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Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Acces- sible ![]() | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID |
set | data | graph | files | public | [IEP February and May 2017] - Nutrient and nitrate isotope data from the southern Benguela upwelling system from February to August 2017 (Investigation of mechanisms leading to seasonal hypoxia in the Southern Benguela Upwelling System) | ![]() | F I M | background![]() | ![]() | ![]() | BCO-DMO | bcodmo_dataset_811839 |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | access_formats | String | .htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv,.esriCsv,.geoJson |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | acquisition_description | String | The methods on how the samples were collected and processed for the attached dataset can be found in the methodology section of Flynn et al. (2019).\u00a0 Hydrographic measurements were made using a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiler fitted with a temperature, salinity and oxygen sensor.\u00a0 Nitrate+nitrite concentrations were measured following published auto-analysis protocols (Diamond 1994; Grasshoff 1976), and nitrite and phosphate concentrations were determined using benchtop colourimetric methods (Strickland and Parsons 1968; Bendschneider and Robinson 1952; Parsons et al. 1984).\u00a0 Nitrate N and O isotope ratios were measured using the \u201cdenitrifier method\u201d (Sigman et al. 2001; Casciotti et al. 2002; McIlvin and Casciotti 2011). Seawater samples were collected at discrete depths from the surface to the seafloor using a tethered rosette holding twelve 6-L Niskin bottles. At each CTD station, nutrient and nitrate isotope samples were collected filtered (0.22 \u00b5m PES membrane syringe filter) throughout the water column in 60 mL HDPE bottles. Each bottle was rinsed three times prior to being filled, and then immediately frozen at -20\u00b0C pending analysis. All nutrient samples were analysed within a year from collection, and nitrate isotopes within 18 months of collection.\u00a0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_award_nid | String | 809301 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_award_number | String | OCE-1924270 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_data_url | String | http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1924270![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funder_name | String | NSF Division of Ocean Sciences |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funding_acronym | String | NSF OCE |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_funding_source_nid | String | 355 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_program_manager | String | Dr Simone Metz |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | awards_0_program_manager_nid | String | 51479 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | Other |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | comment | String | Nutrient and nitrate isotope data from the southern Benguela upwelling system PI: Julie Granger Version: 2020-05-19 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | info at bco-dmo.org |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | data_source | String | extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3 19 Dec 2019 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | dataset_current_state | String | Final and no updates |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_created | String | 2020-05-19T18:41:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_modified | String | 2020-05-20T17:01:02Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | defaultDataQuery | String | &time<now |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | doi | String | 10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.811839.1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Easternmost_Easting | double | 18.28933333 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_max | double | -29.3817 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_min | double | -34.5593 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_max | double | 18.28933333 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_min | double | 14.1348 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_max | double | 1014.47 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_min | double | 0.818 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_positive | String | down |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_units | String | m |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/811839![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_acronym | String | CTD |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_dataset_instrument_description | String | Hydrographic measurements were made using a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiler fitted with a temperature, salinity and oxygen sensor. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid | String | 811851 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_description | String | The Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) unit is an integrated instrument package designed to measure the conductivity, temperature, and pressure (depth) of the water column. The instrument is lowered via cable through the water column and permits scientists observe the physical properties in real time via a conducting cable connecting the CTD to a deck unit and computer on the ship. The CTD is often configured with additional optional sensors including fluorometers, transmissometers and/or radiometers. It is often combined with a Rosette of water sampling bottles (e.g. Niskin, GO-FLO) for collecting discrete water samples during the cast. This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_external_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/130/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_name | String | CTD profiler |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_instrument_nid | String | 417 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_0_supplied_name | String | CTD profiler |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_acronym | String | IR Mass Spec |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_dataset_instrument_description | String | The N and O isotope ratios of the N2O gas were analysed using a Delta V Advantage continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer interfaced with an online N2O extraction and purification system. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_dataset_instrument_nid | String | 811850 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_description | String | The Isotope-ratio Mass Spectrometer is a particular type of mass spectrometer used to measure the relative abundance of isotopes in a given sample (e.g. VG Prism II Isotope Ratio Mass-Spectrometer). |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_instrument_external_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB16/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_instrument_name | String | Isotope-ratio Mass Spectrometer |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_instrument_nid | String | 469 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_1_supplied_name | String | Delta V Advantage continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_acronym | String | FIA |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_dataset_instrument_description | String | Nitrate+nitrite concentrations were measured using a Lachat QuickChem flow injection analysis platform in a configuration with a detection limit of 0.1 µM. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_dataset_instrument_nid | String | 811848 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_description | String | An instrument that performs flow injection analysis. Flow injection analysis (FIA) is an approach to chemical analysis that is accomplished by injecting a plug of sample into a flowing carrier stream. FIA is an automated method in which a sample is injected into a continuous flow of a carrier solution that mixes with other continuously flowing solutions before reaching a detector. Precision is dramatically increased when FIA is used instead of manual injections and as a result very specific FIA systems have been developed for a wide array of analytical techniques. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_instrument_external_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB36/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_instrument_name | String | Flow Injection Analyzer |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_instrument_nid | String | 657 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_2_supplied_name | String | Lachat QuickChem flow injection analysis platform |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_3_acronym | String | Spectrophotometer |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_3_dataset_instrument_description | String | Phosphate and nitrite concentrations were measured using a Thermo Scientific Genesis 30 Visible spectrophotometer in a configuration with a detection limit of 0.05 µM. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_3_dataset_instrument_nid | String | 811849 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_3_description | String | An instrument used to measure the relative absorption of electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths in the near infra-red, visible and ultraviolet wavebands by samples. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_3_instrument_external_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB20/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_3_instrument_name | String | Spectrophotometer |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_3_instrument_nid | String | 707 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instruments_3_supplied_name | String | Thermo Scientific Genesis 30 Visible spectrophotometer |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | aou, apparent, bco, bco-dmo, biological, chemical, chemistry, concentration, cruise, data, dataset, density, depth, deviation, dmo, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Nitrate, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Density, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, erddap, latitude, line, longitude, management, mole, mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water, mole_concentration_of_nitrite_in_sea_water, monitoring, Monitoring_line, month, n02, n15, N15_NO3, N15_stdev, nitrate, nitrite, NO2, NO2_Stdev, no3, NO3_NO2, NO3_NO2_Stdev, o18, O18_NO3, O18_stdev, O2, ocean, oceanography, oceans, office, oxygen, po43, PO43_Stdev, practical, preliminary, salinity, science, sea, sea_water_practical_salinity, sea_water_sigma_theta, seawater, sigma, Sigma_theta, standard, standard deviation, station, Station_ID, stdev, temperature, theta, utilization, water, year |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords_vocabulary | String | GCMD Science Keywords |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/811839/license![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | metadata_source | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/811839![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Northernmost_Northing | double | -29.3817 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | param_mapping | String | {'811839': {'Latitude': 'flag - latitude', 'Depth': 'flag - depth', 'Longitude': 'flag - longitude'}} |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | parameter_source | String | https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/811839/parameters![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_affiliation | String | University of Connecticut |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_affiliation_acronym | String | UConn |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_person_name | String | Julie Granger |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_person_nid | String | 528937 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_role | String | Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_0_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_affiliation | String | University of Connecticut |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_affiliation_acronym | String | UConn |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_person_name | String | Samantha Siedlecki |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_person_nid | String | 809305 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_role | String | Principal Investigator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_1_role_type | String | originator |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_affiliation | String | University of Cape Town |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_affiliation_acronym | String | UCT |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_person_name | String | Raquel Flynn |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_person_nid | String | 811844 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_role | String | Contact |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_2_role_type | String | related |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_affiliation | String | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_affiliation_acronym | String | WHOI BCO-DMO |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_person_name | String | Mathew Biddle |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_person_nid | String | 708682 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_role | String | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | people_3_role_type | String | related |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | SBUS Hypoxia |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_acronym | String | SBUS Hypoxia |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_description | String | NSF Award Abstract: The Southern Benguela Upwelling System (SBUS) in the eastern Atlantic Ocean ranks among the most fertile region in the world ocean, host to economically important fishing grounds. Unfortunately, waters of the SBUS are subject to events wherein dissolved oxygen is severely depleted, a condition also known as seasonal hypoxia, which have been observed to cause substantial fish kills. To gain a better understanding of the processes triggering severe hypoxic events, the study will combine field observations (analyzing water samples for dissolved nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, soluble reactive phosphorus, and silicic acid, as well as nitrate isotopic ratios to identify the origin and fate of nutrients in upwelling systems) and modeling. This combined approach is a powerful means of identifying the processes that contribute to the development of hypoxia in the SBUS and the mechanisms gleaned from the proposed study are likely to extend beyond the SBUS to other upwelling regions, such as the Northern Benguela, California and Peru Upwelling Systems. For outreach activities, graduate students would create a short film on their research in South Africa. This film, made available on the University of Connecticut and the University of Cape Town websites and YouTube, would serve as a means of communicating the science to broader audiences. Two graduate students would be supported and trained as part of this project. These students would have the opportunity to work with the South African collaborators at the University of Cape Town, Drs. Sarah Fawcett and Jennifer Veitch, involved in the study. The Southern Benguela Upwelling System (SBUS), off the coasts of South Africa and Namibia, is subject to severe seasonal hypoxia which has been observed to have catastrophic impacts on wildlife, fisheries, and national economies. Researcher from the University of Connecticut posit that the propensity for hypoxic events in this region is linked to the extent of nutrient trapping on the shelf inshore of the hydrographic fronts. This, in turn, influences the intensity of subsequent blooms, and the consequent oxygen demand when this organic material is ultimately decomposed at the shelf bottom. To confirm the role of nutrient cycling in modulating hypoxic event, the scientists will utilize a combination of observations and quantitative simulations. Analyses of dissolved nutrients and nitrate isotope ratios from water samples collected on quarterly monitoring cruises in the SBUS will be used to assess the role of nutrient cycling in modulating hypoxic events. Concurrently, an idealized circulation model of the SBUS will be initiated to test the hypotheses surrounding inshore nutrient trapping and incident hypoxia. Specifically, the focus will be on the potential roles of wind intensity and periodicity, shelf frontal structure, and the alongshore pressure gradient in modulating the burden of recycled nutrients trapped on the shelf and its association with hypoxia. Finally, the ocean circulation and biogeochemistry of the SBUS will be modeled using a realistic hind-cast model forced with realistic atmospheric, tidal, and ocean boundary conditions to make hind-cast simulations of the 3-D circulation and hydrography throughout the domain. This coupled physical-biogeochemical model would be queried to fully investigate the proposed nutrient trapping mechanism and define its role in modulating the intensity of hypoxia inter-annually and from which a prognostic model can be developed. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_end_date | String | 2022-08 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_geolocation | String | Southern Benguela Upwelling System |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_name | String | Investigation of mechanisms leading to seasonal hypoxia in the Southern Benguela Upwelling System |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_project_nid | String | 809302 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | projects_0_start_date | String | 2019-09 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_name | String | Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Southernmost_Northing | double | -34.5593 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v55 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | subsetVariables | String | Cruise,Year |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | Analysed Particulate Organic Matter data, Nutrient data and Nitrate isotope data from the 2017 Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruises conducted in February, May, and August 2017. The IEP:SB is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional platform to undertake relevant science in the Southern Benguela; also functioning as a platform for collaboration and learning. \r\n\r\nNitrate+nitrite concentrations were measured on a Lachat QuickChem flow injection analysis platform in a configuration with a detection limit of 0.1 \u00b5M, while phosphate and nitrite concentrations were measured using standard benchtop techniques on a Thermo Scientific Genesis 30 Visible spectrophotometer in a configuration with a detection limit of 0.05 \u00b5M. The N and O isotope ratios of the N2O gas were analysed using a Delta V Advantage continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer interfaced with an online N2O extraction and purification system. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | [IEP February and May 2017] - Nutrient and nitrate isotope data from the southern Benguela upwelling system from February to August 2017 (Investigation of mechanisms leading to seasonal hypoxia in the Southern Benguela Upwelling System) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | version | String | 1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Westernmost_Easting | double | 14.1348 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | xml_source | String | osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.5 |
variable | Cruise | String | ||
attribute | Cruise | bcodmo_name | String | Cruise Name |
attribute | Cruise | description | String | name of the cruise |
attribute | Cruise | long_name | String | Cruise |
attribute | Cruise | units | String | unitless |
variable | Month | String | ||
attribute | Month | bcodmo_name | String | month |
attribute | Month | description | String | Month of observation in text |
attribute | Month | long_name | String | Month |
attribute | Month | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/MNTHXXXX/![]() |
attribute | Month | units | String | unitless |
variable | Year | short | ||
attribute | Year | _FillValue | short | 32767 |
attribute | Year | actual_range | short | 2017, 2017 |
attribute | Year | bcodmo_name | String | year |
attribute | Year | description | String | year of observation in yyyy format |
attribute | Year | long_name | String | Year |
attribute | Year | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/YEARXXXX/![]() |
attribute | Year | units | String | unitless |
variable | Station_ID | String | ||
attribute | Station_ID | bcodmo_name | String | station |
attribute | Station_ID | description | String | identifier for the station |
attribute | Station_ID | long_name | String | Station ID |
attribute | Station_ID | units | String | unitless |
variable | Monitoring_line | String | ||
attribute | Monitoring_line | bcodmo_name | String | site_descrip |
attribute | Monitoring_line | description | String | identifier for the mooring line |
attribute | Monitoring_line | long_name | String | Monitoring Line |
attribute | Monitoring_line | units | String | unitless |
variable | latitude | double | ||
attribute | latitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lat |
attribute | latitude | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | latitude | actual_range | double | -34.5593, -29.3817 |
attribute | latitude | axis | String | Y |
attribute | latitude | bcodmo_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | latitude | description | String | latitude with negative values indicating South |
attribute | latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | latitude | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | latitude | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LATX/![]() |
attribute | latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | units | String | degrees_north |
variable | longitude | double | ||
attribute | longitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lon |
attribute | longitude | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | longitude | actual_range | double | 14.1348, 18.28933333 |
attribute | longitude | axis | String | X |
attribute | longitude | bcodmo_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | longitude | description | String | longitude with positive values indicating West |
attribute | longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | longitude | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | longitude | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/LONX/![]() |
attribute | longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | units | String | degrees_east |
variable | depth | double | ||
attribute | depth | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Height |
attribute | depth | _CoordinateZisPositive | String | down |
attribute | depth | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | depth | actual_range | double | 0.818, 1014.47 |
attribute | depth | axis | String | Z |
attribute | depth | bcodmo_name | String | depth |
attribute | depth | colorBarMaximum | double | 8000.0 |
attribute | depth | colorBarMinimum | double | -8000.0 |
attribute | depth | colorBarPalette | String | TopographyDepth |
attribute | depth | description | String | water depth of observation |
attribute | depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | depth | long_name | String | Depth |
attribute | depth | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P09/current/DEPH/![]() |
attribute | depth | positive | String | down |
attribute | depth | standard_name | String | depth |
attribute | depth | units | String | m |
variable | Temperature | float | ||
attribute | Temperature | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Temperature | actual_range | float | 3.2, 21.4 |
attribute | Temperature | bcodmo_name | String | temperature |
attribute | Temperature | description | String | Temperature |
attribute | Temperature | long_name | String | Temperature |
attribute | Temperature | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/TEMPP901/![]() |
attribute | Temperature | units | String | degrees Celsius (C) |
variable | Salinity | float | ||
attribute | Salinity | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Salinity | actual_range | float | 33.6, 35.6 |
attribute | Salinity | bcodmo_name | String | sal |
attribute | Salinity | colorBarMaximum | double | 37.0 |
attribute | Salinity | colorBarMinimum | double | 32.0 |
attribute | Salinity | description | String | Salinity |
attribute | Salinity | long_name | String | Sea Water Practical Salinity |
attribute | Salinity | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/PSALST01/![]() |
attribute | Salinity | units | String | psu |
variable | Sigma_theta | float | ||
