  
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_dimorpha _FillValue byte 127
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_dimorpha actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_dimorpha bcodmo_name String count
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_dimorpha description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_dimorpha long_name String Bonnierella C F Dimorpha
attribute Bonnierella_c_f_dimorpha units String unitless
variable Liljeborgiidae   byte  
attribute Liljeborgiidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Liljeborgiidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Liljeborgiidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Liljeborgiidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Liljeborgiidae long_name String Liljeborgiidae
attribute Liljeborgiidae units String unitless
variable Idunella_sp_1   byte  
attribute Idunella_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Idunella_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Idunella_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Idunella_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Idunella_sp_1 long_name String Idunella Sp 1
attribute Idunella_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Lysianassoidea   byte  
attribute Lysianassoidea _FillValue byte 127
attribute Lysianassoidea actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Lysianassoidea bcodmo_name String count
attribute Lysianassoidea description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Lysianassoidea long_name String Lysianassoidea
attribute Lysianassoidea units String unitless
variable Wecomedon_sp_1   byte  
attribute Wecomedon_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Wecomedon_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Wecomedon_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Wecomedon_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Wecomedon_sp_1 long_name String Wecomedon Sp 1
attribute Wecomedon_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Oedicerotidae   byte  
attribute Oedicerotidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Oedicerotidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Oedicerotidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Oedicerotidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Oedicerotidae long_name String Oedicerotidae
attribute Oedicerotidae units String unitless
variable Monoculodes_c_f_anophthalma   byte  
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_anophthalma _FillValue byte 127
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_anophthalma actual_range byte 0, 2
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attribute Monoculodes_c_f_anophthalma description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_anophthalma long_name String Monoculodes C F Anophthalma
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_anophthalma units String unitless
variable Monoculodes_c_f_bousfieldi   byte  
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_bousfieldi _FillValue byte 127
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_bousfieldi actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_bousfieldi bcodmo_name String count
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_bousfieldi description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_bousfieldi long_name String Monoculodes C F Bousfieldi
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_bousfieldi units String unitless
variable Monoculodes_c_f_recandesco   byte  
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_recandesco _FillValue byte 127
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_recandesco actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Monoculodes_c_f_recandesco description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_recandesco long_name String Monoculodes C F Recandesco
attribute Monoculodes_c_f_recandesco units String unitless
variable Monoculodes_sp_4   byte  
attribute Monoculodes_sp_4 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Monoculodes_sp_4 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Monoculodes_sp_4 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Monoculodes_sp_4 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Monoculodes_sp_4 long_name String Monoculodes Sp 4
attribute Monoculodes_sp_4 units String unitless
variable Pardaliscidae   byte  
attribute Pardaliscidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pardaliscidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Pardaliscidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Pardaliscidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pardaliscidae long_name String Pardaliscidae
attribute Pardaliscidae units String unitless
variable Pardaliscopsis_sp_1   byte  
attribute Pardaliscopsis_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pardaliscopsis_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Pardaliscopsis_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Pardaliscopsis_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pardaliscopsis_sp_1 long_name String Pardaliscopsis Sp 1
attribute Pardaliscopsis_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Photidae   byte  
attribute Photidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Photidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Photidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Photidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Photidae long_name String Photidae
attribute Photidae units String unitless
variable Posophotis_sp_1   byte  
attribute Posophotis_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Posophotis_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Posophotis_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Posophotis_sp_1 long_name String Posophotis Sp 1
attribute Posophotis_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Phoxocephalidae   byte  
attribute Phoxocephalidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Phoxocephalidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Phoxocephalidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Phoxocephalidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Phoxocephalidae long_name String Phoxocephalidae
attribute Phoxocephalidae units String unitless
