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Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Acces- sible ![]() | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID |
set | data | graph | files | public | [HPLC_NGSFC] - Time series HPLC pigment data as measured by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center from B/O Hermano Gines cruises CAR-176 to CAR-232 in the CARIACO basin from 2011-01-11 through 2017-01-12 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program) | ![]() | F M | background![]() | ![]() | ![]() | BCO-DMO | bcodmo_dataset_777689 |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | access_formats | String | .htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv,.esriCsv,.geoJson,.odvTxt |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | acquisition_description | String | Water for the HPLC filters was collected from the first cast done during the CARIACO core cruises, carried out around 5 am local time. During periods of low primary production, 2000 ml. of water were vacuum filtered through a 47mm GF/F filter pad. During periods of high primary production, water was filtered until the filter was clogged. The volume of water filtered was annotated. Eight depths were sampled: 1, 7, 15, 25, 35, 55, 75 and 100 m. If a chlorophyll maximum was found at a different depth, this depth was also sampled. A duplicate was taken at one of these depths (usually at 1m), for QA/QC assessment. Filters were carefully folded in half, stored in aluminum foil and refrigerated until reaching shore. Once back on shore, they were stored frozen at -40\u00b0C. Filters were transported from Margarita Island to USF and stored frozen (at -40\u00b0C) until they were shipped in a liquid- nitrogen storage to the laboratory that performed the HPLC analysis. The CARIACO samples of HPLC were analyzed by: Bermuda Biological Research Station, BBRS (CAR-002 to CAR-030); MOTE Marine Laboratory & Aquarium (CAR-031 to CAR-068), Horn Point Laboratory, HPL (CAR-124 to CAR-175); and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, GSFC (CAR-176 to CAR-232). Analysis at HPL and GSFC were carried out according to the method described in Hooker et al. (2005), Chapter 5. The HPLC parameter names as reported in this dataset correspond to the pigment names as defined in the NASA SeaWiFS Bio-optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS) ([https://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/wiki/stdfields](\\"https://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/wiki/stdfields\\")). Fluorometric estimations of chlorophyll-a and phaeopigments concentrations were done with a Turner Design10-AU-005 Fluorometer using standard methods (Holm-Hansen et al., 1965; Falkowski and Kiefer, 1985). The detailed methodology for the determination of Chlorophyll a and Phaeopigments can be found in the HANDBOOK OF METHODS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF OCEANOGRAPHIC PARAMETERS AT THE CARIACO TIME-SERIES STATION,\u00a0 edited by Astor, Lorenzoni and Scranton (2011).\u00a0 ([https://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/archive/USF/FMK/CARIACO/2015/documents/CAR...](\\"https://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/archive/USF/FMK/CARIACO/2015/documents/CARIACO_Methods_Manual.pdf\\")) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_award_nid | String | 54693 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_award_number | String | OCE-9401537 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=9401537![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_program_manager | String | Donald L. Rice |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_program_manager_nid | String | 51467 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_10_award_nid | String | 54919 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_10_award_number | String | OCE-0752139 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_10_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0752139![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_10_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_10_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_10_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_10_program_manager | String | Donald L. Rice |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_10_program_manager_nid | String | 51467 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_11_award_nid | String | 54950 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_11_award_number | String | 96280221 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_11_funder_name | String | Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación of Venezuela |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_11_funding_acronym | String | FONACIT |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_11_funding_source_nid | String | 359 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_12_award_nid | String | 769589 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_12_award_number | String | OCE-0326313 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_12_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0326313![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_12_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_12_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_12_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_12_program_manager | String | Donald L. Rice |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_12_program_manager_nid | String | 51467 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_13_award_nid | String | 769594 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_13_award_number | String | NNX14AP62A |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_13_data_url | String | https://federalreporter.nih.gov/Projects/Details/?projectId=674021![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_13_funder_name | String | National Aeronautics & Space Administration |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_13_funding_acronym | String | NASA |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_13_funding_source_nid | String | 353 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_14_award_nid | String | 775240 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_14_award_number | String | 2000001702 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_14_funder_name | String | Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación of Venezuela |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_14_funding_acronym | String | FONACIT |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_14_funding_source_nid | String | 359 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_15_award_nid | String | 775241 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_15_award_number | String | 2011000353 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_15_funder_name | String | Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación of Venezuela |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_15_funding_acronym | String | FONACIT |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_15_funding_source_nid | String | 359 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_award_nid | String | 54756 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_award_number | String | OCE-9729697 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=9729697![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_program_manager | String | Donald L. Rice |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_1_program_manager_nid | String | 51467 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_award_nid | String | 54791 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_award_number | String | OCE-0326268 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0326268![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_program_manager | String | Donald L. Rice |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_2_program_manager_nid | String | 51467 |
