Accessing BCO-DMO data
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Dataset Title:  [Halomethane concentrations in cell culture] - Halomethane concentrations in
cell culture (The role of organic and metal cofactors on the biogenic synthesis
of halogenated volatile hydrocarbons)
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Institution:  BCO-DMO   (Dataset ID: bcodmo_dataset_712803)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | Metadata | Background (external link) | Files | Make a graph
Variable ?   Optional
Constraint #1 ?
Constraint #2 ?
   Minimum ?
   Maximum ?
 Strain (unitless) ?          "AND10"    "MED241"
 Species (unitless) ?          "Dinoroseobacter Sh..."    "Vibrio sp."
 Clade (unitless) ?          "Alphaproteobacteria"    "Gammaproteobacteria"
 Time_elapsed_hours (hours) ?          0    2400
 cells_per_ml (cells per milliliter) ?          233000    1110000000
 CH3Br (picomoles per liter) ?          0.2    3673.2
 CH3I (picomoles per liter) ?          1.28    16311.96
 CH3Cl (picomoles per liter) ?          0.67    3067.47
 CHBr3 (picomoles per liter) ?          "0.31"    "Undetectable"
Server-side Functions ?
 distinct() ?
? ("Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.Hover here to see a list of options. Click on an option to select it.")

File type: (more information)

(Documentation / Bypass this form ? )
(Please be patient. It may take a while to get the data.)