variable Harpinia_sp_1   byte  
attribute Harpinia_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Harpinia_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Harpinia_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Harpinia_sp_1 long_name String Harpinia Sp 1
attribute Harpinia_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Pleustidae   byte  
attribute Pleustidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pleustidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Pleustidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Pleustidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pleustidae long_name String Pleustidae
attribute Pleustidae units String unitless
variable Stenopleustes_c_f_monocuspis   byte  
attribute Stenopleustes_c_f_monocuspis _FillValue byte 127
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attribute Stenopleustes_c_f_monocuspis description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Stenopleustes_c_f_monocuspis long_name String Stenopleustes C F Monocuspis
attribute Stenopleustes_c_f_monocuspis units String unitless
variable Synopiidae   byte  
attribute Synopiidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Synopiidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Synopiidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Synopiidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Synopiidae long_name String Synopiidae
attribute Synopiidae units String unitless
variable Syrrhoites_sp_1   byte  
attribute Syrrhoites_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Syrrhoites_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Syrrhoites_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Syrrhoites_sp_1 long_name String Syrrhoites Sp 1
attribute Syrrhoites_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Diastylidae   byte  
attribute Diastylidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Diastylidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Diastylidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Diastylidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Diastylidae long_name String Diastylidae
attribute Diastylidae units String unitless
variable Leptostylis_sp_1   byte  
attribute Leptostylis_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Leptostylis_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Leptostylis_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Leptostylis_sp_1 long_name String Leptostylis Sp 1
attribute Leptostylis_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Lampropidae   byte  
attribute Lampropidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Lampropidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Lampropidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Lampropidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Lampropidae long_name String Lampropidae
attribute Lampropidae units String unitless
variable Bathylamprops_sp_1   byte  
attribute Bathylamprops_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Bathylamprops_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Bathylamprops_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Bathylamprops_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Bathylamprops_sp_1 long_name String Bathylamprops Sp 1
attribute Bathylamprops_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Leuconidae   byte  
attribute Leuconidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Leuconidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Leuconidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Leuconidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Leuconidae long_name String Leuconidae
attribute Leuconidae units String unitless
variable Eudorella   byte  
attribute Eudorella _FillValue byte 127
attribute Eudorella actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Eudorella bcodmo_name String count
attribute Eudorella description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Eudorella long_name String Eudorella
attribute Eudorella units String unitless
variable Eudorella_c_f_hispida   byte  
attribute Eudorella_c_f_hispida _FillValue byte 127
attribute Eudorella_c_f_hispida actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Eudorella_c_f_hispida bcodmo_name String count
attribute Eudorella_c_f_hispida description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Eudorella_c_f_hispida long_name String Eudorella C F Hispida
attribute Eudorella_c_f_hispida units String unitless
variable Leucon   byte  
attribute Leucon _FillValue byte 127
attribute Leucon actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Leucon bcodmo_name String count
attribute Leucon description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Leucon long_name String Leucon
attribute Leucon units String unitless
variable Leucon_c_f_americanus   byte  
attribute Leucon_c_f_americanus _FillValue byte 127
attribute Leucon_c_f_americanus actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Leucon_c_f_americanus bcodmo_name String count
attribute Leucon_c_f_americanus description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Leucon_c_f_americanus long_name String Leucon C F Americanus
attribute Leucon_c_f_americanus units String unitless
variable Leucon_c_f_simanensis   byte  
attribute Leucon_c_f_simanensis _FillValue byte 127
attribute Leucon_c_f_simanensis actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Leucon_c_f_simanensis bcodmo_name String count
attribute Leucon_c_f_simanensis description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Leucon_c_f_simanensis long_name String Leucon C F Simanensis
attribute Leucon_c_f_simanensis units String unitless
variable Paraleucon_nov_sp   byte  
attribute Paraleucon_nov_sp _FillValue byte 127
attribute Paraleucon_nov_sp actual_range byte 0, 52
attribute Paraleucon_nov_sp bcodmo_name String count
attribute Paraleucon_nov_sp description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Paraleucon_nov_sp long_name String Paraleucon Nov Sp
attribute Paraleucon_nov_sp units String unitless
variable Nannastacidae   byte  
attribute Nannastacidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Nannastacidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Nannastacidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Nannastacidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Nannastacidae long_name String Nannastacidae