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attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_3_award_number | String | OCE-9216626 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_3_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=9216626![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_3_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_3_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_3_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_3_program_manager | String | Donald L. Rice |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_3_program_manager_nid | String | 51467 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_4_award_nid | String | 54828 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_4_award_number | String | OCE-9711318 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_4_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=9711318![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_4_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_4_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_4_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_4_program_manager | String | Donald L. Rice |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_4_program_manager_nid | String | 51467 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_5_award_nid | String | 54833 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_5_award_number | String | NAS5-97128 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_5_funder_name | String | National Aeronautics & Space Administration |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_5_funding_acronym | String | NASA |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_5_funding_source_nid | String | 353 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_6_award_nid | String | 54835 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_6_award_number | String | OCE-9415790 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_6_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=9415790![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_6_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_6_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_6_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_6_program_manager | String | Donald L. Rice |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_6_program_manager_nid | String | 51467 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_7_award_nid | String | 54840 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_7_award_number | String | OCE-9729284 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_7_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=9729284![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_7_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_7_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_7_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_7_program_manager | String | Donald L. Rice |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_7_program_manager_nid | String | 51467 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_8_award_nid | String | 54868 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_8_award_number | String | NAG5-6448 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_8_funder_name | String | National Aeronautics & Space Administration |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_8_funding_acronym | String | NASA |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_8_funding_source_nid | String | 353 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_9_award_nid | String | 54895 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_9_award_number | String | OCE-0963028 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_9_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0963028![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_9_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_9_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_9_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_9_program_manager | String | Donald L. Rice |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_9_program_manager_nid | String | 51467 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | Other |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | comment | String | HPLC from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center PI: Frank Muller-Karger Version: 2019-09-24 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | info at bco-dmo.org |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | data_source | String | extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3 19 Dec 2019 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_created | String | 2019-09-24T14:26:49Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_modified | String | 2019-09-27T15:31:16Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | defaultDataQuery | String | &time<now |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | doi | String | 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.777689.1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Easternmost_Easting | double | -64.3955 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_max | double | 10.6723 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_min | double | 10.2972 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_max | double | -64.3955 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_min | double | -64.6838 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_max | double | 100.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_min | double | 1.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_positive | String | down |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_units | String | m |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/777689![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_acronym | String | Niskin bottle |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_dataset_instrument_description | String | Niskin bottle |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid | String | 777734 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_description | String | A Niskin bottle (a next generation water sampler based on the Nansen bottle) is a cylindrical, non-metallic water collection device with stoppers at both ends. The bottles can be attached individually on a hydrowire or deployed in 12, 24 or 36 bottle Rosette systems mounted on a frame and combined with a CTD. Niskin bottles are used to collect discrete water samples for a range of measurements including pigments, nutrients, plankton, etc. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_external_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0412/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_name | String | Niskin bottle |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_nid | String | 413 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_supplied_name | String | Niskin bottle |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_acronym | String | HPLC |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_dataset_instrument_description | String | High Performance Liquid Chromatography |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_dataset_instrument_nid | String | 777733 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_description | String | A High-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) is a type of liquid chromatography used to separate compounds that are dissolved in solution. HPLC instruments consist of a reservoir of the mobile phase, a pump, an injector, a separation column, and a detector. Compounds are separated by high pressure pumping of the sample mixture onto a column packed with microspheres coated with the stationary phase. The different components in the mixture pass through the column at different rates due to differences in their partitioning behavior between the mobile liquid phase and the stationary phase. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_instrument_external_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB11/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_instrument_name | String | High Performance Liquid Chromatograph |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_instrument_nid | String | 506 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_supplied_name | String | High Performance Liquid Chromatography |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | allo, alpha, alpha_beta_Car, alpha_Car, analyzed, Analyzed_by, anth, bco, bco-dmo, beta, beta_Car, biological, but, But_fuco, c1c2, car, cast, chemical, chemistry, chl, Chl_a_allom, Chl_a_prime, Chl_c1, Chl_c1c2, Chl_c2, Chl_c3, chlide, Chlide_a, chlorophyll, comments, concentration, concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water, cruise, Cruise_ID1, Cruise_ID2, Cruise_number, data, dataset, date, Date_time_UTC, day, depth, depth_bottom, diadino, diato, dmo, DV_Chl_a, DV_Chl_b, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Chlorophyll, end, erddap, fluor, Fluor_Chl_a, Fluor_Phaeo, fuco, gyro, hex, Hex_fuco, id1, id2, lat_n, latitude, leg, local, lon_n, longitude, lut, management, month, mPF, MV_Chl_a, MV_Chl_b, neo, nPF, number, ocean, oceanography, oceans, office, perid, phaeo, phide, Phide_a, phytin, Phytin_a, ppc, PPC_Tcar, PPC_Tpg, pPF, pras, preliminary, psc, PSC_Tcar, psp, PSP_Tpg, sample, sample_number, science, sea, seawater, start, tacc, Tacc_TChla, tcar, tchl, TChl_Tcar, tchla, TChla_Tpg, time, time_end_local, time_end_UTC, time_start_local, time_start_UTC, tot, Tot_Chl_a, Tot_Chl_b, Tot_Chl_c, tpg, viola, water, year, zea |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords_vocabulary | String | GCMD Science Keywords |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/777689/license![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | metadata_source | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/777689![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Northernmost_Northing | double | 10.6723 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | param_mapping | String | {'777689': {'lat': 'flag - latitude', 'Date_time_UTC': 'flag - time', 'lon': 'flag - longitude', 'depth': 'flag - depth'}} |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | parameter_source | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/777689/parameters![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_affiliation | String | University of South Florida |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_affiliation_acronym | String | USF |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_person_name | String | Dr Frank Muller-Karger |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_person_nid | String | 50809 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_role | String | Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_10_affiliation | String | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_10_affiliation_acronym | String | WHOI BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_10_person_name | String | Theresa McKee |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_10_person_nid | String | 51103 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_10_role | String | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_10_role_type | String | related |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_affiliation | String | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_affiliation_acronym | String | EDIMAR-FLASA |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_person_name | String | Yrene Astor |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_person_nid | String | 51110 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_role | String | Co-Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_affiliation | String | Stony Brook University |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_affiliation_acronym | String | SUNY Stony Brook |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_person_name | String | Dr Mary I. Scranton |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_person_nid | String | 51057 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_role | String | Co-Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_affiliation | String | Stony Brook University |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_affiliation_acronym | String | SUNY Stony Brook |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_person_name | String | Gordon T. Taylor |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_person_nid | String | 51058 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_role | String | Co-Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_affiliation | String | University of South Carolina |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_person_name | String | Dr Robert C. Thunell |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_person_nid | String | 51043 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_role | String | Co-Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_4_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_5_affiliation | String | Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_5_affiliation_acronym | String | UDO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_5_person_name | String | Luis Troccoli |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_5_person_nid | String | 51045 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_5_role | String | Co-Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_5_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_6_affiliation | String | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_6_affiliation_acronym | String | EDIMAR-FLASA |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_6_person_name | String | Ramon Varela |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_6_person_nid | String | 51111 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_6_role | String | Co-Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_6_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_7_affiliation | String | University of South Florida |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_7_affiliation_acronym | String | USF |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_7_person_name | String | Laura Lorenzoni |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_7_person_nid | String | 51044 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_7_role | String | Contact |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_7_role_type | String | related |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_8_affiliation | String | University of South Florida |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_8_affiliation_acronym | String | USF |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_8_person_name | String | Digna Rueda-Roa |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_8_person_nid | String | 647919 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_8_role | String | Contact |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_8_role_type | String | related |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_9_affiliation | String | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_9_affiliation_acronym | String | WHOI BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_9_person_name | String | Mathew Biddle |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_9_person_nid | String | 708682 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_9_role | String | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_9_role_type | String | related |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | CARIACO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_acronym | String | CARIACO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_description | String | Since 1995, the CARIACO Ocean Time-Series (formerly known as the CArbon Retention In A Colored Ocean) Program has studied the relationship between surface primary production, physical forcing variables like the wind, and the settling flux of particulate carbon in the Cariaco Basin. This depression, located on the continental shelf of Venezuela (Map), shows marked seasonal and interannual variation in hydrographic properties and primary production (carbon fixation rates by photosynthesis of planktonic algae). This peculiar basin is anoxic below ~250 m, due its restricted circulation and high primary production (Muller-Karger et al., 2001). CARIACO observations show annual primary production rates exceed 500 gC/m2y, of which over 15-20% can be accounted for by events lasting one month or less. Such events are observed in other locations where time series observations are collected, and suggest that prior estimates of regional production based on limited sampling may have been underestimated. The annual primary production rates in the Cariaco Basin are comparable to rates estimated using time series observations for Monterey Bay (460 gC/m2y; Chavez, 1996), and higher than previous rates estimated for Georges Bank, the New York Shelf, and the Oregon Shelf (380, 300, and 190 gC/m2y, respectively; Walsh, 1988). The Cariaco Basin has long been the center of attention of scientists trying to explain paleoclimate. Due to its high rates of sedimentation (30 to >100 cm/ky; Peterson et al., 2000) and excellent preservation, the varved sediments of the Cariaco Basin offer the opportunity to study high resolution paleoclimate and better understand the role of the tropics in global climate change ( Black et al., 1999; Peterson et al., 2000; Haug et al., 2001; Black et al., 2004; Hughen et al., 2004 ). Now, the CARIACO program provides a link between the sediment record and processes near the surface of the ocean. Sediment traps maintained by the CARIACO program show that over 5% of autochtonous material reaches 275 m depth, and that nearly 2% reaches 1,400 m. The significance of this flux is that it represents a sink for carbon and that it helps explain the record of ancient climate stored at the bottom of the Cariaco Basin. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and Venezuela's Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (FONACIT). For more information please see this Acknowledgements link. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_geolocation | String | CARIACO basin |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_name | String | CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_project_nid | String | 2047 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_project_website | String | http://www.imars.usf.edu/CAR/index.html![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_start_date | String | 1995-11 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_name | String | Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Southernmost_Northing | double | 10.2972 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v55 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | subsetVariables | String | Analyzed_by,lon_n,lat_n,depth_bottom,alpha_Car,beta_Car,Chl_a_allom,Chl_a_prime,Chl_c1,Chl_c2,Anth,mPF,nPF,pPF |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | The CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program (formerly known as CArbon Retention In A Colored Ocean) started on November 1995 (CAR-001) and ended on January 2017 (CAR-232). Throughout the CARIACO time-series, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) data was analyzed by four different laboratories: Bermuda Biological Research Station; Mote Marine Laboratory; Horn Point Laboratory; and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This package contains the data analyzed at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, covering cruises CAR-176 to CAR-232 from 2011-01-11 to 2017-01-12. Some of the parameters analyzed were different along time and along the different laboratories. To keep the continuity of the HPLC time-series analyzed by different laboratories, all the HPLC files have the same units and contain the same number and order of columns/parameters (with \u201cnd\u201d to indicate when a parameter was no determined). Fluorometric Chlorophyll-a and Phaeopigments (measured at Estaci\u00f3n de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita, Fundaci\u00f3n La Salle, EDIMAR-FLASA) are also included. HPLC was not analyzed for cruises CAR-069 to CAR-123. A general description of the CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program can be found at www.imars.usf.edu/cariaco. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_end | String | 2017-01-12T08:17:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_start | String | 2011-01-11T09:00:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | [HPLC_NGSFC] - Time series HPLC pigment data as measured by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center from B/O Hermano Gines cruises CAR-176 to CAR-232 in the CARIACO basin from 2011-01-11 through 2017-01-12 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | version | String | 1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Westernmost_Easting | double | -64.6838 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | xml_source | String | osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3 |
variable | Cruise_ID1 | String | ||
attribute | Cruise_ID1 | bcodmo_name | String | cruise_id |
attribute | Cruise_ID1 | description | String | cruise ID for OCB; |
attribute | Cruise_ID1 | long_name | String | Cruise ID1 |
attribute | Cruise_ID1 | units | String | unitless |
variable | Cruise_ID2 | String | ||
attribute | Cruise_ID2 | bcodmo_name | String | cruise_id |
attribute | Cruise_ID2 | description | String | cruise ID for the CARIACO project; |
attribute | Cruise_ID2 | long_name | String | Cruise ID2 |
attribute | Cruise_ID2 | units | String | unitless |
variable | Cruise_number | short | ||
attribute | Cruise_number | _FillValue | short | 32767 |
attribute | Cruise_number | actual_range | short | 176, 232 |
attribute | Cruise_number | bcodmo_name | String | cruise_id |
attribute | Cruise_number | colorBarMaximum | double | 100.0 |
attribute | Cruise_number | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | Cruise_number | description | String | number of cruise; |
attribute | Cruise_number | long_name | String | Cruise Number |
attribute | Cruise_number | units | String | unitless |
variable | leg | byte | ||
attribute | leg | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | leg | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | leg | bcodmo_name | String | leg |
attribute | leg | description | String | number of cruise in the same month; |
attribute | leg | long_name | String | Leg |
attribute | leg | units | String | unitless |
variable | cast | byte | ||
attribute | cast | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | cast | actual_range | byte | 1, 4 |
attribute | cast | bcodmo_name | String | cast |
attribute | cast | description | String | number of the rosette cast; |
attribute | cast | long_name | String | Cast |
attribute | cast | units | String | unitless |
variable | Date | int | ||
attribute | Date | _FillValue | int | 2147483647 |
attribute | Date | actual_range | int | 20110111, 20170112 |
attribute | Date | bcodmo_name | String | date |
attribute | Date | description | String | date; yyyymmdd |
attribute | Date | long_name | String | Date |
attribute | Date | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ADATAA01/![]() |
attribute | Date | units | String | unitless |
variable | Analyzed_by | String | ||
attribute | Analyzed_by | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | Analyzed_by | description | String | laboratoory that did the analysis; |
attribute | Analyzed_by | long_name | String | Analyzed By |
attribute | Analyzed_by | units | String | unitless |
variable | lon_n | float | ||
attribute | lon_n | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | lon_n | actual_range | float | -64.67, -64.67 |
attribute | lon_n | bcodmo_name | String | longitude |
attribute | lon_n | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | lon_n | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | lon_n | description | String | intended longitude; west indicated with negative values |
attribute | lon_n | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | lon_n | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LONX/![]() |
attribute | lon_n | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | lon_n | units | String | decimal degrees |
variable | lat_n | float | ||
attribute | lat_n | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | lat_n | actual_range | float | 10.5, 10.5 |
attribute | lat_n | bcodmo_name | String | latitude |
attribute | lat_n | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | lat_n | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | lat_n | description | String | intended latitude; north indicated as positivie values |
attribute | lat_n | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | lat_n | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LATX/![]() |
attribute | lat_n | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | lat_n | units | String | decimal degrees |
variable | longitude | double | ||