The Dataset Attribute Structure (.das) for this Dataset

Attributes {
 s {
  Strain {
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "Strain of marine bacteria";
    String long_name "Strain";
    String units "unitless";
  Species {
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "Species";
    String long_name "Species";
    String units "unitless";
  Clade {
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "Clade";
    String long_name "Clade";
    String units "unitless";
  Time_elapsed_hours {
    Int16 _FillValue 32767;
    Int16 actual_range 0, 2400;
    String bcodmo_name "time_elapsed";
    String description "Incubation duration; originally Time (hours)";
    String long_name "Time Elapsed Hours";
    String nerc_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P01/current/ELTMZZZZ/";
    String units "hours";
  cells_per_ml {
    Int32 _FillValue 2147483647;
    Int32 actual_range 233000, 1110000000;
    String bcodmo_name "cell_concentration";
    String description "Cell concentration; originally cellsmL-1";
    String long_name "Cells Per Ml";
    String units "cells per milliliter";
  CH3Br {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.2, 3673.2;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "bromomethane concentration";
    String long_name "CH3 BR";
    String units "picomoles per liter";
  CH3I {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 1.28, 16311.96;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "iodomethane concentration";
    String long_name "CH3 I";
    String units "picomoles per liter";
  CH3Cl {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float32 actual_range 0.67, 3067.47;
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "chloromethane concentration";
    String long_name "CH3 CL";
    String units "picomoles per liter";
  CHBr3 {
    String bcodmo_name "unknown";
    String description "bromoform, tribromomethane concentration";
    String long_name "CHBR3";
    String units "picomoles per liter";
    String access_formats ".htmlTable,.csv,.json,.mat,.nc,.tsv";
    String acquisition_description 
"Peak Simple model 302 Integration using Peak 393 software  
 Excel 2016";
    String awards_0_award_nid "712781";
    String awards_0_award_number "OCE-1559276";
    String awards_0_data_url "http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1559276";
    String awards_0_funder_name "NSF Division of Ocean Sciences";
    String awards_0_funding_acronym "NSF OCE";
    String awards_0_funding_source_nid "355";
    String awards_0_program_manager "Dr Simone Metz";
    String awards_0_program_manager_nid "51479";
    String cdm_data_type "Other";
    String comment 
"Halomethane concentrations in cell culture  
   PI: Sergio Sanudo-Wilhelmy (USC) 
   Version: 2017-08-14";
    String Conventions "COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3";
    String creator_email "info@bco-dmo.org";
    String creator_name "BCO-DMO";
    String creator_type "institution";
    String creator_url "https://www.bco-dmo.org/";
    String data_source "extract_data_as_tsv version 2.3  19 Dec 2019";
    String date_created "2017-08-14T22:26:06Z";
    String date_modified "2019-06-26T18:01:04Z";
    String defaultDataQuery "&time<now";
    String doi "10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.712803.1";
    String history 
"2025-03-11T01:01:15Z (local files)
2025-03-11T01:01:15Z https://erddap.bco-dmo.org/erddap/tabledap/bcodmo_dataset_712803.html";
    String infoUrl "https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/712803";
    String institution "BCO-DMO";
    String instruments_0_acronym "Gas Chromatograph";
    String instruments_0_dataset_instrument_description "Column- Restek Rtx-502.2 (60m, 0.32mm ID, 1.8µm df)";
    String instruments_0_dataset_instrument_nid "712806";
    String instruments_0_description "Instrument separating gases, volatile substances, or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transporting an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent to a detector for assay. (from SeaDataNet, BODC)";
    String instruments_0_instrument_external_identifier "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/LAB02/";
    String instruments_0_instrument_name "Gas Chromatograph";
    String instruments_0_instrument_nid "661";
    String instruments_0_supplied_name "Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph with electron capture detector";
    String keywords "bco, bco-dmo, biological, cells, cells_per_ml, ch3, CH3Br, CH3Cl, CH3I, chbr3, chemical, clade, data, dataset, dmo, elapsed, erddap, hours, management, oceanography, office, per, preliminary, species, strain, time, Time_elapsed_hours";
    String license "https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/712803/license";
    String metadata_source "https://www.bco-dmo.org/api/dataset/712803";
    String param_mapping "{'712803': {}}";
    String parameter_source "https://www.bco-dmo.org/mapserver/dataset/712803/parameters";
    String people_0_affiliation "University of Southern California";
    String people_0_affiliation_acronym "USC";
    String people_0_person_name "Sergio A. Sanudo-Wilhelmy";
    String people_0_person_nid "51586";
    String people_0_role "Principal Investigator";
    String people_0_role_type "originator";
    String people_1_affiliation "University of Southern California";
    String people_1_affiliation_acronym "USC";
    String people_1_person_name "Lynda Cutter";
    String people_1_person_nid "516958";
    String people_1_role "Contact";
    String people_1_role_type "related";
    String people_2_affiliation "Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution";
    String people_2_affiliation_acronym "WHOI BCO-DMO";
    String people_2_person_name "Megan Switzer";
    String people_2_person_nid "708683";
    String people_2_role "BCO-DMO Data Manager";
    String people_2_role_type "related";
    String project "Volatile_Hydrocarbons";
    String projects_0_acronym "Volatile_Hydrocarbons";
    String projects_0_description 
"NSF Award Abstract:
Volatile halogenated hydrocarbon gases, in this case halomethanes, are produced naturally by organisms in the ocean; which then serves as a source of these biogenic gases to the atmosphere. Their chemical reactions in the atmosphere are very similar to those of anthropogenic chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). While CFCs are well-studied because they consume the ozone in the upper atmosphere that shields the earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation, halomethanes have been largely neglected, even though they currently account for 25% of the ozone depletion. As anthropogenic CFC levels steadily decline, however, halomethanes are predicted to account for 50% of ozone depletion by 2050. Based on limited study thus far, marine halomethane production has been ascribed mainly to phytoplankton and macro algae. This project will build on new and compelling data that suggests marine heterotrophic bacteria could also be major producers of halomethanes. The data produced here will provide the critical evaluation required to address discrepancies in global halomethane budgets which currently are out of balance due to an unknown source to the atmosphere, evaluating the hypothesis that marine heterotrophic bacteria can supply this missing source. Concerns over the stability of the earth's stratospheric ozone layer make this valuable and necessary research with added value of providing support for engaged undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral education at the University of Southern California.
Past research on the production of marine halomethanes has focused on phytoplankton and macro algae, while potential bacterial contributions to the processe have been neglected. This research proposes to study the role of marine heterotrophic bacteria on the production of halomethanes. It has been noted in past studies that there are discrepancies in the global atmospheric halomethane budget, and it is possible this is due to a large missing bacterial source. Additionally, this research will evaluate the potential importance of vitamin B12, methionine, and vanadium cofactors on the synthesis of halomethanes in bacteria. A large portion of marine bacteria cannot synthesize methylation co-enzymes, and therefore, would require available B12, methionine, and vanadium from external sources to complete the methylation step. This study will also measure concentrations of halomethanes, B12, methionine, and vanadium in upwelling regions as well as at a long-term time series site in order to put constraints on the variability of halomethanes concentrations for use in global linked air-sea models.";
    String projects_0_end_date "2019-03";
    String projects_0_name "The role of organic and metal cofactors on the biogenic synthesis of halogenated volatile hydrocarbons";
    String projects_0_project_nid "712782";
    String projects_0_start_date "2016-04";
    String publisher_name "Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)";
    String publisher_type "institution";
    String sourceUrl "(local files)";
    String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table v55";
    String summary "Halomethane concentrations in cell culture";
    String title "[Halomethane concentrations in cell culture] - Halomethane concentrations in cell culture (The role of organic and metal cofactors on the biogenic synthesis of halogenated volatile hydrocarbons)";
    String version "1";
    String xml_source "osprey2erddap.update_xml() v1.3";


Using tabledap to Request Data and Graphs from Tabular Datasets

tabledap lets you request a data subset, a graph, or a map from a tabular dataset (for example, buoy data), via a specially formed URL. tabledap uses the OPeNDAP (external link) Data Access Protocol (DAP) (external link) and its selection constraints (external link).

The URL specifies what you want: the dataset, a description of the graph or the subset of the data, and the file type for the response.

Tabledap request URLs must be in the form
For example,
Thus, the query is often a comma-separated list of desired variable names, followed by a collection of constraints (e.g., variable<value), each preceded by '&' (which is interpreted as "AND").

For details, see the tabledap Documentation.

ERDDAP, Version 2.22
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