attribute Nannastacidae units String unitless
variable Campylaspis_sp_1   byte  
attribute Campylaspis_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Campylaspis_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Campylaspis_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Campylaspis_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Campylaspis_sp_1 long_name String Campylaspis Sp 1
attribute Campylaspis_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Pavlovskeola_sp_1   byte  
attribute Pavlovskeola_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pavlovskeola_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Pavlovskeola_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Pavlovskeola_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pavlovskeola_sp_1 long_name String Pavlovskeola Sp 1
attribute Pavlovskeola_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Desmosomatidae   byte  
attribute Desmosomatidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Desmosomatidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Desmosomatidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Desmosomatidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Desmosomatidae long_name String Desmosomatidae
attribute Desmosomatidae units String unitless
variable Prochelator_c_f_keenani_nov_sp   byte  
attribute Prochelator_c_f_keenani_nov_sp _FillValue byte 127
attribute Prochelator_c_f_keenani_nov_sp actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Prochelator_c_f_keenani_nov_sp bcodmo_name String count
attribute Prochelator_c_f_keenani_nov_sp description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Prochelator_c_f_keenani_nov_sp long_name String Prochelator C F Keenani Nov Sp
attribute Prochelator_c_f_keenani_nov_sp units String unitless
variable Prochelator_sp_2   byte  
attribute Prochelator_sp_2 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Prochelator_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Prochelator_sp_2 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Prochelator_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Prochelator_sp_2 long_name String Prochelator Sp 2
attribute Prochelator_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Chelator_sp_1   byte  
attribute Chelator_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Chelator_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Chelator_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Chelator_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Chelator_sp_1 long_name String Chelator Sp 1
attribute Chelator_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Chelator_c_f_auquabalis   byte  
attribute Chelator_c_f_auquabalis _FillValue byte 127
attribute Chelator_c_f_auquabalis actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Chelator_c_f_auquabalis description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Chelator_c_f_auquabalis long_name String Chelator C F Auquabalis
attribute Chelator_c_f_auquabalis units String unitless
variable Chelator_c_f_brevicaudus   byte  
attribute Chelator_c_f_brevicaudus _FillValue byte 127
attribute Chelator_c_f_brevicaudus actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Chelator_c_f_brevicaudus description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Chelator_c_f_brevicaudus long_name String Chelator C F Brevicaudus
attribute Chelator_c_f_brevicaudus units String unitless
variable Desmosoma_sp_1   byte  
attribute Desmosoma_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Desmosoma_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Desmosoma_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Desmosoma_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Desmosoma_sp_1 long_name String Desmosoma Sp 1
attribute Desmosoma_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Desmosoma_sp_2   byte  
attribute Desmosoma_sp_2 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Desmosoma_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Desmosoma_sp_2 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Desmosoma_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Desmosoma_sp_2 long_name String Desmosoma Sp 2
attribute Desmosoma_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Desmosoma_sp_3   byte  
attribute Desmosoma_sp_3 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Desmosoma_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Desmosoma_sp_3 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Desmosoma_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Desmosoma_sp_3 long_name String Desmosoma Sp 3
attribute Desmosoma_sp_3 units String unitless
variable Munnopsidae   byte  
attribute Munnopsidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Munnopsidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Munnopsidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Munnopsidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Munnopsidae long_name String Munnopsidae
attribute Munnopsidae units String unitless
variable Betamorpha_sp_1   byte  
attribute Betamorpha_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Betamorpha_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Betamorpha_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Betamorpha_sp_1 long_name String Betamorpha Sp 1
attribute Betamorpha_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Eurycope_sp_1   byte  
attribute Eurycope_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Eurycope_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Eurycope_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Eurycope_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Eurycope_sp_1 long_name String Eurycope Sp 1
attribute Eurycope_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Ilyarachna_sp   byte  
attribute Ilyarachna_sp _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ilyarachna_sp actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Ilyarachna_sp description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ilyarachna_sp long_name String Ilyarachna Sp
attribute Ilyarachna_sp units String unitless
variable Pseudarachna_sp_1   byte  