attribute | longitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lon |
attribute | longitude | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | longitude | actual_range | double | -64.6838, -64.3955 |
attribute | longitude | axis | String | X |
attribute | longitude | bcodmo_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | longitude | description | String | actual longitude; west indicated with negative values |
attribute | longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | longitude | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | longitude | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LONX/![]() |
attribute | longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | units | String | degrees_east |
variable | latitude | double | ||
attribute | latitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lat |
attribute | latitude | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | latitude | actual_range | double | 10.2972, 10.6723 |
attribute | latitude | axis | String | Y |
attribute | latitude | bcodmo_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | latitude | description | String | actual latitude; north indicated as positivie values |
attribute | latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | latitude | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | latitude | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LATX/![]() |
attribute | latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | units | String | degrees_north |
variable | year | short | ||
attribute | year | _FillValue | short | 32767 |
attribute | year | actual_range | short | 2011, 2017 |
attribute | year | bcodmo_name | String | year |
attribute | year | description | String | year of sampling; |
attribute | year | long_name | String | Year |
attribute | year | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/YEARXXXX/![]() |
attribute | year | units | String | unitless |
variable | month | byte | ||
attribute | month | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | month | actual_range | byte | 1, 12 |
attribute | month | bcodmo_name | String | month |
attribute | month | description | String | month of sampling; |
attribute | month | long_name | String | Month |
attribute | month | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/MNTHXXXX/![]() |
attribute | month | units | String | unitless |
variable | day | byte | ||
attribute | day | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | day | actual_range | byte | 1, 29 |
attribute | day | bcodmo_name | String | day |
attribute | day | description | String | day of sampling; |
attribute | day | long_name | String | Day |
attribute | day | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/DAYXXXXX/![]() |
attribute | day | units | String | unitless |
variable | depth_bottom | short | ||
attribute | depth_bottom | _FillValue | short | 32767 |
attribute | depth_bottom | actual_range | short | 1380, 1380 |
attribute | depth_bottom | bcodmo_name | String | depth_bottom |
attribute | depth_bottom | colorBarMaximum | double | 8000.0 |
attribute | depth_bottom | colorBarMinimum | double | -8000.0 |
attribute | depth_bottom | colorBarPalette | String | TopographyDepth |
attribute | depth_bottom | description | String | maximum depth; |
attribute | depth_bottom | long_name | String | Depth |
attribute | depth_bottom | standard_name | String | depth |
attribute | depth_bottom | units | String | meters (m) |
variable | Date_time_local | String | ||
attribute | Date_time_local | bcodmo_name | String | ISO_DateTime_Local |
attribute | Date_time_local | description | String | date and time of sampling (Venezuelan Standard Time; VET); |
attribute | Date_time_local | long_name | String | Date Time Local |
attribute | Date_time_local | source_name | String | Date_time_local |
attribute | Date_time_local | time_precision | String | 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | Date_time_local | units | String | unitless |
variable | time_start_local | String | ||
attribute | time_start_local | bcodmo_name | String | time_begin |
attribute | time_start_local | description | String | starting time of the cast (Venezuelan Standard Time; VET); |
attribute | time_start_local | long_name | String | Time Start Local |
attribute | time_start_local | units | String | unitless |
variable | time_end_local | String | ||
attribute | time_end_local | bcodmo_name | String | time_end |
attribute | time_end_local | description | String | end time of the cast (Venezuelan Standard Time; VET); |
attribute | time_end_local | long_name | String | Time End Local |
attribute | time_end_local | units | String | unitless |
variable | time_start_UTC | String | ||
attribute | time_start_UTC | bcodmo_name | String | time_begin |
attribute | time_start_UTC | description | String | starting time of the cast (UTC); |
attribute | time_start_UTC | long_name | String | Time Start UTC |
attribute | time_start_UTC | units | String | unitless |
variable | time_end_UTC | String | ||
attribute | time_end_UTC | bcodmo_name | String | time_end |
attribute | time_end_UTC | description | String | end time of the cast (UTC); |
attribute | time_end_UTC | long_name | String | Time End UTC |
attribute | time_end_UTC | units | String | unitless |
variable | time | double | ||
attribute | time | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Time |
attribute | time | actual_range | double | 1.2947364E9, 1.48420902E9 |
attribute | time | axis | String | T |
attribute | time | bcodmo_name | String | ISO_DateTime_UTC |
attribute | time | description | String | date and time of sampling (UTC); |
attribute | time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time | long_name | String | Date Time UTC |
attribute | time | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/DTUT8601/![]() |
attribute | time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | time | time_precision | String | 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
variable | sample_number | String | ||
attribute | sample_number | bcodmo_name | String | sample |
attribute | sample_number | description | String | number of sample; |
attribute | sample_number | long_name | String | Sample Number |
attribute | sample_number | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/ACYC/![]() |
attribute | sample_number | units | String | unitless |
variable | depth | double | ||
attribute | depth | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Height |
attribute | depth | _CoordinateZisPositive | String | down |
attribute | depth | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | depth | actual_range | double | 1.0, 100.0 |
attribute | depth | axis | String | Z |
attribute | depth | bcodmo_name | String | depth |
attribute | depth | colorBarMaximum | double | 8000.0 |
attribute | depth | colorBarMinimum | double | -8000.0 |
attribute | depth | colorBarPalette | String | TopographyDepth |
attribute | depth | description | String | sample depth; |
attribute | depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | depth | long_name | String | Depth |
attribute | depth | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/DEPH/![]() |
attribute | depth | positive | String | down |
attribute | depth | standard_name | String | depth |
attribute | depth | units | String | m |
variable | Tot_Chl_a | float | ||
attribute | Tot_Chl_a | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Tot_Chl_a | actual_range | float | 0.014, 10.543 |
attribute | Tot_Chl_a | bcodmo_name | String | chlorophyll a |
attribute | Tot_Chl_a | colorBarMaximum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | Tot_Chl_a | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.03 |
attribute | Tot_Chl_a | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | Tot_Chl_a | description | String | HPLC divinyl chlorophyll a + monovinyl chlorophyll a + chlorophyllide a + chlorophyll a allomer + chlorophyll a prime;DV_Chl_a + MV_Chl_a + Chlide_a + Chl_a allomers + Chl_a epimers |
attribute | Tot_Chl_a | long_name | String | Concentration Of Chlorophyll In Sea Water |
attribute | Tot_Chl_a | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CPHLHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Tot_Chl_a | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Tot_Chl_b | float | ||