attribute | Sigma_theta | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | Sigma_theta | actual_range | float | 24.8, 27.5 |
attribute | Sigma_theta | bcodmo_name | String | sigma_theta |
attribute | Sigma_theta | description | String | sigma-theta |
attribute | Sigma_theta | long_name | String | Sea Water Sigma Theta |
attribute | Sigma_theta | units | String | kilograms per meter cubed (kg/m3) |
variable | NO3_NO2 | float | ||
attribute | NO3_NO2 | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | NO3_NO2 | actual_range | float | 0.0, 42.0 |
attribute | NO3_NO2 | bcodmo_name | String | NO3_NO2 |
attribute | NO3_NO2 | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | NO3_NO2 | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | NO3_NO2 | description | String | [NO3-+NO2-] |
attribute | NO3_NO2 | long_name | String | Mole Concentration Of Nitrate In Sea Water |
attribute | NO3_NO2 | units | String | microMole (uM) |
variable | NO3_NO2_Stdev | float | ||
attribute | NO3_NO2_Stdev | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | NO3_NO2_Stdev | actual_range | float | 0.0, 1.9 |
attribute | NO3_NO2_Stdev | bcodmo_name | String | NO3_NO2 |
attribute | NO3_NO2_Stdev | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | NO3_NO2_Stdev | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | NO3_NO2_Stdev | description | String | standard deviation of [NO3-+NO2-] |
attribute | NO3_NO2_Stdev | long_name | String | Mole Concentration Of Nitrate In Sea Water |
attribute | NO3_NO2_Stdev | units | String | micr |
variable | NO2 | float | ||
attribute | NO2 | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | NO2 | actual_range | float | -0.01, 1.8 |
attribute | NO2 | bcodmo_name | String | NO2 |
attribute | NO2 | colorBarMaximum | double | 1.0 |
attribute | NO2 | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | NO2 | description | String | NO2- |
attribute | NO2 | long_name | String | Mole Concentration Of Nitrite In Sea Water |
attribute | NO2 | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/NTRIAAZX/![]() |
attribute | NO2 | units | String | microMole (uM) |
variable | NO2_Stdev | float | ||
attribute | NO2_Stdev | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | NO2_Stdev | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.3 |
attribute | NO2_Stdev | bcodmo_name | String | NO2 |
attribute | NO2_Stdev | colorBarMaximum | double | 1.0 |
attribute | NO2_Stdev | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | NO2_Stdev | description | String | standard deviation of NO2- |
attribute | NO2_Stdev | long_name | String | Mole Concentration Of Nitrite In Sea Water |
attribute | NO2_Stdev | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/NTRIAAZX/![]() |
attribute | NO2_Stdev | units | String | microMole (uM) |
variable | PO43 | float | ||
attribute | PO43 | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | PO43 | actual_range | float | 0.0, 3.7 |
attribute | PO43 | bcodmo_name | String | PO4 |
attribute | PO43 | description | String | PO43- |
attribute | PO43 | long_name | String | PO43 |
attribute | PO43 | units | String | microMole (uM) |
variable | PO43_Stdev | float | ||
attribute | PO43_Stdev | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | PO43_Stdev | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.7 |
attribute | PO43_Stdev | bcodmo_name | String | PO4 |
attribute | PO43_Stdev | description | String | standard deviation of PO43- |
attribute | PO43_Stdev | long_name | String | PO43 Stdev |
attribute | PO43_Stdev | units | String | microMole (uM) |
variable | O2 | float | ||
attribute | O2 | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | O2 | actual_range | float | 2.6, 372.0 |
attribute | O2 | bcodmo_name | String | dissolved Oxygen |
attribute | O2 | description | String | O2 |
attribute | O2 | long_name | String | O2 |
attribute | O2 | units | String | microMole (uM) |
variable | AOU | float | ||
attribute | AOU | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | AOU | actual_range | float | -111.5, 282.8 |
attribute | AOU | bcodmo_name | String | AOU |
attribute | AOU | description | String | Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) |
attribute | AOU | long_name | String | AOU |
attribute | AOU | nerc_identifier | String | https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/DOXY![]() |
attribute | AOU | units | String | microMole (uM) |
variable | N15_NO3 | float | ||
attribute | N15_NO3 | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | N15_NO3 | actual_range | float | 5.4, 19.9 |
attribute | N15_NO3 | bcodmo_name | String | dN15_NO3 |
attribute | N15_NO3 | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | N15_NO3 | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | N15_NO3 | description | String | 15N_NO3 |
attribute | N15_NO3 | long_name | String | Mole Concentration Of Nitrate In Sea Water |
attribute | N15_NO3 | units | String | parts per thousand |
variable | N15_stdev | float | ||
attribute | N15_stdev | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | N15_stdev | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.4 |
attribute | N15_stdev | bcodmo_name | String | unknown |
attribute | N15_stdev | description | String | standard deviation of δ15N |
attribute | N15_stdev | long_name | String | N15 Stdev |
attribute | N15_stdev | units | String | parts per thousand |
variable | O18_NO3 | float | ||
attribute | O18_NO3 | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | O18_NO3 | actual_range | float | 1.6, 12.4 |
attribute | O18_NO3 | bcodmo_name | String | d18O_NO3 |
attribute | O18_NO3 | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | O18_NO3 | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | O18_NO3 | description | String | 18O_NO3 |
attribute | O18_NO3 | long_name | String | Mole Concentration Of Nitrate In Sea Water |
attribute | O18_NO3 | units | String | parts per thousand |
variable | O18_stdev | float | ||
attribute | O18_stdev | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | O18_stdev | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.6 |
attribute | O18_stdev | bcodmo_name | String | d18O_NO3 |
attribute | O18_stdev | description | String | standard deviation of δ18O |
attribute | O18_stdev | long_name | String | O18 Stdev |
attribute | O18_stdev | units | String | parts per thousand |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.