attribute Pseudarachna_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pseudarachna_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Pseudarachna_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pseudarachna_sp_1 long_name String Pseudarachna Sp 1
attribute Pseudarachna_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Nannoniscidae   byte  
attribute Nannoniscidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Nannoniscidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Nannoniscidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Nannoniscidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Nannoniscidae long_name String Nannoniscidae
attribute Nannoniscidae units String unitless
variable Nannoniscus_sp_1   byte  
attribute Nannoniscus_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Nannoniscus_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Nannoniscus_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Nannoniscus_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Nannoniscus_sp_1 long_name String Nannoniscus Sp 1
attribute Nannoniscus_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Stenetriidae   byte  
attribute Stenetriidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Stenetriidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Stenetriidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Stenetriidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Stenetriidae long_name String Stenetriidae
attribute Stenetriidae units String unitless
variable Tenupedunculus_nov_sp   byte  
attribute Tenupedunculus_nov_sp _FillValue byte 127
attribute Tenupedunculus_nov_sp actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Tenupedunculus_nov_sp bcodmo_name String count
attribute Tenupedunculus_nov_sp description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Tenupedunculus_nov_sp long_name String Tenupedunculus Nov Sp
attribute Tenupedunculus_nov_sp units String unitless
variable Agathotanaidae   byte  
attribute Agathotanaidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Agathotanaidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Agathotanaidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Agathotanaidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Agathotanaidae long_name String Agathotanaidae
attribute Agathotanaidae units String unitless
variable Agathotanais_hanseni   byte  
attribute Agathotanais_hanseni _FillValue byte 127
attribute Agathotanais_hanseni actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Agathotanais_hanseni bcodmo_name String count
attribute Agathotanais_hanseni description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Agathotanais_hanseni long_name String Agathotanais Hanseni
attribute Agathotanais_hanseni units String unitless
variable Paragathotanais   byte  
attribute Paragathotanais _FillValue byte 127
attribute Paragathotanais actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Paragathotanais bcodmo_name String count
attribute Paragathotanais description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Paragathotanais long_name String Paragathotanais
attribute Paragathotanais units String unitless
variable Paragathotanais_c_f_medius   byte  
attribute Paragathotanais_c_f_medius _FillValue byte 127
attribute Paragathotanais_c_f_medius actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Paragathotanais_c_f_medius description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Paragathotanais_c_f_medius long_name String Paragathotanais C F Medius
attribute Paragathotanais_c_f_medius units String unitless
variable Paranarthrura   byte  
attribute Paranarthrura _FillValue byte 127
attribute Paranarthrura actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Paranarthrura bcodmo_name String count
attribute Paranarthrura description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Paranarthrura long_name String Paranarthrura
attribute Paranarthrura units String unitless
variable Paranarthrura_similis   byte  
attribute Paranarthrura_similis _FillValue byte 127
attribute Paranarthrura_similis actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Paranarthrura_similis bcodmo_name String count
attribute Paranarthrura_similis description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Paranarthrura_similis long_name String Paranarthrura Similis
attribute Paranarthrura_similis units String unitless
variable Akanthophoridae   byte  
attribute Akanthophoridae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Akanthophoridae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Akanthophoridae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Akanthophoridae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Akanthophoridae long_name String Akanthophoridae
attribute Akanthophoridae units String unitless
variable Parakanthophoreus_sp_1   byte  
attribute Parakanthophoreus_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Parakanthophoreus_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Parakanthophoreus_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Parakanthophoreus_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Parakanthophoreus_sp_1 long_name String Parakanthophoreus Sp 1
attribute Parakanthophoreus_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Anarthruridae   byte  
attribute Anarthruridae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Anarthruridae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Anarthruridae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Anarthruridae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Anarthruridae long_name String Anarthruridae
attribute Anarthruridae units String unitless
variable Anarthrurella_sp_1   byte  
attribute Anarthrurella_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Anarthrurella_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Anarthrurella_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Anarthrurella_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Anarthrurella_sp_1 long_name String Anarthrurella Sp 1
attribute Anarthrurella_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Apseudidae   byte  
attribute Apseudidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Apseudidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Apseudidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Apseudidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Apseudidae long_name String Apseudidae