attribute | Tot_Chl_b | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Tot_Chl_b | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.799 |
attribute | Tot_Chl_b | bcodmo_name | String | chl_b |
attribute | Tot_Chl_b | description | String | HPLC divinyl chlorophyll b + monovinyl chlorophyll_b;DV_Chl_b + MV_Chl_b + Chl_b epimers |
attribute | Tot_Chl_b | long_name | String | Tot Chl B |
attribute | Tot_Chl_b | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CHLBHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Tot_Chl_b | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Tot_Chl_c | float | ||
attribute | Tot_Chl_c | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Tot_Chl_c | actual_range | float | 0.004, 2.147 |
attribute | Tot_Chl_c | bcodmo_name | String | chl_c |
attribute | Tot_Chl_c | description | String | HPLC chlorophyll c1 + chlorophyll c2 (or chl_c1_c2) + chlorophyll c3;Chl_c3 + Chl_c12 |
attribute | Tot_Chl_c | long_name | String | Tot Chl C |
attribute | Tot_Chl_c | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | alpha_beta_Car | float | ||
attribute | alpha_beta_Car | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | alpha_beta_Car | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.389 |
attribute | alpha_beta_Car | bcodmo_name | String | carotene |
attribute | alpha_beta_Car | description | String | HPLC alpha beta carotenes;alpha (beta; epsilon) + beta (beta; beta) carotene. |
attribute | alpha_beta_Car | long_name | String | Alpha Beta Car |
attribute | alpha_beta_Car | missing_value | float | NaN |
attribute | alpha_beta_Car | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ABCRHPP1/![]() |
attribute | alpha_beta_Car | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | alpha_Car | double | ||
attribute | alpha_Car | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | alpha_Car | bcodmo_name | String | carotene_a |
attribute | alpha_Car | description | String | HPLC carotene-alpha; |
attribute | alpha_Car | long_name | String | Alpha Car |
attribute | alpha_Car | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ACARHPP1/![]() |
attribute | alpha_Car | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | beta_Car | double | ||
attribute | beta_Car | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | beta_Car | bcodmo_name | String | carotene_b |
attribute | beta_Car | description | String | HPLC carotene-beta; |
attribute | beta_Car | long_name | String | Beta Car |
attribute | beta_Car | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/BCARHPP1/![]() |
attribute | beta_Car | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | But_fuco | float | ||
attribute | But_fuco | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | But_fuco | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.167 |
attribute | But_fuco | bcodmo_name | String | fucox_but |
attribute | But_fuco | description | String | HPLC 19'-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin; |
attribute | But_fuco | long_name | String | But Fuco |
attribute | But_fuco | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Hex_fuco | float | ||
attribute | Hex_fuco | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Hex_fuco | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.514 |
attribute | Hex_fuco | bcodmo_name | String | fucox_hex |
attribute | Hex_fuco | description | String | HPLC 19'-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin; |
attribute | Hex_fuco | long_name | String | Hex Fuco |
attribute | Hex_fuco | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Allo | float | ||
attribute | Allo | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Allo | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.077 |
attribute | Allo | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | Allo | description | String | HPLC Alloxanthin; |
attribute | Allo | long_name | String | Allo |
attribute | Allo | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Diadino | float | ||
attribute | Diadino | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Diadino | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.349 |
attribute | Diadino | bcodmo_name | String | diadinox |
attribute | Diadino | description | String | HPLC Diadinoxanthin; |
attribute | Diadino | long_name | String | Diadino |
attribute | Diadino | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/DIADHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Diadino | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Diato | float | ||
attribute | Diato | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Diato | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.025 |
attribute | Diato | bcodmo_name | String | diatox |
attribute | Diato | description | String | HPLC Diatoxanthin; |
attribute | Diato | long_name | String | Diato |
attribute | Diato | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/DIATHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Diato | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Fuco | float | ||
attribute | Fuco | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Fuco | actual_range | float | 0.002, 5.442 |
attribute | Fuco | bcodmo_name | String | fucox |
attribute | Fuco | description | String | HPLC Fucoxanthin; |
attribute | Fuco | long_name | String | Fuco |
attribute | Fuco | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/FUCXHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Fuco | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Perid | float | ||
attribute | Perid | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Perid | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.945 |
attribute | Perid | bcodmo_name | String | peridinin |
attribute | Perid | description | String | HPLC Peridinin; |
attribute | Perid | long_name | String | Perid |
attribute | Perid | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/PERIHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Perid | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Zea | float | ||
attribute | Zea | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Zea | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.139 |
attribute | Zea | bcodmo_name | String | zeax |
attribute | Zea | description | String | HPLC Zeaxanthin; |
attribute | Zea | long_name | String | Zea |
attribute | Zea | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ZEOXHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Zea | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | MV_Chl_a | float | ||
attribute | MV_Chl_a | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | MV_Chl_a | actual_range | float | 0.014, 10.004 |
attribute | MV_Chl_a | bcodmo_name | String | chl_a1 |
attribute | MV_Chl_a | colorBarMaximum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | MV_Chl_a | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.03 |
attribute | MV_Chl_a | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | MV_Chl_a | description | String | HPLC Monovinyl Chorophyll a; |
attribute | MV_Chl_a | long_name | String | Concentration Of Chlorophyll In Sea Water |
attribute | MV_Chl_a | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/MVACHPP1/![]() |
attribute | MV_Chl_a | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | DV_Chl_a | float | ||
attribute | DV_Chl_a | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | DV_Chl_a | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.317 |
attribute | DV_Chl_a | bcodmo_name | String | chl_a2 |
attribute | DV_Chl_a | colorBarMaximum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | DV_Chl_a | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.03 |
attribute | DV_Chl_a | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | DV_Chl_a | description | String | HPLC Divinyl Chorophyll a; |
attribute | DV_Chl_a | long_name | String | Concentration Of Chlorophyll In Sea Water |
attribute | DV_Chl_a | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/DVCAHPP1/![]() |
attribute | DV_Chl_a | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Chlide_a | float | ||
attribute | Chlide_a | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Chlide_a | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.829 |
attribute | Chlide_a | bcodmo_name | String | chlide_a |
attribute | Chlide_a | description | String | HPLC chlorophyllide a; |
attribute | Chlide_a | long_name | String | Chlide A |
