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Title Sum-
Institution Dataset ID
   set  data   graph     files  public [Coral iCA Activity] - Internal carbonic anhydrase activity in three species of coral
collected from the Florida Keys in August 2013 (Ocean Acidification: Coral Inorganic Carbon
Processing in Response to Ocean Acidification)
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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL access_formats String .htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv,.esriCsv,.geoJson,.odvTxt
attribute NC_GLOBAL acquisition_description String Fragments of Orbicella faveolata, Porites astreoides were collected from
Little Grecian reef (25.1193 N 80.3008 W) and Siderastrea radians was
collected from Florida Bay (25.1017 N, 80.4391 W) in Key Largo, FL, USA, in
August of 2013 as permitted by the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
(FKNMS-2011-093, FKNMS-2014-015). Exposed skeleton was covered with modeling
clay, and the colonies were maintained in closed circulation tanks filled with
reef seawater, allowing at least 2 days of recovery after collection prior to
experimentation. The tank was exposed to a natural light regime, with shading
added at midday to keep solar irradiance below 600 umol photons m\u22122
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_award_nid String 521190
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_award_number String EF-1315944
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_data_url String http://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1315944 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funder_name String NSF Emerging Frontiers Division
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funding_acronym String NSF EF
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_funding_source_nid String 392
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_program_manager String Charles Cunningham
attribute NC_GLOBAL awards_0_program_manager_nid String 793492
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String Coral internal carbonic anhydrase (iCA) Activity
PI: Brian M. Hopkinson (UGA)
Version date: 2020-Feb-26
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String info at bco-dmo.org
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String https://www.bco-dmo.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_source String extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3 19 Dec 2019
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2020-02-26T20:59:09Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2020-03-04T17:25:28Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String &time<now
attribute NC_GLOBAL doi String 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.794342.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -80.3008
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 25.1193
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 25.1017
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -80.3008
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -80.4391
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/794342 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_acronym String Mass Spec
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_dataset_instrument_description String 18O-exchange was measured using a Pfeiffer QMS220M2 mass spectrometer.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid String 794656
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_description String General term for instruments used to measure the mass-to-charge ratio of ions; generally used to find the composition of a sample by generating a mass spectrum representing the masses of sample components.
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_external_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB16/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_name String Mass Spectrometer
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_instrument_nid String 685
attribute NC_GLOBAL instruments_0_supplied_name String Pfeiffer QMS220M2
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String bco, bco-dmo, biological, chemical, collection, data, dataset, date, dmo, erddap, kif, latitude, longitude, management, oceanography, office, preliminary, sample, species, time
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/794342/license (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL metadata_source String https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/794342 (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 25.1193
attribute NC_GLOBAL param_mapping String {'794342': {'Collection_Date': 'flag - time', 'Latitude': 'flag - latitude', 'Longitude': 'flag - longitude'}}
attribute NC_GLOBAL parameter_source String https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/794342/parameters (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_affiliation String University of Georgia
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_affiliation_acronym String UGA
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_person_name String Brian M. Hopkinson
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_person_nid String 521182
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_role String Principal Investigator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_0_role_type String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_affiliation String Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_affiliation_acronym String WHOI BCO-DMO
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_person_name String Shannon Rauch
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_person_nid String 51498
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_role String BCO-DMO Data Manager
attribute NC_GLOBAL people_1_role_type String related
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String OA_coral_Ci_acquisition
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_acronym String OA_coral_Ci_acquisition
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_description String NSF Award Abstract:
A significant portion of the carbon dioxide generated by human activity and released into the atmosphere dissolves into ocean waters, leading to ocean acidification. Acidification can impair the ability of many calcifying organisms, including reef-building corals, to form their calcium carbonate shells or skeletons but the mechanism of these effects is not well understood. This project will improve understanding of inorganic carbon processing in corals thereby providing insight into the effects of ocean acidification on calcification and photosynthesis in corals. Microelectrodes and membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) will be applied to measure the concentration and reaction rates of inorganic carbon and other chemical species involved in calcification and photosynthesis in three species of Caribbean corals. A major goal is to validate the use of MIMS techniques and microelectrodes in corals. Measurements will be used to develop a numerical model of inorganic carbon processing in corals, allowing chemical fluxes and the composition of the calcifying fluid to be constrained. Improved mechanistic understanding of the effects of ocean acidification on corals will permit robust predications about the longer-term effects of ocean acidification on corals and coral reefs. Broader Impacts: This project will improve predictions of the effects of ocean acidification on corals and coral reef ecosystems. Undergraduate and graduate students will be trained on the project and outreach activities include educating K-12 students and the general public about ocean acidification. A teaching module on the effects of ocean acidification on corals will be added to an existing set of ocean acidification lesson plans and a collaboration with the Driftwood Education Center will be established to make use of the ocean acidification teaching module. The investigators will host an annual mini-symposium called "Symbiofest", which attracts scientists working on corals and other symbioses from around the south-east and beyond.
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_end_date String 2017-08
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_geolocation String Florida Keys, Laboratory in Athens Georgia
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_name String Ocean Acidification: Coral Inorganic Carbon Processing in Response to Ocean Acidification
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_project_nid String 521205
attribute NC_GLOBAL projects_0_start_date String 2013-09
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 25.1017
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v55
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String time
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Internal carbonic anhydrase activity in three species of coral collected from the Florida Keys in August 2013.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2013-08
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2013-08
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String [Coral iCA Activity] - Internal carbonic anhydrase activity in three species of coral collected from the Florida Keys in August 2013 (Ocean Acidification: Coral Inorganic Carbon Processing in Response to Ocean Acidification)
attribute NC_GLOBAL version String 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -80.4391
attribute NC_GLOBAL xml_source String osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3
variable Species   String  
attribute Species bcodmo_name String species
attribute Species description String Species name
attribute Species long_name String Species
attribute Species units String unitless
variable Sample   String  
attribute Sample bcodmo_name String sample
attribute Sample description String Sample ID
attribute Sample long_name String Sample
attribute Sample nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/ACYC/ (external link)
attribute Sample units String unitless
variable kif   float  
attribute kif _FillValue float NaN
attribute kif actual_range float 16.8, 655.0
attribute kif bcodmo_name String unknown
attribute kif description String Internal carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity
attribute kif long_name String Kif
attribute kif units String /s
variable latitude   double  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute latitude actual_range double 25.1017, 25.1193
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude bcodmo_name String latitude
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude description String Latitude of sample collection
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LATX/ (external link)
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable longitude   double  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute longitude actual_range double -80.4391, -80.3008
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude bcodmo_name String longitude
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude description String Longitude of sample collection
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LONX/ (external link)
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.3753152E9, 1.3753152E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time bcodmo_name String date
attribute time description String Year and month of sample collection; format: yyyy-mm
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Collection Date
attribute time nerc_identifier String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ADATAA01/ (external link)
attribute time source_name String Collection_Date
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time time_precision String 1970-01
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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