attribute Apseudidae units String unitless
variable Leviapseudes_wolffi   byte  
attribute Leviapseudes_wolffi _FillValue byte 127
attribute Leviapseudes_wolffi actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Leviapseudes_wolffi bcodmo_name String count
attribute Leviapseudes_wolffi description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Leviapseudes_wolffi long_name String Leviapseudes Wolffi
attribute Leviapseudes_wolffi units String unitless
variable Coalecerotanais_nov_sp   byte  
attribute Coalecerotanais_nov_sp _FillValue byte 127
attribute Coalecerotanais_nov_sp actual_range byte 0, 3
attribute Coalecerotanais_nov_sp bcodmo_name String count
attribute Coalecerotanais_nov_sp description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Coalecerotanais_nov_sp long_name String Coalecerotanais Nov Sp
attribute Coalecerotanais_nov_sp units String unitless
variable Leptognathiidae   byte  
attribute Leptognathiidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Leptognathiidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Leptognathiidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Leptognathiidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Leptognathiidae long_name String Leptognathiidae
attribute Leptognathiidae units String unitless
variable Leptognathia_sp_a   byte  
attribute Leptognathia_sp_a _FillValue byte 127
attribute Leptognathia_sp_a actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Leptognathia_sp_a bcodmo_name String count
attribute Leptognathia_sp_a description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Leptognathia_sp_a long_name String Leptognathia Sp A
attribute Leptognathia_sp_a units String unitless
variable Leptognathia_sp_b   byte  
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attribute Leptognathia_sp_b actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Leptognathia_sp_b bcodmo_name String count
attribute Leptognathia_sp_b description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Leptognathia_sp_b long_name String Leptognathia Sp B
attribute Leptognathia_sp_b units String unitless
variable Pseudotanaidae   byte  
attribute Pseudotanaidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pseudotanaidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Pseudotanaidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Pseudotanaidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pseudotanaidae long_name String Pseudotanaidae
attribute Pseudotanaidae units String unitless
variable Pseudotanais   byte  
attribute Pseudotanais _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pseudotanais actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Pseudotanais bcodmo_name String count
attribute Pseudotanais description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pseudotanais long_name String Pseudotanais
attribute Pseudotanais units String unitless
variable Pseudotanais_P_corollatus   byte  
attribute Pseudotanais_P_corollatus _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pseudotanais_P_corollatus actual_range byte 0, 18
attribute Pseudotanais_P_corollatus bcodmo_name String count
attribute Pseudotanais_P_corollatus description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pseudotanais_P_corollatus long_name String Pseudotanais P Corollatus
attribute Pseudotanais_P_corollatus units String unitless
variable Pseudotanais_P_inflatus   byte  
attribute Pseudotanais_P_inflatus _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pseudotanais_P_inflatus actual_range byte 0, 6
attribute Pseudotanais_P_inflatus bcodmo_name String count
attribute Pseudotanais_P_inflatus description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pseudotanais_P_inflatus long_name String Pseudotanais P Inflatus
attribute Pseudotanais_P_inflatus units String unitless
variable Tanaellidae   byte  
attribute Tanaellidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Tanaellidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Tanaellidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Tanaellidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Tanaellidae long_name String Tanaellidae
attribute Tanaellidae units String unitless
variable Araphura_c_f_brevimanus   byte  
attribute Araphura_c_f_brevimanus _FillValue byte 127
attribute Araphura_c_f_brevimanus actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Araphura_c_f_brevimanus description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Araphura_c_f_brevimanus units String unitless
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attribute Araphura_c_f_filiformis _FillValue byte 127
attribute Araphura_c_f_filiformis actual_range byte 0, 1
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attribute Araphura_c_f_filiformis description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Araphura_c_f_filiformis units String unitless
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attribute Araphura_sp_3 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Araphura_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Araphura_sp_3 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Araphura_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Araphura_sp_3 long_name String Araphura Sp 3
attribute Araphura_sp_3 units String unitless
variable Tanaella_c_f_rotundicephala   byte  
attribute Tanaella_c_f_rotundicephala _FillValue byte 127
attribute Tanaella_c_f_rotundicephala actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Tanaella_c_f_rotundicephala description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Tanaella_c_f_rotundicephala long_name String Tanaella C F Rotundicephala
attribute Tanaella_c_f_rotundicephala units String unitless
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attribute Typhlotanaidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Typhlotanaidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Typhlotanaidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Typhlotanaidae long_name String Typhlotanaidae
attribute Typhlotanaidae units String unitless
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attribute Typhlotanoides_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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variable Typhlotanais_c_f_williamsae   byte  