attribute | Chlide_a | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CIDAHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Chlide_a | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Chl_a_allom | double | ||
attribute | Chl_a_allom | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | Chl_a_allom | bcodmo_name | String | chl_a_allo |
attribute | Chl_a_allom | colorBarMaximum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | Chl_a_allom | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.03 |
attribute | Chl_a_allom | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | Chl_a_allom | description | String | HPLC chlorophyll a allomer; |
attribute | Chl_a_allom | long_name | String | Concentration Of Chlorophyll In Sea Water |
attribute | Chl_a_allom | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CLAAHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Chl_a_allom | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Chl_a_prime | double | ||
attribute | Chl_a_prime | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | Chl_a_prime | bcodmo_name | String | chl_a_prime |
attribute | Chl_a_prime | colorBarMaximum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | Chl_a_prime | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.03 |
attribute | Chl_a_prime | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | Chl_a_prime | description | String | HPLC chlorophyll a prime (Chl_a_Prime is the 132S-epimer of Chi a3); |
attribute | Chl_a_prime | long_name | String | Concentration Of Chlorophyll In Sea Water |
attribute | Chl_a_prime | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | MV_Chl_b | float | ||
attribute | MV_Chl_b | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | MV_Chl_b | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.58 |
attribute | MV_Chl_b | bcodmo_name | String | chl_b1 |
attribute | MV_Chl_b | description | String | HPLC Monovinyl Chorophyll b; |
attribute | MV_Chl_b | long_name | String | MV CHL B |
attribute | MV_Chl_b | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | DV_Chl_b | float | ||
attribute | DV_Chl_b | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | DV_Chl_b | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.219 |
attribute | DV_Chl_b | bcodmo_name | String | chl_b2 |
attribute | DV_Chl_b | description | String | HPLC Divinyl Chorophyll b; |
attribute | DV_Chl_b | long_name | String | DV CHL B |
attribute | DV_Chl_b | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/DVCBHPP1/![]() |
attribute | DV_Chl_b | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Chl_c1 | double | ||
attribute | Chl_c1 | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | Chl_c1 | bcodmo_name | String | chl_c1 |
attribute | Chl_c1 | description | String | HPLC chlorophyll c1; |
attribute | Chl_c1 | long_name | String | CHL C1 |
attribute | Chl_c1 | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Chl_c2 | double | ||
attribute | Chl_c2 | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | Chl_c2 | bcodmo_name | String | chl_c2 |
attribute | Chl_c2 | description | String | HPLC chlorophyll c2; |
attribute | Chl_c2 | long_name | String | CHL C2 |
attribute | Chl_c2 | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Chl_c1c2 | float | ||
attribute | Chl_c1c2 | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Chl_c1c2 | actual_range | float | 0.002, 1.522 |
attribute | Chl_c1c2 | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | Chl_c1c2 | description | String | HPLC chlorophyll c1 plus c2;Chlorophyll c2 + chlorophyll c1 + MGDVP |
attribute | Chl_c1c2 | long_name | String | CHL C1C2 |
attribute | Chl_c1c2 | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Chl_c3 | float | ||
attribute | Chl_c3 | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Chl_c3 | actual_range | float | 0.002, 1.289 |
attribute | Chl_c3 | bcodmo_name | String | chl_c3 |
attribute | Chl_c3 | description | String | HPLC chlorophyll c3; |
attribute | Chl_c3 | long_name | String | CHL C3 |
attribute | Chl_c3 | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CLC3HPP1/![]() |
attribute | Chl_c3 | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Lut | float | ||
attribute | Lut | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Lut | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.003 |
attribute | Lut | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | Lut | description | String | HPLC Lutein; |
attribute | Lut | long_name | String | Lut |
attribute | Lut | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Neo | float | ||
attribute | Neo | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Neo | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.035 |
attribute | Neo | bcodmo_name | String | neox |
attribute | Neo | description | String | HPLC Neoxanthin; |
attribute | Neo | long_name | String | Neo |
attribute | Neo | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/NEOXHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Neo | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Viola | float | ||
attribute | Viola | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Viola | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.516 |
attribute | Viola | bcodmo_name | String | violax |
attribute | Viola | description | String | HPLC Violaxanthin; |
attribute | Viola | long_name | String | Viola |
attribute | Viola | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/VILXHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Viola | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Phytin_a | float | ||
attribute | Phytin_a | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Phytin_a | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.316 |
attribute | Phytin_a | bcodmo_name | String | p_phytin |
attribute | Phytin_a | description | String | HPLC Pheophytin a;pheophytin a + pheophytin a' |
attribute | Phytin_a | long_name | String | Phytin A |
attribute | Phytin_a | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Phide_a | float | ||
attribute | Phide_a | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Phide_a | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 1.201 |
attribute | Phide_a | bcodmo_name | String | pheophorbide a |
attribute | Phide_a | description | String | HPLC total pheophorbide a;multiple peaks |
attribute | Phide_a | long_name | String | Phide A |
attribute | Phide_a | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Pras | float | ||
attribute | Pras | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Pras | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.103 |
attribute | Pras | bcodmo_name | String | prasinox |
attribute | Pras | description | String | HPLC Prasinoxanthin; |
attribute | Pras | long_name | String | Pras |
attribute | Pras | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/PRSXHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Pras | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Anth | double | ||
attribute | Anth | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | Anth | bcodmo_name | String | antherax |
attribute | Anth | description | String | HPLC Antheraxanthin; |
attribute | Anth | long_name | String | Anth |
attribute | Anth | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Gyro | float | ||
attribute | Gyro | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Gyro | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.043 |
attribute | Gyro | bcodmo_name | String | Gyroxanthin-Diester |
attribute | Gyro | description | String | HPLC Gyroxanthin-Diester; |
attribute | Gyro | long_name | String | Gyro |
attribute | Gyro | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | TChl | float | ||
attribute | TChl | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | TChl | actual_range | float | 0.018, 12.531 |
attribute | TChl | bcodmo_name | String | chl_tot |
attribute | TChl | description | String | HPLC total chlorophylls;Tot_Chl_a +Tot_Chl_b +Tot_Chl_c |
attribute | TChl | long_name | String | TCHL |
attribute | TChl | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | PPC | float | ||
attribute | PPC | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | PPC | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.812 |
attribute | PPC | bcodmo_name | String | car_ppc |