attribute Typhlotanais_c_f_williamsae _FillValue byte 127
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attribute Typhlotanais_c_f_williamsae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Typhlotanais_c_f_williamsae long_name String Typhlotanais C F Williamsae
attribute Typhlotanais_c_f_williamsae units String unitless
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attribute Unidentified_Bivalvia _FillValue byte 127
attribute Unidentified_Bivalvia actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Unidentified_Bivalvia description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Unidentified_Bivalvia units String unitless
variable Arcidae   byte  
attribute Arcidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Arcidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Arcidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Arcidae units String unitless
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attribute Arcidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Arcidae_sp_1 units String unitless
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attribute Cuspidaridae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cuspidaridae units String unitless
variable Cuspidaria_sp_1   byte  
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attribute Cuspidaria_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Cuspidaria_sp_1 units String unitless
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attribute Limidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Limidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Limidae units String unitless
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attribute Limidae_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Myidae   byte  
attribute Myidae _FillValue byte 127
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attribute Myidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Myidae long_name String Myidae
attribute Myidae units String unitless
variable Nuculanidae   byte  
attribute Nuculanidae _FillValue byte 127
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attribute Nuculanidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Nuculanidae units String unitless
variable Nuculana_sp_1   byte  
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attribute Nuculana_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Nuculana_sp_1 units String unitless
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attribute Nuculanidae_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Nuculanidae_sp_4 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
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attribute Solemyidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Solemyidae actual_range byte 0, 0
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attribute Solemyidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Solemyidae long_name String Solemyidae
attribute Solemyidae units String unitless
variable Vesicomyidae   byte  
attribute Vesicomyidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Vesicomyidae actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Vesicomyidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Vesicomyidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Vesicomyidae long_name String Vesicomyidae
attribute Vesicomyidae units String unitless
variable Vesicomyidae_sp_1   byte  
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_1 long_name String Vesicomyidae Sp 1
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Vesicomyidae_sp_3   byte  
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_3 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_3 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_3 long_name String Vesicomyidae Sp 3
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_3 units String unitless
variable Vesicomyidae_sp_4   byte  
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_4 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_4 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_4 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_4 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_4 long_name String Vesicomyidae Sp 4
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_4 units String unitless
variable Vesicomyidae_sp_5   byte  
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_5 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_5 actual_range byte 0, 5
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_5 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_5 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_5 long_name String Vesicomyidae Sp 5
attribute Vesicomyidae_sp_5 units String unitless
variable Calyptogena_sp_1   byte  
attribute Calyptogena_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Calyptogena_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Calyptogena_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Calyptogena_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Calyptogena_sp_1 long_name String Calyptogena Sp 1
attribute Calyptogena_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Yoldiidae   byte  
attribute Yoldiidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Yoldiidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Yoldiidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Yoldiidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Yoldiidae long_name String Yoldiidae
attribute Yoldiidae units String unitless
variable Gastropoda_uniden   byte  
attribute Gastropoda_uniden _FillValue byte 127
attribute Gastropoda_uniden actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Gastropoda_uniden bcodmo_name String count
attribute Gastropoda_uniden description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Gastropoda_uniden long_name String Gastropoda Uniden
attribute Gastropoda_uniden units String unitless
variable Eulimidae   byte  
attribute Eulimidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Eulimidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Eulimidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Eulimidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Eulimidae long_name String Eulimidae
attribute Eulimidae units String unitless
variable Eulimidae_sp_1   byte  
attribute Eulimidae_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Eulimidae_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Eulimidae_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Eulimidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Eulimidae_sp_1 long_name String Eulimidae Sp 1
attribute Eulimidae_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Hyalagyrinidae   byte  
attribute Hyalagyrinidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Hyalagyrinidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Hyalagyrinidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Hyalagyrinidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Hyalagyrinidae long_name String Hyalagyrinidae
attribute Hyalagyrinidae units String unitless
variable Hyalogyrinidae_sp_1   byte  
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 5
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_1 long_name String Hyalogyrinidae Sp 1
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Hyalogyrinidae_sp_2   byte  
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_2 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_2 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_2 long_name String Hyalogyrinidae Sp 2
attribute Hyalogyrinidae_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Lepetodrilidae   byte  
attribute Lepetodrilidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Lepetodrilidae actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Lepetodrilidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Lepetodrilidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Lepetodrilidae long_name String Lepetodrilidae
attribute Lepetodrilidae units String unitless
variable Limacinidae   byte  
attribute Limacinidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Limacinidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Limacinidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Limacinidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Limacinidae long_name String Limacinidae
attribute Limacinidae units String unitless
variable Provannidae   byte  
attribute Provannidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Provannidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Provannidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Provannidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Provannidae long_name String Provannidae
attribute Provannidae units String unitless
variable Provanna_sp_1   byte  
attribute Provanna_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Provanna_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Provanna_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Provanna_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Provanna_sp_1 long_name String Provanna Sp 1
attribute Provanna_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Provanna_sp_2   byte  
attribute Provanna_sp_2 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Provanna_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Provanna_sp_2 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Provanna_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Provanna_sp_2 long_name String Provanna Sp 2
attribute Provanna_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Pteropoda   byte  
attribute Pteropoda _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pteropoda actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Pteropoda bcodmo_name String count
attribute Pteropoda description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pteropoda long_name String Pteropoda
attribute Pteropoda units String unitless
variable Thecosomata_sp_1   byte  
attribute Thecosomata_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Thecosomata_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 4
attribute Thecosomata_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Thecosomata_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Thecosomata_sp_1 long_name String Thecosomata Sp 1
attribute Thecosomata_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Retiskenea   byte  
attribute Retiskenea _FillValue byte 127
attribute Retiskenea actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Retiskenea bcodmo_name String count
attribute Retiskenea description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Retiskenea long_name String Retiskenea
attribute Retiskenea units String unitless
variable Scissurellidae   byte  
attribute Scissurellidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Scissurellidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Scissurellidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Scissurellidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Scissurellidae long_name String Scissurellidae
attribute Scissurellidae units String unitless
variable Skeneidae   byte  
attribute Skeneidae _FillValue byte 127
attribute Skeneidae actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Skeneidae bcodmo_name String count
attribute Skeneidae description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Skeneidae long_name String Skeneidae
attribute Skeneidae units String unitless
variable Fucaria_sp_1   byte  
attribute Fucaria_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Fucaria_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 21
attribute Fucaria_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Fucaria_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Fucaria_sp_1 long_name String Fucaria Sp 1
attribute Fucaria_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Aplacophora   byte  
attribute Aplacophora _FillValue byte 127
attribute Aplacophora actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Aplacophora bcodmo_name String count
attribute Aplacophora description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Aplacophora long_name String Aplacophora
attribute Aplacophora units String unitless
variable Aplacophora_sp_1   byte  
attribute Aplacophora_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Aplacophora_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Aplacophora_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Aplacophora_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Aplacophora_sp_1 long_name String Aplacophora Sp 1
attribute Aplacophora_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Aplacophora_sp_2   byte  