attribute | PPC | description | String | HPLC photoprotective carotenoids;allo + diadino + diato + zea + alpha-beta-car |
attribute | PPC | long_name | String | PPC |
attribute | PPC | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | PSC | float | ||
attribute | PSC | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | PSC | actual_range | float | 0.009, 5.55 |
attribute | PSC | bcodmo_name | String | car_psc |
attribute | PSC | description | String | HPLC photosynthetic carotenoids;but-fuco + fuco + hex-fuco + perid |
attribute | PSC | long_name | String | PSC |
attribute | PSC | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | PSP | float | ||
attribute | PSP | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | PSP | actual_range | float | 0.027, 18.062 |
attribute | PSP | bcodmo_name | String | chl_psp |
attribute | PSP | description | String | HPLC phosynthetic pigments;PSC + TChl |
attribute | PSP | long_name | String | PSP |
attribute | PSP | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Tcar | float | ||
attribute | Tcar | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Tcar | actual_range | float | 0.009, 6.362 |
attribute | Tcar | bcodmo_name | String | car_psc_psp |
attribute | Tcar | description | String | HPLC total carotenoids ;PPC + PSC |
attribute | Tcar | long_name | String | Tcar |
attribute | Tcar | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Tacc | float | ||
attribute | Tacc | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Tacc | actual_range | float | 0.013, 8.364 |
attribute | Tacc | bcodmo_name | String | pig_tot_acc |
attribute | Tacc | description | String | HPLC total accessory pigments;PPC + PSC + Tot_Chl_b + Tot_Chl_c |
attribute | Tacc | long_name | String | Tacc |
attribute | Tacc | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Tpg | float | ||
attribute | Tpg | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Tpg | actual_range | float | 0.029, 18.874 |
attribute | Tpg | bcodmo_name | String | pig_tot |
attribute | Tpg | description | String | HPLC total pigments;TAcc + Tot_Chl_a |
attribute | Tpg | long_name | String | TPG |
attribute | Tpg | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | DP | float | ||
attribute | DP | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | DP | actual_range | float | 0.009, 5.663 |
attribute | DP | bcodmo_name | String | pig_diag |
attribute | DP | description | String | HPLC total diagnostic pigments;PSC + allo + zea + Tot_Chl_b |
attribute | DP | long_name | String | DP |
attribute | DP | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Tacc_TChla | float | ||
attribute | Tacc_TChla | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Tacc_TChla | actual_range | float | 0.62, 2.59 |
attribute | Tacc_TChla | bcodmo_name | String | pigacc_to_chla_tot |
attribute | Tacc_TChla | description | String | HPLC ratio of total accessory pigments to total chlorophll a;[Tacc]/[Tchla] |
attribute | Tacc_TChla | long_name | String | Tacc TChla |
attribute | Tacc_TChla | units | String | unitless |
variable | PSC_Tcar | float | ||
attribute | PSC_Tcar | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | PSC_Tcar | actual_range | float | 0.12, 1.0 |
attribute | PSC_Tcar | bcodmo_name | String | pigpsc_to_cartot |
attribute | PSC_Tcar | description | String | HPLC ratio of photsynthetic carotenoids to total carotenoids;[PSC]/[TCar] |
attribute | PSC_Tcar | long_name | String | PSC Tcar |
attribute | PSC_Tcar | units | String | unitless |
variable | PPC_Tcar | float | ||
attribute | PPC_Tcar | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | PPC_Tcar | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.88 |
attribute | PPC_Tcar | bcodmo_name | String | pigppc_to_cartot |
attribute | PPC_Tcar | description | String | HPLC ratio of photprotective carotenoids to total carotenoids;[PPC]/[Tcar] |
attribute | PPC_Tcar | long_name | String | PPC Tcar |
attribute | PPC_Tcar | units | String | unitless |
variable | TChl_Tcar | float | ||
attribute | TChl_Tcar | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | TChl_Tcar | actual_range | float | 1.16, 4.76 |
attribute | TChl_Tcar | bcodmo_name | String | chltot_to_cartot |
attribute | TChl_Tcar | description | String | HPLC ratio of total chlorophyll to total carotenoids;[TChl]/[TCaro] |
attribute | TChl_Tcar | long_name | String | TChl Tcar |
attribute | TChl_Tcar | units | String | unitless |
variable | PPC_Tpg | float | ||
attribute | PPC_Tpg | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | PPC_Tpg | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 0.41 |
attribute | PPC_Tpg | bcodmo_name | String | pigppc_to_pigtot |
attribute | PPC_Tpg | description | String | HPLC ratio of photoprotective carotenoids to total pigments;[PPC]/[Tpg] |
attribute | PPC_Tpg | long_name | String | PPC TPG |
attribute | PPC_Tpg | units | String | unitless |
variable | PSP_Tpg | float | ||
attribute | PSP_Tpg | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | PSP_Tpg | actual_range | float | 0.59, 1.0 |
attribute | PSP_Tpg | bcodmo_name | String | pigpsp_to_pigtot |
attribute | PSP_Tpg | description | String | HPLC ratio of photsynthetic pigments to to total pigments;[PSP]/[TPg] |
attribute | PSP_Tpg | long_name | String | PSP TPG |
attribute | PSP_Tpg | units | String | unitless |
variable | TChla_Tpg | float | ||
attribute | TChla_Tpg | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | TChla_Tpg | actual_range | float | 0.28, 0.62 |
attribute | TChla_Tpg | bcodmo_name | String | chla_tot_to_pigtot |
attribute | TChla_Tpg | description | String | HPLC raito of total chlorophyll a to total pigments;[TChla]/[TPg] |
attribute | TChla_Tpg | long_name | String | TChla Tpg |
attribute | TChla_Tpg | units | String | unitless |
variable | mPF | double | ||
attribute | mPF | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | mPF | bcodmo_name | String | micro_PF |
attribute | mPF | description | String | HPLC microplankton [mPF]; |
attribute | mPF | long_name | String | M PF |
attribute | mPF | units | String | unitless |
variable | nPF | double | ||
attribute | nPF | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | nPF | bcodmo_name | String | nano_PF |
attribute | nPF | description | String | HPLC nanoplankton [nPF]; |
attribute | nPF | long_name | String | N PF |
attribute | nPF | units | String | unitless |
variable | pPF | double | ||
attribute | pPF | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | pPF | bcodmo_name | String | pico_PF |
attribute | pPF | description | String | HPLC picoplankton [pPF]; |
attribute | pPF | long_name | String | P PF |
attribute | pPF | units | String | unitless |
variable | Fluor_Chl_a | float | ||
attribute | Fluor_Chl_a | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Fluor_Chl_a | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 8.23 |
attribute | Fluor_Chl_a | bcodmo_name | String | chlorophyll a |
attribute | Fluor_Chl_a | colorBarMaximum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | Fluor_Chl_a | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.03 |
attribute | Fluor_Chl_a | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | Fluor_Chl_a | description | String | Fluorometric Chlorophyll-a ;Measured at La Salle |
attribute | Fluor_Chl_a | long_name | String | Concentration Of Chlorophyll In Sea Water |
attribute | Fluor_Chl_a | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/CPHLHPP1/![]() |
attribute | Fluor_Chl_a | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Fluor_Phaeo | float | ||
attribute | Fluor_Phaeo | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Fluor_Phaeo | actual_range | float | -9999.0, 5.29 |
attribute | Fluor_Phaeo | bcodmo_name | String | phaeopigment |
attribute | Fluor_Phaeo | description | String | Fluorometric Phaeopigments;Measured at La Salle |
attribute | Fluor_Phaeo | long_name | String | Fluor Phaeo |
attribute | Fluor_Phaeo | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/PHAEFMP1/![]() |
attribute | Fluor_Phaeo | units | String | miligrams per meter cubed (mg/m^3) |
variable | Comments | String | ||
attribute | Comments | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | Comments | description | String | additional comments |
attribute | Comments | long_name | String | Comments |
attribute | Comments | units | String | unitless |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.