attribute Aplacophora_sp_2 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Aplacophora_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Aplacophora_sp_2 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Aplacophora_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Aplacophora_sp_2 long_name String Aplacophora Sp 2
attribute Aplacophora_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Aplacophora_sp_3   byte  
attribute Aplacophora_sp_3 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Aplacophora_sp_3 actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Aplacophora_sp_3 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Aplacophora_sp_3 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Aplacophora_sp_3 long_name String Aplacophora Sp 3
attribute Aplacophora_sp_3 units String unitless
variable Aplacophora_sp_6   byte  
attribute Aplacophora_sp_6 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Aplacophora_sp_6 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Aplacophora_sp_6 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Aplacophora_sp_6 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Aplacophora_sp_6 long_name String Aplacophora Sp 6
attribute Aplacophora_sp_6 units String unitless
variable Scaphopoda_sp_1   byte  
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_1 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_1 actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_1 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_1 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_1 long_name String Scaphopoda Sp 1
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_1 units String unitless
variable Scaphopoda_sp_2   byte  
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_2 _FillValue byte 127
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_2 actual_range byte 0, 4
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_2 bcodmo_name String count
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_2 description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_2 long_name String Scaphopoda Sp 2
attribute Scaphopoda_sp_2 units String unitless
variable Acari   byte  
attribute Acari _FillValue byte 127
attribute Acari actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Acari bcodmo_name String count
attribute Acari description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Acari long_name String Acari
attribute Acari units String unitless
variable Decapoda   byte  
attribute Decapoda _FillValue byte 127
attribute Decapoda actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Decapoda bcodmo_name String count
attribute Decapoda description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Decapoda long_name String Decapoda
attribute Decapoda units String unitless
variable Pycnogonida   byte  
attribute Pycnogonida _FillValue byte 127
attribute Pycnogonida actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Pycnogonida bcodmo_name String count
attribute Pycnogonida description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Pycnogonida long_name String Pycnogonida
attribute Pycnogonida units String unitless
variable Cnidaria   byte  
attribute Cnidaria _FillValue byte 127
attribute Cnidaria actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Cnidaria bcodmo_name String count
attribute Cnidaria description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Cnidaria long_name String Cnidaria
attribute Cnidaria units String unitless
variable Echinodermata   byte  
attribute Echinodermata _FillValue byte 127
attribute Echinodermata actual_range byte 0, 10
attribute Echinodermata bcodmo_name String count
attribute Echinodermata description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Echinodermata long_name String Echinodermata
attribute Echinodermata units String unitless
variable Holothuria   byte  
attribute Holothuria _FillValue byte 127
attribute Holothuria actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Holothuria bcodmo_name String count
attribute Holothuria description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Holothuria long_name String Holothuria
attribute Holothuria units String unitless
variable Ophiuroidea   byte  
attribute Ophiuroidea _FillValue byte 127
attribute Ophiuroidea actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Ophiuroidea bcodmo_name String count
attribute Ophiuroidea description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Ophiuroidea long_name String Ophiuroidea
attribute Ophiuroidea units String unitless
variable Enteropneusta   byte  
attribute Enteropneusta _FillValue byte 127
attribute Enteropneusta actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute Enteropneusta bcodmo_name String count
attribute Enteropneusta description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Enteropneusta long_name String Enteropneusta
attribute Enteropneusta units String unitless
variable Hydroidea   byte  
attribute Hydroidea _FillValue byte 127
attribute Hydroidea actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Hydroidea bcodmo_name String count
attribute Hydroidea description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Hydroidea long_name String Hydroidea
attribute Hydroidea units String unitless
variable Nemertea   byte  
attribute Nemertea _FillValue byte 127
attribute Nemertea actual_range byte 0, 10
attribute Nemertea bcodmo_name String count
attribute Nemertea description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Nemertea long_name String Nemertea
attribute Nemertea units String unitless
variable Priapulida   byte  
attribute Priapulida _FillValue byte 127
attribute Priapulida actual_range byte 0, 5
attribute Priapulida bcodmo_name String count
attribute Priapulida description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Priapulida long_name String Priapulida
attribute Priapulida units String unitless
variable Unknown   byte  
attribute Unknown _FillValue byte 127
attribute Unknown actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute Unknown bcodmo_name String count
attribute Unknown description String Number of individuals identified from taxon
attribute Unknown units String unitless

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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